There must be something seriously wrong with me, in that I keep cracking myself up drawing Xinda’s rampages. I swear this will be the last time I’ll have her punching, kicking, spraying, poking, stomping or stabbing anything or anyone for at least the next several strips. See, even just writing that made me chuckle! I have a problem.
Anyway, I had no clue about Twilight until my sister Linda gave me the book and insisted I read it. Even then I didn’t realize what a phenomenon it was/would become. I liked it, not nearly as much as my sister and niece, but, as evidenced by the strip above, I’m apparently not part of the core demographic.
TRIVIA ALERT: Eagle-eyed readers noticed jefbot reading Twilight a few months back in this strip (fourth panel).
Heheh, owned!!
You’d think she’d take that as a compliment o_O
Oh, you don’t know the half of it. My wife, her mom, her two sisters and our niece all have been passing the books around and plan on watching the movie tomorrow afternoon. I don’t know… the trailers smack of “Made for TV movie” to me.
I don’t get what the hype is… It doesn’t look very good at all, it’s full of angsty emo kids and a pasty teen vampire. I think I’ll just go see Bolt instead.
Me and the wife-lady read them together. I have a weak spot for Vampire tales… And I’m going to see the movie this weekend as well. Too bad we can’t all go together, it would be good to have back-up.
As the vampire keeps saying in the commercial, “are you scared?” Sho nuff, but not of the vampire…of da sista!
That is so funny! She might not “look” like a teenage girl… but that rage says otherwise! Excellent job Jefbot, and so true… I really am so uninterested in that book/movie!!! Please let us know if it was worth it…
“Forced”? Mmm hmmmm…forced by your own love of sappy teen vampires 🙂
Go SISBOT…you tell ’em!!!
I saw Twilight in the first general showing in North America (St. John’s Newfoundland). It was awesome!!!!
And I’m with Xinda on this one (as on all other topics) you don’t have to be a ‘teenaged’ girl to love Edward!!!!
XINDA!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! She sure showed Coolhand. Hahahahahaha….. Really funny, bot! It had me laughing out loud. I think Xinda might be my favorite character…wait, nope. I still like Cornfather the best. 😉 Xinda’s a close third. Right after Mombot. Ha!
Hi – Willowjwood I love you too! A. Mike/Michael as soon as I see you guys (sunday) I’m going to hit you with a stick. B. Little Bro, on the breakdown my picture doesn’t have any eyes, please fix that. C. What time are we going to see TWILIGHT? D. You said the last strip was the last time you were writing about me, and that you were going to start writing about LOR!
Ah more Twilight….I love the fact that I was the first person to spot the Twilight book in that strip 🙂
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside XD
I love Xindas directness. You always know exactly how she feels.
Go Xinda!
I absolutely love young readers’ novels. I haven’t tried the Twilight thing yet…that would be more MY sister’s area…being that they’re vampire romance and all. I wouldn’t know either way seeing as I’ve not read the books or watched the movie.
Hehe Great strip, I think my sis and Xinda would get along famously
HA I can’t wait to see the movie I’m going next weekend to see it 😀
I’m with you on the twilight series. It’s interesting.. but it seems to lack.. something. And it picks up really slowly. Nothing too interesting happens in the first hundred or so pages.
oh please! I don’t freagin’ care if Xinda loves that garbage story and she tries to kill me (I live faaaaaaaaaaaar away and for once my mother promised to protect me from all the evil on this world, aka Xinda the Impaler). I got sick. I tried to read the first book. It was so full of the sapiness that always surrounds the good-vampire-falls-in-love-with-idiot-human-girl-he-has-to-protect I thought I was gonna die.
*sigh* Oh well. I guess you can’t be “prefect” all the time, jeffbot. I still like you. Me and mom are gonna see BOLT. Now THAT is worth it!!
Twilight is wish fulfillment, plain and simple. The wish is an extremely shallow and undeveloped one as well.
Website listed under my name goes into more detail about why.
Great strip! Excellent drawing of Mike’s body in last panel. That’s exactly what he’d look like. Can’t believe you captured it, unless you smacked him in the head and played the video over and over to get it right. Hand twitching, ha!
twillight? urg…please….give me lestat anytime (stuart townsend and not tom cruise)
also the poster for the lead vampire makes him look like sweeney todd….lol
I absolutely DETESTED the movie. And I read all the books -I was at a release party for the fourth one back in August- But I finished the series out because of Jacob and only Jacob. The abomination that is that thing in the fourth one ruined it before it dawned on me in book two that Bella is a whiny bitch…
Sorry. That was a rant.
Fangs for the memories….
god i hate twilight my sisters and mom are crazy about it though… hell for me =(
Twilight can die. Lestat all the way!
The books were entertaining, but of all the series to reach the hearts of billions… It has no real literary value, no substance. And they’re all cookie-cutter characters! Edward is a dull, overly-controlling old pervert, and Bella’s just stupid and whiney. Besides, all the Cullens do is sit around while people, die, and then when Bell’as involved they overcomplicate things when there are very simple solutions.
Okay, my rant is done. You’re lucky you don’t have to hear the whole thing!
P.S. Alice’s powers don’t make any sense! So there!
Ok, NOW I’m done =D
Run! Just…RUN! Flee the sappy ass stalkers! Ignite the theater on your way out! IT’s the only way we will all be safe!