UPDATE: New Grimwald tees are in The BOTshop for pre-ordering! Check ’em out, by clicking here. Oh, and you’ll get a free, signed, “Hoppy Holiday” 5×7 print with any purchase from now through the end of December! Details about that by clicking here.
Hey, all! Sorry this one went up a day late – it took me more tweaking of the new Growler’s final design than I had planned, which contributed to the delay. Oh, and just a heads up that with today’s cliffhanger, the current storyline will be on pause while the annual Tale of the Christmas Bat takes over the site! So look forward to that next week.
Okay, enough typing. I’m off to see the new Hobbit movie – The Desolation of Smaug, as I assume many of you are doing this weekend as well, so let me know what you think about it in the comments! (Due to the moviegoing, I’ll be awarding the Shades of Firsting as soon as I get back!)
Foreboding shadows!!!!
foreboding indeed, flame_fingers. let’s hope our heroes can get out of this one!
and check you out – you nabbed the Shades of Firsting once again! and if memory serves this means these are the coveted 4X Shades. as always, wear them well. these show what’s in front of you and behind, to keep you safe from sneak attacks:
😎 😎 😎 😎
Wow that thing is creepy hope you enjoy the movie
the movie was good, Kris! well worth seeing, especially if you love the book or Middle-earth in general.
Well yeah, it was good for a action-fantasy-movie but for me it was too far away from the book. I mean, hello? Gold bath???
i agree: there were a few scenes i had problems with (especially the “gold bath”!) but i still enjoyed it overall, Hobbiton, and loved the way many chapters and characters from the book were brought to life.
And yay more christmas bat!
woo! he’s almost here, f_f!
It’s flame_fingers!
Haha I hope that bear is inspired by me 😀
who knew you could be so menacing, f_f!?
HA! how’d you know flame_fingers was making a cameo in JEFbot, ROM!?
There is only one first-er that could ever receive a cameo…
I really hope we don’t jinx it like bot did by speaking out loud lol
Um, crap. This does not bode well..
indeed, it does not, TCG. hopefully this isn’t the end of bot & co!
Oh, crap. That thing looks scary! Bot and Musashi better be ready.
And the Christmas bat! Woot!
true that, Shanna – let’s hope Mu catches their scent on the wind before they’re ambushed.
and, yessSssss… TCB!!! w00t!
Ooh, jinxed it. ‘bot, you better be ready for a fight.
Yay, the Christmas bat!
heheh. he totally did, Blunz. Mu should smack him. 😉
and glad you’re hyped for the bat!
I hope you enjoyed the movie (I know I sure did…midnight release!). I firmly believe that the river escape battle is one of the most perfect cinematic masterpieces ever put to film.
i found it very enjoyable, Nuurgle! glad you dug it, too. especially loved the mirkwood stuff and the look and voice of Smaug.
Aww, snap (and again ‘bot has to say something so obviously foreboding I’m amazed his genre sense didn’t tingle).
Hmm…tonight’s Awake Too Late To Be Theorizing theory is: are these growlers analogues to Team ‘bot (I’m imagining Grimmy being all kinds of Disapproving Rabbit at that name, by the way)? We’ve got a large one (Grimmy/Tiny the Bear), a medium one (‘bot/Bitey the Bunny), and finally a small-yet-scrappy one (Mu/I-honestly-forget-what-species-that-guy-is [opossum?]).
i’m sure bot slapped his hand over his mouth as soon as he heard himself say the words, JOE. heheh.
and we’ll see if your late-night-theorizing is correct. unfortunately, if it is, they need Grimmy -err- Grimwald 😉 back on the team!
Jefbot meet the anyting brothers. Anyting brothers meet jefbot.
we can only hope their meeting will be that civilized, Graypatch! 😀
OK, so its Bear and a Rabbit? Do I spy Jetpack-alike thrusters on Bears back?
mostly just a bear, Maryz. a mutated, angry bear, but a bear nonetheless! and, yes, i think you do spy a couple thrusters on its back. 🙂
saw the new hobbit movie: looved it!
it was the first lotr movie i saw, and i loved it, especially Legolas (dem eyes, dat hair…)
cool strip, i was way late because this came out on the wrong date.
this one was the first of the LOTR/Hobbit movies you’ve seen, DAS!? wow! i’m happy you loved it. you should definitely check out the other movies as i’m sure you’ll dig those, too. possibly even more!
and, yep – late strip, but glad you stopped by to check it out over the weekend!
Jefbot, don’t look behind you, just run, far away, don’t even turn around. Its scary 🙁
heheh. yes, best that he not turn around, HITD. best to just RUN RUN RUN!!!
The best strategy is to climb a tree. Bears aren’t east to outrun.
let’s hope bot has gotten that tip before, Rainey!
Oh for heaven’s sake. ‘Bot of all people should know better than to accidentally evoke the God of Tropes…
But I notice the new arrivals’ eyes are yellow, not red. Does this signify anything other than day-vision versus night-vision?
bot keeps making those mistakes, Sarah W! didn’t work out so well for him before, either.
and, yep – their eye glow is significant, mostly due to their allegiance rather than the time of day, though.
Ack! Turn around guys!!!!
hope they can hear you, p.j.!
Does anything include what appears to be a cyclopean-cyborg-rabbit, hedgehog, and bear?
heheh. probably not, W-T.
A bear and what I’m guessing is a chinchilla, this should be fun.
good guesses, Fijiman – and could it possibly be the same chinchilla from before?
this time, its personal!
Turn around Jefbot! There’s a boss behind you, and he’s got flunky’s with him too!
Yes I browse TV Tropes a lot. Now the main question is why doesn’t this comic have a TV Tropes page?
yeah, bot better turn around before that boss lays the smack down, GB!
hmm… i’ll have to look into building TV Tropes page, GB. a BOTreader was looking into building a wiki for JEFbot, too, but got sidetracked. these are projects i hope i can get to in 2014!
I love the Grimwald shirt! And the back is so cool with the mon on there! OK, this is definitely going on my Christmas wish list RIGHT NOW.
awww… big thanks for putting this on your list, Shanna! i’m happy with ’em, too – i think this is my favorite tee since Ramen House! can’t wait to get these made and shipped out to y’all. 😀
Haven’t commented here in a long time (I’ve been really busy), but something happened yesterday I felt I had to mention, even though it’s not directly related to this strip. I was at a commercial audition yesterday, and saw a familiar name on the sign-in list… Michael Cornacchia. I didn’t see Michael himself there, but his name was only a few above mine, so he must have left just before I got there.
It was a bit of a surprise, for several reasons, one of which is that I didn’t think he and I would really be considered the same type and would be going out for the same roles, but unless there are two Michael Cornacchias apparently in this case at least we were…
hey, good to see you back here, Read!
and that’s awesome you had a near-brush with the Cornfather! he’s lost a lot of weight so i’m not surprised you two are up for the same role. hope you get a callback!
Ooooo pretty
next week, DJ! *fingers triple crossed!*
So, is Schuetze in a coma or something?
Nope. I still talk to him through snapchat and Twitter. He’s just AWOL for a bit.
Does this mean… We might start seeing updates again?