Hey, BOTpeeps! Sorry it’s taken me SOOooOOooo long to update you guys as to what’s going on with me and the comic. While I haven’t found a new job yet or any long-term employment which would allow me to return to writing and drawing JEFbot just yet, I’ve been keeping extremely busy looking for work, taking animation classes, doing freelance jobs and creating some new BOTmerch (including a new tee, prints and more!) for the Phoenix Comicon happening this week. For a while there it didn’t look like I was going to be able to make it to the con this year which is why I’m posting this so late. I’ve been doing PHXCC for four years now, so it would’ve sucked had I not been able to attend, but I’m happy to say it all worked out and I’m now in Arizona writing this post, about to head out to the convention center to get the BOTbooth all set up. Hope to see you there!


Phoenix Comic Con
Phoenix Convention Center
100 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004

As always, I’ll be giving special convention BOTtons away to JEFbot peeps while supplies last, so if you come by the booth, be sure to ask for one. And if you can’t make it to the comicon, I’ll be posting pics and stuff on Facebook and Twitter from the convention floor from now through Sunday. Okay, I’m off to the con!