In the many years that I’ve known him, I think my friend Michael, the Cornfather’s counterpart in the real world, has ridden in my Honda Civic Hatchback maybe only 4 or 5 times, and only then because he’s had no other options. He calls the hatchback my “toy car,” and another friend, Ric, calls it the “egg.” Yet, despite the ridicule and the fact it has around 300,00 miles on it, I do love it since it’s fun to drive (it’s a 5 speed manual), gets great gas mileage, and I paid it off years ago.
And yes, although he doesn’t have quite the same level of difficulty as the Cornfather, Michael does have problems getting in and out of the thing.
Yet another strip causing my tummy to hurt so good! Nothing better than a Cornfather pretzel/contortionist act! I never realized Jefbot had symbols on the back of his t-shirt, and ack is a fun word to use. (So it’s used often in situations I deemed appropriate of it’s usage!) So what exactly is that image in the background of this strip? Curiouser, and curiouser.. *scratches chin*
when the strip first started, those symbols used to be on the front of jefbot’s shirt, and the “negative space” 6 was on the back, but i switched them probably around the 3rd or 4th strip, and went back and changed the art to keep it consistent. i rarely draw jefbot from the back, so those symbols haven’t been seen in a while. and as far as that background image is concerned: i drew the strip originally with the camera pulled out so you could see the whole car, but then decided to zoom in a bit when placing the panel in the frame. before the zoom, the bg looked like an apartment building instead of an abstract painting of the sea floor. 🙂 thanks for the great comment, Spanky!
Aaack indeed!! The biggest tub of butter?! That would ruin Jef’s car as well!!! XD Can’t… breath… laugh so hard… XD
yes, i agree, Sonitan – the Cornfather’s “butter” idea is not the most practical solution. heheh.
I have this problem with tiny cars! Only ’cause I’m 5’8 though. My legs get stuck!
i’m only comfortable in small cars, Shan! i freak out whenever i have to drive something bigger than my civic.
Working my way through the archive and just had to agree with this one. My first car was a white Civic 1300 hatchback. All my cars since then have been small as well. My driver’s license says I am 5’10” and have always had plenty of room. Riding in my friend’s full size pickup feels downright unnatural;!
I’ve got two letters for you: K Y…
that would be a whole ‘nuther kind of strip, Stan. 😉
That is REALLY funny!!! The delivery is so good and I love the reactions!!!!!!!!!
thanks, Jeff! glad you liked it.
Crisco works well too!
i take it you’ve been in this type of situation, jh3? 🙂
Stan, what does Kentucky have to do with anything? That state’s jelly is delicious on toast, however! 😉
heheh. they have pretty good fried chicken there too, from what i understand. 🙂
I’m with Spanky, i don’t remember the symbols on back. And I was thinking… wouldn’t this be the PERFECT time to get revenge on the Cornfather for his insults against the land of the Rising Sun?
true that, eleventeen – jefbot should just leave the Cornfather to chew off an arm or leg if he wants to escape. but then jefbot would have to clean up the mess, of course.
Wow bot, you created a new type of comedy here: Car Humour. I love that your car is in it. And that is exactly how I look in your car, too. 😉 Really funny expressions and even funnier contortions. The dialogue is great, yet again. I really like the “tub of butter” but I still think vaseline is the best “tool” for the job. Great work, man. Really great.
thanks Michael, but this strip just continues the great tradition of car humor set forth by such classics as My Mother the Car, Herbie the Love Bug, and of course, DC Cab.
Aw, poor Cornfather. He could have had a perfect “Farris Bueller’s Day Off” moment if he hadn’t got caught… or stuck. Great timing and art. The last panel Cornfather fan service made my morning; never knew he was so flexible! <3
thanks, Foxmouse! i don’t think the Cornfather knew just how flexible he was, either.
does your car have a name?
not really, stellak. not a proper one, at any rate. unfortunately, the names “the egg” and “toy car” seem to have stuck. 🙁
You know, I just thought of something… if Michael considers Jef’s car a “matchbox toy”… why in the world he got inside to beging with?!!!
probably because he’s a troublemaker when it comes to jefbot’s stuff, Sonitan. and the fact that he didn’t realize he was going to get stuck until after he was already in the car. serves him right, really. 🙂
i love ur strip, thats kinda like me getting in little cars too, i may only be 5’5”, but ive got long legs! thats exactly how i feel a lot.
thanks, blackpickles! glad you could relate to the Cornfather’s plight, even if he shouldn’t have gotten into jefbot’s car in the first place. heheh. i’m 5’7″ with average legs so have never had that problem, thank god. 🙂
So, Kevin, you like eating KY Jelly?
um, ew.
Cornfather is going to have to rely on his vast clown experience to get out of that car!
heheh. somehow, i don’t think he mastered that skill, John.
Michael all buttery….mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ha! i’m telling your wife, Kbed.
I giggled so hard! Love it keep up the excellent work!
thanks for the giggles, Chex! 😀
That is outstanding! I love that… get the Jaws of Life!!! LOL! As always, brilliant work Jefbot!!!
gracias, funnyshaffer!
At 6′ exactly, I’ve become accustomed to folding myself into small cars. As Cornfather’s experience indicates, it’s the *un*-folding that is often the problem — *especially* when one has a bad back… (Ouchies!)
ooh, ouch. so i take it you don’t drive a volkswagen rabbit then, reynard61? remember, you can always take the Cornfather’s advice and use butter when unfolding. 😉
I can totally sympathize with Cornfather here. I had a Corolla a while back and it was a pain for me to get in and out of that sucker.
i drove a corolla before i got the civic, Eptha. i loved that car, too, but yeah, it was even smaller than the honda.
Ha xDDDDDD That’s so funneh Jeff! xDDDDD Lurv it ;D
thanks for the lurv, Nat!
yo……i can relate to cornfather problem…try fitting in a mira for size……lolz
wow, JF3! those cars are super-cute but yeah, super-tiny, possibly even for me. 🙂
I love mad Jefbot and these new poses. Great dialogue, too!
glad you like “pretzel Cornfather,” Lor!
Too funny – the Cornfather rules!!
Thanks Jeff.
the Cornfather does indeed rule, Tasha. especially when he’s naughty. 🙂
Ack! Michael covered in butter! Get it out of my head!
heheh. you might not want to see the next strip, Rachel…
Awesome Jefbot. Poor Cornfather. I wonder what would happen with some of my friends if I ever bought a smart car… (I’m only 5’3 and would have no problem with a dinky car ^^)
if you get one, you might want to carry around a tub of butter or the jaws of life in your trunk, just in case, DJ. 😉
Wait… “300,00”? Either your car is 4D or that’s a typo. And it’s not the former. How many really?
Years ago, I had one of the first Honda autos to be brought into the US. 600cc air cooled twin cylinder (there was a 360 that was Japan only – something about insurance laws there).
The car was [i]tiny[/i] – about the same as the original MiniCoopers or maybe a bit smaller. The engine was up where you’d expect the radiator to be.
I’m 6’1″, and had no problems getting in or out.
Dont worry jefbot im comin! Just let me hop in 606 and drive 2000 miles. I’ll be there as soon as I get approval from the chief… Then i’ll have your car opened up in no time! …it may be a convertible when im done, but hey, convertibles are cool, right?