A few readers have been anticipating cel’s “perv” line recently, so with this strip, I’m happy to oblige them. Seems no matter what situation jefbot gets into around cel, he’s always accused of being a perv (which is not altogether unjustified) and just as cel has deemed Wil and the Cornfather as such, I think it’s fair to assume that most guys are indeed pervs, amiright? What do you all think? (And this isn’t to say most ladies aren’t pervs. I’m sure there are at least a few of you that can weigh in on that subject, too.)
Double LOL!!!!!! Boys have a very one-track mind….not to say I wouldn’t enjoy seeing that as well. Yes, girls are pervs too…we’re just quieter about it. Most of the time. 😉
wow! i believe you’ve just tied Angela della Muerta’s record for most consecutive Firstings, Tiana! her record has yet to be broken, and even matching it is quite a feat, so wear these record-tying, future’s-so-bright-you-gotta-wear-’em Shades of Firsting!: 😎
Thank you kindly. *bows and accepts the Shades* And now my sights are set on the future…onward and upward! 😉
“onward and upward” – as it should be, Tiana! 😀
Thank goodness, not the first… too much responsibility!
Strip comment: My, what big hands Wil has on jefbot’s shoulders in panel 2. 🙂
Intro response: Speaking only for myself and guys similarly situated, yes, we may be pervs sometimes, just not necessarily toward the ladies. 😉
those Shades of Firsting do confer Great Power, Kim, so you know what goes along with that…
i think most of the characters in the JEFbot U have big hands at one point or another. heheh. i couldn’t say whether the real Wil Wheaton has big hands or not, though.
pervs are pervs are pervs. all are welcome here! 😀
I earned the shades of firsting once and thats good enough for me. 8)
for some, just a taste of the Shades is enough, Af.
Oh, and too funny that the hyperlink on the word “accused” takes us to a strip featuring an extra busty babe! 😀
yep! who is then contrasted with cel, all wrapped up in her hoodie and jeans on the beach! heheh.
Ha, looking back at those reminds me of my friend. She always threatens to kick me. Although once she did hit my leg with a hammer… of course I did earn that one.
XD Omg, I love it, and I am still in agreement with her and The Harem flashing the brother.
*Dodge check roll failed with a roll of 2*
Damn it….. oh well, bring the pain. 😛
thanks, Red – glad you’re lovin’ today’s strip! and sorry ’bout that low roll; i hope you at least have a high Speed stat – you’ll need it to get out of reach of the Harem. 😉
I’m the equivalent of an ogre in stature…. I don’t have speed, but I did dump enough points in stamina that I can take a good bit of hits, and enough in dexterity that I can still stand after a beating.
Hmmm…the punishment for red is…..
No Punishment at all. Why? Because you look for it.
Drat, they’re on to me…
I don’t “look” for it per say, but I don’t really try and hide from it. 😛
I may find some enjoyment in it, but only “sometimes”.
We may be pervs but it a damn good strategy. For crying out loud Cel, he a teen(ish) boy. Even hit of the breast would make him loose his concentration. Bring him down to Pinky’s level.
Well done again Jeff. Now to answer your question. The only time guys aren’t perves is when they married. Well technically we still perv’s just better at not showing it cause don’t want the smack to the back of the head followed by the lack of sex and the “Do you think she better looking then me?”
I agree – married guys are wise to watch out for extra-marital perviness (as are married gals!) Nobody likes the smack upside the head or the lack of sex or the questions. 😛
Being married…and a perv…I fear not the ravages of the spousal unit while I perv…open relationship and all 😉 WOOT
I know where the line lies in my marriage and don’t cross it. Your line might just be a bit further away.
reason #242 why I won’t get married. I’m perverted,blunt, and withholding sex is a cheap move I don’t put up with.
Not all people do that.
Hubby and I know that we both look. We are married, Not DEAD! And in my performances, I am very flirty. And dirty minded. Hubby knows it’s all an act and knows who I’m coming home to.
He is amazing, smart, funny and the other half of my soul. I ruvs him more than SHOES!
Whoa there Pixie I heard rumors that saying you love something more than shoes is sacrilegious and punishable by death.I should know I once had to go on the run from the beach cause I told a group of neo-feminist that PMS stands for Post Murder Syndrome and to go make me a samich.Now when I hear the sound of a tazer I get antzy and start looking for exits.
I luls at you, you just didn’t do it right. You should have been able to say that and get more than half the group to laugh, and the other half to question your sanity in doing so.
AWWwwWww… “He is amazing, smart, funny and the other half of my soul.” <- i loved reading this, Pixie. 🙂
you’re absolutely right, Will B – cel would probably be able to get that kid to do her bidding with just a couple bats of her eyelashes. of course, leave it to jefbot – and now Wil and the Cornfather – to suggest going a few steps beyond that. 🙂
and avoiding smacks to the head is understandable. best to keep that perviness concealed.
First, I love the ‘bot and Wil chorus in the last panel. It’s a perfect comedy beat.
Logistics question: Pinky’s brother will be planted directly in front of the video console. Is this hypothetical flash going to happen behind him and reflect in the screen? Because he’s probably focusing past the glare. She’ll need to get his attention unless she wants to do some jumping jacks.
I’m thinking getting hip close and then blowing softly into the gamer’s ear might do the trick. Actually, Wil Wheaton might do this with similar effect on the other side, just to cover the bases, so to speak.
I’m not being critical at all—it’s just in my (clears throat) experience, unprepped flashing is best for pool, timed chess, tournament poker, and air hockey . . .
MOST guys have an inert sense that tell them when boobs are being made visible that tells them where and when, but the experienced males also have a second sense added to that the will state “It’s a trap.” or “Try to resist, this is more important.” but that sense is usually ignored. As all should know that boobs are well worth a slap, but for some there are other risks that need to be evaluated such as a wife, girlfriend, women with weapons, or jail bait.
That’s my point. Visual is one thing, tactile quite another.
thanks, Sarah W – glad you liked the beat in that last panel!
and i imagine it going something like, cel hanging out on the side of the cabinet and telling the guy, “hey, i have something to show you.” and then flashing him. he won’t be able to not look, since his peripheral vision will pick that up. then, boom, death by barrel. of course, your “ear blowing” thing would be a much more practical solution. 🙂
you’re right in that one should always go into a potential flashing situation with a plan. and that’s another “The More You Know” tip, so thanks!
Yes, I’m all about the PSA.
Spontaneous flashing is dangerous, kids.
Wear safety equipment and have a plan.
And should only be done by experienced people.
Don’t do this at home… your family may have you sectioned…
sectioned or sanctioned? I’d rather be sanctioned myself – sectioning sounds painful!
Or at least the interestingly endowed.
Which is probably too subjective at judgement call . . .
In my experience, the females are as much pervs as the male. Put one girl in with a bunch of guys, and she’s guaranteed to be at least on par, if not exceeding in building the pervness in the convo.
Also I believe girl groups have way more perv in their private conversations than guys.
I will admit there is some truth to that, but I will state that I can and will keep up with just about anything, its fun to watch people squirm. ^_^
based on my jr. high/high school experiences alone, i would totally agree with you about females being as pervy as males, Chibby. it’s just when girls do it, it’s much cuter than when guys do it. girls can be flirty, guys are just, well, pervs. 🙂
Great one bot 😀
BTW, theyre gonna have another turn? wasnt it one life each? I guess if they are gonna go against him again they are going down
thanks, Eddie!
yep, they each get another turn since each team gets one quarter each. and in Donkey Kong, you start out with 3 lives, and get an extra one at 7000 points, which means each player gets two lives. i might have a character explain this in the strip, or lay it out in the strip notes.
theyre going down 😀
Wow. Bot is getting down and dirty, huh? Love the strip bot. You’ve managed to maintain the momentum of the video game match and yet add a something special. Now I don’t know what I wanna see more: who wins the game or Cel’s boobs. 😉
ha! i can draw those for you anytime you want, MC! (the winners of the game, not cel’s boob, you pervs.) 😉
Beautiful, beautiful. Wil and Jef… they’re either going to become good friends or end up with a rivalry the likes of whitch we’ve never seen before. Dang, I’m just full of philosophical crap today aren’t I.
we like philosophical crap around these parts, Anime fan! as for friends vs. rivalry: it seems no matter what jefbot does, he just can’t help but like Wil. which i’m sure is tearing bot apart inside. heheh.
Hah! Too funny. Yep, guys, especially teenage ones, are pretty much all pervs. But I agree that girls can definitely hold there own.
I agree with Sarah W that if they plan to distract Pinky’s bro, they are going to need to do something physical rather than just flash him. Otherwise, it is liable to be the other teenage boys there who AREN’T fully concentrated on the game who get the show (and Jefbot of course). 😉
yep, girls have no prob holding their own in perviness, shanna. in fact, if i had to call it, i think i’d have to give it to the girls i’ve known to take the crown in pervdom. yes, most definitely.
heheh. giving the “other boys” a show would be horrible for cel, but maybe good for return business? 😉
Hah! I hadn’t thought about return business. Yes, the flash might be a good idea after all!
I would like to contend that guys aren’t pervs, but it seems that girls get to define what that is exactly. On that note, it’s girls who have been the most perverted people I’ve met.
Now, as for the plan, it is only one of a few solutions available. For example, loud music, flashing lights, breaking his jump finger, spilling a drink on him.
However, tit flashing would be an effective prelude to all of this, as it is guaranteed to distract for a good 3 seconds for even the most concentrated gamer. ( i…spelling wrong there somewhere.)
i would agree that girls get to define what makes a perv, Jacob, but it’s probably for the best. heheh. us guys can’t be trusted. and a most emphatic yes for girls being more pervy!
as for your solutions: i contend that, while “flashing” isn’t exactly very sportsmanlike, actually making physical contact with an opponent might be grounds for forfeiture of the game. i like your aggressiveness, though. 🙂
*is a Provert and proud of it* That’s right…I’m a professional!
Infact Hussies and Harlots (the acting troupe I head up)’ tagline is
“Lusty Busty Fun…for the WHOLE Family”
We also have a PSA “Ladies and Gentlemen we are PG-13 comedy act. If your child laughs at anything we do or say…It’s not our fault. We don’t live with you. You should be ashamed!”
As to the comic, the last panel CRACKED me up. The fact that they BOTH said it just made me giggle my fool head off.
And girls can be just as, if not more, pervy than boys. Guys let me let you in on a little secret…When women get together, we talk like SAILORS. We are mostly coquetish (sp?) around you. Cause really, who wants to date “one of the guys”?
Any guy in his right mind would rather date someone that he’s comfortable around, rather than someone who tries to hide what they feel, think, or want to say. ^_^
I didn’t say that you are not comfortable around. Do you really want to date a girl that asks you to “pull her finger” or the other silly games boys play?
I wouldn’t mind, I’ve got my own share of quirks that even I find weird, so a girl that would like to play them kinds of games wouldn’t faze me. ^_^
Oh, Pixie, dear… You do so make me laugh. ^_^
can i share in your Pixie love, AdM? ;D
Of course you can ^_^
“Lusty Busty Fun…for the WHOLE Family” is a perfect tagline, Pixie! you need to bring that show to L.A.. 🙂
and i’m happy today’s strip got some giggles out of you! looks like Wil and the Cornfather make a pretty good comedy duo. heheh.
and regarding your last paragraph, i would vote on the side of “more.” i’ve been privy to some of your “lady conversations” and yeah, you women take perviness to a whole ‘nuther level.
Awww you guys! *blush*
lol can’t wait to see where this goes.Watch the lights go out at a pivotal moment. I’ve always had that happen when I’m trying to be someone’s score or end a game either my rig freezes up or gets abruptly shut off.
I dont’ know what the big deal is. Every time I’m off on a rant the dames I hang out with smoother me with their boobs and say “shh shh shhh its ok let it go.” that’s how they win discussions.
nope, the lights will be staying on, at least for the duration of the DK Battle, Prophet! (but believe me, i thought of ending this story with the Cornfather tripping on a cable. decided to go another way to avoid being lynched. heheh.)
and just to be clear, are these “dames” you speak of paid by the hour? 😉
lol nopers one’s a bestie(Mary ), one’s my bartender and founder of the Shameless burlesque (Holly Peno), the other is a seamstress and burlesque performer ( Aurora Natrix),one is a burlesque performer and S&M model (Morgan La Rue), another friend who bartend’s by my house (Ley), a former stripper/food cordinator thingy turned bartender (Mel),and my girl friend (D)
you lucky dog, you. 😀
An appropriate article….. http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=11/01/11/0649219
i heard about that, SQLGuru! great timing, too. will have to mention that in a blog post.
I had hopes for Pinky… Is she a selective gamer or somthing? She did good with Bot earlier.
Anyway, I object to Cel calling Cornfather and Will by the endearment she has for Jefbot.
She did well on a fairly modern game. Donkey Kong is ancient in her mind. Let’s put it this way, I still lived in Miami when Donkey Kong was out. I’m lived in Tampa 23 years.
Pixie dear that doesn’t count as those of the faie blood don’t age. So you still a juvenile delinquent. Hugs but we loves that about you lol
HURRAY!!!!! *loves the luvins*
yep, you’re right, Pinky’s a selective gamer, Maryz. like Pixie mentioned, she’s good at the modern stuff like DDR (and probably something like New Super Mario Bros. or Mario Galaxy, judging by her Mario outburst in the previous strip), but not this old school stuff. remember, cel took her down easily at Joust.
and cel’s literally calling Wil and the Cornfather “pervs.” no endearment there whatsoever. 🙂
So its endearment in Jefbots case only?
Your comic timing in three/four panels is pretty damn fantastic and I especially appreciate the off-stage chime in. Nicely done.
thanks, dude! i’m a fan of those small, after-the-punchline comments you hear in movies and tv shows, and try and put them in JEFbot whenever appropriate. glad you dug it.
Awww, shame. Poor Bot found out he isn’t the only perv in Cel’s life.
’tis true, Pako. apparently, there’s a lot of perviness in the JEFbot Universe. 😀
Ha! Priceless! Yeah, we guys are all pervs, BUT, that’s why it’d work!
my thoughts exactly, Stan!
Hilarious callback! …and probably the only choice you have at this point! But I trust that Jefbot is a killer gamer… so I think you’re gonna rock those new skool kids off their block!
thanks, and let’s hope so, Funnyshaffer!
Great Strip as always! Can’t wait to see what Cel actually does! Always happy to RT ^_^ Makes my Tuesdays and Fridays much more enjoyable haha.
Tis a shame that we look forward to Fridays so much that it makes it seem so much further away.
hopefully, no matter what cel ends up doing, she’ll stop soliciting the advice of “the boys,” BJT! heheh.
and thanks for the kudos (and the RTs!) – friday’s almost here! 😀
hmm…well.. if Cel doesn’t come through here…maybe a little NSFW fan service? 😉
Sounds like a good opportunity for some donation incentive, Jeff… 😉
ha! when i set up the adult, password-protected JEFbot site, i’ll let you and Stan know, Hans. 😉
Take one for the team Cel!!!!!
you’d fit right in with Wil, bot and the Cornfather, TCG!
That’s the idea. 😉
Guys ARE PERVS. No secret there.
Ladies aren’t. That’s why we’re ladies. (Obviously not all gals are ladies, but who’s really counting?
So yes, jefbot. You’re a perv.
Why, you ask? ‘Cause I – the resident diabolical puertorican victorian goth says so!
Men, women, ladies, herms, and even some robots are pervs, there’s just some that either don’t know it, or don’t admit it, but everyone has the thoughts.
Ladies are not pervs. That’s teh reason they are Ladies. A lady have NO interest whatsoever in being a perv. Flashing is utterly boring. Meh.
Citing the wonderful Danielle Corsetto from Girls with Slingshots: “the “S” word is God’s punishment for POOPING”.
So true.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I think you shall find, my dear, that I have blue blood.
There’s no money or title anymore but I am the granddaughter of a man who should be a Lord. He would be too, if his grandmother hadn’t been disiherited for marrying a man she loved instead of the one the family chose. Her sister’s husband turned out to be a rake and a gambler. Thus the tragic downfall of a noble line…
This means that I should be a Lady. With a capital L.
And I’m as pervy as they come! :p
How does that fit into your world order? :p
wow. a real Lady! i think this ends the debate once and for all; if a true Lady is susceptible to perviness, what chance do the rest of us have?
You have the classiest fans!
Also the perviest fans!
And sometimes they’re the same people!
I’m actually with you there, AdM. Somewhere back in my family line, my great-whatever-grandfather was the bastard son of a duke in Denmark. It might not count for actual lands, titles, or money, but there’s blue blood in my family. Not as close as yours, granted, but it’s there, dammit! 😉
And I’m a perv. I blame my old roommate, though….I was much quieter about being a perv before he came around!
I have Spanish blue blood, dear Angela. My great grand-grand father was a spanish marquis. Not much of money, but he got land that passed down his generation until my grandfather who decided in a whim to grab his wife – the grandaughter of a baron and fleed to Puerto Rico (no idea why, mind you! Who knows what was going on in their minds?!). My father – who was born in Puerto Rico – married the daughter of a land owner in this tiny island (in Puerto Rico, there are no titles, but whoever had land had money or some amount of political power).
Meh. I don’t remember any pervness from my mother or my grandmother… but then again who knows what happens (or happened) behind CLOSED doors. (And I have NO interest whatsoever in finding out!!!!)
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I just ask dad and he told me that, yes, indeed he has a marquis title, but who in their right mind would use it here in Puerto Rico? The people here would think he’s either insane or trying to be better than anyone else. My mom keeps insisting we’re indeed ladies.
Meh. Who would have thought that my mom would be such a stuck up about that? (is the quiet ones you got to worry about!!!!!)
Fear the diabolical spanish blue blooded puertorican victorian goth of doom!!!!! FEAR ME!!!! My kingdom will be dark and bloody!!
P.S. Angela, you promised me a dark and bloody kingdom! Where is it going to be located?
When The Network takes over the world, there will be many places in need of a trusted ruler.
Is there anywhere in particular you would like? I’ll write your name on the Official Map of Dibs.
How about near a historic and lovely cementary? I would enjoy that very much. (Most of the cementaries in Puerto Rico are full of concrete!!! ;_;
I want a nice one with grass and trees and old tombstones and the likes.
A “lady” is a woman that thinks she is too good to be grouped with other women, just as a “gentleman” is just a man that thinks he is too good to be with other men.
I rather have a gentleman than a perv. Gentlemen know how to valz!!
I also know how to “valz” but I don’t dance period. Watching a 300+ pound man with huge twin left feet isn’t pretty in the least, and someone always gets hurt. The extent of me doing what some call dancing is jiggling like jello in a chair to the beat of the music. XD
agreed: guys are pervs, and, being a guy, i accept the perviness inherent in dudes. but i submit to you that girls (and yes, even diabolical puertorican victorian goth ladies) have much perviness in their dna, too. the entire world is perv’d, Sonitan!!! bwuahahahahahaha! 😀
If you say so. But I’m not. So then NOT the entire world is perv, dear jef.
Meh. Being asexual I got no interst in pervness, but I find it intersting that so many people do. Can be kind of funny to watch it sometimes, but most of the times is just perplexing.
So, following your previous thinking: Almost the entire world is perv.
*jumps up and down waving* OH OH ME!!! i would use a Marquessa Title in Puerto Rico! I’d have the GD sash and tiara and everything! Lil minions running around and mancubs as far as the eye can see!
That being said… As far as lady/perv debate goes, there are appropriate situations for both. As in, When meeting someone for the first time, you would not run up, slap them on the a$$ and wolf whistle. You would shake hands, say “How do you do? It’s a pleasure to meet you, My name is..” what have you.
On the other side of the coin, if I am in my costume (especially a hussy one) I will wolf whistle, blow kisses and catcall a guy til he turns red. Then I ususally say something like “Sir I mean no harm I only wanted you to know what it feels like. Not that I want you to stop, I just want you to know what it feels like.” pervy comments are funny when they are done correctly. Like (I know it’s tired) “that’s what she said”. When said at the appropriate moment, this can be hysterical.
And I, The Puerto Rican Hussy of Decorum, make it so.
I’m a perv i’m a perv, i’m a perv oh,
I’m a perv i’m a perv, i’m a perv oh,
I’m a perv i’m a perv, oh oh oh i’m a perv.
(To the tune of Rock Me Amadeus)
Believe it bot, back to blight the blog with occasionally alliterative nonsense.
This catch up has been a lot of fun, congrats on the new botcave btw.
Recently i’ve had to put aside the perving, which aint all bad cos i now have free reign to perv on my gf. Unlike my FFVIII days though, attempting to summon this gf to annihilate my enemies is likely to result in her annihilating me instead. Ho hum, guess i’ll just have to settle for the licence to perv!
see, now you’ve got “Rock Me Amadeus” stuck in my head, Deaconvorbis, and i have no doubt it’ll be lodged in there for the next couple’a days (at least!).
glad you’re all caught up! whatcha been up to? been missing you over here.
thanks for the congrats on the new BOTcave! still getting organized but getting closer to settling in.
free reign to perv on your gf is a great way of looking at it! heheh. safer, too. 😉
I think i used the wrong email addy for my gravatar
that’s exactly what i did, things to remember next time i do a fresh linux install:- remeber which fscking email addy the gravatar is under, d’oh!
yay! penguin goku’s back! 😀
All humans above the age of twelve are pervs to varying levels of pervitude. And Jefbot is still gonna have to haul some major @$$ to pull this off.
Also, I am very happy right now after kicking much butt on the Black Ops a little while ago. Although I did barely managed to fail a contract literally like one or two seconds before I got the required number of kills. It sucked. B(
affirmative on both those statements (all humans are pervs & jefbot needing to haul major @$$), Fijiman! i think i already had some perviness at 10, though. maybe earlier. heheh. 😉
i still haven’t gotten Black Ops! i think my next game’s gonna be Assassin’s Creed II or Darksiders when i get my apartment in order, finally. i still have a bit of FPS fatigue after back-to-back Modern Warfare 2/Mass Effect 2/Halo: Reach. although after hearing my friends talk about Black Ops, i’m starting to get the shooter itch again.
Black Ops is really good. Best part is that I’ve seen little to no sign of modders, hackers (although some of my friends and I came up with the term Tomahacked for when you get bankrupt), or lag-switchers. Of course that doesn’t mean there aren’t still a lot of BSers out there.(guys who kill you even though you were shooting at them first/the last three minutes)
Hmmmm… yeah. Most of us chaps are somewhat pervy…
Comes with the testosterone, I’m told.
i think perviness must come from testosterone and estrogen, Samuraiartguy. 🙂
Actually, women have testosterone too, and it even has a lot to do with perviness in women! Go figure. But too much and you end up with a very unladylike mustache. 😉
I’m NOT speaking from experience on the too much = mustache part. I just really felt the need to add that.
I have to agree with the guys. Sorry Cel. XD
YES! thanks, dj. maybe your vote will get cel pointed in the right direction with this. 😉
Who else saw this coming miles away?
i take it you did, Sk1nn4h. congrats.
Muahhahahahahahaha……..cant wait to see cel’s boobs…OWWWW
got punched by Cel….
ha! just watch out for her kick, jf#300! she might just kick you through a wall. 😉
hmmm Maybe just a saucy wink then? I told you guys the perfect way to distract a player is to give them a wet willie. You try to concentrate on a game when someone sticks a saliva covered digit into your ear i daaare you
a saucy wink could go a long way, Jiro Maeda! of course, she’d need to distract him first, so that wet willie idea would definitely come in handy. 🙂
Hey everyone! I am ill and sleep deprived but I found my happy again, woo! Thank you to everyone who sent my cuddles and love and good thoughts. You guys rock and one day I shall bother you in person to tell you so (that reminds me: must win the lottery…)
I think it’s safe to say that nobody will disagree when I call myself a proud pervert. Or a delightful deviant. Or a shameless, brazen hussy. ^_^
Would you like to know more? ^_^
Aww, look how bright-tailed and bushy-eyed ‘bot is in that second panel! ^_^ (Yes, I know what I said)
Ha! Sucks to be you, Pinkie! You’re going down!
Aww, c’mon, Cel! Take one for the team! I’m not asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do; I’m not above a little public flashing if it’ll help out a friend. ^_^ But, as Shanna & ESQ know, I draw the line at streaking – full frontal nudity is a private thing for private parties. :p
WOO, indeed, AdM! glad you found your happy again – i was worried about you. “cuddles, love and good thoughts” are a good prescription for whatever ails ya, methinks. (so we might just have to give you more to cure your illness and sleep deprivation, now!)
proud pervert, delightful deviant, shameless, brazen hussy – i like all those definitions! heheh. you definitely make them all look good.
yep, jefbot is totally happy at the chance of victory in that second panel. cel might have to just “take one for the team” so as not to dash his dreams!
and the fact that shanna and ESQ know where you draw the line is interesting in and of itself. 😀
Hehe, bright-tailed and bushy-eyed….I use that one when people wake me up before noon. Usually while groping for my dagger, but that’s a whole ‘nother story….
Glad to see your happy’s back, though; it makes me sad when you’re sad.
punch them! punch them hard, Cel!
and that Cornfather guy… definitely knows when to show up :D.
and by the way.. whats with the name? cornfather? does it have any special meaning?
punches are definitely one way to settle this, supersonic cucumber! especially if cel doesn’t hold back like she did with jefbot a couple strips back. heheh.
yeah, the Cornfather’s kind of hovering on the sidelines, watching the show while eating his popcorn, and pops in when he needs to. he’s professional like hat. 😉
and the Cornfather’s name comes from the “real-life” nickname of his inspiration, my buddy Michael Cornacchia, who happens to really really really like The Godfather. and anything italian, really.
see? even your own webcomic characters want to see rule34 of her LOL!!
they’re lucky arcade machines aren’t like pinball (with the pendulum balancer) or hitting it could have caused it to tilt.
original mario bros was so much freaking fun to play, I’m sure he’ll do it.
ha! i think you’re right, John. let’s just hope Rule 34 doesn’t get applied to cel just by virtue of Wil, bot and the Cornfather wishing it were so!
Pinky should definitely not be hitting that classic arcade cabinet. if it did malfunction, i think the win would automatically go to Team WheatZee.
i loved the original Mario Bros.! i remember first seeing it at this bowling alley i used to go to. sunk so many quarters into that machine.
I’m going to go so far as to say that the guy may be so one with the machine that even if Cel were to streak through the store, he wouldn’t see anything. However, I’m thinking, that if someone were to cosplay one of those crazy cat chicks that barely wear anything, he may go all fanboy and loose.
But those are two different webcomics. Am I right there jefbot?
Did someone suggest Neko cosplay? ^_^ *purrs*
I have no pictures of that outfit. And I have no plans to fix this while I am staying with family or back at the flat. Wait ’til I have my own place again. Then, MAYBE I will have pictures taken… And not show them to you :p
That’s not nice. 🙁
Sign me up for pics when you do Angela hun. Want to see if my pet should be kitty or pony.
here’s something no one wants to see: a pic of me doing some cat cosplay for a short film i did last year.
Cute! I considered doing a sexy wolf costume for Halloween, but that got sidetracked when I was cast in that movie. Maybe this year….
saw that film when you linked it. Made my eyes bleed. Funny as hell but you in that lion outfit and then the plot welllllll. Laughed as I was screaming lol
I love your I Was a Cat movie. I think it is totally made of awesome. It is so totally funny, but you did a really great job cause it is so easy to imagine you are talking to a girl and not a cat.
while i agree that it would be very hard to break Pinky’s brother’s concentration, i do think that cel flashing him would do the trick, Bl4ckw0lf. but yes, cat cosplay would most probably only help. heheh.
and you’re right in thinking that those scenarios would be featured in webcomics other than this one. 😉
TAKE IT OFF, CEL! XD Just kidding.
Cornfather seems to be running low on his popcorn… Or are we just viewing the bag at an odd angle?
woo! another vote for cel to take it off! 😉
the Cornfather definitely needs more popcorn, rinthia. maybe he’ll get a refill between this strip and the next.