The pressures of the competition seem to be getting to jefbot, or maybe it’s just the constant pestering from Pinky that’s getting under his skin. Then again, maybe this is just how jefbot gives a pep talk. Hopefully he can get it together as Wil continues his final chance at adding to the team’s point pool!
And those Star Trek: The Next Generation fans among you might remember jefbot’s “Traveler” reference from the episode Journey’s End, where Wil Wheaton’s character, Wesley Crusher, decides to explore the universe with The Traveler instead of returning to Starfleet. Yes, jefbot couldn’t resist watching STNG in the ’90s, even though he probably watched it through jealous, venomous eyes.
(For behind-the-scenes stories of STNG from Wil’s unique/humorous perspective, check out his book, Memories of the Future, available here.)
Bend them Wil!
wow! you and Tiana must’ve posted within seconds of each other, Shay, but it looks like you were able to bend the space/time continuum a hair faster, which means the Shades of Firsting are yours this time! 😎
and yes, let’s hope Wil BENDS IT!!!
Yay! I haven’t had the Shades in a long while, so this makes me very happy!
And now I have an urge to watch old STNG episodes… I have all 7 seasons on DVD, so yeah, I’m a geek. ^_^
Yes, I clicked the ‘comment’ link when there were no comments, and saw her post just before me. Darn it! 😉
Next time Tiana!
I can never get the Shades on Tuesdays because of my work schedule… so go for it! 😛
just had to say that i love that you’re such a good sport with these Firstings, Tiana. a good sport and an awesome competitor – you still hold the record for most Firstings-in-a-row for 2011 so far! 😀
No sense being a poor sport about it; not like there’s a whole arcade watching me try and fail. Oh wait… 😉 Kidding, kidding!
maybe it’s because of all the writing and drawing of Wil into the strip, but i’ve had the itch to watch some STNG recently, too. can i borrow those DVDs when you’re done with ’em, Shay? 😉
Sure… just send me your address. 😛
k! 😀
Lucky! I only have the first 2 seasons on DVD so far. I watch them while I’m folding clothes. It makes it not such a heinous chore. 😛
Lol! But at least it made Wil smile! I know I always do better in games when I’m relaxed, not all tensed up.
Very true… I’m the same way! When I get too tense I start making stupid mistakes.
I did just that the other day at the movie theatre when I was playing DDR. The first round sucked because I was all tense, but when I relaxed, it went much better.
I’m horrid with games because I tense up too much. My ex was trying to get me to be a gamer, but I end up failing on the fighting games because I get lost too easily on those. I did have fun playing smash brothers though, and I will always love the mario games. 🙂
My current favorite video game, Dragon Age, is nice because it’s as much about the relationships and conversations as it is about the fighting. So I tended to get tense during the conversations, and treat the fighting as a stepping stone on the way. 😉
still can’t decide on whether being tense or relaxed helps me when i’m playing videogames. sometimes i find being absolutely focused helps me out on twitchy games like Geometry Wars or Street Fighter IV but then again, i’ve gotten high scores just kind of zoning out on those games, too. more study (i.e. playing) needed.
true, Tiana: if Wil scores high this round, maybe bot’s “pep talk” will have been justified!
SECOND! I´m bending time to be FIRST!… Damm, my jedi powers don´t work. ;-P
Damm, FOURTH! Turning to the Dark Side. 😛
Well… technically the third poster… if that makes you feel better? *huggles*
Oh, yeah, thanks. I´ll use my Jedi Powers to help WW & JB win the game.
Wil and bot will definitely need those Jedi powers to win, CE. send ’em over!
let’s hope bot and Wil show no mercy in return, Red!
*Slams head into console repeatedly.* WHY OH WHY??? Jeffbot that just ……AAAARRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!!!! *Goes back to slamming head on console*
*slips a pillow in there* No hurtin your noggin doll. I likes dat noggin.
*Disapointed packs the video camera away.*
When sh*t happens, it stays on YouTube – until VEVO takes over.
yes, please use that pillow Pixie provided, Will B. wouldn’t want any permanent damage happening. 😉
to which console or head?? lol
Jef, its great how you manage to crack me up every time 😀 Bot is taking this shit seriously and so should Will. Let the BENDING begin
Jefbot is taking WAAAAAY too many thing too seriosly.
well if you imagine the reward he will get for helping WW win this thing, I guess you would take it seriously as well
yep, Eddie: jefbot takes his potential relationship with cel seriously, so takes this contest seriously.
thanks, Eddie! yeah, bot isn’t playing around this time; he wants to WIN THIS THING and he wants to win it NOW. heheh.
Enjoying this storyline thoroughly, Jeff! I hope you dig our strip club storyline just as much!
Well, if Jefbot doesnt I certainly do. Noel is a very very bad girl.
I will miss Last Arcade storyline.
thanks, Kev! and i’m definitely digging the current SubCulture storyline. oh, and: happy birthday!
I’m waiting for the part where the Cornfather says, “C’mon ‘bot, it’s only a game, right? ” and has to flee for his life . . .
heheh. could happen, Sarah W! the Cornfather never seems to “get” jefbot’s geeky proclivities.
Really like it, bot. I especially like bot’s face in the last panel as he screams, “Bend them!” I mean who knew video games could be so intense? I feel like I’m watching “Gladiator” all over again. I hope nobody dies in the next strip.
thanks, dude! trying to think of an example of you getting that intense with a videogame, but i think the last one i saw you play is Nintendogs.
Apparently today’s strip was all I needed to learn that I’m NO nerd. Bend it?! (But then again, I’m a diabolically evil puertorican victorian goth that has world domination in the agenda, so :P).
Meh. Why do people like Star Wars or Star Treck or The Matrix so freakin’ much is beyond me. The last time a guy tried to hook up with me, I kicked his nerdy butt with my platform knee-hi boots the moment he told me he was a fan of the THREE things!!!! Not just one of them, but all THREE?!!! C’mon! Even I HAVE a limit!
I’m gonna pester one of my friends now. I think he’s a fan of one of the Stars plues the Matrix. I’ll make him regret the day he was born. Oh yes. Good times.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I’m a Star Wars fan who kinda likes the Matrix. I loved the first one, don’t get me wrong. The other two, though…meh.
there are no other two (denial is my best friend)
Good move. My father says “denial is your friend.”
*diabolical laugh of doom*
yep, the first Matrix film is by far the best, Tiana, but i gotta admit that i kinda liked Reloaded, too. Revolutions sucked, tho. 😛
*is a HUGE fan of all three.*
I agree with Tiana though, they could have stopped at the first Matrix and I would have been A-Okay. The other storylines blew…That and we had to keep looking at Trinity. Oye the face on that one…
Well Sonitian…Why do you like Pet Shop Boys so much? Why do you Like David Bowie so much? Why does the ethereal darkness consume your dark soul so much? Who knows why…But we don’t shun you for enjoying them.
Just putting it into perspective.
Mmmmm, David Bowie…Now I have to rewatch Labyrinth, where I have to tolerate whats-her-face for the beauty of the Goblin King.
Ah, yes, evil Sarah. I try to “earse” her from the whole movie so I can enjoy his lovely highness.
*sigh of doom*
I wasn’t trying to be mean (actually, screw that… I’M EVIL 24/7 Bwuahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!)
Pet Shop Boys ROCK! They are the most depressive masochists ever (Goths love that, you know?) and David Bowie rocked in his Black Tie White Noise and Earthling Era. After or before that, meh.
The whole Stars things… the fashion in the Treck leaves a LOT to be desired. The spaceship fashion… ewww. And Wars and Matrix… they should have leave it at the Firsts. The rest let down everything. Trinity?!! Good lord. I almost pucked my eyes out. Meh!
Not to take your role of being mean, but it’s starting to sound like you’re a person that just adopted a role in society because you liked the sounds of it, and not because you actually fit into the niche. It’s like a cat hanging out with a bunch of dogs because it likes how the dogs act. It’s just conforming to the group it likes more and not what it really is.
In all honestly you lost me. NO idea what you’re trying to say.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
basically, in laymans terms he is calling you a poser 😀
Really? Hmmm. Didn’t know he was an expert in all things Goth or the sort. Which in itself is silly, considering that there are dozens of “trends” in the Goth scene: Victorian, Romantic, Vampires, Emo (yes, there are Emo Goths), Cyber, Steampunk, Metalhead, Corp, Trad… and some more that right now I’m way too busy to even mention.
Meh. I know who and what I am. Not trying to impress anyone about it. Then again, I consider myself a “new breed” since is very hard to be an adult victorian goth in Puerto Rico. Just try it. They look at you like if you dropped outta a B-rated horror movie or something. And the moment you let people know that you spend your free time in cemeteries… ah yes, that’s worth it all. Bwuahahahahahahaha!!!
Sorry to contradict you, but there is no such thing as emo goth, goths eat emos for breakfast, I hate them and I will never admit that there is anything like that, because I love goth so much yet I hate emo beyond belief (but still like emos more than posers, of yourse).
And being a guy wearing black lipstick, makeup and bright nail polish here in the hickstate of Slovakia isnt the smoothest thing either. People stare, but Eff them, because they dont know. But this isnt a contest and I would say we are “outcasts” by choice.
*evil laugh of doom*
Poor Emos! LOL I had a friend that hated them as well. But she was the one that told me that there were some emos that were goth, so what do I know? Bwuahahaha!!! So, do they taste like… I dunno, chocolate perhaps?! I refuse to eat anything that doesn’t taste good enough to enjoy it!!!!!
Oh yes. Outcasts by choice. My mom keeps saying that part of my mind was born in the wrong timeline (but them again, if I was born a couple of centuries ago… I would have been hunted or something just as bad. Meh.). Mom noticed that I was into the cemetery thing since very young. She told me that we HAD to go to a couple because of family matters and she noticed that I was fascinated with the place. After that she would bring me just because and I found out that is the best place when you need to read (much quieter than a library and the scene is gorgeous).
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Our cemeteries are crammed, grave on grave and i dont like it, I like the western ones that look much more like parks, thats why I dont go to cemeteries much (or at all).
I dont actually eat emos, I just grind them in a meat processor and pretend I overbaked them to a crisp so I dont have to eat that foul tasting goo. *smiles wickedly with madness brightly radiating from his eyes*
And I myself keep saying that I have been born in wrong time. I do chainmaille, love knifes and outdoors, and I want to learn blacksmithing, but I guess in medieval times, I wouldnt have my gorgeous music ( which is the other half of me)
i don’t know much about the goth scene, Sonitan and Eddie – my limited exposure to it was from a few friends in high school that had The Cure and The Smiths in constant rotation – but you two make it sound cool.
Same here. I love the campy cheesiness of Star Trek and Star Wars. Good stories, mostly mediocre acting with some memorable acting mixed in. And yea, Matrix 1. Cool idea. We still say there’s a glitch in the Matrix when we get deja vu from anything. 😀
Geek girls rule! Especially geek harem members. 😉
oh you cant even begin to imagine how right you are about geek girls. sometimes it sucks that there are so few, but the rarity makes them that much more precious.
I’m a Star Wars fan and would probably be a fan of the others if I’d ever seen the movies/show. I’ve only seen parts of Star Trek and the Matrix, but never the whole thing. It’s not that I don’t want to see the movies, I just don’t have time.(could never catch Matrix when it was on G4, before Direct TV got rid of it that is. BP ) *prepares to be assaulted by uber-Star Trek/Matrix fans*
If I like Matrix 1, dont like 2 and 3, dont realy care about Trek and am uber StarWars fan, does that make me someone in your danger zone?
kneel before the future empress Sonitan you worthless maggot :D:D
*hands Eddie bat-shapped cookies*
*tap on head*
Good boy. Get a cookie. Actually, get all you want.
*takes a cookie, stops and thinks* she wouldnt hurt her twisted maniac servant with poison cookies, would she? *and takes a bite of the delicious bat-cookie, feeling like the Joker munching on Batman*
Ha! Got myself a minion! I’m closer to world domination than I originally thought!!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Matrix 1 was “good” I guess. But in all honestly, Trinity was hiddeus as hell! If I was Neo, the moment I set eyes on her I would be like “heck, gimme the blue pill ASAP!!!!!”
Some eye candy is much needed for convincing to break all the “know-standards”, you know?
Treck, like I said before: the fashion was horrible. Really tacky. Pants and shoes? C’mon!!!!
Wars… I honestly thought that they had something of a deal with a meat packer or something! Cutting lims like they were slices of cheese?! Not to mention that horrible acting is as bad as a good story in a manga that has horrible art (*cries brokenly at the much common thing that happens in the manga industry*)
I’m evil. Born evil and will die evil. When I get cremated, my spirit will haunt all the cats in the world.
LOL completely agree with the Trinity statement.
i never knew people were so down on Trinity! she’s actually one of my favorite parts of The Matrix and i find her totally sexy. to each his/her own!
Dear jef. You NEED eyeglasses. With a good prescription, boy.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
For you Star Wars fans, I’ve been thinking about making a hat with one (or more) of these patterns on it: They are way too cool. Check out this sweet sweater that someone made: If/when I make a hat, I’ll post a link to it.
Im a Star Wars fan like Maryz here … well not as uber as he is but I like it, thats for sure, and I love Matrix ( there is no matrix 2 or 3, I deny it, It doesnt exist) on the Trek thing, I saw the new movie and know that Picard was once borg, not a trekie at all (but not hater either)
I myself am more of a cyber and rivet, so naturally I love Matrix, but i guess you like it too if only just a little bit. But I too dont understand those trekies and them lot.
And maybe you have found out you arent a nerd (nor am I) but you are at least a geek, we goths are those types 😀
Ooooh, I never claimed that I wasn’t geek. I love video games and computers… (the Internet is god!) and defenitely, Goths are GEEKS.
*diabolical laugh of geek doom*
happy to hear that, Sonitan! (wish i had a “like” button for these responses.) look at this huge thread you started with your initial comment! 😀
Not even I had an idea of the amount of power I have!
I’m a moderate fan of Star Wars, love Star Trek, and since they made two crappy movies The Matrix is dead to me. But that’s Hollywood for you, they gotta ruin everything good…
you might not be a Star Wars/Star Trek/Matrix nerd, Sonitan, but surely there must be a niche for “diabolically evil puertorican goth” geeks, right? okay, maybe not. but that just makes you all the more unique, which is ubergeeky! 😀
(and i must admit, while i don’t totally “geek out” over all three properties, i am a fan of all of them. don’t kick me.)
Can I glomp you then?
Meh. Who am I kidding?! I need no permissions.
*glomp of doom*
I’m ubergeeky goth. Me likey that way.
*sigh of doom*
There SHOULD be a niche. Oh well, it had to start with someone, right?
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I love how Pinky’s brother’s just like do-da-do, checking Facebook…
I love the expressions in the third panel btw. Perfect pause panel, no dialogue needed with those expressions!
Facebook is Evil.
…Does that mean Sonitan owns it?
oh, I would say her evil would be much less subtle than that of FB, I imagine something like demons wreaking havoc and volcanoes erupting in the cities, flooding the streets with red hot lava
(I have NO FB!!! NO ONE WILL FIND ME!!!!)
*runs away laughing maniacally*
well, I can go to Puerto Rico and ask the cemetery keepers for a regular guest with an evil diabolical laugh.
*runs toward cemetery to bribe keepers*
*brings doomsdays devices of doom in case there’s need of serious convincing for their silence*
*installs Evil Diabolical Laugh Detector 3000 on random graves in every cemetery* that should do it, and she thought that bribing the keepers would be enough to stop me from finding her? *grins wickedly, than peels of a banana and proceeds to eat it* mmmm, I like bananas
thanks, theBean! yeah, the enthusiasm Pinky’s brother is showing is the direct opposite of jefbot’s.
Gooood Morning and Happy Friday to you ALL! *tosses pixie dust and sunshine*
Oh Jeff, you never cease to amaze me. You can transport me back to my bedroom in Miami. I’m instantly sitting on my bed watching ST:TNG and crushing on Wil. That episode in particular made me cry.
BEND IT WIL! Crush her spirit! Leave her a broken shell of a girl. Drink her broken hearted tears!!!! OH…ahem. I mean… GO TEAM!
My EYES! Some of it got in my EYES!*runs to bathroom and back* Better now. I agree with both your previous observation of Pinky getting harder to look at without hate and that entire last sentence.
Realy guys, dont go hating on a girl who has a crush on Bot. And she never was exactly a looker but she is NOT getting uglier! Come on!
I didn’t say she was ugly, I said she was getting harder to not hate. And that’s mainly due to her attitude.
I have an attitude.
Do you hate me now?
How can we hate our beloved future empress? Tude is good ( not good good, more like evil good 😀 )
… I would say something along the lines of *Eddie has a crush*, but he chases every skirt.
Girl with attitude just means she knows what she wants or is simply pissed off at the moment. Both can be sexy that way. Pinky doesnt have an attitude, she is just being annoying.
dude, take that back, I dont chase every skirt, and I hope Sonitan has some extra special torture prepared just for you. Yes, I happen to like my fellow darklings, but I most certainly dont chase every skirt!!!
Oh, right, you call it being nice not chasing…
*sits down on throne of doom with cats to watch the carnage*
Good times.
Hate? No. Fear? More than likely.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
muchas gracias for the pixie dust, Pixie – it’s monday now and i totally needed some friday sunshine at the moment!
i’m happy the strip took you back to when you watched TNG back in the day. apparently there’s a deleted scene in Nemesis where Wesley shows up to Deanna and Riker’s wedding, but it’s hard for me to recommend because that would mean buying or renting, y’know, Nemesis which was not good. probably up on YouTube or something, though.
Actually, I rather liked Nemesis, even if it wasn’t stupendous. I thought Tom Hardy was excellent, and really held his own against an old pro like Patrick Stewart. Wesley Crusher was visible sitting next to his mother on the dais at the wedding banquet, but only in a non-speaking cameo, as you are correct, his other scenes were cut.
I saw all four of the Next Generation films (for the first time!) in weekly midnight screenings last summer. Ironically, Wil Wheaton was scheduled to make a personal appearance, but had to cancel. Of course, that was before I saw you again and started reading JEFbot, so it would’ve meant little to me at the time. Pretty geeky scene, though: members of the local Star Trek club were always there, and a few of them had appeared in episodes of the fan-produced web-series. Have you seen any of those?
I have seen some of them! Some of them are VERY good and extremely well done.
P.S. If you watch the Star Trek Movies…the general rule of thumb is all the even numbered movies are AWESOME! With the exception of Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country. *rubs forehead* Ow my brain. Not that I wouldn’t watching a bazillion times (Think MST3000) The premise was just a stretch is all.
Ohhh Jeff dahhhhlink! I have to disagree with you there. I rather liked Nemesis. It was all Jean Luc all the time, Hurt me daddy just leave the keys! Wait what? Who said that! OMG and the whole Data thing at the end? SOBBING! I’ve already seen it several times LOL.
Yes on the wide screen version you can jjjjuuuuusssssttt see Wil off to the left of the screen while Jean Luc is giving his wedding toast. He must have been part of the wedding party as he is seated at the head table. I still love Worf reaction to Data’s gift.
Kind of reminds me of the “I HAVE POWERS!” strip. 🙂
the difference being that jefbot actually does have powers, but we have no evidence that Wil can actually bend space and time, Clayton Gee. 😉
Awesome strip. You know Jefbot is being geeky if he is too geeky for Wil, the geek hive mind! Hahahahaha. Love it. The pep talk does seem to have calmed Wil down at least. He went from sweating to smiling. 😀
I thought I had seen every episode of TNG, but apparently I missed this one! I went to Wiki and read the plot summary – nope, haven’t seen it. Now I’ll have to find that one. I wonder if TNG is instantly viewable on Netflix. I’ll have to go check on that!
Wil must have people doing this kind of thing to him all the time. Like in Big Bang Theory when someone (Sheldon?) tells him in Klingon that revenge is a dish best served cold (I haven’t seen that one yet either. 🙁 ).
arigato, shanna! yep, you’ve gotta be pretty geeky to make (as you mentioned) the ubergeek himself, Wil Wheaton, take note of your geekiness. fortunately, jefbot has some geek to spare, even in Trek lore. and yeah, Wil definitely calmed down a bit, so maybe bot’s geek-out served a purpose.
i remember the “Traveler” episode clearly because – being in my jealous nerd rage at the time – i was so pissed that Wesley was deemed worthy of going on this journey through space and time with The Traveler! i couldn’t believe it.
yeah, this kind of thing always reminds me of William Shatner in that classic SNL skit where he tells the Trekkers to “Get a life!” 🙂
LOL I remember that one!
Cause I’ve been to Trek conventions (Told you I was a Geek) and there really are people there that will ask about friggin star dates and stuff. Those dates are MADE UP !
I used to go to anime conventions here in Puerto Rico (there were two that rocked everyone’s socks off!!). But the last one I went kinda suxcked so I haven’t gone to another over here. Hopefully I will be able to save some needed $$$ and go to Otakon or Anime Expo.
But what I’m REALLY looking forward this year or the next is to go to “The Labyrinth of Jareth” Masquerade (for those curious enough I went in 2009 and 2007 and it was a blast!!! All Laby fans need to see this at least once! ;_;
Hmmm… silly keyboard.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
If Wil doesn’t pull this of, he shall have to wear the cone of shame forever! If not, at least Bot’s drink from the last strip. xD
heh. true that, TCG, but bot will have to share in the blame (and the coffee) if they don’t pull this off!
I dont know what are you all worked up about, the whole bending thing was obviously a plot to calm down Will. And guess what? It worked!
not sure calming Wil down was intentional on jefbot’s part, Maryz, but methinks you’re right: it worked! 🙂
I love the comic timing in this strip. In fact, i think it may be one of the things that I love best about the strip. Nice work, sir.
thanks, bud! yeah, i’ve been going through old strips getting the JEFbot book together, and i think my timing has improved a bit over the past couple’a years. i totally wanna do a Lucas and change some of the original strips, but am holding off for now. maybe i’ll redo them all in a Special Edition set in the future, though… 😉
Geez, I guess I’m a big geek cause I got that reference right away.
ha! i knew there’d be a few Trekker readers out there, Tim! 😀
Excellent! The last frame is brilliant! I love the rage, passion and crazy in your eyes! The color of the strip is beautiful too! Rock on Jefbot!
thanks much, Funnyshaffer! rockin’ on!
pfft, lightweights. I could get that score blindfolded.
bend them? wtf does jeff think wheaton is Futurama’s Bender? lol
them’s challenging words, John! when i start doing comic conventions, i might have to bring Donkey Kong along with me, and if you ever stop by my booth, we’re going to have a DK battle, right there. (that goes for other JEFbot readers that wanna show off their DK skillz, too!) 🙂
well, i’m not saying that Wil is drunk if that’s what you mean. heheh.
you bring the MAME, I’ll bring the netbook. :p
no, I mean there’s a robot on Futurama made specifically to bend things (steel girders mostly), named Bender. that’s what I was talking about.
Congrats to ‘bot for out geeking Wil — and in such a hilariously intense way. Look out Wil! The wrath of geek may be much worse than what ‘bot originally intended for you.
thanks, Stan! andyes, let’s hope the “wrath of geek” doesn’t spill over to Wil once this contest is over. 🙂
I wish there was a reality where I could buy some kind of jefbot copy that would do nothing but go around giving people and things pep talks. I’d like to see what he would try and get my dog to do. Maybe get him to bother grocery store clerks so they’ll scan the groceries faster instead of asking me about my day.
i need a jefbot copy for my daily life too, Takla! let me know if you ever make that a reality and i’ll buy one off ya. 😉
and i’m lovin’ the “self-checkout” registers that’ve been popping up in grocery stores for that very reason.
use the force! maybe thats the wrong reference to use…
you can obviously tell I’m not a trekkie.
Meh. I thought the “force” was from Star Wars.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
using force is so star trek if you are a Klingon 😀
Meh. And here I thought in my ignorance that space didn’t suffered from plagiarism!!
not “The Force” as in SW, just sort of brutal force, thats their thing, they punch the jam on their toast every morning 😀 with fists
not a SW fan either as I can see
Don’t make me hurt you people!
Force is Wars
Make it so is ST:TNG
I take my Sci Fi Movies very seriously!
HUH?!! I did understand that FORCE was from Wars.
What did you mean by “making it so is”?
*confussion of doom*
The Force is a mystical energy that the Jedi in Star Wars can use. Till Liam Neeson came along and mentioned Midichlorians.
“Make it so” is what Jean Luc Picard of the Enterprise says. A lot.
*hugs Liam* FINALLY! My People!
*is going to start pulling some geek cards around here!*
Make it so
engage, Pixie!
and let us never speak of midichlorians again, Liam.
heheh. methinks Steve’s tongue was planted firmly in cheek. (at least i’m hoping.)
live long and prosper!
*squee!* I swear I am in Geek Girl Nirvana! This is why I tend to hang better with Guys than Girls. They just “get” me.
*holds up her gold Geek Girl Card* I have the POWER!
Once again, awesome strip Jeff. Can’t wait to see how this will all turn but I have to because you are only human and can only work so fast.
I was going to ask if I was one of the only people here who hasn’t watched Star Trek, but then I read other people’s comments. But am I one of the only people here who hasn’t seen the Matrix?
yeah, i wish i could turn out three strips a week, Fijiman, but until i’m working on this thing full time, i can only turn out two. i’m happy you’d read more if you could, though! 😀
and you must remedy your lack of The Matrix viewing, immediately. you can skip the sequels but definitely check out the first.
And I totally would if it weren’t for the fact that ALL the local movie rental places have either gone out of business or gone completely online. And I am NOT going to deal with THAT mess. Not even Netflics.(Who are one of the main reasons rental places went out of business)(no I do not care if I spelled it wrong)
OMG. The look on ‘Bots face in panel three.
OMG “good,” OMG “bad,” or OMG “scary,” dj?
I can actually feel the bending. Harharhar.
heh. i guess Wil’s bending skills really are that powerful then, jf#300!
I dunno it feels like in panel 3 Jef was trying to beam energy or will or something into Wheaton… still Bend it man, bend it! Don’t quibble on the geeky technicalities
hmMmm… you may be right, Jiro Maeda! he could be giving Wil some extra bending powers in that 3rd panel. 😀
NOTHING IS TOO NERDY! Heh, Wil’s face in panel three
agreed, rinthia: it’s so subjective that it’s nearly impossible to judge something (or someone) as being “too nerdy.” that said, this guy i saw wearing a Geordi La Forge outfit (complete with visor) at a screening of Titan AE was definitely pushing boundaries. heh. but again, most people would think that doing a webcomic is “too nerdy” too, so i will withhold judgment. 🙂
Titan A.E. is one of my favorite movies EVER.
You don’t get on the internet much, do you?
jefbot does tend to get a little intense with his nerdiness from time to time, Ziggy. 🙂
I am half red-neck, there for I do not know what he’s talking about when he says, “Traveler” but. I don’t know, GO FOR IT!
Wil and bot will definitely be going for it, Anime fan! let’s hope they succeed.
and i had no idea that rednecks (even 1/2 rednecks) don’t know Trek. live and learn. 🙂
Can he do it? Find out next time, Same Bot Channel, Same Bot Time
Nerdynerdynerdynerdynerdynerdy JEFFBOT!
How do you know your old? You sing the 60′s Batman theme with different words.
I posted this on the wrong comic. I is smurt hurrrrrrr.
*delighted Squeal!* I loves me some old Batman! YESSSSSS!!!!
Eartha Kitt rocked as Cat Woman and of course her version of Santa Baby is the only one that exsists!
I don’t know if I’ve heard that version of the song or not, but I heard one version that was absolutely horrible. Must have been a newer version.
yes! Eartha Kitt totally rocked as Catwoman, Pixie! i loved Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Batman Returns, but in a totally different way. 🙂
and EK’s version of Santa Baby is definitely the sexiest out there!
you mean there others besides Ertha Kitt?? You LIE. EK the only catwoman all else are Fakes and clones. Clone war clones!!!!
now i have the ’60s Batman theme stuck in my head, Liam! (i can totally see that cartoon opening with Batman and Robin punching out the villains, too. guess i’m old. heheh.)
Luckily its an easy song. Sadly its non stop.
dude… ive been gone for two months and your still in the arcade? O_o
so… wil a jef are friends now… what possible future twists could that bring?
good job as always JB
thanks, Leithal and happy to have you back! and yep, still in the arcade (this has got to be my longest storyline, yet.) in the final stretch now!
Where oh where has our Jeffbot gone, Where oh where can he be?
Uhh…No update today? Is Jeff Ok?! Someone anyone!
CODE RED PEOPLE! This is not a drill!
*rolls eyes of doom*
Go watch your beloved sci-fi, sugarly Pixie. Jeff’s trying to get the strip done. He’s been ubber busy with job or something of the likes. (Or someone claiming to be him is using his twitter account and posting that to make us believe everything is ok.)
You’re right. This could be serious. Code Red indeed.
Should we call in the Army, Air force, FBI, or everyone within a ten mile radius to form a search party? Or a little bit of each? Unless Michael(aka Cornfather) knows where he is.
And the CIA, too. Hmmm, what about the Navy?
Sonitan we can’t call the CIA. They still investigating your last visit. Pixie relax have the henchmen looking. They not bright but they don’t give up.
And as for the FBI our geeky agents aren’t able to infiltrate. (Something about lack of imagination causing screaming hysterics of our agents.)
In the same way you don’t facebook, I don’t twitter until it’s for the Productions company. I don’t want or need to know what people are doing every second of everyday.
Even when it’s for the Production Company, I will only do it because I was asked.
I’ve heard stories of people who were robbed because the robbers knew they weren’t home because of their obsessive need to tell the world exactly what they’re doing every other minute of the day. I believe Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter are evil (not as nearly as evil as Sonitan) which is why I don’t use them. EVER.