Thanks for all the comments, emails and suggestions on “How to Burp” you readers have been sending me since the last strip. My throat has been feeling a bit weird lately, kind of like I have something stuck in it, either a) because something actually is stuck in it, like a piece of the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers I’ve been living off for the past week, or b) because I’ve been trying to force myself to burp using all of those suggestions, or c) because I’m just hyper aware of my esophagus now. Regardless, not good.
Anyway, at least in today’s strip, jefbot has a real pro trying to help him relieve some of that pressure, so maybe there’s hope for me in the real world, too. A guy can hope. Keep sending those suggestions! Something’s gotta work, right?
Oh, and did I just blink and JEFBOT hit strip #100!?
Congratulations on your first 100! 🙂 Thanks for all the chuckles & laughs! It’s been an amazing run w/your strips being ever more fun! Good luck on many more!
thanks for the congrats, #1JF! hopefully a lot more chuckles and laughs to come!!!
There’s a nice belch for your 100th 😉
thanks, willowjwood! now i wanna hear 99 more!!! 😉
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 100 MARK!!! Every strip is a joy. You continue to surprise with excellent art work and funny story lines… The strip today rocks! I love the larger than life struggle without the borders… and the anger in the Cornfathers eyes! Excellent Jefbot!
i appreciate that, funnyshaffer. i also appreciate all the great comments you and so many other awesome readers have left along the way!!!
Do you ever get hiccups?
They are kind of like burps, just smaller and annoying.
You tell him Cornholio! 🙂
i do get hiccups, Mr Mojo. not often though, and usually when i do, they come because i’ve had too much to drink (soda or otherwise) and they’re kinda painful. 🙁
woohoo!!! #100!!! here’s to 100 more!
I’ve I lived by you I would buy you a drink!
ha! i’m totally gonna take you up on that drink, jhorsley3!!!
Keep trying JEFBOT! And listen to Mike, he offers sage advice. So funny!!!
i’ll definitely keep trying, Jeff Payton, but cooling it a bit until my throat feels normal again. even with all of Mike’s gas-emitting powers, he still hasn’t been able to show me the secret!
Congrats on 100!
thanks, man!
I think an interesting blog would be you showing the steps it takes to get a finished script. Since I don’t know what goes into a web comic, 100 strips doesn’t mean as much to me as it would other artists. It would be nice to see how it all works.
thanks for the comment, Tim Trobec. been thinking about putting something like this together for the eventual trade paperback. might just put it out as a blog post first, to get some feedback from you guys.
Congratulations on 100 strips and going strong, Jeff!
thanks for the congrats, kfreeman13!
The feeling of having something stuck in your throat is the feeling you get a second before you burp!
y’know, Tomix, it almost does feel like there’s a bubble or something in my throat that just needs a little push over the edge, but unfortunately, it never gets pushed. the lump just kinda sits there. grrr.
Amazing. The detail in the three faces of jefbot are great. And #100… I think you deserve like a gift or something.
thanks much, eleventeen! i do feel like i should get a pin or a watch or som’n. heheh. maybe i’ll just order myself a timex and pretend i got it from the uh, prestigious board of the Society of Webcartoonists or some organization equally important-sounding.
Congratulations on 100n Jefbot!!! Wonderful work!! and drink lots of root beer to get that burp going!
i do love the root beer, but still no-go. thanks for the suggestion and the congrats though, Mary!
Congrats on 100 strips, bottie! What an accomplishment. Plus, there ain’t one rotten apple in the whole bunch. I’m super excited for you! Your genius knows no limits. This strip is hysterical. I love your facial expressions a lot. Keep working out that diaphragm 😉
much of the success of the strip is due to the interaction between jefbot and the Cornfather so thanks for a lot of the inspiration, Michael!
Congrats Little Bro on your 100 – heres hoping you live to complete another 200!!! “tonight we dine in hell”
um, i’m not sure if that was a “congratulations” or a “threat,” sis. but – thanks? and thanks for letting me retell the 100% accurate tales of Xinda here in the pages of JEFbot.
SO will there be a 100th episode tee-shirt? I MUST have all the shirts for my collection and I just KNOW that a 100th celebration tee would have some type of collector status…even if it is just with my family… 🙂
going forward, the tees are going to be more like the RAD JEFbot TEE and less like the previous compilation tees. actually, i’ll probably discontinue the first two tees, so who knows? maybe those will be collectors items… in like, 500 years. 😉
Congratulations on your 100th comic, Jefbot! At some point I’ll have to get around to going through your archive so that I can complete my JEFBOT experience. (I joined at #85.)
ah, #85 – the end of the “Reich Gärt” storyline. good place to start, reynard61, and yes, feel free to hit that archive button and check out the old strips. i’m sure the next hundred will be here before you (and i) know it!
thanks, B_! i’m goin’, i’m goin!!!
Happy 100th!!! and I’m glad to learn the mastery of burp 😉
if only i could learn the mastery, as well, Alex!
there is no doubt that soon the student will be the master.
not sure about that g., but i appreciate your faith in me. 🙂
I can’t believe I only started reading at #48! Feels like yesterday O_o;
wow! you started at the tsetse fly strip, Shan!? awesome. i’m glad you’ve been on board since!
Well done mate 🙂
thanks, Tasha!!! it’s been a blast getting here!
Congrats, and I can’t remember when i started reading this one
well, whenever you started reading, i’m happy you’re still here, Eptha!
I taught myself how to artificially make myself burp when I was 2. I am not quite sure exactly how I do it anymore, but my older brother figured it out by the time he was five (he was jealous of that particular ability back then).
Your hiccups hurt, and you can’t burp. That sucks.
Ironically enough, I burp to cure my hiccups (air goes in, air goes out… makes sense, right?).