and even though i finished early, i could not fall asleep right away. not sure if it was the sugar from some orange juice i drank right before bed or anticipating a trip to the dentist in the morning but it took me a couple hours to finally fall asleep. the universe just wants me sleep deprived, methinks. grrr…
BTW just a little request I think would be cool, can you make a last arcade/ donkey kong challenge/Bot & Cel together kind of wallpaper? it would be awesome I think
thanks, Eddie! glad you’re liking this one so much.
and i think that’s a great idea about the wallpaper – especially since this storyline has turned into an epic! if i have time in the next week or so, i’ll try and draw something up. 😀
Okay bot did deserve that. But that said. KILL THAT B*&$H. Die Pinky Die. *clears throats* Mean that is most distresing. Something must be done about Dk freak. I think that dislocating fingers will do the trick. *hands Sonita a ballpin hammer and a mop* “Sic em.’
Don’t do it, bot!!! Hahahahahahahahah…. I love the facial expressions in the third panel. Who knew video gaming could be so stressful? That’s why I stick with drinking. 😀 Great work, bot.
you and mom both hate people watching you play, Lor! especially drives mom crazy when i give her over-the-shoulder pointers when she’s playing Bejeweled. 😀
Youch…speaking from experience, hot coffee does not feel good when applied to face…but I think Pinky deserves it, so go, JB! Especially with the finger in the face. I’ve been known to dislocate fingers that get that close to my face.
“speaking from experience,” Tiana!? yikes! but glad you’re giving jefbot consent to scald Pinky, although i’m afraid throwing it in her face might be a tad extreme. maybe he should just poor a little on her foot or something. heheh. and since you have a little violence in you, maybe you and Sonitan should team up for some retribution on Pinky?
I work in a restaurant part-time (expected, I know, an actor in a restaurant, lol), and there was a coffee incident. Lucky me, it wasn’t boiling hot, but man…!
A little violence? Well, yes, maybe just a smidge…But I manage to keep it in check most of the time! However, teaming up with Sonitan would be epic fun!
the Ren and Stimpy lover in me really wants jefbot to throw that hot coffee at Pinky, Rod. but yeah, that might be a little R-rated for violence (especially to a minor.) 😀
yeah, when Pinky sees jefbot open that coffee lid, she definitely knows she’s in trouble, Sarah W. and if jefbot decides to throw the coffee on her, it’s most definitely too late. (so it’s not just your crankiness making you think that.) 🙂
i totally thought about mentioning the GTA “Hot Coffee” reference in the strip notes, Angelsquid, but then realized i’d have to explain the reference and didn’t wanna go there. awesome that you gamer/readers can bring it up so i don’t have to!!! 😀
It’s been quite some time since I last posted, but were I in ‘bots position there would be a blazing “Shoryuken” to her chin with a “Get back in the kitchen!” tag line. Though I also admire his restraint. Keep it up =)
good thing jefbot doesn’t know how to do a “blazing shoryuken,” Twigus Maximus, or Pinky would be in even more trouble right about now! maybe bot can give her a little java hadouken?
Go for it BOT! *wants to jump on Pinky and start tearing at her hair.*
Is it me, or is Pinky getting less and less attractive in every comic? Like Jeff is starting to see her as nothing more than a bratty kid instead of the “pretty good gamer” he saw before? Kind of like a Nanny McPhee thing? Anyway, It is BRILLIANT!
Oh cel, you old softy. Ya should ahve let him toss it in her face! *cough cough& Oh..ummm that was Will!
yeah, tear her hair out, Pixie, so jefbot doesn’t get disqualified for doing anything too violent! heheh.
i think you’re right: Pinky is getting more and more unattractive. if she starts growing warts, big ol’ teeth and random hairs on her face, you’ll know i’ve taken that “Nanny McPhee” thing you mentioned too far. 😉
On a continuation of the soda spin we were on last page, Mr. Pibb, Coca Colas’ spinoff of Dr. Pepper is labled on the can. Spicy cherry soda. So thats my only lead on Dr. P. being a cherry soda of some nature.
i love me some Mr. Pibb, Anime fan. sometime i like it even more than Dr. Pepper. but if i was on a deserted island and all that, i think i’d have to go with DP. doesn’t taste like cherry to me, though.
It looks like what took her so long was she might have been contemplating letting him do it. XD
I would have let him. Gloat for gloat, splash for splash. ^_^
i’m sure there must’ve been some part of cel that wouldn’t have minded a coffee-covered Pinky, Red, but luckily (for all involved, really) her rational mind won out.
thanks, Funnyshaffer! and yeah, Pinky, definitely needs to learn a lesson. maybe not a lesson that could be taught by being scalded in the face by hot coffee…
Jus!That’s the villain I know Jefbot can be!I love panel 3 Jebot has evil hair and evil eyes as he’s uncapping the coffee. I can even hear the sound,like when Darth Vader comes in through a door!The hissing sound just adds to the threat. Great work
On other news finally ordered transformers: war on cybertron for the ps3 finally! I hope to get to play as Grimlock.
I’m wondering if bot has the Dethklok Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle runing through his mind in pannel three.
How can he possibly resist? T’were me in the same position two amazing noises would be heard for miles around; here ear splitting scream all the way to ER and morphine, and my maniacal laughter all the way to gaol.
You guys in the US still call it ER right? Over here there’s a new naming convention every few years just to confuse the hell out of drunken teens who for some strange reason find the best way to spend their Fri/Sat night is to muller themselves on cheep alcopops then go pick fights in the Accident and Emergency/Casualty Dept. of the nearest hospital. One of the reasons i try never to injure myself at the weekend, and have become fairly adept at patching up those random injuries that just wont wait for Sunday.
Yes it the still the er (the p.c monkeys haven’t gotten to it yet) and in the college town near here it the same problem of kids. So hospital a good place to avoid the weekends lol
if that song had been playing in the arcade, jefbot would’ve thrown the coffee in Pinky’s face for sure Deaconvorbis!!!
yep, we still call it the ER, but what are alcopops? are they like lollypops made with alcohol? and if so, where can i pick some up? 😉
man, that “picking fights in the ER” trend sounds crazy! i’ve taken friends to the ER a few times over the past couple years and it’s a horrible place even without random, drunken fights breaking out.
I think he’s referencing those alcoholic energy drinks that were pulled from the shelf after kids kept getting alcohol poisoning because they didn’t realize how drunk they were getting; the energy portion kept them from feeling the effects.
Sorry man, over here ‘alcopops’ was the blanket term moral outrage employed in labelling fruity, sweet, spirit based, very easy to drink and rather cheap to buy alcoholic drinks introduced over here in the early ’90s, which became incredibly popular with under-age drinkers at the time due to the fact there is very little discernible alcoholic taste. Brands include Two Dogs (lemonade style), WKD, Bacardi Breezer and Smirnoff Ice.
Do it! Dooooo iiiiiitttttt! OK, not really, but it sure would be sweet revenge, wouldn’t it? Well, except for the fact that she’d probably sue you for burning her with hot coffee.
I guess one rotten apple does spoil the bunch. Nobody likes the apples anymore. 😛 Yea, I know that was totally lame.
How could Pinky have seemed so sweet when she is really such a little snotball?
yeah, cel probably wouldn’t have been too happy with jefbot had he gotten her sued and the arcade shut down, shanna. i’m just glad she was around to stop him. 🙂
yep, like you said, them apples was rotten!
and i guess the heat of classic, videogame competition brings out the true colors in snotballs! (ew. sounds gross.)
Yes, almost an entire month of nothing but video games, web comics, and Youtube. Good times, good times. The local school system is not likely to do that again but I don’t care because this is my last year of school unless I go to college.(not quite sure about that yet)
*diabolical laugh of doom*
You were right, jef. I TOTALLY identify with you this time!
Too bad Cel prevented the most needed lesson for the brat. Perhaps I should ask her to explain one of the games to me so that you’re free to… do your stuff.
Is the coffee boiling?
*diabolical smile of doom*
What?! Don’t look at me like that! By now you shouldn’t be even surprised by the way my diabolical mind works!
Ignoring my actions is not the evil action, it is the neutral action. Leading me on would be the evil action. ^_^ And trust me, you know how part of me works, no the whole of me. 😛
see, Sonitan: i totally get you! i knew you would like jefbot entertaining dark thoughts in that last panel. there’s totally a *diabolical laugh of doom* going on somewhere in that brain of his. 😀
there was a moment where i thought to take out the “hot” from that first talk balloon, 11TN, but i couldn’t resist. happy you (and a couple other readers) have pervy minds, too. 😉
yeah, after dousing jefbot in the face, Pinky’s lucky he didn’t have the Nerd Rage going on, Evan. (as evidenced by the non-red of his pupils.) had he been in rage-mode, Pinky might’ve gotten more retaliation than she bargained for.
thanks! glad you’re hating Pinky as much as jefbot does. heheh.
Have you ever decided on posting your comics on Deviantart ? It would be really awesome if you do. Also, Jefbot would be a MEGA hit there just as much as it is here :3
thanks for the suggestion, nurmuzdalifah! never thought to post JEFbot on that site. do people actually post comic strips there? i always thought it was more for like, pinup art, characters and sketches and stuff.
And speaking of Evil!..I watched Devil last night and I swear I was UBER creeped out. LOVED it! It’s been a while since a movie did that to me.
Started to watch Scott Pilgrim and feel asleep. NOT from boredom, from sheer exhaustion. Will be watching it today. So far I love the fact that it’s a comic book/video game. I was like OMG they made this movie for ME!!!!
Then of course, hubby came in to turn of the lights and make sure I wasn’t sleeping on my glasses and scared the living CRAP outta me cause of Devil. Took me a minute to get my skin back on and go back to sleep.
Devil is actually good, Pixie!? actually, i’d heard it was decent, but the trailer looked kinda silly, and when M. Night’s name came up after ruining what should’ve been an awesome movie (The Last Airbender), i refused to see it in the theater. if i see it on Netflix though, i might just give it a shot. funny that yer hubby scared you out of your skin, tho. you didn’t think he was the devil, did you? 😉
Man, watching Scott Pilgrim the other night with the director and cast was probably the best moviegoing experience i’ve had in the past 12 months. was just an awesome night. i might have to write up a blog post about it.
Ya know, not to ruin the movie or anything, but everytime it gets dark in the movie, something happens. Well, when Hubby came in to make sure I was ok, he turned off the lights then touched me. Now that alone freaks me out but when I saw the lights were out, My mind went into overdrive I guess.
It was definately worth the $1.07 rent from Red Box.
Wait…You got to see Scott Pilgrim with the director and CAST?!?!?!?! *has a jealous!*
Boy don’t I remember those days of leaving the arcade all sweaty after an intense day of gaming… Too bad there just aren’t many arcades out there anymore.
*sigh* that’s the sad thing, Steve: almost no arcades around these days. that’s why i live vicariously through the comic strip and visit cel’s arcade from time to time. 😀
Good timing, Cel.
cel’s not the only one with good timing – congrats on getting the top comment, Peg! the Shades of Firsting are yours: 😎
Thank you! It’s the first time I’ve managed to do that, so I’m enjoying joining in the fun. 🙂
woo! 😀
Yeah. NOT the way Cel wants to launch the grand opening.
yeah, with a couple exceptions, this opening has been a nightmare for her so far, Stan.
Wow, it is just really impressive how you manage to make Pinky more hissably evil with each installment! Terrific bookend to the last episode. 🙂
thanks, Kim! with any luck, jefbot’s Nerd Rage will be focused more on Pinky and less on Mr. Wheaton the more “hissably evil” (heheh) she becomes! 😀
And once again, he looks so cute in profile with his droopy hair in panel 3!
By the way, glad you finished early tonight! Now go get some sleep and you’ll have more energy for other activities. 😉
Pyramid not intentional
Panel 4 looks more like IRL Jeff than any other drawing in the archives.
yeah, jefbot’s floppy hair is more “me” nowadays than the look of his pointy hair, TiNTWYLF. it’s about the exact length, too!
glad you like jefbot’s “mussed up” look, Kim!
and even though i finished early, i could not fall asleep right away. not sure if it was the sugar from some orange juice i drank right before bed or anticipating a trip to the dentist in the morning but it took me a couple hours to finally fall asleep. the universe just wants me sleep deprived, methinks. grrr…
oh man, that is a great one 😀 love the Cels expression, it doesnt even surprise her. I would so like that coffee on Pinkys face
BTW just a little request I think would be cool, can you make a last arcade/ donkey kong challenge/Bot & Cel together kind of wallpaper? it would be awesome I think
thanks, Eddie! glad you’re liking this one so much.
and i think that’s a great idea about the wallpaper – especially since this storyline has turned into an epic! if i have time in the next week or so, i’ll try and draw something up. 😀
Okay bot did deserve that. But that said. KILL THAT B*&$H. Die Pinky Die. *clears throats* Mean that is most distresing. Something must be done about Dk freak. I think that dislocating fingers will do the trick. *hands Sonita a ballpin hammer and a mop* “Sic em.’
ha! yes, let’s get Sonitan to do the dirty work, Will B!
Don’t do it, bot!!! Hahahahahahahahah…. I love the facial expressions in the third panel. Who knew video gaming could be so stressful? That’s why I stick with drinking. 😀 Great work, bot.
It is so stressful, especially when people are watching. I’ve always hated that. So, I’m with you.
you and mom both hate people watching you play, Lor! especially drives mom crazy when i give her over-the-shoulder pointers when she’s playing Bejeweled. 😀
maybe you should try drinking while playing videogames, MC! (just don’t do it while playing with the Wii or Kinect.) 😉 do u like them apple JB?
them apples are pretty sweet, jf#300. 😉
Youch…speaking from experience, hot coffee does not feel good when applied to face…but I think Pinky deserves it, so go, JB! Especially with the finger in the face. I’ve been known to dislocate fingers that get that close to my face.
“speaking from experience,” Tiana!? yikes! but glad you’re giving jefbot consent to scald Pinky, although i’m afraid throwing it in her face might be a tad extreme. maybe he should just poor a little on her foot or something. heheh. and since you have a little violence in you, maybe you and Sonitan should team up for some retribution on Pinky?
I work in a restaurant part-time (expected, I know, an actor in a restaurant, lol), and there was a coffee incident. Lucky me, it wasn’t boiling hot, but man…!
A little violence? Well, yes, maybe just a smidge…But I manage to keep it in check most of the time! However, teaming up with Sonitan would be epic fun!
ah. thanks for the details on your coffee experience, Tiana. glad there was no permanent damage. 🙂
Oooer, this comic is heading for a R rating if the fight continues!
the Ren and Stimpy lover in me really wants jefbot to throw that hot coffee at Pinky, Rod. but yeah, that might be a little R-rated for violence (especially to a minor.) 😀
At least I’m in the top 20 this time.
congrats, Bl4ckw0lf! heheh.
I’d like to think (from her third panel expression) that it’s just about to dawn on Pinky that she’d better ease on up.
I’d also like to think that it’s too late . . . but it’s 5:32 a.m. here, and I’m cranky.
yeah, when Pinky sees jefbot open that coffee lid, she definitely knows she’s in trouble, Sarah W. and if jefbot decides to throw the coffee on her, it’s most definitely too late. (so it’s not just your crankiness making you think that.) 🙂
Jefbot’s thoughts right now” “How about I make that shirt match your pants?”
heheh. yeah, or maybe jefbot should just throw the coffee on her pants and disavow any knowledge of the crime, CG. 😉
Too bad it it’s not apple cider, oh the irony!
Hot coffee moment in 3… 2… 1…
let’s hope jefbot can keep that java under control, Neithan Diniem, or cel might end up with a lawsuit! 😉
…I feel bad for expecting a reference to the gta hot coffee mod.
Wonderful none the less!
i totally thought about mentioning the GTA “Hot Coffee” reference in the strip notes, Angelsquid, but then realized i’d have to explain the reference and didn’t wanna go there. awesome that you gamer/readers can bring it up so i don’t have to!!! 😀
I feel magical!
It’s been quite some time since I last posted, but were I in ‘bots position there would be a blazing “Shoryuken” to her chin with a “Get back in the kitchen!” tag line. Though I also admire his restraint. Keep it up =)
good thing jefbot doesn’t know how to do a “blazing shoryuken,” Twigus Maximus, or Pinky would be in even more trouble right about now! maybe bot can give her a little java hadouken?
Go for it BOT! *wants to jump on Pinky and start tearing at her hair.*
Is it me, or is Pinky getting less and less attractive in every comic? Like Jeff is starting to see her as nothing more than a bratty kid instead of the “pretty good gamer” he saw before? Kind of like a Nanny McPhee thing? Anyway, It is BRILLIANT!
Oh cel, you old softy. Ya should ahve let him toss it in her face! *cough cough& Oh..ummm that was Will!
yeah, tear her hair out, Pixie, so jefbot doesn’t get disqualified for doing anything too violent! heheh.
i think you’re right: Pinky is getting more and more unattractive. if she starts growing warts, big ol’ teeth and random hairs on her face, you’ll know i’ve taken that “Nanny McPhee” thing you mentioned too far. 😉
On a continuation of the soda spin we were on last page, Mr. Pibb, Coca Colas’ spinoff of Dr. Pepper is labled on the can. Spicy cherry soda. So thats my only lead on Dr. P. being a cherry soda of some nature.
i love me some Mr. Pibb, Anime fan. sometime i like it even more than Dr. Pepper. but if i was on a deserted island and all that, i think i’d have to go with DP. doesn’t taste like cherry to me, though.
I love DP! Have you tried the DP with just a KISS (love those damned commercials!) of cherry? heavenly
I have, me and my brother emptied a 12 pack for the finale of TOP SHOT.
Really? Not a single hot coffee joke? Ok, fair enough.
i leave it to you gamer/readers to make those jokes, gamerjoel135, so i can pretend i’m above all that. (but yeah, it totally crossed my mind.) 😉
DUDE. you made coffee come out my nose with this one. i’m gonna have to start a “don’t drink coffee while reading Jeffbot” rule.
ha! i’m happy i got you to laugh, Oddbody, but sorry for the coffee in the nose. hope it didn’t scald any soft tissue in there or anything. 😉
Whole new meaning to the ol’saying about what goes around comes around. Great story line so far. Thanks 🙂
thank you kiltorea – i’m happy you’re enjoying the storyline!
woo! thanks for the laugh, rinthia! 😀
It looks like what took her so long was she might have been contemplating letting him do it. XD
I would have let him. Gloat for gloat, splash for splash. ^_^
i’m sure there must’ve been some part of cel that wouldn’t have minded a coffee-covered Pinky, Red, but luckily (for all involved, really) her rational mind won out.
Do it! Do it! Do it! I know I’m a jerk, but EVERYONE needs to learn a lesson!
I love your strip!
thanks, Funnyshaffer! and yeah, Pinky, definitely needs to learn a lesson. maybe not a lesson that could be taught by being scalded in the face by hot coffee…
Just prove how good your art as gotten from beginnig when you can convey the whole emotional situation without text. Kudos!
jeez, thank, Maryz. very cool of you to say. 🙂
I sense a disturbance in the coffee bean apples.
mMMmm… coffee bean apples. they keep you awake in the morning and keep the doctor away, Sk1nn4h!
Indeed. You’d think that science invented those by now xD.
Jus!That’s the villain I know Jefbot can be!I love panel 3 Jebot has evil hair and evil eyes as he’s uncapping the coffee. I can even hear the sound,like when Darth Vader comes in through a door!The hissing sound just adds to the threat. Great work
On other news finally ordered transformers: war on cybertron for the ps3 finally! I hope to get to play as Grimlock.
i dunno if jefbot’s a villain, Prophet, but he’s certainly going over to the Dark Side in this strip. heheh. leave it to cel to pull him back. 😀
me like Grimlock. me liking that you play as Grimlock. tell me if game good or bad. raarrrr!!!
Do it bot! Dooooooo it!
Watched “The King of Kong” last night. I understand the frustration of competitive gaming. Spread the anger! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!
such a great film, TCG! i’ve seen it a few times and may have to watch it again now that you’ve brought it up.
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAGGHHH! too much pressure, DorkKing! TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!
I’m wondering if bot has the Dethklok Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle runing through his mind in pannel three.
How can he possibly resist? T’were me in the same position two amazing noises would be heard for miles around; here ear splitting scream all the way to ER and morphine, and my maniacal laughter all the way to gaol.
You guys in the US still call it ER right? Over here there’s a new naming convention every few years just to confuse the hell out of drunken teens who for some strange reason find the best way to spend their Fri/Sat night is to muller themselves on cheep alcopops then go pick fights in the Accident and Emergency/Casualty Dept. of the nearest hospital. One of the reasons i try never to injure myself at the weekend, and have become fairly adept at patching up those random injuries that just wont wait for Sunday.
Yes it the still the er (the p.c monkeys haven’t gotten to it yet) and in the college town near here it the same problem of kids. So hospital a good place to avoid the weekends lol
i had no idea these kinds of things were going on, Will B. so happy i have you guys around to keep me current. 🙂
if that song had been playing in the arcade, jefbot would’ve thrown the coffee in Pinky’s face for sure Deaconvorbis!!!
yep, we still call it the ER, but what are alcopops? are they like lollypops made with alcohol? and if so, where can i pick some up? 😉
man, that “picking fights in the ER” trend sounds crazy! i’ve taken friends to the ER a few times over the past couple years and it’s a horrible place even without random, drunken fights breaking out.
I think he’s referencing those alcoholic energy drinks that were pulled from the shelf after kids kept getting alcohol poisoning because they didn’t realize how drunk they were getting; the energy portion kept them from feeling the effects.
Or, you know, some weird candy I need to find. 😉
Sorry man, over here ‘alcopops’ was the blanket term moral outrage employed in labelling fruity, sweet, spirit based, very easy to drink and rather cheap to buy alcoholic drinks introduced over here in the early ’90s, which became incredibly popular with under-age drinkers at the time due to the fact there is very little discernible alcoholic taste. Brands include Two Dogs (lemonade style), WKD, Bacardi Breezer and Smirnoff Ice.
Do it! Dooooo iiiiiitttttt! OK, not really, but it sure would be sweet revenge, wouldn’t it? Well, except for the fact that she’d probably sue you for burning her with hot coffee.
I guess one rotten apple does spoil the bunch. Nobody likes the apples anymore. 😛 Yea, I know that was totally lame.
How could Pinky have seemed so sweet when she is really such a little snotball?
I’m telling you…It’s Nanny McPhee in reverse. Instead of her getting younger and prettier, Jefbot sees Pinky brattier and snottier!
I agree. Lets hope something bad happens to her.(hint hint)
maybe if Pinky somehow redeems herself she’ll go back to being cute and innocent.
yeah, cel probably wouldn’t have been too happy with jefbot had he gotten her sued and the arcade shut down, shanna. i’m just glad she was around to stop him. 🙂
yep, like you said, them apples was rotten!
and i guess the heat of classic, videogame competition brings out the true colors in snotballs! (ew. sounds gross.)
Although we can all agree that we want him to do it, I think we can also agree that if he did it would not go well for anyone. Especially Jefbot.
First day back at school in about a month today. I already miss being able to play video games all day.
true dat, Fijiman! having the arcade open and get shut down on the same day would totally suck. best that cel stepped in.
a month off? playing videogames!? i think i just cried a bit out of jealousy.
Yes, almost an entire month of nothing but video games, web comics, and Youtube. Good times, good times. The local school system is not likely to do that again but I don’t care because this is my last year of school unless I go to college.(not quite sure about that yet)
I LOVE that smug look on Pinky’s face in the third panel. don’t poke the bear BOT
i hope you liked that smug look getting wiped off her face in that last panel just as much, dj! 😉
“Aw, c’mon Cel! Just let me give her a quick hot coffee enema!”
eep! a “hot coffee enema,” reynard61!?? that might be a little hard to explain when the authorities arrive. 😉
“She…um…needed a *REALLY* quick infusion of caffeine, Officer…”
*diabolical laugh of doom*
You were right, jef. I TOTALLY identify with you this time!
Too bad Cel prevented the most needed lesson for the brat. Perhaps I should ask her to explain one of the games to me so that you’re free to… do your stuff.
Is the coffee boiling?
*diabolical smile of doom*
What?! Don’t look at me like that! By now you shouldn’t be even surprised by the way my diabolical mind works!
I like how your evil mind works, but nobody seems to like how my mind works. 🙁
That’s ’cause you’re a PERV.
*rolls evil eyes of doom*
And because he’s trying to get himself killed. Mainly by you and Pixie.
I’m not trying to get myself killed. If I were trying, I would already be either dead or maimed to within an inch of my death.
No, you’re trying alright. You’re just not very good at it.
Hey, I am not only a perv, I am also an evil mastermind. I just happen to have perv-tourette syndrome.
Oh Red…We know allllll about your kind. We just don’t choose to entertain your notions. Why? Because I am evil.
As the song goes, “It’s not easy being evil.”
Ignoring my actions is not the evil action, it is the neutral action. Leading me on would be the evil action. ^_^ And trust me, you know how part of me works, no the whole of me. 😛
That was my first thought too, Sonitan, so it’s not just you…
see, Sonitan: i totally get you! i knew you would like jefbot entertaining dark thoughts in that last panel. there’s totally a *diabolical laugh of doom* going on somewhere in that brain of his. 😀
Hot coffee… heh. brownchickenbrowncow!
there was a moment where i thought to take out the “hot” from that first talk balloon, 11TN, but i couldn’t resist. happy you (and a couple other readers) have pervy minds, too. 😉
Screw you, cel, let him do it. >: D
someone has to be the voice of reason, Takla! 🙂
…After cheating like that, what did she expect to happen? Jefbot to back down? NEVER!
BTW: Good job on the characters, Jeff! You make me want to dislike the evil, cheating sister!
yeah, after dousing jefbot in the face, Pinky’s lucky he didn’t have the Nerd Rage going on, Evan. (as evidenced by the non-red of his pupils.) had he been in rage-mode, Pinky might’ve gotten more retaliation than she bargained for.
thanks! glad you’re hating Pinky as much as jefbot does. heheh.
Have you ever decided on posting your comics on Deviantart ? It would be really awesome if you do. Also, Jefbot would be a MEGA hit there just as much as it is here :3
Just a suggestion that is 🙂
thanks for the suggestion, nurmuzdalifah! never thought to post JEFbot on that site. do people actually post comic strips there? i always thought it was more for like, pinup art, characters and sketches and stuff.
Yes many people do. Like “Hanna Is Not A Boy’s Name” and “Lackadaisy Cats”. There are more out there but I haven’t found them yet.
LOL its not just for pin-ups, characters and that stuff xD Fanarts, photography, animations EVERYTHING related to art can be posted there.
And you’re welcome 🙂
Competitive gaming, its serious business.
heh. who knew Donkey Kong could be so dangerous, Liam? 😉
Jack Thompson.
And speaking of Evil!..I watched Devil last night and I swear I was UBER creeped out. LOVED it! It’s been a while since a movie did that to me.
Started to watch Scott Pilgrim and feel asleep. NOT from boredom, from sheer exhaustion. Will be watching it today. So far I love the fact that it’s a comic book/video game. I was like OMG they made this movie for ME!!!!
Then of course, hubby came in to turn of the lights and make sure I wasn’t sleeping on my glasses and scared the living CRAP outta me cause of Devil. Took me a minute to get my skin back on and go back to sleep.
Devil is actually good, Pixie!? actually, i’d heard it was decent, but the trailer looked kinda silly, and when M. Night’s name came up after ruining what should’ve been an awesome movie (The Last Airbender), i refused to see it in the theater. if i see it on Netflix though, i might just give it a shot. funny that yer hubby scared you out of your skin, tho. you didn’t think he was the devil, did you? 😉
Man, watching Scott Pilgrim the other night with the director and cast was probably the best moviegoing experience i’ve had in the past 12 months. was just an awesome night. i might have to write up a blog post about it.
Ya know, not to ruin the movie or anything, but everytime it gets dark in the movie, something happens. Well, when Hubby came in to make sure I was ok, he turned off the lights then touched me. Now that alone freaks me out but when I saw the lights were out, My mind went into overdrive I guess.
It was definately worth the $1.07 rent from Red Box.
Wait…You got to see Scott Pilgrim with the director and CAST?!?!?!?! *has a jealous!*
Boy don’t I remember those days of leaving the arcade all sweaty after an intense day of gaming… Too bad there just aren’t many arcades out there anymore.
*sigh* that’s the sad thing, Steve: almost no arcades around these days. that’s why i live vicariously through the comic strip and visit cel’s arcade from time to time. 😀
I am going to continue this chant!
FYI I only posted this because you threatened our friendship saying I don’t post enough… So comment away my young padawan!
DO IT NOW!!!!!!!! IT MUST BE DONE!!! COME ON MAN!!!! that’s JUST what I would do!!!
Can he do it? Find out next time, Same Bot Channel, Same Bot Time
Nerdynerdynerdynerdynerdynerdy JEFFBOT!
How do you know your old? You sing the 60’s Batman theme with different words.