NEW COMIC!!! I hope you stalwart BOTpeeps enjoyed reading this new strip as much as I enjoyed making it! Can’t thank you longtime readers enough for keeping the faith that we’d somehow, someway return to ‘bot and Mu’s little adventure, even when things looked bleak. As I mentioned in this recent blog post, I’m going to try and deliver a strip every other week or so when I have time between projects. This storyline has been rattling around in my head for years now – literally, since JEFbot began – and it feels sOOooo good to begin telling it again and getting those ideas out of my brain and onto the page. Hope you guys are ready to get back into it and see where this journey leads!
UPDATE: Hey, I’m on one of my favorite podcasts about the animation industry, The Animated Journey! During the episode, I talk about JEFbot, webcomics, acting and my path into animation with my friend and host, Angela Entzminger. Give it a listen by clicking here!
WooHoo – also spectacles of first….or some such!
WOOOOO! hey Roderick, happy to see you back here!!! and grabbing the Shades of Firsting, no less! wear them well – these have a built-in restroom GPS so you’ll never have to use a shrub. 😎
Fabulous perspective in the last panel 🙂
So pleased to see JEFBOT back again.
thanks, Ian! i’m happy you liked that last panel and even happier to see you back here! 😀
Yesssss. Musashi I missed you buddy
Also hi Jeff!
hey, dj! Mu misses you back! (also, i <3 your gravitar.) 😀
Future War Cult is the best cult. And the Sigil of Deviance is my fave.
agreed: FWC is the best! …and now you’re making me wanna boot up Destiny again. will try and stay strong and wait for D2. 😉
I still play occasionally. I also caved and bought overwatch. >>
keep getting tempted to jump into Overwatch. mainly ‘cuz of the awesome character designs. 😀
“Zip up and prepare for battle!” Amazing. Just amazing.
ha! Musashi does not mince words, Bluman08. happy you dig it!
Good to see you back. Glad you are working.
feels good to be back, Kris! and between jobs at the moment (which gives me time to work on JEFbot) but working on beefing up my portfolio and resume in the meantime.
grRRRAAaaaRRR!!! yes! JEFbot lives, jarinarenos!
I cant believe you uploaded a strip, I’ve kept looking at this website every week just in case and THERE IT IS
What a great start to the summer, this is a good sign.
awww, thanks for your support throughout the years, TF! so happy you kept checking back. and, yes – here’s hoping for a great summer!!!
As always Jefbot getting caught with his britches down haha
I’m very happy that we might be getting more bot adventures!
heheh. definitely a bad time to get caught that way, F_F! and glad you’re happy about potentially more strips – will do my best to make that a reality!
Holy sh%#! It’s a new strip! Bot and Mu are a sight for sore eyes. I’ve really missed them. <3
Doncha just hate it when you're peeing in the great outdoors only to be stalked by viscous beasts?
HA! SO happy you’re excited to see bot and Mu again, craftyshanna! i’ve missed ’em, too. 😀
and yes, pee-interruption super sucks. especially pee-interruption by mean beasties.
A while ago I ran up against the subscription limit in my RSS reader, and had to cut some hiatus-s. I’m glad I wasn’t willing to cut this one! 😀
WOO! thanks, Jack – happy you kept faith that the strip would return! always feels good to make the cut. 😀
Holy sh*t, it’s real! So glad to see a new strip in the main storyline again. I’m trying hard not to take this for granted, but I’m super excited to see you back at it!
yep, it’s real, nuurgle!!! super excited that you’re super excited! all the excitement gives me creative fuel to make more strips!!! 😀
So glad to see this. It’s good to be on the road with ‘bot family again
awww, thanks, Hairball! bot and Mu better be careful, tho – the road’s about to get VERY rocky! 😀
Hell yes! Dude. your art was already great, but it seems you’ve leveled up in the hiatus years!
aWWww, definitely been working at leveling it up so i’m happy to hear it’s paying off! heheh. big thanks, dude!
[snooty British accent] Oh. You’re back. Hot diggitay. [/snooty British accent]
ha! nothing conveys excitement more than a snooty British accent, r61.
YES!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! I will definitely be checking back more often now! So glad to see you back jefBot! Might even do a bing on the archives so that I can relive the good times.
wooHOOO! so glad you’re happy to see the strip back, hobojoenme! i’m gonna TRY and do an update to the BOTology in the next few days so you won’t have to reread everything BUT reliving the good times never hurts! heheh.
hello bot old friend
back to continue your much-awaited adventure :’)
hey, ROM! good to see you back here too, old friend! thanks for awaiting!!! 😀
I’m sooooo glad to see this updating again!
i’m sooooo glad to be updating again! thanks, Mel! 😀
Proud of you for getting this up after all this time, and all the cool projects you’ve been hard at work on. So excited to see where this goes!
thanks, Rebecca! i’m excited to be getting back to it! so how’d your master’s thesis go?
WHAT?! New comic?! I’m lucky I stumbled across it before I got wicked-behind (seriously, I need some kind of comic digest newsletter thing…life’s never been the same since Google Reader died).
Also, I’m amazed my brain was instantly able to pull up the same semi-Optimus Prime voice I’ve always used for Mu’s dialogue.
HA! i still love that that’s how you hear Mu’s voice, JOE. heheh. and although it’s now apparent that there was no danger of you falling wicked behind, i’m glad you found your way back here, even without GR! (i also hope you find your way back in the next few days, ‘cuz there might just be a new comic or two waitin’ for you. just sayin’.) 😀
*pterodactyl screeches of excitement*
OOOOh, a pterodactyl screech, Anime fan!? now THAT’s excitement!
Thanks Bot. I had almost given up
never give up, Jeff137529a! (and there’s more to come!) 😉
Well, at least he won’t pee his pants this way… 😛
heh. let’s hope so, Ashley P! XD
Ah, it does my heart good to see new comics coming out again. Can’t wait for the adventure to continue!
does my heart good knowing that it does your heart good, Madcap52! and get your heart ready for more goodness, ‘cuz more strips are comin’ soon!
*excitment over the strip*
*reads the description*
Aww, that every other week bit seems to have vanished 🙁 Well, I will still be waiting for more strips!
yeah, i got crazy busy again, HitS, but i’ve been whittling away at some new strips while working so will be able to post some new stuff VERY soon. WOO!
Oh, hey you are back! Awesome! Time to move the bookmark from discontinued folder to active again.
YESSSS!!! while i don’t know what my exact schedule will be over the rest of the year, i can tell you ‘bot and Mu will be pretty active over the next week or two, Maryz. happy to see you back here!
Every other
this is why i should never, ever make promises re: comic strip delivery, Hans. that said, i’m promising to deliver at least one or two new strips within the next week!!! 😀
is it just me, or does the archive jump from 572 to 581? weird.
it’s not just you, Anon! i removed #572-581 (The Christmas Bat: The Peppermint Elf storyline) for a while, since I was posting new comics in the main storyline and wanted people to be able to go back and read that without the Christmas Bat break. now that we’re heading into the Halloween/Christmas season again though, I put ’em back up. enjoy!