The Last Arcade is finally open! jefbot (and Abraxas) did get a tour of it once before (JEFbot.141) but its doors hadn’t opened to the public yet. And while bot didn’t quite get the reception he was expecting, at least he’s a little closer to cel. And the original coin-op Zaxxon machine.
Yay indeed, ESQ. ^_^
I was having a horrible evening, stepchild problems…and was pleasantly surprised that I was first, so I’m giving myself 8) the cool shades 😛 LOL Suuure I’m first and bot’s not here to congradulate me LOL…I’m glad you were here AdM!!
Oh dear :/
In that case, you definitely deserved the “first”, the shades and the glory.
Go, you! ^_^
Yay I’m 1st, YAY Cel is back, YAY w/ both Jefbot and The Cornfather there, I’m sure there will be some tomfoolery afoot!!
bot…wherever you are (Vegas, baby) whatever you’re doing (soaking up the sun, playing w/ the geeky slots) I hope you’re enjoying yourself (well, duh)!! Talk at ya when you get back!!
yay! you can count on there being tomfoolery afoot with bot and Corn in that arcade, EvilStepQueen! let’s just be thankful there’s no alcohol in there like at the beach party. 😉
definitely enjoyed my little break in sin city doing all those things you mentioned. wish i had gotten more of a tan, but other than that, i had a great time!
oh crap, a geek with a tan, what’s this world coming too?!?!?
it’s a good thing it’s a weak tan, you don’t want to lose the street cred HAHAHA
ha! i’m glad you were able to find an extra pair of the Shades of Firstness to mark your claim, ESQ! congrats!!! here’s another, just in case those don’t fit right:
(also glad AdM was here to witness your achievement while i was on vacation.)
It’s the least I could do. ESQ is fantabulous! (Yay for word fusion… “wusion”)
Thanks for havin’ my back, yo! HAHAHA.. =D
Now we’re Street/Gangsta. Word.
Yay, second post. It’s about time we got back to the Arcade Bot.
Btw, Share and Enjoy, Nice Douglas Addams reference.
Yay for the Guide! Don’t Panic!
hooray for 2nd! heheh. yeah, feels good to be back in the arcade, Bl4ckw0lf. old school gamer humor and arcade shenanigans to come.
and i can’t take credit for the Douglas Adams reference, as it’s the default text for that “social” plug-in, but i’m a big fan of Hitchhiker, so didn’t see the need to change it. 🙂
In all fairness to Jefbot, cel looks rather frazzled and now he gets to play the knight in shining armour. Plus, she’ll have to get the apron back from him at some point so he’ll have his chance soon.
Great strip! ^_^
Hope you’re having plenty of fun and winning lots of money! ^_^
yep, the normally “cool as ice” cel can indeed get frazzled sometimes, Angela della Muerta! and you’re right in thinking now would be the perfect time for jefbot to score some points by helping her out.
definitely had much fun (and much winnings!) in vegas!
Brownie points are also good when they can be exchanged for actual brownies. But, you know, romantic/relationship advancements are good too.
Yay! Fun & winnings are good!
Yeah, Cel is cornered …
Like any geek, JB treats women very hard.
yeah, if i wanted to play in to that stereotype you’d be right, ContableEnorme, except that by the end of this strip we see that cel is holding all the cards and jefbot’s “demands” were all just talk.
That’s what I meant, JB will do anything Cel say.
Enjoying this story picking up again. Forgot to try for the Mighty First Comment – too busy wasting time on Twitter 🙁
glad you’re enjoying the storyline, Rod!
and i think i need to waste more time on Twitter, too. haven’t been tweeting much, recently. 😛
quarters and people and cel…OH MY!
heh. yes, they’re Off to See the Wizard (of Wor), t_d!
those quarter despensers always are breaking and she doesnt have backup machines in the back how convienant.
i’ve never been to an arcade that has a “backup” machine in the back, Drakeye, have you? there was an arcade in burbank i frequented for years, that had a dispenser that never worked. i think it was just there so the “Get quarters from counter” sign would have something to stick to. 🙂
yes,yes i have back when i was a kid in louisiana there were 2 arcades that had backups that theyd wheel in on a dollie the other one just had a room with like 5 or 6 working change machines and a couple broken ones in there too. they were huge warehouse like aracade places they sold really expensive sodas chips and pizza that was really greasy to get lots of money and to keep us there longer
The course of true love never did run smooth(ly) . . .
HA! that quote was seriously almost my entire blog post for this strip, Sarah W! geeky minds think alike. heheh.
If ever there were one word to describe Jefbot it would be “Smoooothe” (with all the extra o’s).
only four o’s, Jed? not five?
Female point of view here…yep, keep it at 3 o’s
😉 hahahahaha
or 4, I can’t keep track really
I’m a girl, I’m not good at math
(LMAO, before someone hurts me, I’m just kidding, totally ;))
Welcome back, Cel. Methinks she’s crazy! 😉
that would explain her reactions to the sky lights and Musashi, Kev. but hopefully that isn’t the case. 🙂
Looks like this is the Arcade and the End of Sanity…
by the end of this storyline, that might be a more apt name for the arcade, Chibby!
Ooh. Arcade.
*having “TRON” flashback*
Looking forward to the storyline with cel.
don’t fight it, JM: TRON flashbacks are always a good time. 😉
and i’m happy you were looking forward to this storyline. now sit back, relax, and enjoy!
The best laid plans huh Jeff?
I agree with Angela, this shows Cel can depend on JB in a pinch. Mahaps it will soften her heart just a lil?
I said something that made enough sense to be agreed with? Yay!
making sense is overrated anyway, AdM. 😉
*sigh* yes, the best laid plans, Pixie. heheh.
and yeah, if nothing else, this shows cel thinks of bot, at the very least, as a friend, right? or maybe just as an employee. hmm…
Yay Cel is back! I wish arcades were still alive…I remember wasting all of my Saturdays in middle school at the arcade in the mall.
most def, Charles! some of the favorite moments from my youth were spent in arcades. even modern ones like Gameworks (are they even still around?) and D&B just aren’t the same.
I need to find an oldschool arcade around here. with a DDR machine XD
funny, i was just contemplating whether to sell my old, PS2 DDR pad or keep it, DJ. 😀
I still have mine and every single DDR game for the PS2 cuz I’m awesome.
Ha! Great episode! Welcome back, Cel!
thanks, Stan! all this cel love is awesome.
“Cel love”, huh? Is this a harbinger of an X-rated scene coming up?
cue the mayhem and jb’s obsessiveness with arcade games. i think i will no what happens after this. somebody better call an emt before the shites hits the fan. am i going to expect a kiss from cel to jb after this strip is done? yes. will cf survive? debateable. am i going to appear in this strip? highly unlikely. (though that will be cool)
there will definitely be some of jefbot’s obsessiveness with arcade games (in the next strip, in fact!), but as for whether jefbot will get a kiss (mayyyybe), the Cornfather will live or die (mayyyybe), or you’ll end up in the strip (mayyyybe), i just won’t reveal. 😉
me goin to be in the comic? awesomeeeee
Poor cel, she looks frazzled.
yeah, she’s not having a good day so far, Sharra.
I love the colors of the arcade. I’d hang out there just for the blue and purple walls! Poor cel. She looks so frazzled. And at least she is relying on Jefbot to help, which means *something*. Right? She trusts him. Don’t worry Jefbot. I see good things in your future. 😀
glad you like the look of the arcade, Shanna! was going for an old school, multi-colored look instead of a dark, modern one. i’m happy you’d hang out there. heheh.
and yeah, cel’s pretty frazzled, so we know her chill, laid-back demeanor can be cracked on occasion. let’s just hope bot doesn’t mess up this opportunity to help her out and gain her trust!
Waaaaaahhh! Jeff isn’t commenting anymore! T_T
still vacationing in Vegas, Neo, and haven’t had a chance to comment, but I’m reading and will respond in the next couple’a days when I’m back in L.A.!
*pouts* How come you commented here and nowhere else? What makes them so special? Wahhhhh!
*evil grin* Just pulling your leg. :p
heh. now i’m back and commenting EVERYWHERE, AdM! so no pouting. 😉
No more pouting!
Reading the comments is softening the bubbling anger I’ve got going on thanks to an asshat accusing me of “being a little kid trying to shock her parents” and other things because I’m angry that the protests about the Papal visit have been put down to “anti-Catholicism”; because, of course, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the fact that the Pope protected people he knew to be child abusers(!)
Sorry, I’m just livid because it’s a very personal subject to me but apparently I’m “jumping on the bandwagon”.
I promise, no more rants. I’ll just enjoy the lovely happiness of wonderful geeky thing and brilliant geeky people.
keep up the fight, Angela della Muerta! if you’re passionate about something – and this issue is definitely something worth being passionate about – let your voice be heard and don’t listen to the naysayers. as long as you’re true to yourself and respectful of others, i think channeling your anger into something you believe in isn’t childish at all.
Thanks, Jeff ^_^
I hope Jeffbot stands his ground and gets some answers. The reality of the matter guys like that usually get stepped all over. On a side note guess who got 2 thumbs and his hands on a Samsung Epic…This guy!No longer will I have to lug around my psp.cellphone,and itouch.Iz so smexy I love my Epic *Purrr*. Jeff you appreciate the joy of new gadget smell to don’t you ^_^.
it’ll be extremely hard for cel to give him the slip this time, Prophet, so hopefully jefbot won’t get the boot (so to speak) from her.
and congrats on the Epic! been hearing great things about that phone so have fun with your new gadget. i’ve had my cell for over two years now and i think it’s time for a change! 😀
Maybe they will get a stabile income working in Arcade.
that’s very possible, Maryz. not sure how well a romance betwix cel and bot in the workplace would work out, but it might be worth it to find out…
I am sooooo happy Cel is back! …and hey, at least you both look great in purple! I can’t wait to see what adventures you’ll get into at the arcade!
thanks, Funnyshaffer! too bad they don’t have those aprons in green or grey. 🙂
Dude, take it from someone whos been there to. YOU’RE A TOOL NOW!! hhahahahaahhahahahahahaha, -inhales- -exhales- your initiation into tool society will be in 2 weeks. Use this time to make your costume, and yes, your costume has to be a tool. lol
jefbot’s going to try his best not to become a tool when confronting cel, Anime fan. if he can just keep it together while all this drama is going down, he’ll be okay. it’s not too late!!!
-looks at silver pocket watch- -yes I’m a FMA fan too 😉 – Three… Two… One
equivalent exchange!
Cel yay! I like Cel! She’s so Cel-like!
If that was Jefbot demanding, I’d love to see him serious. xD
heh. cel is definitely cel-like, Shion963, and that’s why we love her.
and you wouldn’t want to see bot serious. somber, maybe, but not serious. 😉
….wow…. lol. I’m literally speechless. Good shock factor jeff lol.
thanks for your speechlessness, Steve! you didn’t think it was gonna go smoothly now, didja? 😉
Poor Cel. Poor Jefbot. Between her mysterious disappearances and the grand opening of the arcade, I’m not totally sure who I feel worse for…
Hoepfully when things calm down, we’ll get an explanation! XD
hopefully, we’ll know who to feel sorry for once this storyline is over, Rinthia. maybe it’ll be the Cornfather. 😉
*evil laugh of doom*
You did tell her alright, jef!
Oh yes. It feels nice when girls take away your words, huh? Now instead of being in the arcade to “play” Jef and Michael have to “work”. Hmmmm… the whole “I’m gonna corner her” comment was kind of kinky. But perhaps that’s just my mind that is twisted and evil.
*evil laugh of doom*
There’s nothing wrong with being twisted and evil! ^_^ Especially when combined with manipulatively cute! ^_^
well said, AdM! 😀
yeah, working in the arcade was not what bot had in mind when he came over, Sonitan. and i’m sure the Cornfather didn’t think his day was going to turn out like this, either. funny how girls always have the power. *muahahahaha..hurk..*coughcough* see!? i can’t even do an evil laugh of doom now! drat.
anyway, twisted and evil’s always welcome here so keep it up! 😈
Arcade!!! Cell!!! Good times!!!!!! B)
woo! let the good times roll, TCG!
well, its like they say: actions speak louder than words…. too bad your actions were saying WTF!?
ha! and too bad cel’s actions were faster than bot’s this time, Leithal!
how was vegas BTW? any fun pics?
nothing i can post without ruining my reputation here, JF#300! 😉
kidding. most of my pics were of all the crazy buffets we ate, images of my jackpots and my feet by the pool. nothing too exciting. but still, we had a ton of fun!
always good to hear a friend enjoys their vacation. lolz
*sings* Where oh Where has our Jeff dear gone? Where oh where can he beeeeeee?
What happens in Vegas…Goes on Facebook!
Didja win huge pal?
i’m here, Pix! and while i don’t get on facebook much, i really should post some of my vegas pics over there. hmmm…
and i actually ended up winning pretty huge! (at least for me, since i don’t gamble much.) 🙂
I must have a Last Arcade shirt! Will that happen?
if there’s demand for it – absolutely, Ben9! i’ll probably end up making at least a few for myself and family, but if enough readers want one, i’ll put some up for sale.
any demand for the apron? 😉
I’ll take both! Let me find an organ to sell first though. 😀
OMG! I want the apron! I could geek out while I cook and bake!
Very funny, bot! So well drawn. I love the colors, I love the dialogue, and I love Cel! Really great work, man. Can’t wait to see how this story line unfolds…
I love the depth perception, too.