Whenever the weather deviates from mild and sunny here in Los Angeles, the local news goes crazy with it. The city will have some light, spring showers and there will invariably be a reporter on NBC Channel 4 shoving a microphone in some poor pedestrian’s face, asking “How will you stay dry!?” “How do you cope?” “Where will you go!?” It’s ridiculous. Is it like this in other cities? We’ve already had a STORMWATCH: 2008 when we had some (pretty heavy for L.A., actually) showers last week, but nothing compared to the snowstorms and hurricanes back east. Many of my friends are from the east coast and were over there for the holidays, so it was with unending amusement that I would always tell them, “It’s so COLD back here!” Responses varied from amusement to anger.
Yeah, 68 degrees is definitely not cold. That StormWatch stuff around here kills me! Does everything have to be dramatic just cuz we live near Hollywood? Kudos, homeskillet!
Here here!!! This Philly gal has ZERO sympathy for all you west coasters!! Although my years in LA has made me a bit of a softy.
PLUS it’s 70 degrees here!!
That is hilarious!! And so true, people in LA are babies if it gets below 72 degrees. Don’t even get me started on how they can’t drive in the rain!!!! Great job jefbot!!! Love the four box window too.
Please! I just came back from Boston where it was SIXTEEN. SIXTEEN I say!!! My mom said it felt more like “ten” although I have no idea how one would gauge that.
ambie, i know, it’s so ridiculous. if we really had gale force winds or a heavy snowfall, the local news would lose their minds.
shar, spend a few more years in l.a. and you’ll be just like the rest of us. heheh.
funnyshaffer, thanks! i know – i HATE driving in the rain because of those crazy people either driving WAY too fast or WAY too slow.
john, 16!? i think i would just curl up and die if it got that cold here.
East Coast sucks, you guys are just jealous!!!! It’s been freaking freezin’ here!!!!
Hey, great strip! I love the scarf, where can I purchase one? It looks so long and lushious… As usual you have the pulse of the town on your fingertips.
68? This morning it was 41 it was cold (kinda until I got coffee anyway 😀 ) Lol thats funny though, when I went to Big Bear the lowest it got was 27. It was cool ‘cuz we put water on the deck and the next day it was all icy xD
I couldnt pornounce (dont think that I spelled that right) XP stormwatch it took me like 6 trys
Storm Watch!!!! #@#$#@!!!! I hate storms in California! Unemployment shut down cause of it. My check’s going to be late. ….ummmm….maybe I shouldn’t post that on the web. …. Anyway, great strip again, Jefbot!! I love how all of your cartoons are drawn so well that you can even “hear” them.
Love the scarf – that would be me!
#2, west SIDE!!!
anonymous, you’ll have to talk to my sister, xinda about getting an angry scarf of your own. she takes cash, credit or a piece of your soul.
natalie, anything below 75 is cold to me. even with coffee.
cornacchia, thanks! hopefully my artwork will get so good you’ll be able to smell the characters, too. …hmm, on second thought, maybe not such a good idea.
mary, scarves rule.
Yeah I second that on not needing to smell the characters in the strip. I’ve been to your apartment. I KEED!! I KEED!!
Love the strip! I understand Californian cold – 72 degrees is optimum temp for me – anything lower is COLD. 🙂
They said we’d get 9 inches of snow here in NYC overnight. I hightailed it back from a Philly gig ASAP to miss it.
And nothing.
Looks like a box of confectioner’s sugar coughed.
I feel cheated! 😉
Meanwhile, my family in Maine got something like 18 inches of snow and it’s still coming down!
john, i’m ordering up some JEFBOT scratch ‘n sniffs just for you.
anonymous hawaiian, thanks! re: 72 degrees – i’m with ya!
devon ellington, wow. i’m not even sure what snow is!
i am from philly and have friends in LA. Yeah the winter in South Philly way worse than any LA weather. HAHA great strip
Totally on the money. I left the East Coast. Eurasians don’t have a lot of body fat, so we can’t take the cold!
XD oh this made me laugh. I live in a tourist town up in Northern Minnesota. The coldest it got last year was -50 degrees F. I love listening to all the skiing tourists from Florida whine >:3
I’m Canadian. Here, the temperature ranges from -65 C to plus 45 C, which for you american type peoples equates to something like -85 to plus 113. 68 degrees is shorts weather.
Wow! Angelinos (‘bots and their friends being the exceptions, of course) must be the wussiest people on Earth! At 68˚ I’m in sandals, a light shirt, light pants and a light windbreaker. (How come I can call it a “windbreaker”, but I can’t say that it breaks wind?)
lol i’m alaskan and hot for here is 60 degrees F
Hahaha I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, and yesterday it was -47 degrees Celsius (no idea what that is in Farenheit) without the windchill. Then today it got up to 0.
psh, I live in Texas, ad weather here has more mood swings than a pregnant lady, so 68 is not cold, trust me.
68 degrees?! Please tell me that’s Celsius.
Good god, if it drops below 80, I need black long sleeves and a day in the sun to keep myself from going into a reptile-like coma.
Welcome to sunny Florida.
I’m with the other Canucks here – you have no idea what cold is if you only talk in positive numbers. (Funfact! -40 degrees is the same in C and F!) I consider my current locale mild in temperature – it bottoms out at around -20 C (-4 F), but makes up for it with wet, sticky, ANGRY blizzards of doom.
Also an Alaskan here…we just came through -30 and are now around 10 above and think it’s a freakin’ heat wave (it is for this time of year). I’m about to head to Australia for a couple weeks, where I most likely will collapse of heat exhaustion if I’m not careful.
My norwegian over-confidence laughs at you!
Between des08 and nov09, the average in this area was 8.23C = 46.8F
The highest average heat was july 09 with 60F (15.9C).
Oh, and this was a WARM year. Wanna come over to the norwegian west coast? =)
Here in Oregon, we start panicking if it gets below freezing. Because it’s so wet, all that means is ice an inch thick. In the winter in Portland, it’s usually around 40 F, dips down to around 20 F. And they always call it the “Arctic Blast”… And if you think people in LA can’t drive in the rain, you should see the people here try to drive in the snow =
It has warmed up to -24 here in Fairbanks, Alaska. We’re expecting a heat wave this week around -10.
i don’t know about people in california, but here in washington and oregon we don’t complain about 68 degrees. we’re lucky if its that warm until summer comes around.
68 is by no means cold. He should spend a winter in Maine and then complain about the cold!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Not the Angry Scarf!!!
Spend a few years in Wisconsin and THEN you MIGHT be able to tell me about Stormwatches, I damn near lost my fingers to frostbite one year, ran the risk of full-body cancer every god DAMN bloody summer and the possibility of drowning OUT of water has never seemed so real, the air was all sorts of heavy.
Three feet of snow, three feet in one night, in America!!! The hell is this shit!?
Try Kentucky…ahh what a gorgeous day! Five minutes later…CRAP IT WENT FROM 70 TO 32!!!
In Portland, we’re like yup, it’s raining buckets. Whatever. In autum I see these people dressed with so many clothes they look like the yeti. I snicker about tourists. In winter, I see Portlandians in short shorts and halter tops when it’s blowing snow and thirty degree winds. Go figure.
*Snerk* Try living in Wisconsin, where its sometimes colder than the north pole. Then you can complain.