Being an avowed Bradbury fan, it’s no surprise that a ripple effect through time as demonstrated in his story A Sound of Thunder would find its way into my understanding of the space-time connections between BOTiverses. Of course, exactly how “catastrophic” these events would be remains unknown, but maybe it’s best that bot never finds out.
Woo! Comic’s up and back on track. Sorry for the wait.
oh no bot what are you thinking… this cannot lead anywhere productive!
heh. indeed, f_f – best not to tamper with things that may lead to disastrous results on entire universes.
and check you out: you’ve now achieved the 4X Shades by nabbing four Firstings in a row! most impressive. wear them well: these will help you see rips in reality left by sloppy universe-jumpers:
😎 😎 😎 😎
It worries me when that boy gets existential hahaha
Thanks for yet another shades B)
you earned ’em, f_f!
But the art and color are wonderful. Welcome back.
thanks for saying so, Kris!
I like the panels within and how Jefbot is playing with the tiny universe.
glad you liked those panels – bot’s kinda shaping the bunnyverse into his own vision of what he thinks it should be.
Wow. -Bows to the greatness that is this gorgeous art-
(“: awww… big thanks, DJ! if this style didn’t take so long to do, i’d love to make a webcomic with just this type of art!
soooo…. that’s a no to a cel/bot connection such as the one i posited on the previous strip XD oh well. still /so many/ fun possibilities that it could be. *starts humming like 343 Guilty Spark*
there could still be a cel/bot connection, Alondite, but know that such a connection could have disastrous results!
Did Jefbot just released brand-new platypus-shaped universe?
heheh. yes. yes he did, Maryz.
So what might be the catastrophic effects of changing the shape of a universe to that of a platypus??? Or perhaps they are good, right?
Another beautiful strip!
could be good, good be bad, Shanna! i’d like to think a “platyverse” could only be a good thing, though. 🙂
Ooooh! Make a turtle with four elephants on its back holding up a large Disc . . .
I mean (cough), I hope Quantum Cavebunny is paying attention to what ‘bot is doing . . .
(stunning platypus, Jeff—really good use of ‘space’!)
ooh… Discworld + BOTiverse Crossover Event confirmed, Sarah W! (and nice ‘space’ pun, btw.) 😀
I played with the fabric of reality once. Accidentally made the Bubonic plague. My associate has never let me live that one down.
see!? that’s the kind of “catastrophic event” the Cosmic Bunny’s talking about, Anime fan! best not to dabble.
So, just because you went there, It doesn’t mean you did bad things? GO Jefbot! Find Cel! * gets out popcorn *
GO GO jefbot!!! let’s hope he can shake off the effects of the tea so he can continue on his journey soon, HITD!
Shiny pretty colours! o_O so bright and happy!
Again with the forbidden love thing. Dont mess with the laws of the universe or there will be catastrophic consequences!! Even if it means giving up being with your soulmate.
now i have REM’s “Shiny, Happy People” in my head, DAS! (with substituted “Shiny, Pretty Colours” lyrics, of course.)
and, yes – one doesn’t mess with the laws of the universe lightly…
I believe you mean: ‘One does not simply mess with the laws of the universe…’
Here you go DAS
The smallest change could be catastrophic… And he just molded one of those universes into a platypus…. Couldn’t possibly end badly.
heh. well, we’re not sure just how much of this vision is real or just in bot’s head, Fijiman, but we could be getting a glimpse into bot’s character/intention in such a situation.
First the multiverse theory and now the Butterfly Effect. You do like to keep things simple don’t you… Then again, these are the same things i think about during a cold, lonely, rainy, autumn night.
true that, Graypatch – this is the stuff that swirls around my head during spare moments, as well.
duh, duh, duhn!
Bot finally got his platypus-verse! Is it supposed to represent a mash-up universe, compiled of factors and influences crossed over from several other universes?
it could be, E. A. Setser! definitely bot’s vision of what a universe could/should be, at any rate.
Set it free, if it comes back to you it was yours, if it doesn’t, it never was. Setting a new universe free!
heheh. let’s hope that adage applies to entire universes, Kris! (and platyverses, naturally.)
I still cannot get over how much I love the new style of artwork. I especially like the way each page is one huge panel instead of a series of smaller panels. Somehow, it all seems to perfectly represent Jefbot’s hallucinated state.
i’m happy you’re diggin’ the art so much, Blunz! once bot’s trip down the rabbit hole’s over, hopefully i’ll have other uses for the style in future strips. 🙂
hah. platypus universe 😀
Waiting is good. I’d happily wait a while to see the strip you want to make, rather than the one you force out in whatever time you have left in a day.
thanks, Descolada! knowing that most of you would rather have a delay to get it right rather than a rush to have it on time is very comforting on those late nights where i just can’t get a strip done before the next morning.
JB. You know what mombot’s policy on touching platypus shaped universe. No go to the bathroom and wash your hand.
let’s hope the Cave Rabbit has a sink and some borax, Jf#300! something tells me a universe is hard to wash off. 😉
I wonder what the catastrophic levels the Platypus shaped universe went through being reshaped. Be careful with that universe Jefbot! You don’t know what’s in it!
if the “platyverse” isn’t just in bot’s mind, i think jefbot might have just wiped out countless alien civilizations with that reshaping, GB! O_O
Ugh. Later to the party than usual.
Yay platypus.
X3 must admit, the shape of a story’s universe(s) can be quite beautiful. Take Deegan’s swirls of cosmoses with (oop! Spoiler! XD) or Homestuck’s frogs. But bunnies and platys are freaking adorable ^^
Now if the little ‘platy-verse’ was on a shirt? Totally buy it. Just sayin!