Lying to one’s parents is a terrible thing and should be reserved only for occasions involving the blaming of siblings. That the Cornfather got thrown under the bus in this strip can only be attributed to the fact that jefbot panicked, for which he’ll surely get a comeuppance later.
In the real world: After buying a new television a few weeks ago, I ended up giving my dad back the TV he lent me. Fortunately, there’s no remote control sticking out of it, but it does still have the dead pixel problem, so hopefully that won’t be too much of a distraction should my dad decide to watch anything on it (which I hope won’t be anytime soon, the reason for which should be apparent in this strip from a few months back.)
Hahahahaha. Jefbot will be a great politician: the other did it.
Again, poor Cornfather, really is a GREAT friend.
congrats, ContableEnorme! for you: 😎
with hours/days/months squandered playing games like SimCity and Civilization, perhaps i could impart qualities to jefbot that would make him a good politician. i can tell you this: my first act as governor of california would be to declare a Pokémon Day sometime around my birthday.
Reminds me the last time I screamed he did it.
It bounced back, and I got in trouble. 😀 mmm, I foresee karma for jefbot. uh-oh.
i think you’re right, Jaeh – judging from past events, the Cornfather will have his revenge. “uh-oh,” indeed. 🙂
jefbot should pull that knife he just put in the cornfather’s back and defend himself from his dad cause he knows who did it!
heheh. yeah, chances are Popbot doesn’t believe jefbot’s lies, t_d.
bad jeffbot. bad.
funny as hell, but bad….
i’m glad you find jefbot’s evil side funny, Oddbody. sometimes that little devil sitting on his shoulder whispers more loudly into his ear than the angel on the other side. 😉
Oh JefBot…I treasure your humor so.
Heeeeeeey CornFather…Remember that whole “Wake JB up to show him a trick?” Yeah…Payback.
But beware my young Padwan, these antics can backfire. As the youngest child, I know all about getting busted blaming someone else for something. The punishment is severe.
Perhaps Jeff sees CornFather as a brother and that’s why he tossed him under the bus? Nahhhhhh….He panicked!
i’m glad someone is taking jefbot’s side in this, Pixie! as you pointed out, the Cornfather isn’t exactly Mr. Innocent. heheh. but you’re right – the payback is usually pretty severe in these circumstances, so no doubt jefbot can expect retribution in the near future.
When all else fail, resort to either option A (“He did it”) or B (“I found it like that.”). When neither seem to work, go straight to plan Z and leg it.
if jefbot had planned this better, he would’ve pried the remote from the tv, handed it to the Cornfather, called out for Popbot, and initiated your Plan Z before he arrived, likeacupcake. 😉
Just had to pop in and say I love you name!
i like it too, Pixie! almost as much as i like cupcakes. 😉
What a way to throw poor Cornfather under a bus, jefbot!! LOL Look at the poor guy’s face in the last panel!!
For shame bot, for shame!! LOL
sometimes you gotta throw your friends under figurative buses, ESQ, especially when trying to dodge disapproving/disappointed looks from parents. 😉
Just means Jeff thinks of Cornfather like a brother, right? 😉
that’s right, aretoo! i think you and Pixie have it right: jefbot’s betrayal is actually a show of brotherhood and affection. ;D
Ahhhhhhaaa ha ha ha ha…. That was so funny! LOVE the reveal! The Cornfather… so unsuspecting and yet so deserving after all the things he’s done to you! Outstanding job! LOVE IT!
the Cornfather definitely had this coming, Funnyshaffer, but you know jefbot has to get some backlash from it.
The best truth ever 😀
agreed: “he/she did it” definitely works on so many levels in an infinite amount of circumstances, Eddie.
Wow Bot, wow. Some friend/roommate/whatever. I’d totally boot you from the apartment for that! 😛
you know the Cornfather’s been through so much worse with jefbot, TCG, and vice-versa. heheh.
O.O You’d better watch your back Jefbot. I don’t think the Cornfather is going to take the heat for that. Yea, he has done a lot that deserved payback, but I just don’t think this is gonna work. He’s gonna get you. >:(
That was me. I’m not sure why I’m anonymous or where my avatar went…
ha! yeah, you can bet the Cornfather will have his revenge, Shanna – if Popbot even buys jefbot’s excuse, that is. i think your instinct that this isn’t gonna work are spot on. 🙂
way to throw your friend and roommate under the bus.
lets see what kind of revenge cornfather will return when they get back to the apartment.
you readers are a bloodthirsty lot, DJ! you all want the Cornfather to get revenge – what about poor jefbot? 😉
Smooth, jeffbot… smooth…. Don’t worry I’da done it too 😉
Man I cannot wait for the next one to see what dadbot says.
high five, Steve! glad you could sympathize with jefbot’s decision, here. 😀
Jefbot deserves no comeuppance for this… this is just small payback for the serial disrespect the CF pays 2/3 of the Axis of Evil. I hope popbot electrocutes him again 🙂 In the nicest way possible…
ha! “serial disrespect,” indeed, 11TN!!! taking the blame for this one would barely excuse a fraction of the Cornfather’s past misdeeds against jefbot. unfortunately, i don’t think the Cornfather sees it that way.
bring on the electrocution device!
To be fair, if Cornfather was a little faster back then the remote wouldt be sticking where it is now. So he kinda did it.
Anyway love the Cornfathers and Popbots expressions in last panel.
that’s true, Maryz – the Cornfather is at least partly to blame for this mess, so should understand taking the fall for this one. 😉
It’s easy to shove someone in front of the bus. It’s much harder to get them to let go of your shirt, which’ll pull you with them.
I smell a prediction.
heh. i forgot about that part, Rinthia; jefbot will just have to dodge when the Cornfather makes for the grab. 😉
truly epic and hilarious, btw its my B-day today! yayz. the first one that sings dies.
1… 2… 3… HAPPY BIRTHD- oop! maybe i’ll skip the song this time. heheh.
just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, Animie fan! eat lots of cake and make big wishes!
This is your Birthday Song…It isn’t very long. *dramatic pause* Happy Birthday!
hardee har har. Yeah, this was a good comic so it counts as your bday gift to, aren’t I generous. lol, thats what i’d do if i broke my dads tv. -dads angry stare- -points at brother- he did it.
Wait, what?! But I didn’t…. hahahahahaha….good one, bot. I guess this makes up for all the real world stuff I’ve broken. Really funny and brilliantly drawn. Popbot’s face is priceless.
i don’t know about “makes up for it,” MC – i’m keeping a tally of all the stuff of mine you’ve broken, and even the price of a new TV doesn’t quite cover all of it. 😉
Love Pop’s angry face. My dad is good at that face and I didn’t like seeing it.
the angry face of a parent is one of the worst things to ever see, Anonymouse. i hope your dad didn’t get “good at it” by sending angry faces your way!
He had 13 years of practice on my sister before I was born.
woot. damnit. my comment is gone? why??????????????
oooo. hilarious. dats what friends are for jb. to jump the grenade and take one for the team.
which comment? did a comment of yours get deleted, jf#300!?
and yes: that’s exactly what friends are for! the Cornfather should jump on that grenade willingly!
This won’t end well. As to who this the not end well for is unclear, but that is an answer for Friday to reveal.
while the Cornfather may not get the immediate vengeance you seek, Fijiman, you can bet he’ll make jefbot pay, one way or another, in a future strip. 🙂
so much for getting it fixed >_> 😛
damn tv repair shop wanting to charge more to repair it than the tv’s even worth, Leithal!
Aw snap! As the oldest child, I tried this a lot. Regretably (or fortunately?) I’m not a very good liar with things like this, so I got in trouble twice each time I tried it. (And the whole roommate situation tends to be harder when everyone’s willing to blame each other at the drop of a hat…)
Hey, have you given the experiment I proposed a try? I’m kinda wanting to know as I might never be able to taste it.
lolz. my comment was not deleted but i think my connection got cut off and my comment was not registered. sighhhh.
Hey, can I have the 2-bad pixel tv? My new SONY is on it’s death bad and I’m cursing it. 2 bad pixels are better than thousands of naughty pixels.
Browsing the Internet as one does, I stumbled across this and it made me think of this strip. Heh 🙂