Woo-hoo! We’re now on the other side of #100!!! Feels good!
So, as the Burpless storyline continues, I’ve been completely surprised by many of the comments and emails you’ve been sending my way. Mostly, that a few of you are like me and can’t burp (which gives me comfort), or that many of you can burp, just not voluntarily! Strange, I’ve always assumed that if you have the ability to burp, you can do it at will. Wow, you learn something new every day.
Like I said, my mom would have trade you for any of my “used-to-burp” brothers is she had known that you existed XD. Hmmm… I guess being burpless could hurt… but in my case that only happens IF I drink sodas (coca-cola, pepsi, so on…) which I stopped drinking ages ago. It was too much of a burden. I haven’t had any pain issues ever since 🙂
i generally only drink one soda a day, Sonitan, and generally, that’s not too bad since i have to like, chug a couple of them quickly for the pressure to build. still, i should probably stop drinking soda altogether, if only to cut my sugar intake. but i’m weak and must have my daily coke or dr. pepper!!!
Ouch! That sucks, but it makes an amazing visual for your strip!!! I love how the two of you are just chilaxing with a nice cold beer in the first frame, all the while the monster inside is killing you… (at what looks to be an alarming pace…) Awesome work Jefbot! Though I was a touch grossed out, you still kept me laughing.
don’t you just hate it when all you want to do is chilax and a chestburster comes along and ruins it all? thanks for the comment, funnyshaffer!
Awesome! Great strip!
thanks, jAnonymous! 🙂
god. imagine what it would be like if you couldn’t fart?
oh, i’ve imagined, g., and it aint pretty.
Most of my gas goes in one direction so I can’t really say I feel your pain.
most of the time, mine does too, Ol’Guy. unfortunately, there are other times where it doesn’t move along fast enough and then i’m John Hurt in Alien.
I guess its better than the Dreamcatcher way of them getting out…
heheh. actually, they kinda do, just not quite so violently. 😉
i knew you were adopted….. or mom had sex with an alien….
…or i had a drunken encounter with a facehugger.
I’ve felt this way before, but not from a burp…:-)
i’m afraid to ask, j…
Okay, Xinda’s comment is insane. But I would expect nothing less…. But this strip is right up my alley, bot! I love the visual. So gross and yet so fun! I love the reference to “Ghost.” Great work, man.
yes, the chestburster scene in Ghost (i think it was right after the pottery wheel scene, right?) was quite the shocker.
Lol. Love the comic Jeff. But ew. x_x
thank ew, Natalie. heheh. sorry, had to.
that’s a serious sphincter problem
oh man, there are so many ways i could go with your comment, Mary, but since i’m already stretching the limits of good taste with this storyline, i’ll just say, “yes. yes it is.” 😉
its not a reference to “ghost” its “alien” mr. cornfather!
heheh. wait. we’re all still joking, right?
I can burb. Naturally AND on command 🙂
Oops. Burp.
i wish i could burp OR burb, Shan!!! 😉
In space, can anyone hear you LOL?
ha! love the comment, Stan! was actually thinking of something along those lines for the title, but “In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Burp” was just too long. 🙂
real men BELCH!
if i could simply do it, i wouldn’t care if i burped like an 8 year old girl, seth6!
“Hello my baby, hello my honey…beeeellllccccchhhhhh”
i knew that little alien had a top hat and cane when it came out!
Hey, JEFBOT, absolutely great strip, but I’m not showing this to my kids. I like family-friendly better.
-absolutely nerdy idiot
thanks for the comment, NerdyDad. i don’t think i’ve said this before, but in tv terms, jefbot would be rated “teen.” you won’t find any harsh language or nudity within this webcomic (and if that ever changes, i’ll let you know!) but there will be content you’d see in a prime-time network show, like some blood and a pretty nasty alien. so, good call on not letting your kids see what might be too frightening or perhaps too grotesque for them – i know a lot of parents who just don’t monitor what their kids are doing. again, thanks for the comment and for the different perspective.
and hey, i’m happy you can enjoy it, even if your kids can’t until they’re older!
haha, first time here but wow! this is really funny! will swing by again!
thanks for stopping by Alex! you’re welcome here anytime. 🙂
The Cornfather just had to taunt her. Great strip. Congrats on the other side of a 100. They just get better and better.
thanks, Lor! the grass IS greener over here!
Fantastic representation of the pain caused from *not* burping. I get this all the time. I could start my own zoo for chest bursters. If that wasn’t freakishly weird.
not at all, Liz! i’d go to a chestburster zoo!
Haha! I’ve had that pain before
sucks, no?
On burping voluntarily – I don’t know how to explain, but if I take a deep breath quickly while opening my throat passage as wide as it will go, some air will “hitch” in my throat and I can burp it out.
…sorry. I don’t think that was any help, like at ALL. 🙁
sadly I have had this experience a few times before as well… not only do I not know how to vollentarily burp, but the seldom few times it happens by accident it tends to cause my acid reflux witch is still rather painful as most with it would know… yeah… pain sucks…
hahaha…it stil cracks me open everytime i see it….lolz..no pun intended
I can’t burp, ever, either. I think it’s a part-Japanese thing.
Yeah, my sister was always complaining about how much it hurt, sometimes she’d have to lie down on her left side and wait until she could get rid of the air the other way.
Incidently the “BEST” belcher on the planet is my 15 year old niece. She should look like a truck driver or construction worker by the way she sounds but she’s one of those hot teenage girls that I always hated when I was in HS. :S
Lol too bad I live in sc, I could snake you an ng tube to relieve the pressure… For a price…
I can burp my abc’s when I want
teach me your secrets, Dragon!!! 🙁