We suspected this before, but now here’s proof that more of those alien-enhanced, mutated animals are lurking about! At least these are cuter than that first one that appeared and destroyed jefbot’s old apartment several comic strips ago. But you know what they say about cute animals – you can’t trust ’em. Isn’t that what they say? I’m sure someone says that, even if that someone is me. Anyway, we’ll see if bot and Mu can handle these guys in the very next strip! See you then.
Coll new creatures. What are they exactly?
they’re monsters, me! alien-enhanced, former pets, now horribly transformed and mind-twisted to do the bidding of the still-unseen visitors! but still pretty cute.
and check you out: you just achieved the Shades of Firsting once again! wear them well – these give you cyclopean vision, just like the “monsters” of today’s strip (not sure that’s a good thing.):
I can see that, but what were they before ASSIMALATION?
one was a love bird, the other was a mouse. i’ll let you decide which.
Thank you. It cold have been any bird and any rodent to me if you hadn’t clarified.
Also, I never thought I’d be 1st againg, but by not being able to sleep, some how I pulled it off. What luck!
i’ve noticed a pattern that an inordinate number of insomniacs seem to claim the Shades, me. at least that’s one perk of the hell of not being able to sleep! (speaking of which, i’m gonna go try and catch some ZZZs myself, right about now.)
The mouse. When I looked at it first I thought it’s eyes were closed and close to it’s nose (the whiskers) and that it had a huge glowing headband on with a jewel on it xD that’s what I get for working 10 hours and coming home just to stay up until 6:30am lol.
ha! it looks even cuter that way, Suzu629!
That parrot has an AM/FM walkman on his back…. must be a… villain. *dum dum duuuuuuuuuhm!!!!*
those am/fm walkman gadgets always give villains away, Maesonic! they should really look into not carrying those things around.
it might help if they weren’t jamming out “I’m a villain, how are you?” loud enough for all of us to hear….
that’s always a dead giveaway. when will they learn?
Zoinks! Is that a chinchilla? I cant decide if its more awesome or more cute?
Happy Friday!
it’s chinchilla-ish, DAS! let’s hope it’s not evil so jefbot and Mu don’t have to kick its butt. happy friday back atcha!
I’m really curious about the alien ship. Is it a flying saucer? Or perhaps some sort of satellite looking thing.
we’ll see it eventually, DAS, but i’d say it’s more satellite-looking than flying saucer. kinda.
I refuse to believe that adorable love bird could possibly turn vicious.
Then again, going by my relationship history . . . never mind.
if it turns vicious, maybe jefbot and Mu can get a little revenge for some of those past relationships, Sarah W. 😉
Great! Could they ruin its credit score, too, while they’re at it?
hmmm… probably not. but they could make some prank calls and/or punk ’em pretty hard. 🙂
Oh jeez!
… Considering my snakes now, with how big that mouse got, they’d get HUGE… And probably still mix up my toes for their weekly brunch, find a way to hide in my clothing, and mistake a hot cup of water for something they can drink XD
yes, i’ll keep my fingers crossed that your snakes never get abducted, JR. 🙂
That, is the ugliest bird, I have ever seen. Let’s kill it. 3:)
it might make for some good eating, Anime fan! and jefbot is pretty hungry right now…
My first two instincts? First I saw the rodent and I thought okay we need a water style Pokemon.. Then the bird made me think about the fire style.. But water and fire pokemons probably don’t along!
What do we do then?
Allergy season is upon us, but I will not let it stop me from losing weight this year! Cause seriously I’m still in 240-250’s range.
Hope y’all are doing okay with allergies, remember to have plenty of allergy pills!
ha! that’s exactly what was going through my head as i was drawing that last panel, Satoshieyes! A WILD LOVE BIRD AND MOUSE APPEAR!
good luck with those allergies and the weight loss! i’m still trying to lose a few pounds of my own.
I bet this is all some crazy salarian’s fault. Not Mordin, to be sure, but probably some sick, twisted creep
it just might be, JGT. Bioware wouldn’t mind a little JEFBOT + MASS EFFECT crossover now, would they?
Ok, from what we’ve seen of the enhanced animals I can gather a few things about them.
1-Red markings means evil.
2-One eye means evil.
3-Machine thing on their back means evil.
Just making that observation since Mu doesn’t have any of that. Feel free to prove or disprove my thoughts.
yep! while there may be some variations to a couple of your points in the future, with all the evidence presented up ’til now, your theories are sound.
But how can they be monsters? They’re so cute!!
they’re monstrously cute, TCG!
Oh followed you meant.
And that’s not a patrol that’s interrupted pre-death-match face-off between Deathmouse and Parrotshrike.
well all their cuteness goes away when you reveal their names, Maryz! ;D we’ll see if they live up to them next time!
Well this should go well.
doesn’t it always, Fijiman? 😉
Eh, more or less. At least now Mu can show off his ninja hamster skills.
yes! let’s hope he has some. 😉
Ewww. Look away. They’re monsters. I can’t wait to see the animal that has an eye pop out on his shoulder!!!
maybe Musashi’s bokken will sprout an eye, too, Coolhand!
I want an alien enhances parrot. It could probably speak more than one language. :]
true that, DJ! but then it would eat you.
That mouse kinda looks like a jerboa or kangaroo rat. I could swear I’ve seen those markings somewhere before…
it’s kind of a mouse/kangaroo rat/chinchilla-looking hybrid, KB.
If Pokemon has taught me anything it’s this: Never walk in the tall grass!
“Musashi, use Slash attack!”
or Quick Attack if you can take ’em out in one shot!
Give him an energy drink, then he could use Hyper Cutter.
heheh. yes, unless jefbot was looking for a rare mutant beastie, he should of stayed out of the tall grass, Foxmouse!
Being one-eyed must be the sign that the pets have been truly turned evil. Aliens running the freak show are also one-eyed?
i think the “one eyed = evil” thing is a good bet, Bender_Sastre, but whether or not the beings behind the beasties are the same will be revealed at a later date.
Awwwww, they are super cute! But given the discussion above, I’m guessing that won’t stop them from trying to put a serious hurting on Mu and Jefbot.
I want more and more to make one of these creatures. I’m not sure I have the time to pull it off right now, but maybe at some point in the future there will be a crocheted post-abduction Mu.
i think you’re right, Shanna, but part of me would love to have those guys pull out a little table and invite bot and Mu to sit down for some tea and crumpets, just as a total random moment. i’ll refrain for the sake of the story, though. heheh.
wow, i would LOVE to see what you would do with a post-abduction Mu!!! mind blown. hope you can find the time soon. 😀
Really digging the parrot bot! The one eye on the mouse is throwing me off. The starry night is really beautiful, good job Jeff!
thanks, Nat! glad you like the little bird beastie but, sorry to say, it only has one eye, too. 🙂
I kind of want the mouse looking one. Where did I leave that Master Ball?
better weaken it or put it to sleep first, jeff137529a! 😉
Innocent beings turned evil. I can see how this story arc could have a depressing twist. I won’t print my prediction for all to see for fear of a spoiler effect if I’m right.
you’re right, Rainey: it’s pretty messed up that these creatures have been turned evil. let’s hope Mu and bot don’t do any permanent damage should a fight erupt…
OH, NO! No Monday comic! Time for some conspiracy theoris.
I bet he was kidnapped by NINJA-HOBOES!
Or, he merely spent yesterday with his mom, considering yesterday was Mother’s Day
you’re both right! i went over to my parents’ house last night for mom’s day, and then got kidnapped by ninjas on the way home! (also, with the Phoenix Comicon arriving next week, i’ve been doing a lot of prep that’s been taking me away from comic duties. so much to get done! arrgh.)
be careful! monsters live in tall grass!