It seems the universe isn’t done messing with jefbot quite yet.
I’m back to updating the strip twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) now, at least until after the next couple of comic conventions in July. After that, we’ll see if I can get back to our regular M-W-F schedule. To make the transition easier, download the new JEFbot wallpaper if you haven’t already! Click here to check it out.
But he didnt say it :/ .
apparently, the universe doesn’t care, Balorth!
and check you out: you got the first comment so you get the Shades of Firsting! wear them well – these can help when things go from bad to, uh, you know:
The universe is like a Honey Badger: IT JUS’ DON’T #%@$IN’ CARE!!!
oOoh… i’d love to see a Cosmic Honey Badger – a la the Cosmic Owl from Adv. Time – r61.
He thought it. Doesn’t matter if he didn’t say it. 😛
But you have to say it,that is the whole reason it works.
unfortunately for bot, just the thought was enough this time, Balorth. as evidenced in the previous strip, the universe doesn’t exactly play fair.
yup! the universe knew what bot was going to say. right, TCG? 😉
Isn’t the universe fun?? 😉
and unpredictable, Insectoid!
The first thing you have to learn, Bot, is that the universe is one gigantic troll just waiting for you to do something stupid.
ha! sometimes it sure feels that way, blackjacket42.
Well, in the universe’s defense, he did say, like, 93.5% of it…so I guess things actually could have been 6.5% worse.
By the way, ‘bot, I was looking on Club Nintendo (had to make sure I at least had “Gold” status before reward time rolled around) and saw they had a deal on that Zelda symphony…15% off with the promo code “Bokoblin”
i like the way you think, JOE! so i guess the silver lining is that things are 6.5% better than they could’ve been?
ooh! thanks for reminding me about the Club Nintendo awards! i’m lucky enough to have Platinum status this time around and wanna use some of those coins before… crap. i wanted to get those Hanafuda cards and they’re currently sold out. grrrr. i’ll check out the Zelda symphony, tho!
It’s the sentiment that counts not what you say, my friend.
so true, Maryz. bot had to learn the hard way.
maybe you should have said it ironically…even if the Emperor proved that to not work either 😉
heheh. i wonder if the universe does “take backs,” theBean?
The wailing in the last panel: I can hear it 😛 awesome strip bot
thanks, DJ! hope the wailing wasn’t too loud. 😉
“Well at least I’m not standing on quick… Uh, never mind.”
don’t say it, Rainey! DON’T SAY IT!!!
Mother nature is a bitch!
it surely can be, Graypatch! let’s hope bot can woo her back to his side.
Let this be a lesson to Bot that you shouldn’t even tempt the universe by even saying part of it twice.
yup. it’s a good lesson, Fijiman: do not tempt the universe.
He might not have said it, but he obviously thought it! I guess that was enough. 😛 Well, looking on the bright side (I can’t say that without starting to whistle the “Always look on the bright side of life” Monty Python tune in my head), perhaps getting doused by rain will wake Mu.
I love Bot’s expression in the last panel. 😀
true that, Shanna! since everything’s energy anyway, the difference between a thought and a spoken word is negligible at the universe level. 🙂
and i do the same – well, i can’t whistle very well, but whenever i hear “look on the bright side,” Monty Python always comes to mind!
also: i’m glad you liked bot’s exasperation in that last panel! was fun to draw. heheh.
I’ve had moments (usually at work with the copier) where I’ll start to think things are going surprisingly well and even after 5 years in the same office I have to stop myself and think “no…don’t even THINK it. You can do that after.”
I’ll even remind my boss about it sometimes. There’s a lot of evading the hand of fate in my office…
“evading the hand of fate” is a great way of putting it, JOE. i feel like i’m attempting to do that hourly these days. 🙂
Once again I was busy with other interweb things when you uploaded this.
This might seem pessimistic, but there is this saying: ‘No matter what, things can always get worse.’ Then there is another one: ‘How things go all depend on what attitude you have. ‘ Then again, I’m no poet,so I wouldn’t know all sayings.
Bottom line: keep positive, and the universe will give in. Or get bored with messing with you and leave you be. Whichever happens first.
true that, DAS. and sometimes having a positive outlook just makes things seem better, just as having a negative outlook casts a cloud over everything. needless to say, i try to remain as positive as possible.
This is just the beginning of the worse if the rules of storytelling apply. 🙂
ha! could be, GB. let’s hope bot makes it through with his sanity (and physical form) intact!
Somewhere Murphy is laughing his old wrinkly ass >>
heheh. sounds about right, Kanashe. i’ve always been fascinated by his laws, even when i was a wee lad.
Bill Cosby said it best: “Don’t ever challenge WORSE.”
/first time commenter yay
Bill Cosby is a wise, wise man, uwg.
and congrats on your first comment! WOOO! *kermit flail*
I guess the universe got tired of just watching Jefbot walk for an hour or so so it decided to rain on his parade. Leterally.
ha! yeah, i hope the universe got a chuckle out of raining on bot’s parade, at least.
Man, these comics are beautiful.
awww, thanks, Takla! 😀
At least he has the hat. That should act as a nice little umbrella. Being a life scout going on eagle scout, I woud say that Jef is nowhere NEEEAAR prepared for the wilderness.
sOOoo true, JBJ – jefbot has no “scout” experience, so has very little wilderness skills beyond what he learned as a kid camping with his parents. and, of course, he didn’t have much time to prepare for this little adventure when creatures started crashing through his windows earlier in the evening. 🙂
Poor Bot! It’s going to be a long journey for him if he keeps talking to himself like this, but he looks way cute in the last panel! (;
hopefully bot will be able to revive his companion so he won’t have to talk to himself the whole time, Nat! and i’m happy you like his rain-soaked, miserable look in that last panel. 🙂
Well, at least Jefbot’s got that hat for his head.
…it’s gonna get blown off in the next page, isn’t it?
ha! the way things are going for bot, i wouldn’t be surprised, W-T.