Antagonizing teenagers or gloating in their faces is usually a bad idea. jefbot would be wise to remember this.
The DK Battle tally as it stands so far is:
Pinky & Bro: 129,500
Wil Wheaton & jefbot: 125,400
Wil and bot may be a bit behind at the moment but each player in the game has another life left, so don’t count anybody out just yet. And since there’s been some questions about how the game is set up, here’s a brief explanation:
In Donkey Kong you get three lives at the start of the game and one extra life when the score reaches 7,000 (or 10,000 depending on the machine) so, in this case, each team gets four lives for a total of two “Jumpmen” each. Now that every player has played once, they each get one more shot to add to their team’s score. In essence, the pressure is now on. (Yes, like Donkey Kong.)
Belated congratulations on the 300th! I’m still enjoying the strip!
hey! haven’t seen you in a while, #1JF! and lookee here, you’ve done gotten the top spot, interrupting Tiana’s near record-breaking streak. the Shades of Firsting are yours. wear them well: 😎
and thanks for the congrats! still can’t believe i’ve done over 300 strips now.
Aw, darn…I was hoping to wear the Shades of Firsting onstage tomorrow when my show opens. Oh well, next time, muahahaha.
your Shades of Firsting backtobacktoback Threepeat will go down in the record books, Tiana! you and AdM share the crown for that feat, so you can wear that during your show. 😉
and what show was it? how’d it go?
I like dem apples.
i’m happy you like ’em, joenis! they’re quite tasty. 😉
lol, i love the splooosh! although it really reminds me of Holes.. : )
i take it you’re talking about the Holes novel or movie, emikae? i’ve never read or watched it, but is there a “sploosh” i’m missing out on?
in the book (and in the movie too I think) Stanley and Zero find these jars of spiced peaches while stuck in the desert, and Zero calls the stuff Sploosh.
Really vague and barely intelligible answer in an attempt to avoid any spoilers >.<
I am resisting the temptation to spoil. It BURNSSSSSS
okay, now you all have made me want to watch the movie. putting it in my Netflix queue…
Ahhhh scorned flirt buddy your rage taste of Mt. Dewy goodness. Seriously bot you should know better then that. You don’t gloat till YOU’VE WON. Then you laugh and point as you dance of the bodies of your defeated.
Excellent work as ussual Jeff. Your art has really improved and become much more defined. So now that you’ve gotten there are we gonna see the comic five days a week?? (asks with crossed fingers)
You do realize that he has a “real” job and thus frequently stays up most of the night Mon and Thurs to get the strips finished, right? As a harem member and Jeff protector, I’ve gotta say “Are you nuts?” We don’t want to kill poor Jeff, although I do admit it would be pretty sweet to get strips 5 days a week. It’s totally not worth it.
Like we don’t nag him to get more sleep as it is. As awesome a Jeffbot is, I’m sure it doesn;t pay the bills just yet.
Not saying kill himself, asking if he thinks if he could make this full time. That all. Don’t want the Sir of the comic in hospital.
point taken, Will B: *pencils in notebook*: gloat after winning.
got it! 😀
and i appreciate you wanting to see more strips but as shanna and Pixie mentioned, with my work schedule, it’s just not possible at the moment. i’m getting faster at putting the strips together, though, so a three-strips-a-week schedule isn’t out of the question this year, but even that would have dire consequences on my sleep pool. something to strive for, though!
Oooh…wow, she’s a sore going-to-be-loser! Wonder what she’ll do when (if) Team Bot wins? Should be vastly entertaining….
I love the hair-in-the-face kicked puppy look on Bot’s face. That’s just too cute, lol!
glad you liked jefbot’s drenched look in that last panel, Tiana. heheh. Pinky’s definitely a sore loser and probably has some anger management issues, as well. 🙂
woohoo…..jefbot fan with numbers……darn….could have been mine the sdaes of firstness
ha! yes, just 299 numbers off, jf#300! 😉
You’re NOT suppose to gloat UNTIL you won, jef.
Heh. I may be neutral to Pinky… but right now I like her. Splashing anyone’s face with bitter soda drinks is a lot of fun. Specially when the burning of the eyes begin. Oh, yeah. Good times.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
*evil gloat of doom*
jefbot’s definitely learned that lesson after this, Sonitan! well, maybe. he does tend to let his enthusiasm get the better of him in most circumstances.
and now it scares me that you’re identifying with Pinky! bad, Sonitan. bad! 😉 (actually, you might just identify with jefbot a tiny bit in the next strip…)
Nice blur on pinky’s cup!
Hell hath no fury like a teen whose revenge is going belly-up.
Or so I’ve heard.
thanks, Sarah! glad you liked the blur. and your “Hell hath no fury” quote is something to keep in mind when dealing with teens, fo sho!
Jefbot should have just hide soewhere to laugh his ass off. Now he is just being a di*k and is actualy surprised he gets a negative reaction?
Oh, and shouldnt Cel be the one who soaks Jefbot in something every time they meet?
Love the cup with arcade logo by the way.
I have finaly got to see the TRON: Legacy yesterday!
After all the negative rewiews I had small expectations but I was very pleasantly surprised! Sure the fact that they obviously count with a sequel is taking the plot down a notch but they still did better than most other scriptwriters with that mentality. And thats it for plot, I wont spoil.
I just object to idiocy of some of the people in our country that make you wear the 3D glases troughout the whole movie. Helloooo? Poor people that were watching it with me didnt know that you are only supposed to use those glasses on the grid. On the positive note they didnt dub it so I got to hear the original voices. And music ROCKS!
i’m so torn on T:L, Maryz! i’m thinking of blogging a review of it just to get some thoughts worked out on (digital) paper. i did enjoy a lot of what it had to offer, and in some ways i’m not sure i could ever be satisfied since i love the original so much, but i just feel like they threw away so much potential and got a lot of fundamental things wrong about the TRON universe. but yes, the music does indeed ROCK (a good percentage of my unpacking/organizing my new apartment was done to the T:L soundtrack)!
did your showing really only bust out the 3D when on the grid? i saw it in IMAX 3D and you definitely needed to be wearing the glasses the entire time. it didn’t utilize the 3D much until Sam got zapped but you needed to have the glasses on throughout the movie, otherwise the image was all blurry.
agreed, Maryz: jefbot is being kind of a dick by gloating in Pinky’s face but he does have a history of letting his emotions get the best of him, which generally gets him in trouble.
and bot getting doused is just a recurring act in the strip; cel doesn’t have to be the one doing the dousing.
Them apples is bitter apples but sometimes one must eat them just the same. That is to say, Suck it Pinky!!
ha! well said, Jed. 😀
Oh HELL naw! See? Now I gots ta shank a B***h!
Bendito Our Dear Exhaulted One. I think cel should whip up on pinky then toss her and her brother out and ban them for life. But what do I know…I have a temper.
The blur is awesome! Love it! And the look on Jeffbot’s face, just down and out.
Let us not forget that it has NEVER been wise for a boy/man to try and rub something into a girl’s/woman’s face. Especially when said girl/woman has something in her hands, such as a drink or metal object.
oh, how jefbot might wish you were a character in the crowd, Pixie! i’m sure he’d love for you to “shank a B***h” right about now. HA!
and glad you liked the artwork and expressions!
Doggon it bot! Don’t bring your ego in until you’ve DESTROYED the enemy. Then bring up the apples! Destroy, then apples!! Capiche?
destroy then apples. destroy then apples. lesson learned (for now) TCG!
Bot better remember that forever! Not just now!!
Yea Jefbot, gloating before the end is not cool. It’s no wonder you got a soda to the face. But hey, he’s only human. We all gloat sometimes. 😀 Team WheatZee better back that with some serious points this round, of Team Pinky’s gloating is going to be unbearable!
Nice artwork. I, too, love the action shot of the cup. And the drowned rat Jefbot. Poor guy is gonna be all sticky for the second round. That sucks.
“we all gloat sometimes.” – yep! especially when caught in the moment of a video game battle, shanna!
as for whether or not Team WheatZee can back up the gloating or if they’re gonna get some reciprocal gloating, will be answered in the next couple’a strips. stay tuned. 🙂
thanks for the artwork kudos! and yeah, being sticky with corn syrup sucks.
We missed you at dinner with Auntie Cynthia and Auntie Amy last night, but everyone understood your absence. Ya gotta get Jefbot strip done and you’re always incredibly busy anyway. Auntie Cyn was saying she doesn’t understand these video game strips(and some of your Tweets-She’s been reading them!). I told her that it’s funny because it seems like everyone else reading the strip does. I think she’ll get this one – Sploosh!
thanks for the update on the dinner, sis! hated to miss it but i’m glad everybody understood. …although i’m frightened at the news that Auntie Cyn’s been reading my tweets. 😉
she should be disqualified for such behavior, that is unacceptable.
BTW, Bot, I found Dune after 3 years of looking for it here in this hickstate. Im so happy
Almost all other Dune books can be found around here if you search for them but not Dune itself. Its maddening!
yeah man, all the sequels, but never the original, like WTF 😀 but yea I have it now 😀
if jefbot hadn’t gotten in her face and gloated so hard before she threw the soda, or if she had done that while he was playing, it totally would’ve been grounds for disqualification, Eddie. but as it stands, cel (the referee, basically) understood Pinky’s behavior and is giving her a pass. looks like bot and Wheaton won’t be getting a free pass for the win, tho. 🙂
and i remember you and/or Maryz talking about not being able to find Dune waaaaaay back – glad you finally found it!!! such a great novel. that’s one of the great things about books going digital with the Kindle, iPad, Nook, etc. – basically, books won’t go out of print and they’ll be available to a wider audience.
I still love the smell of fresh print, the grain of the paper under my fingers, those bulky juicy fat books, hundreds of pages filled with marvelous story. If books will ever go only digital I would shed a tear that day.
Just says why you don’t sass someone with a drink that doesn’t know how to play video games. Just think what would have happened if her aim were as bad as her common sense, she might have damaged the game. 🙁
I am now taking donations for the “Bribe Cel and The Harem to flash everyone” foundation. Anyone that wishes to donate money or other forms of bribery let me know.
*grabs Red by the ear* Excuse me?
I don’t stutter, especially when I type. 😛 You know exactly what I said and I regret nothing. ^_^
Red, I regret to inform you that you are hitting the proverbial wasps nest here and that you will be missed (by most) if said nest-hitting continues.
I know what I’m doing. They won’t hurt me, I’m too lovable. ^_^
Thank you for your concern though.
You? Lovable?
HA! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Perhaps in your dreams. Only cats are lovable and I already got plenty of those to take care of my cravings.
*goes into doomsday devices vault of doom*
You’re SO asking for it.
OOOOOOO! She’s gettin’ the big guns out now. This is getting fun. ^_^
*grabs lawn chair, assorted snacks, and video camera and sets up on top of nearby hill behind protective barriers* What? If you’re gonna incur the wrath of every female here, I’m at least gonna film it for future reference.
Not quite EVERY female here, but most. And yes, I am good reference material on “How Not to Act if You Want to Live”. Though if i thought one of them lived within driving distance of me, I would be a bit more careful.
This part of the harem will not be doing any flashing. I think it’s safe to say that most/all the rest of the harem will agree. So bribe all you want – it’s not happening! 😛
Awwww, that’s no fun… What if I gave a puppy dog face? Would that help?
Pzzzzz… I have no love for dogs and pervs, so puppy eye until your face melt or something.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Hey Red, maybe we should flash the harem? Once or twice of that ought to blind them into being more submissive!
Me flashing people has been linked to random car accidents four states away, so I’m not sure its such a good idea…
*roll eyes of doom*
Any type of flashing will incur in the use of the evil flamethrower of doom. The only good flash is one that is extra burnt and crispy.
Flash at your own risk.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
yeah, hopefully she didn’t get any soda on the DK cabinet, Red! i used to hate going to the arcade and using sticky buttons and such. nasty. unfortunately, it happened all too often back then.
as for your flashing bribe, i think the Harem has spoken and you’ve gotten your answer. 🙂
I know, I kinda figures that would be the answer, but I had to try anyway. Can you blame me? They all look good. ^_^
great strip!
thanks, sister?
If my eyes don’t decieve me, that was Mountain Dew. PINKY’S GOING FOR A SUGAR RUSH!! It actually is really effective. I was high as a kite on something sugary when I hit over 6 mil on pinball on the computer.
I’ve often heard that Mountain Dew’s hyper-rush comes from it being the highest in caffeine of any soda pop; but that may just be urban legend, like the one about Dr Pepper being carbonated prune juice. 🙂
thats right, its carbonated cherry juice.
i’m not sure what Dr. Pepper’s made from, Kim and Anime fan, but i can tell you, the kind with natural sugar (as opposed to corn syrup) totally tasted like prune juice to me! much prefer the “regular” version.
you may be right, Anime fan – i seem to do better at videogames when i’m on some sort of rush, whether it be from sugar or caffeine. always wanted to do a more scientific study on this as my conclusions are more anecdotal than anything.
Was it at least a refreshing flavor? I love her nose in the second frame!
Excellent job!
jefbot does like Mountain Dew, Funnyshaffer, so yeah, it was probably somewhat refreshing. 😉
I still desire to know of Musashi…
Tim Buckley is bringing [b][i]SCOTT[/i][/b] back, and he’s been gone for forever. Isn’t it time we saw our favorite hamster again?
i’m familiar with Tim Buckley’s webcomic, TiNtWYLF, but “Scott” doesn’t ring a bell. which character is that?
and we’ll be coming back to Musashi’s story this year, most definitely, but it’s going to be one of the biggest stories i’ve done (and one of the most fictional), so it’s going to take a while to get there. i’m shooting for the summer months, so hang on! 😀
OMG I totally forgot about Musashi. AND ABRAXAS. We were so worried about getting Cel back that we left out the animals.
Abraxas will return to the strip before Mu does, dj. he’s probably wondering where the Cornfather and jefbot have been all day, right about now. 🙂
Wow, you really did post early! I should’ve stayed up just a bit longer, but I was SO exhausted; and anyway, I would’ve felt guilty about insider trading, I mean insider firsting. 😉
Panel 2: I really love seeing a frisky jefbot drawn in profile; he looks so cute! I also love when you use such old-fashioned expressions as “How you like them apples!?” (or at least, so it must seem to Pinky, even though ‘bot did suppress the customary “do” to make it more street, hehe).
Panel 4: Great understated remark by Wil… exactly what I would’ve said, if I do say so myself.
So now that Pinky has thrown a drink, can’t cel kick her out for violating the dreaded “no horseplay” rule that every arcade seems to have?
By the way, what the heck does “Poo Yan!” mean?
i can’t even remember the last time i actually finished the strip before midnight, Kim Fugal. gotta be months. i liked it, though! hoping i can get the next strip done as early.
glad you liked jefbot’s profile! someday, i’m going to have to make a maquette of him, just to see how he’d work in three dimensions. i’m afraid his hair might only be able to exist in two, though.
happy to know Wil’s comment rang true for you! i’d probably say the same thing, too. heheh.
cel might be justified throwing Pinky out, but jefbot was kind of asking for it, so she’s going to let it go. she’ll be keeping an eye on jefbot and Pinky in the future, though. (actually, when i say “the future” i’m actually saying “the next strip.”)
was wondering if anybody would mention jefbot’s exclamation, Kim! it’s kind of a derivative of “BooYah!” but in bot’s videogame-riddled brain, it comes out “PooYan!” in reference to the classic ’80s game, Pooyan. 😀
Interesting… according to the link, “Pooyan” means “little pigs” in Japanese. I guess jefbot was taunting Pinky more than he thought!
heheh. true, Kim. good thing the probability of Pinky knowing the Pooyan reference is nil.
Awesome strip Jeff. Can’t wait to see round two.
I went to go see Tangled today. I must say that it is a very good movie and would recommend that you see it. Otherwise, all I have to say about the movie is: All fear the frying pan!
thanks, Fijiman! working on the next one tonight. 🙂
wanted to see Tangled when it was at the Disney theater near me (the El Capitan.) now TRON: Legacy is there, so i might just have to find it at a local multiplex or wait for Blu-ray. glad to hear you recommending it.
You should go find a place where both are playing and see both one right after the other.
MAybe Wil or Jef should flash Pinky during her turn and see if it helps?
Damn it Man I love you! This is why ESQ keeps you around. You are awesome!
We want to distract not scar the Brat child hose bag for life DorkKing. See if she scarred for life she won’t come back to spend more quarters at Cels arcade ever. If she mad it just a bit. Gotta think these things through. Geesh.
LOL Sorry Will, my bad!
ha! yes, but seeing how Pinky’s underage and all (not to mention many of the kids watching the goings-on), the authorities would probably have to get involved. Wil and bot getting carted away by the police would be a twist ending no one saw coming, though! 😀
At least you didn’t use the line from “Good Will Hunting, II” ack. I almost saw it there in the end.
been a while since i’ve seen the movie, Bl4ckw0lf. how did that scene end? Matt Damon’s character got the girl’s number, right? then said the “apples” line to her would-be suitor. but i can’t remember what happened next.
The line he referring too is actually in Jay and Silent Bob strike back. “How do like them apples?” Comes from dude that Will humiliates in diner. Then Matt Damons charter says applesauce and pulls out a shotgun and shoots dude.
thanks, Will B! i don’t remember that scene at all from J&SBSB (actually, i barely remember any scenes from that movie.) brain must be going. 😉
Gettin it on like Donkey Kong. -eye roll- XD
Bot got slapped by a glacier XD
heheh. Pinky definitely chilled bot out, literally, dj. 🙂
The moral of the story is this: if you’re going to taunt a teenager, always be sure to have a drink with ice cubes in it to dump down their shirt if they do something like that to you in response.
true that, John. or at least be ready to dodge! but then of course, Wil might have taken the Dew to the face instead of jefbot. 🙂
Awesome on a stick…as usual. Poor, poor Pinky…somebody needs to put that kid in her place!
Hey I’m someone! I should do it!
Just lemme get the roofies.
thanks, Alana! yes, Pinky needs some comeuppance. if she and her brother end up winning this thing, there might be no end to her brattiness!
*Prepares several buckets of dark cola* WHERE DO YOU WANT ‘EM, JEFBOT?
thanks, rinthia! you can put them over there next to the DK machine. might need those if Pinky and her bro win.
Just what i needed, a good laugh when hungover, brings to mind my favourite Governator quote:
Conan, what is best in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Kinda needs the ‘roid jockey Austrian accent though.
thanks, Deaconvorbis! sorry about the hangover, but glad the laughs helped!
and pretty much everything sounds better spoken in a “‘roid jockey Austrian accent” no? 😉
Touché, now you can look for yourself.
Edit: I sense a disturbance in the apples…
hmmm… a “disturbance in the apples,” Sk1nn4h? let’s hope that means that Wil and bot will be making applesauce out of Pinky and her bro! 🙂
Really powerful, bot. I mean the splash seems almost too real. Love it. I’m a little lost on the scoring but luckily the pretty colors in your strip are distracting. Again, really good work, bot.
thanks, dude! all you have to know is, at this point, the two teams are pretty much tied. more pretty colors soon! 😉