Thus, our “Going Green” storyline comes to an end. So maybe jefbot didn’t learn the “true meaning of Earth Day” exactly but maybe Lor got him thinking about the planet a little more than he normally would have. Who knows? Maybe he’ll actually <i>not</i> kill any seedlings or rose bushes next year and that’s a start.
Happy Arbor Day everybody! Hug a tree! Hug a planet!
He just misses cel. It’s sweet.
it’s true. bot just needs something to hug at this point.
and hey! you’re first Annie!
Or even better he worships the earth she walks on. ^^
ha! also true!
THAT’S why there are some many earthquakes, tornadoes, and other disasters going around!
heh. that’s quite a hug jefbot’s got if he’s causing all that, Lax!
That’s why Cel left the Beach! She could feel the raw power of his earthquake causing hugs an dit Scared her!
Yeah, right. nothing scares Cel.
Damn, you are early today, Jefbot. Oh, well congrats Annie to First.
Everyone can use a hug. Im surprised it never ocured to me that earth can too.
I cant decide if I want Cornfather to use the hose on Jefbot or not.
Oh, and planet zoom with on the side pic is RAD. Not only is it absolutely beautifuly done, but makes you kinda wonder if Jefbot is realy hugging Earth or trying to hold on to it for dear life, doesnt it?
yup! had to wake up at 5:30am Friday morning so tried to get this one done as early as possible, Maryz. sadly, the fastest i could finish it was 1:30am.
i’ll leave it up to your imagination whether the Cornfather hosed bot down or not. 🙂
and i’m happy it entered your mind that jefbot might be holding on to the planet for dear life since having him saying something about gravity giving out was *almost* part of the punchline.
I now have the Captain Planet theme and ‘He’s Got the Whole World in his hands’ battling for supremacy over all other thought in my head.
Must go scrub mind clean with some Flogging Molly…
I’m very tired. ^^;
Still- Arbor Day, with pirates. Think about it.
fie on you for sticking the Captain Planet song AND “He’s Got the Whole World” songs in my head, Holaved, but then bonus points for replacing those songs with Seven Deadly Sins.
ARRRRRbor day. i like it! 😀
I love what you did with today’s strip! I was just goofing around with google earth yesterday of all things, so it’s pretty much almost like what you just put together for the strip (well it also makes for a nice Sci Fi movie/tv show entrance. 😛 ).. that=awesome! I shall hug a tree today, and Happy Arbor Day to you, Jeff, and everyone as well! Great strip! *round of applause* 😀
used Google Earth as reference for this strip, Spanky, but spent more time flying around the planet and zooming in on different locales than i did using it as an art tool.
hope the tree hugged you back! 😀
Have you tried to look up Central Europe maybe? Slovakia, Prešov?
I thought of posting my full adress and actually typed it but thought better of it. Internet has a nasty way of surprising you.
Still it might be nice to be able to look up some of the guys we chat, wouldnt it?
most definitely, Maryz! i spent most of my time zooming around Japan and Rome, but i’ll be looking up Slovakia, Prešov, the next time i’m in the program. 🙂
aww an earth hug, gives me the warm fuzzies!!!
Earth gives great hugs, ESQ. give it a shot. 🙂
Up early making sure the electric cooler is working for our picnic and I was able to catch your strip for today. 😀
Really like the format for this strip you should consider doing it more often!
Nice butt, at least by cartoon standards anyway.
That last comment cracked me up, Foxmouse! I had to scroll back up and check out jefbot’s butt. It’s true, but still funny. 😀
I go where I’m needed and do what I can… And noticing nice butts is one of them, cartoon or other wise. ;D
hope you had a nice picnic, Foxmouse. did you get in a planet hug?
glad you liked the format – i knew i wanted to show jefbot hanging onto the side of the planet but wasn’t sure how it would be received. thanks!
and as far as bot’s butt goes – i think he might be packin’ some tissue in those back pockets. 😉
The picnic was nice. My mother and sister seemed to enjoy themselves even if it was a little damp and chilly. I didn’t give the planet a hug, but I think it was trying to hug me when I slipped in some mud.
Looking forward to seeing more of this layout, so you’re welcome for the complement!
As for padding… well there comes a time in every little girl’s life, JEFBOT when they look around a notice their friends are changing, but when they look at themselves they’re confused, frustrated, even envious. Why isn’t your body developing like all the rest? Don’t worry, bodies develop at different speeds and that’s totally normal. One day you’re blossom into a beautiful shapely woman and you won’t want to put padding in again~!
Adorable! …and I agree! The earth needs a big hug! Excellent strip as always Jefbot! I love how you pull in tight for a close up on earth… awesome job with the frames!
gracias, Funnyshaffer! glad you dug it!
Nice one, Jeff. I love the format and Google-Earth nature of today’s strip. It makes me want to go lie in the grass myself and give the earth a big hug. Maybe later when the sun comes out and finishes drying the ground (which is wet from the *SNOW* we got yesterday morning – luckily it’s gone now). Colorado weather is totally crazy, especially in spring!
Shanna, you’re in my neck of the woods, eh? Of course, I probably already knew that and forgot.
Great strip, ‘bot — powerful visual humor!
thanks, Stan!
i really should’ve thanked Google Earth in the blog post for this one since it provided me with the reference for those first two panels, shanna. i’ll need to fix that. such an awesome program!
the weather’s been nice in socal the past couple’a days – if it holds up i might just make a visit to my parents’ backyard. 🙂
funny, i’ve been getting a ton of hits from the colorado region, lately. one of you natives must be spreading the word about my little ol’ webcomic around there!
Do not try to realize the true meaning of Arbor Day. That’s impossible. Instead, realize the truth: there is no true meaning of Arbor Day.
and if there is a true meaning, we should be keeping it in mind every day of the year, Kerubim, and not just on April 30.
The format threw me for a loop. I almost wanted to turn my laptop to the side but that would have been disastrous. xD Once I saw the dialog boxes I realized I wasn’t as crazy. Then I thought bot was holding on for dear life. Hehe. Nice strip buddy!
I see you posting frequently, and I just have to say it:
Camaro > Challenger
i *almost* rotated the speech balloons 90 degrees to align with the panels, TCG, but thought that would just be too annoying. heheh. glad you didn’t turn your monitor!
I like the sideways perspective; it’s interesting.
thanks, Sharra! as i mentioned above, i was concerned that the rotated panel might be confusing or off-putting, but i wanted to illustrate jefbot’s perspective of holding onto the side of the planet, so decided to give it a chance. i’m learning to never underestimate you readers! 😀
Awww that’s cute ‘Bot. But It makes me think of the adage when you’re too drunk that you need to hold onto the ground or you’ll float away.
heh. maybe there was more in that seedling or orange juice than we thought, DJ!
I thought something was wrong with your strip, but then I realized, it was YOU! I’m going to give you and the Lor a huggie, starting TODAY!
as long as there’s no bruising or blood involved, i’m down with the hug, Xin. XOXO
Great strip today, Jeff! I hugged the tree out front just for you.
yippee! was it a good hug, reynard61!?
Aahhhhhh. So Jefbot’s the cause of all the stuff the planet’s been doing wrong as of late!
Good to know the reason. Now I’m afraid I must do something about it.
*searches in weapon vault for something through and very painful*
*evil laugh of doom*
before you squeeze the trigger on that (painful) weapon, Sonitan, maybe the Earth is mad because it hasn’t gotten *enough* hugs!? now step away from the weapon vault…
Give a planet a hug? I don’t think Mars needs a hug…
But it’s nice to see Jefbot calmed down after all the rose/piranha plant stomping.
i think Mars could use a hug too, Rinthia. it looks so lonely and cold there. 🙁
It’s actually rather warm. Could use more water, a few rain events would be cool… It’s not too lonely, since us little green people manage quite well. XD
This one is great, really makes you think, Earth could really use a hug from everyone, maybe then we will appreciate the lump of rock underneath our feet a little more.
thanks, Eddie! and you’re right – especially with that latest oil spill off the gulf of mexico, i think the planet could use all the hugs it can get.
Jef bot, did you find my ulta-energy drink formula or somthing? It’s been known to do that to weak stomached individuals. Or people who can’t burp in your case.
if your ultra-energy drink is ultra-fizzy i think my stomach would just explode, Animie fan. 😛
I hug my planet every day….and my dwarf planets twice a day.
nice, IDTMRB! those dwarf planets need twice the love! 😉
O GO HUG A TREE!…or the Earth…whatever.
done, nicobot! 😀
aweeeee. now i now why that volcano is smoking.
wow, that’s some hug, jf#300! too bad cel didn’t get that kind of reaction when bot hugged her way back in JEFBOT.139!
I don’t know why but this strip made me think of this…
“they look like good, strong hands, don’t they?” *sniff*
Actually this strip does bring to mind an interesting thought. Since the Earth is indeed spherical, and there are people living all up and down the planet on all the different latitudes and longitudes, we are (in a very odd, roundabout sense) walking on walls.
Think of a soccer ball. As you trace your finger around all the pentagons, your knuckle (representing your head) is constantly changing its relative position to the ball. At one point its above the ball, then beside it, then below it, all based on the latitude of your finger. And other than some spinning, the ball doesn’t change positions, and your feet are still firmly attached to the surface. Essentially, if you walk in a straight line up and down the Earth, or even around it, your head is pointing into a completely different part of space that someone a few countries over.
Obviously since we’re such small creatures in relation to the planet, you have to travel a significant distance before the angle of your head versus the surface and your original position changes enough to really validate my earlier ranting.
Also, I’m sure someone could come up with some philosophical metaphor to go along with that, but its too early for me to do that. 😛
i haven’t had enough caffeine to come up with any metaphors today, Alexander, but i like where you’re going. this strip definitely plays on my thoughts about the concept of “up.” up in relation to the sky, in relation to the planet, in relation to the solar system, galaxy, universe… okay, maybe the strip doesn’t go that far, but i did want to provide some perspective on our place on the planet with that last panel.
“Bubblebuttbot” – HA!
I don’t advise lying sideways and looking at your screen. It ruins the trippiness of the last panel.
good tip, MeghanV! 😀
This is sooooo awesome, bot!!! I love it. I like how you make us work to read the last panel. But now my neck has a kink in it. 😉 Again, great job, bot. Really well done.
thanks, man! hope your neck’s feeling better. 😉
woo! glad you got a laugh out of this one, Eptha! 😀
hehe y’know, one of my friend was really drunk and he claimed to be making love with his lawn so i hosed him 😀
that reminds me of a good point to make, Leithal: Love the Earth, folks. Just don’t LOVE the Earth. 😉
nice earth panels!
and i’m glad jefbot is giving nature a hug but is going it with his cloths on. he could have done it “ah natuuuraaaaalllll” if you catch what i mean.
thanks, t_d! glad you liked the Earth panels!
and you’re right that jefbot should’ve been “au naturale” – i guess he just wasn’t committed (pun intended) enough. 🙂
Wow…Jeff, the Earth zoom ins are amazing. Very impressive.
OMG Jeff has junk in the trunk! Now that’s just too damned charming! You GO BOT!
Give him a hose down CF…People pay good money for that!
gracias, Pixie! happy you liked the Earth renderings!
as for the “junk in the trunk” – i think gravity might be working on said “junk” in strange ways in that panel. 😉
and people also get the hose down treatment in prison, Pixie!
How cuute! Lol yes the earth needs a hug ’cause the earth isn’t gonna hug itself you know! I’ve missed so many comics Jeff! DD: And I got Hg and Ss mwaha!
you gotta catch up, Nat!
i haven’t even started SS yet, but let’s do some pokétrades soon. 🙂
I don’t know if this tracks, but Xinda gave me an “Earth Hug” goodbye the other day.
I love the creative panel placement in this strip.