It appears jefbot’s adventure as Super Scrawn is at an end, now that the Angry Scarf has returned him back home (relatively) safe and sound. But will he remember everything that has happened? And if he does, will he tell the Cornfather? Also, will the Scarf stick around? And will bot go out for pizza? (He has been up for three days in a row now, after all.) Answers to all these questions and more as this storyline wraps up!
Beginning of The Angry Scarf storyline:
• There Will Be Scarf
Jefbot’s been rescued! Yay!
…And can be controlled by the scarf if not awake…hmmm.
yep! the Angry Scarf was apparently kind enough to be the designated driver, GG.
and check you out – since you got the first comment, you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear these well (just don’t expect them to be placed over your eyes automatically, unless you have a sentient scarf of your own!):
No…why would you think that….it certainly doesn’t help with being a time-traveling ninja…which I am most certainly am not…
i’d never accuse you of being a time-traveling ninja, GG! (but on the off chance you’re heading a couple hundred years into the future and need a companion – i can have a bag packed in 3 minutes.)
Congrats on the Shades of Firsting GeekGirl!!
I don’t think jefbot will tell CF about all that’s happened; he’d throw ‘bot in the loony bin!
or maybe he’d be upset that Scrawn didn’t invite Chubman out on his adventure, Maddgodd81! 😉
Woohoo third…give me my shade of thirdling
here’s the non-Shades of Thirding, Jf300! enjoy:
Goooooood Morning Everyone! I love this! The scarf came back to a safe host and made sure he got home.
Pizza, sleep…hmmmm. Tought choice. He could always go for pizza to recharge his batteries and then go back to sleep?
And I did try Code Red finally. Tasted like amped up Cherry 7 up which is one of my all time fave sodas.
I personally like ( and voted for ) Distortion. Unfortunately, it lost the flavor election. The flavor that did win was White Out. Good flavor, too. However, they could have named it better.
First person: What are you drinking?
Second person: White Out.
agreed, Rainey: white out’s a good flavor, but a poor name. sounds like Poison Control would need to be called once you ingested it.
morning, Pixie! glad you loved the way the Scarf got bot home safely and your first taste of Code Red! i wish they had it at my favorite fast food joints; it’d fit well within my rotation of coke and dr. pepper.
I’d wake up later and eat pizza. The only thing better than fresh pizza is pizza fresh from the microwave. Not just artists bot, My sleep schedule has been ruined since i was 13 but I don’t mind it so much now.
heh. not sure if the Cornfather would appreciate being sent to go on a food run for bot, Descolada! and i usually reheat pizza in the oven (unless i’m pressed for time), as i like it crispy.
and glad to hear you have a messed up sleeping schedule, too! 🙂
Looks like when he is out he kicks arse! Maybe he should sleep all the time and dream about doing dark side things!!!
I’m with Slave1 on this. I’m down for sleeping all the time and kicking the crap out of people in my dreams.
heh. but what happens when you wake up from a dream and find you’re in the middle of stopping a bank robbery, TCG?
it does seem that bot’s way more superhero-ish with the Scarf in control, Slave1! but i wouldn’t say he’s “Dark Sided” at the moment – perhaps being under the Scarf’s “Orange Mode” is the balance?
Huh. So now he has a green “skill mode”, a red “power mode”, and a yellow “control mode”. Just give him a blue mode and you’ll have the function button colors from an xbox controller. Great, now I’ve got myself thinking about a jefbot videogame.
yep, jefbot does seem to have at least three modes now, Metaldude!
ooh, a JEFbot videogame would be sweEEEeeeeet! (i’d love a good side-scroller, beat-em-up with the characters.) i’ll have to get my developer friends on that, stat! 😉
I’m slightly disturbed that Jefbot’s motor functions can be outright controlled by the scarf (of course, Jefbot regularly controls the scarf’s motor functions, so I guess it’s only fair). Wasn’t there a Spider-Man storyline that had Peter Parker sick in bed so the symbiotic black suit took him out joyriding/fighting the Sinister Six while he slept?
it disturbs me slightly, too, Joe – which means the Scarf having the power to control jefbot could make for some interesting storylines in the future!
never read that Spider-Man story, but do you remember if PP was more powerful when the black suit took over?
Day late and a dollar short…I’m pretty sure all of Pete’s powers got upgraded in the black suit saga.
As for the Spider-Man story…truthfully, I haven’t read it, either, but it was a chunk of the 11th episode of the painfully short-lived Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, “Group Therapy.”
Again, this screams Doc Oc. The external appendages (holy crap, did I use a big word?!?!?) controlling the rest of the body functions. Evil scar, is evil. 😛
maybe jefbot will rechristen himself “Doc Bot” when he goes out adventuring again, TCG. 😉
The scarf totally just Doc Oc’d bot! I knew this had to happen eventually haha
let’s just hope bot isn’t as evil as Doc Ock when he’s being controlled by the Scarf like that, DerelictJet!
I was half correct! -even though that kind of thing isn’t important to me. *Gah!* I have confliction between my nature-instilled kindness and saying “I knew it!”.
I can’t do both… or can I?
Anywho, now that’s the scarf we can all learn to love. Whatever the symbiotic alien equivalent of that is… Soda perhaps? Yeah, probably soda.
Anywho the secondary, anyone else excited for All Hallow’s Eve?
it doesn’t mean you’re unkind trying to predict the storyline, W-T. in fact, i like that you BOTreaders are invested enough to try and figure out what happens next, so keep those predictions coming! 🙂
and while the Scarf may be more lovable now that it has saved bot, don’t forget it still has Anger issues (even if they’re suppressed at the moment)!
yep: definitely excited for next Monday!
I like that the color of the eyes went yellow when the Bot was out of commission. Neither light, nor dark… Just protect the host mode.
indeed, 11TN – this yellow/orange mode is more the Scarf in its pure form, without the influence of the Red/Rage or Green/Control.
“With great power comes insomnia!” Hilarious as always!
ha! if bot only knew that was the way it worked, FunnyShaffer!
I expected something like this, but you made it look so cool…
Its official, Angry Scarf became one of my favourite characters thanks to this strip only – Im fan of strips that deal with everyday life of Jefbot more than your outer-space themes that appear lately. But seriously? Saving Bot from beating and safely getting him home? Love it! GO SCARF!
Tough it does pose a question if Jefbot with his wannabe superhero mindset isnt more dangerous than I-just-wanna-connect scarf.
big thanks, Maryz – i’m happy this strip has given you a deeper love for the Angry Scarf! while its fate remains uncertain now that it’s gotten bot safely home and disconnected itself again, there’s no doubt that it’ll be back in bot’s life down the road. GO SCARF! 😀
and good question – i think i’d go with jefbot being more dangerous. heheh.
Hmmm…I wonder how sentient the Scarf is? It can make at least basic decisions regarding protecting itself and JB, but is there more to it then that? It’s got basic sentience for sure, but could it do things like write to ‘talk’ with Jefbot?
hard to say, KB. as you said: so far we don’t know exactly how much it’s actually “thinking” and how much of it is just basic decision making. and really, it hasn’t done anything that jefbot didn’t do, so maybe it’s on some sort of autopilot. on the other hand, it’s doing the stuff jefbot did better, so maybe it does actually have a sophisticated intelligence. future Scarf stories should clear this up! 🙂
I want some pizza! 😉
me too, Xin!
Flight of the Zombot?
heh. good title, Maesonic!
Sensing a Black suit Spider-man vibe here.
sweet! lots of Venom/Doc Ock/black suit/Spidey homages in this storyline, TPC. 🙂
When’s Xinda coming back? Could she possibly save you and your scarf since she made it? Does she have powers that could fight the alien scarf? Or would she join forces with the alien scarf and kill everyone?
i bet she’d join forces with the alien scarf and kill everyone, if i had to predict from those choices, Xenogirl. 😉
You have probably already seen this link ‘bot, but I thought it epic… not only because the Cornfather was in it, but also because liamkylesullivan is wearing a jefbot shirt. It make me go skee!
yep, i’ve seen that vid, Ember West, (i love the Heather Vlogs) but thanks for linking to it! i think Liam’s brilliant and pretty much watch anything he puts out. we’ve actually worked together a bit – you can see me in his vid, Man’s Game (i’m the blind guy) and i did some drawings for I Got Pregnant. 😀
I figured, I had just wanted you to know that I totally had a geekgasm when I saw that. 🙂
awww, thanks, Ember! i’ll let Liam/Megahn/Michael know of your geekery when i see them next week when we’re all gonna be at the Comikaze con in Los Angeles! 😀
ohhh weird…. its got total control now eh?
great story arc man.
yep, total control, steve! (at least while bot’s unconscious.)
glad you liked the arc!
Some diabolical avocado pizza?
Hopefully HSG doesn’t work at the pizza place!
i think i could go for some diabolical avocado pizza, CG!
and, yeah: if HSG works in the neighborhood, that would be very bad for bot. 🙂
I don’t know… after getting my butt kicked like that I would hesitate to mess with The Bot further…
true – especially if he sees bot with a scarf on! 🙂
Ohman, I’d been wondering if the scarf might be able to control jefbot if he was asleep. I can’t even remember all the things I thought of when I started reading this comic a couple weeks or so ago, but so far I’ve been right about at least four of them.
I won’t lie, I’d love it if the scarf was the focus of the entire comic. Anyway, I hope jefbot goes back to sleep and has pizza later – he needs the sleep more!
first of all, i’m happy you’ve been reading the comic, Anavar! a belated “welcome” to ya! always fun to see (and hear!) new people. 🙂
and, thanks – i’m glad you like the Angry Scarf so much. i can tell you it will be back in future strips, but for now it’ll go back to lurking outside the main storyline.
Poor Super Scrawn he’s all tired out.
yeah, i think going out to eat is the last thing bot wants to do right now, dj.
Damn, this is the sucky part of getting sick. Will you just look at the ton of people ahead of me in comments. So yellow mode is emergency state? Sorta like the emergency calls only status of cellphones and payphones. I for one would like to believe that the evil scarf isn’t so evil after all
this new mode is basically the real “Scarf” mode, Jiro, without being under the influence of the green or red modes. so your belief that the Scarf isn’t so evil after all, might just be true…
and, hey – hope you feel/get better soon!
Good deal. Scarf needs ‘bot—but I’d like to think that Scarf cares for him, too.
Maybe ‘bot is trying too hard. Maybe meditation would work better than forcing it.
Instead of the Dark or Light sides . . . maybe the Scarfside?
i think the Scarf does care for bot on some level, Sarah W. how deep that level goes, we won’t know for sure, at least until the next Scarf storyline. 🙂
and, yes: i think the Scarfside’s the way to go! (if bot only knew.)
So, are you going to be Scrawn for Halloween? You really should. It would be most awesome. And you already have the scarf and everything!
i was thinking about just putting on jeans and a green/white raglan-sleeved tee with a “nega-six” on it, Shanna, and going as jefbot – but i like your idea better! unfortunately, my sister Xinda/Linda just took my Angry Scarf a couple days ago to do some work on it, so i wouldn’t have that crucial component of the costume. 🙁
next year! 😀
ugh i know that feeling, coming home exhuasted and then having to go out and do things xO
yeah, it kinda sucks, MrSnow, but it’s good to get out! (although since bot has been running on fumes for a couple of days now, methinks he’ll have to decline.) 🙂
The Angry Scarf will return.
One day…
no doubt, Angela! 🙂