I haven’t introduced any family members in some time, so I think it’s past due that you all met my other sister, Lor. She and I did indeed go to a Christian school called Village Christian, where the guys couldn’t grow their hair past the base of the skull, the girls couldn’t wear skirts shorter than their knees and the mascot was a sword-wielding Crusader. Needless to say, the school had a lasting effect on us.
Congrats on the Contest, the new character and the haircut! Loved the strip – I’m not sure the two of you learned the right lessons at your religious school- but it did make me laugh! 🙂
“and faithful we’ll be. VC!” ahhhhh. Blasphemy! it is because of you guys, that I was sent there for life!!!!! aw, did I forget to thank you??? hahahahaha. hmmm…The Lor looks sooo pretty! Good job jefbot. awesomeness as always.
Fantastic strip, yet again! Laura looks great. She is just as adorable as she looks in real life. Everyone from your real life looks awesome when you draw them. Except the Michael character, he looks way too chunky compared to the real Michael. 😉 Great expressions and colors to go along with the Christian guilt. Now go and say 10 “Our Fathers” and 20 “Hail Mary’s.” Congratulations, Jefbot.
Yes! That is laugh out loud funny. Jefbot you look great with short hair in the new year… As far as the Christian school… well I guess we all have to have guilt from somewhere or something!
Frickin HILARIOUS! New reader here since last week and must say as a former Catholic School student this comic strip hit home. A day doesn’t go by without thinking of a Bible verse or a random prayer going through my mind. Keep it up!
#1JF, thanks! wait for a future strip where i cover the lessons i learned from Revelations… 😉
akira, heheheh. you’re welcome.
cornacchia, thanks, dude. yeah, the michael character is a bit more chunky around the gut than his real world inspiration, but i think i got the legs just right.
funnyshaffer, the haircut jefbot ends up with in the strip isn’t nearly as short as the one i got in real life, but i think you’ll still dig it.
meyers, welcome! and glad to share neuroses with you!
I love the strip, everyone in your family is so cute! I should’ve known you went to a christian school, thats why you’re so good. xoxoxoxoxo
this strip reminds me of a scene in a movie i just watched ” lets go to prison” with will arnett and dax shepard…
I love the strip and I love me in it! I think I love myself a little more because I look so cute in the strip . After seeing the comic, I realize that I need more pink in my hair. When my hair is pink and I look in the mirror, I always say with a smile, “There I am.” I just don’t recognize myself without the pink. Although, they’d kick me outta the Christian school, fer sure. AND, I love everyone’s comments, especially Michael Cornacchia. Parochial school kids especially just “get” this strip. You’re the best!
Hysteeerical! One of your best. Your characters have so much life to them. Can’t wait for next week’s.
HILARIOUS!!! Glad to see the new haircut, another beautiful family member and CONGRATS to the parentos on the anniversary, too!
Nice job! Your hair is kind of like a hydra. It got cut and grew back tenfold in minutes.
Hey John, what are you talking about? His hair didn’t grow back. Look closer.
In real life, uh-oh, in real life….
I wish I had a sister who would cut my hair. The haircut is great – you owe her.
anonymous, heheh. xoxo
unfavorite, i think i’m disturbed by that. :-O
lor, glad you loved, um, yourself. heheh.
the mendenhalls, thanks!
mary, gracias. more family members to come!
john, in real life or in the comic?
uh-oh, heheh. i was wondering the same.
john, ah.
ak, thanks! i think lor may be retired with the haircutting now, but you never know.
Although I HATE the styling cap, I hafta admit it does make for funny webstrips. With your new cut, you should not be as tied to the cap as you have been.
I too had Christian schooling and find this to be very funny indeed.
My mates and I have our own in-house jokes about our Christian schooling – now at 26 I am still a Christian, btw. I like to have a sense of humor about my faith : )
why is it that almost all of the chrstian school mascots are sword weilding crusaders…that was ours when I went to Tacoma Baptist…fortunatley I managed to give up religion for Lent one year…phew…
Ha Ha! Are all Christian schools like that? One thing i really didn’t like about my old school was that our mascot was the Trojan and my mind is to far in the gutter not to laugh at that.
Uhm…. village christian in ohio!? (Cause i was there for 5th/6th grade.) Like 2004 or something… Pleasant plain…
AUGH. Sounds like MY elementary school…except that every Wednesday everyone wore oxford shirts and the girls had to wear skirts that went to their ankles for “chapel day.”
heheh. glad you can relate, Katie. 🙂
swords!? damn thtd almost make it worth it! nah. but itd still be cool. i prefer samurai, but crusaders are cool too!