I’ll spare you a long blog post since today’s strip is being posted late, except to say that this is the penultimate strip to the reveal of the winners of the DK Battle!
That being said…omg…video games and alcohol…that’s not normally the way to win…although it makes for an entertaining evening!! Something needs to be put “on the line” for him to have to waaaaaant it! *Eye of the Tiger playing in the background* Jef JefJefJef… I think Cel needs to sponge his brow, a scene from Rocky is flashing through my brain…skinny lil ‘bot in the big ‘ol satin shorts…Cel giving the obligatory pep talk…boy I’m talkative tonight, eh? Now is time for bed…goodnight Jef and everyone else!!!
yeah, videogames and alcohol don’t normally make one a better player, ESQ, but you’re right in that it can make for an entertaining evening. especially when Guitar Hero and/or Rock Band are involved, in my experience. probably doesn’t work well with Donkey Kong, though. 😉
i like your training montage! not sure jefbot has enough time for all that before Pinky’s done, but maybe they can fast forward through Eye of the Tiger real quick.
g’nite! i think i’m gonna hit the sack soon, myself. *yawWwn*
Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the early morning laugh. It would probably be better if your DIDN’T work the monkey before your turn, although it would probably relieve some of the stress. 😉
I love how Pinky totally misses the Popeye reference. I thought EVERYONE knew about Popeye, even if they’ve never seen the cartoon! I’ve only seen one or two, but I knew what he was talking about…
How’d your meeting go?
And it’s cute that Bot only reveals his fear to Cel…awwwww, geek love!
I know it’s fun, but as Shanna said:”Don’t piss off mama bear.” And I, unfortunately, do not have the ninja abilities to hit younglings without pissing off said “mama bear.”
Don’t tell me you’re one of those whiners that complain about the whole CG movies? I would kick you. With platform boots, no less!
*glare of doom*
It takes a lot of art and time and resources to do that kind of graphic work. You as an actor should know that! Shame on you!!
i base some of Pinky on a young lady i know, Tiana, who didn’t know what i was talking about when i made reference to spinach giving one super strength a while back. suddenly i felt very, very old. 😉
meeting went well the other day. had another one this morning that didn’t go so well, though. 😛
It happens. My father wouldn’t let us watch anything that had “cursing characters” in it. And apparently when they translated Popeye to spanish he would say “¡Que el diablo me lleve!” (translation: The Devil take me!), so in all honestly the whole Popeye thing went above my head (I had to wikipedia it!!! and then ask my dad why the poor cartoon did to earn my father’s scorn) *diabolical laugh of doom*
(Then again, I don’t like spinach, I found the skinny GF fugly and she kinds of cheats with the Brutus guy. Meh. Maybe she has double personality or something.)
Yeah, the girlfriend is ugly, and Im not too fond of spinach either, but all in all, the cartoons were fun, and mostly they were played on Cartoon network in the time when my English was pretty bad, so I kinda liked that there wasnt so much dialogue. I loved the pictures in his biceps when he ate the spinach 😀
And is really “Devil take me” cursing? but Im no expert on spanish so I cant tell. The only thing I can say in spanish is huevo, and una cervesa por favor (and I dont even drink beer) 😀
Yes, that’s the spanish translation of “The Devil may take me!”.
Go figures that my father would try to impose his power over “evil” cartoons. And then he dares to complain of the way I am. Ha! We now know where I got it from!!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
i went to a Christian school K-6, Sonitan, and many of my friends were banned from watching TV – especially cartoons – due to all the devilish content being broadcast. of course, most of those kids were the naughtiest kids in school. 🙂
I enjoyed the cartoons as a kid as well. Never could figure out what Popeye saw in her though. And she cheats on all three of the main male characters in that cartoon like half the time she’s shown.
I never liked Popeye or Olive Oil, but I do feel I have to take her side. Back then people generally dated a lot of people. So unless they had “an understanding” (as my mom would say), then she wasn’t cheating on anybody! She was just dating a bunch of different guys like she was supposed to.
Oh man, many many an evening of gaming was fueled by Jolt cola. I know it disappeared and returned a couple of times. Vault cola (if they make it in your area and if they haven’t discontinued it entirely) is Jolt just renamed.
I believe they still make Jolt you just have to find it. If not, try Balls. YES it’s a drink, a HIGHLY caffinated gamer drink. Tastes like cream soda. Let me see if I can find the link….AHA!
i think coffee has the same effect on me, 11TN – i swear i can’t think as fast and i tend to drag after drinking it. but i still down it every morning! BUH.
*I have no idea…* Is she serious? Shame on you Pinky.
When I saw that wide smile in third panel i thout it was total fake, then I read fourth panel… and it was fake.
Still despite Jefbots current disposition I would bet my money on him and Will. They got what it takes.
And while its glaringly obvious that Cel can get Bot back in the game pretty quick, I call for you, my fellow commenters, to come up with the most original, yet reasonable scenario as to how is Jefbot going to earn those points to win. And REASONABLE you hear?! (Eddie Sonitan, Im talking to you: no murders allowed or Jefbot and Will would be disqualified from competition. I know, I know, it kills a lot of fun for me too.)
My version: Jefbot slips on wet ground from Pinkys spilled drink that missed his person, hits his head and goes into Nerd-Autopilot and wins the game without knowing how he did it. Oh, make that winning high score on all clasics in the arcade. Then he wakes up thanks to Corfather pranking him somehow and when he tries to recreate his success he fails miserably.
So anybody has a better way to Donky Kong it to victory?
*glare of doom*
YOU dare to take away my fun?!!!! Bow you maggot!!! BOW!!!!!
*takes chainsaw of doom out*
Your empress demands blood sacrifices!!!! BLOOD I’m telling ya!!!!
Jefbot can do this. I think a kiss from Cel might be just the thing to distract him *just enough* so he isn’t stressed out and can get into that gamer zone. Or maybe it is time for Wil to give Jefbot a pep talk. I’m not sure what that would look like, but it would likely be just geeky as Jefbot’s was!
You did a particularly good job with the facial expressions on this one!
I guess Wils pep talk would have to be at least 20 times nerdier than Jefs, a real superhero (supernerd) kind of pep talk to get Jef thinking he is the god of all things nerdy and the titan of old school gaming. To make him think that winning this is his destiny, that he was born to pulverize the Kong and save the princess, that he is THE CHOSEN ONE!
I guess with little help from Cel, Wil may just be able to make him believe that he is the descendant of gaming gods.
yes! “born to pulverize the Kong and save the princess” would make jefbot Mario, Eddie, which would make him very happy indeed. we’ll see what kind of pep talk Wil comes up with in the next strip.
Cel’s too classy to flash Bot in the middle of the arcade. There are bound to be cameras out, and I can’t see her being willing to risk it (or let others see – this IS the chick who wore jeans and a hoodie to the beach after all). I could see her whispering something suggestive in his ear – maybe – or giving him a kiss. More than that would be out of character.
So get your mind out of the gutter DorkKing! You just like flashing, as anyone who has seen your FB pics will know. 😉
Do you see what I have to deal with at home? It’s either T….or A….with DorkKing…I know I’m hot stuff, but give a gal a break sometimes….mwhahahahaha!!!
What I can’t be sure of is whether the Cornfather is Bluto or J. Wellington Wimpy. He’s like a hybrid of them both; Hungry and dopey some days… evil and conniving others. Blimpy!
You speak the truth, but as I have not made an appearance in the ‘botverse, I was thinking it was possible it could be the CF. I kind of like him better as a snarky Wimpy anyway.
JB’s an alchoholic? -tosses jar- here, try some of this. Be careful though. Its the last physical compound of my ulta-energy drink. It’ll either give you a buzz for three days, make you vomit profusely, or shorten your life span by about three years.
Ohhh sounds like Loki. What flavor?! I make Carmel apple and am waiting to make my next batch… If all works well…Blueberry cheesecake.
Goes down like candy…Just don’t sit down. Well ok you can sit down but don’t plan on getting back up…Cause that’s when Gravity decides to make you Her B***H.
well, jefbot may want a drink at the moment but he’s not an alcoholic, Anime fan. at least not yet. the Cornfather may drive him to that someday, though. 🙂
and thanks for the drink – i’ll give it to jefbot when he can be out cold for a few days.
We only got to watch the original Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry in my house (and since we were born all in the VERY late 80s the only way to watch them was by video. Dad’s collects them). It’s been AGES since we had a TV at home (we currently watch DVDs in our computers and only of certain things… and the Disney Animated Movies). We grew up being more of the “study and play outside” kind of kids. Except when we got out first video game console. Then all that changed. (For the worst? Bwuahahahahahaha!!!!)
*diabolical laugh of doom*
You have studied the ancient arts of doom, and played with limbs of your fallen enemies as a child, my empress? Oh what a glorious beginning of our supreme rulers life.
I watched a heck out of T&J, Loony Toons, Popeye and those old school, cartoons on Cartoon Network when I was younger (at first I didnt understand a thing, but actually CN is what helped my English quite a bit in the beginning)
Ok I have to admit, I had to look it up. BUT!, you are Close to Poland and the Ukraine. That means you most likely eat some of my favorite foods! Like Perogis and (phonetical spelling-sorry) Golumpki! My Step Daddy (only because I do not share his DNA)’s family is from there and my Grandma used to make it for me all the time when i was a kid. Pan fried perogis with onions! Dog gone it now I’m hungry again!
To be honest Pixie, I dont like golumpki at all, never liked, never will, but fried pyrohy (as you called them perogis) are great, and my dad used to make deep fried rusnacke pyrohy ( its normal pyrohy filling , that is potatoes and bryndza, nut wrapped in rough ground potato and than fried) and they are awesome, but of course I most like normal pyrohy which are wrapped in dough and boiled … and yeah, now I want some pyrohy
And my evil empress of doom, you know your every wish is my command.
Not my fault (or my sibblings!!) that our father kicked the tv set outta our house LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago!!!! We’re still tv-less, but see if any of us really care.
It game me all the free time needed to actually consider world domination.
As the empress wishes
*takes the keyboard and smashes it with a large stone*
anything that does not follow the orders of her highness Sonitan shall end like this
*rushes to the electronics store to buy new, obedient keyboard*
He belived (still believes as a matter of fact) that tv would destroy our minds and that watching the local news would make us suicidals (or cinics… we still don’t have the heart to tell him that we got the cinic and sarcastic outta his side of the DNA mix).
I was destined to be EVIL and DIABOLICAL right from the second I was created when my parents did the nasty!!!!!!!!!
Wow see I don’t get this. I watched lots of tv. But I also loved books (still do), played outside for hours on end, played video games and was an all around girl next door. TV did not rot my brain or make me an axe murderer or anti social.
I’m starting to believe more and more that it was the lack of tv that shaped me into the diabolical sociopath that I am today.
But then again, I RULE. I have much to thank my father for.
A diabolical sociopath that we all love. Who would I serve if you werent the future supreme ruler of this world and the highest empress of doom? Who would laugh diabolically at this puny humans? Who would give me Bat-shaped cookies for being a good minion? no one …
*frowns upon the idea of world without despair and havoc wreaked by her highness Sonitan and her forces of DOOM*
Don’t forget that the world would also lack bat-shaped reward cookies for evil minions who do as their empress tells them, Eddie.
I always found TV to be very non-brain rotting for the most part. Although I don’t think I could say the same for a lot of the stuff on these days. Cartoon Network is getting to the point of almost being dead to me.
No, I’m too good natured to be an effective evil minion. 🙁 However, that doesn’t mean I can’t think of some really evil things. B) *chuckles maniacally*
i love that those old ‘toons helped you learn english, Eddie! was hoping that kind of thing would help me learn japanese while watching subtitled anime, but it never happened.
i love those old Bugs Bunny and T&J cartoons, Sonitan, but i’m surprised you were able to watch them, what with all the violence, raunchiness and cross-dressing there!
i did a lot of playing outside, cartoon watching and videogame playing, too. i’m sure all of those things played a part in your (and my) corruption. [insert *evil laugh of doom* here]
Apparently is the “cursing” or mentioning “the devil” that my father was strongly against. Or else he missed all those other “oh so educational” parts.
And yet he still complains about how in the world I turned out Goth.
“I didn’t raise you to be this way!”
*diabolical laugh of doom*
oh how can he complain, he must admit he raised you well. Well enough to become the Empress of Doom.
My mom is very supportive in that whole goth thing, she likes me dressed all dark and industrial, and i like it too, who else would give me nail polishes and makeup for Xmas and B-day?
And darts. Darts are definitely better after a medium amount of beer. But if you go past that point (lots of beer), they become weapons with which to maim the unwary.
jefbot’s not looking for a drink to get better at Donkey Kong, Stan, he’s looking for a drink cuz he’s stressed out! …though i must say i’ve played many videogames with friends while buzzed and gotten some high scores.
Now would be the time for Cel to flash Jefbot. Maybe just one breast, and not quite an entire nipple. You know, let him know that victory has it’s rewards!
Yeah I gotta agree here. Sometimes, you just gotta go with the boobs. The Girls have gotten me out of a LOT of trouble. And they make every other argument invalid.
Looks like me and bot have the same mind set. Love the Popeye reference,even though its sad that our childhood references are going the way side as years progress or get mauled by big name companies looking to get quick cash thanks to Michael Bay and who ever is making the smurfs and made the GI JOE movie.
On another note its time for Prophet’s game review! yaaaaay!
Today we will look into Transformers: war for Cybertron on the PS3.
Da good-
The game its self composes of 2 solo campaigns(decepticons/autobots),1 co-op shared(play the campaign with a friend),1 co-op competitive(escalation survival of waves of enemies), and your standard multiplayer modes (deathmatch,team deathmatch, capture the flag,King of the hill, and one with planting the bomb 3 times in an enemy base). You can complete the game in under 12 hours if you just want to beat it.
The game itself is entertaining and doesn’t feel constrained each level is designed to go from vehicle mode to bot in an obvious pattern so your never left with the question as to weather or not you should change into bot or vehicle. The transformation is quick and satisfying. There is something gratifying about going in vehicle mode smashing an enemy bot and then transforming mid air and bashing another one with a melee attack as you come crashing down into the battlefield that really feels like your a transformer. The graphics are shiny metallic yet lively. Pieces move on your character when your staying still, the world around you looks like the interior of the “flight of the navigator” ship,complex and intricate. This is all done on the Unreal engine and it shows. The story is canon according to Hasbro so you get to find out how Optimus becomes the next prime, how he and bumble bee met.The combat engine is responsive and pretty accurate and the save points provided never leave you far from the point you die.This gives you a sense of making it seem that the game is easy but there are certain areas which will put you in your place if your too cocky. The bosses are huge and have a megaman feel to them in that you have to find the weak points of these giants to bring them down.The dialog is pretty spot on. I couldn’t help but like the banter from the deceptions though.Megatron is a ruthless yet inspiring Genghis Khan like character aggressively pursuing his goal at whatever cost.Though growing up with them I found myself wanting to hear the old VAs of Megatron and Starscream. Having played as the leaders in the game ( you get to choose one out of 3 characters to control each chapter:leader,scout,or scientist) there is a sense that you are a powerful bot and not someone to be trifled with.
Da bad-
While I mentioned that the world is complicated and intricate this might be all well and good to sit back and look at but its not helpful to the game. Due to so much metallic mayhem going around its hard to tell ally from enemy at times,because everything is supposed to look like alien machines. You find yourself sometimes not spotting turrets or shooting the wrong thing when ish gets hectic. I play on a 42″ LCD HDTV and yet I still found myself at times getting shot in the back because I didn’t notice an enemy bot nearby. While the campaign is about 12 hours long divided between both factions Once your finished there’s really no reason to go back unless your obsessive about collecting trophies and completing them. Picking the other characters doesn’t make that much of a difference besides weapon output, and its just a linear path to each level.The AI is questionable.One second they get the job done ,the next your being wailed on by the opposition and they’re not making a dent. The story, while it explains certain things on Cybertronian lore, kinda feels like foot notes.You get the gist of it but feel like you missed out on some cool action.
Da bad-
On a technical side I got frozen a few times during gameplay never has this happened on my PS3 games. 2 times during solo campaign and a few times during multiplayer matches,when I just so happened to level up. While the game boasts online co op you can’t just hand over the other controller to your brother/sister/cousin/the weird roomie to play with you.This might be rather personal but I find it annoying that most games nowadays only have online co-op, not all of us are anti social creepers that live on the fringe of society.Sometimes its good to have a shootout while knocking back a few beers with pals/GF/BF/Spouse/person your having sex with after a stressful day at work ala COD. As of online matches, even though there is a variety of match types your really only going to find battles going on in deathmatch and team deathmatch. To further the problem there’s no real match maker so you find yourself sometimes out classed and out gunned by a high level player.I found my self getting teamed up against high ranking players time and time again. The character creation is limited, in terms of appearance. Also it felt as the decepitcon campaign was much more polished than the autobot one.
Da Conclusion-
The game in its self is fun. You feel like a transformer and get to see the world of Cybertron as it was meant to be.There’s plenty of things to do if you want to extend your play. I highly recommend this for fans as its the best iteration you’ll get in terms of video games for transformers. The controls are tight and the game is warlike mayhem so its quite a ride. The dialog will seem like old friends and the story will give you a crash course on Cybertronian history. The multiplayer will be a bit of a disappointment and you may have to restart a chapter or two but thanks to the auto save and the location of the savepoints you’ll be back where you left off in no time and over come the hiccups which are merely annoying than induce controller throwing rage.
Good GOD man! Isn’t there another forum you can put that on? If you had put a shorter version of that(one paragraph) I wouldn’t complain. You need to know when to limit yourself my friend.
wow. that’s quite an extensive review, prophet! cool though, cuz i was wondering about this game. glad to hear about “da good” since i’m definitely intrigued by the history of Cybertron and the gameplay sounds solid, but still, i’m a bit scared off by the bugs and the fact that most games based on properties like the Transformers usually aren’t very good. might pick it up when the price goes below $20, though. thanks for the review!
I say he should combine every caffeinated soda there into the largest cup he can find and chug it. Maybe add a few pixie stix for good measure. He might feel like all hell has been unleashed onto his body the next day… or week, but just imagine what he’ll be able to do before then.
*glare of doom*
I hope you got some sugar-free version of it, Pixie. Or else I will have my revenge of doom on you!!!
(I will turn your pixie sugar into sour pixie doom)
combining all those sodas and pixie stix might cause jefbot’s stomach to explode with a possible trip to the emergency room, Fijiman! still, maybe that’s what needs to happen for bot to get out of the tourney and still save face. 😉
If it were me and my fiance (not that I would ever get myself into such situation) she would lean over whisper in my ear, promising me things that a pg-13 audience cannot hear. (but can probably imagine considering this crowd.) Therefore pushing me into another type of rage; destroying score and being able to do the neiner neiner dance to Pinky and company. Then grab gf by hand and drag her off to collect my reward. Repeatedly. LOL
all this talk of whispers, kisses and pep talks may just pay off in tomorrow’s strip, Will B! not sure if we’ll see bot doing the “neiner neiner” dance anytime soon, though. 🙂
heheh. must be my (and jefbot’s, of course) german dna that enjoys the bars, Liam!
and a friend of mine used to live in ireland, and told me that drinking was the only thing fun to do in her town, shanna. i told her she could borrow my PSP the next time she spends time there. 🙂
Never before in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many (your readers) to so few (JB Cel and WW).
I’m prepared to believe this could go either way. Love the look on ‘Bot’s face in pannel four, and remember drinkers seldom win while ironically winners often drink, go figure.
Ha! I love a good bar reference, bot. I love this strip, man. Way to keep the stakes high. Can’t wait to see how this game ends…I’m in such suspense…it hurtz.
Dude, I’ve been following you for a while now and I am super excited for you! You are living a dream man! I can’t wait to be invited to a comiccon! >.<
ah ha!
That being said…omg…video games and alcohol…that’s not normally the way to win…although it makes for an entertaining evening!! Something needs to be put “on the line” for him to have to waaaaaant it! *Eye of the Tiger playing in the background* Jef JefJefJef… I think Cel needs to sponge his brow, a scene from Rocky is flashing through my brain…skinny lil ‘bot in the big ‘ol satin shorts…Cel giving the obligatory pep talk…boy I’m talkative tonight, eh? Now is time for bed…goodnight Jef and everyone else!!!
yeah, videogames and alcohol don’t normally make one a better player, ESQ, but you’re right in that it can make for an entertaining evening. especially when Guitar Hero and/or Rock Band are involved, in my experience. probably doesn’t work well with Donkey Kong, though. 😉
i like your training montage! not sure jefbot has enough time for all that before Pinky’s done, but maybe they can fast forward through Eye of the Tiger real quick.
g’nite! i think i’m gonna hit the sack soon, myself. *yawWwn*
well lookee here – looks like ESQ nabbed herself some Shades of Firsting! wear them well, ‘Queen: 😎
Shoulda got drunk before you left Jef! 😛
dang it! i gotta remember that for next time, joenis. drink before signing up for any DK tournaments. got it! 😀
You can do this bot! Work that monkey!!!! Wait… that didn’t come out right
heheh. maybe it’s a good thing there’s no bar at The Last Arcade, Jiro!
*blink* Dude…wow.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the early morning laugh. It would probably be better if your DIDN’T work the monkey before your turn, although it would probably relieve some of the stress. 😉
ha! indeed, Shanna. i might have to change the “Teen” rating of the comic to “Adult” though. 😉
I smell fear… And old sweat-socks? GROSS!
or maybe that’s just the smell of the Cornfather’s popcorn still hanging in the air, rinthia. 😉
oh I wouldnt eat a popcorn that smells like old sweaty socks and fear
Jeff, honey, I love you…But if you are eating popcorn that smells like old socks, we need to have an intervention.
Mmmmmm Fear…I love it!
Ohoh Can I have a side order of broken dreams, a tossed crushed spirit salad and a large tears of dispair…light ice?
Mmm Mmm! Rinthia made my favorite!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
maybe it’s just my nose then, but i swear sometimes dirty socks smell like stale popcorn!
Maybe it was cheese popcorn???
maybe. 🙂
I swear it’s not me. Maybe it’s Cornfather himself, not his popcorn.
Jef’s scaring me…
don’t be scared, Sk1nn4h – jefbot’s not going to become a drunk or anything anytime soon. well, let’s hope not.
Then we’re lucky he can’t burp. Else there’d be alot of empty beer cans in his home.
I love how Pinky totally misses the Popeye reference. I thought EVERYONE knew about Popeye, even if they’ve never seen the cartoon! I’ve only seen one or two, but I knew what he was talking about…
How’d your meeting go?
And it’s cute that Bot only reveals his fear to Cel…awwwww, geek love!
I think it’s safe to say that anyone under the age of twelve is probably unaware of all the old cartoon characters.
say waaaaaaa?! I’m 11 and I’ve known Popeye since I was 5!
FINE! It’s safe to assume that MOST people under twelve don’t know about them. (happy now?)
Hit the youngling with your spiked shovel. I promise you will enjoy it.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Hey, watch it. That’s *my* youngling you are threatening with the spiked shovel! Don’t piss off the mama bear. 😉
I know it’s fun, but as Shanna said:”Don’t piss off mama bear.” And I, unfortunately, do not have the ninja abilities to hit younglings without pissing off said “mama bear.”
i’m happy to know that Popeye hasn’t been completely forgotten by all you younglings out there, Taran-chilla!
and how long before we get a horrible CG Popeye to remind all the kids who Popeye is a la Alvin and the Chipmunks, Yogi Bear, etc., Fijiman?
Good lord of darkness!
Don’t tell me you’re one of those whiners that complain about the whole CG movies? I would kick you. With platform boots, no less!
*glare of doom*
It takes a lot of art and time and resources to do that kind of graphic work. You as an actor should know that! Shame on you!!
Don’t know, don’t care.
i base some of Pinky on a young lady i know, Tiana, who didn’t know what i was talking about when i made reference to spinach giving one super strength a while back. suddenly i felt very, very old. 😉
meeting went well the other day. had another one this morning that didn’t go so well, though. 😛
Cel needs to calm him down somehow.
Yeah, how come someone dont know Popeye, I loved it when I was young, Popeye is awesome.
It happens. My father wouldn’t let us watch anything that had “cursing characters” in it. And apparently when they translated Popeye to spanish he would say “¡Que el diablo me lleve!” (translation: The Devil take me!), so in all honestly the whole Popeye thing went above my head (I had to wikipedia it!!! and then ask my dad why the poor cartoon did to earn my father’s scorn) *diabolical laugh of doom*
(Then again, I don’t like spinach, I found the skinny GF fugly and she kinds of cheats with the Brutus guy. Meh. Maybe she has double personality or something.)
Yeah, the girlfriend is ugly, and Im not too fond of spinach either, but all in all, the cartoons were fun, and mostly they were played on Cartoon network in the time when my English was pretty bad, so I kinda liked that there wasnt so much dialogue. I loved the pictures in his biceps when he ate the spinach 😀
And is really “Devil take me” cursing? but Im no expert on spanish so I cant tell. The only thing I can say in spanish is huevo, and una cervesa por favor (and I dont even drink beer) 😀
Yes, that’s the spanish translation of “The Devil may take me!”.
Go figures that my father would try to impose his power over “evil” cartoons. And then he dares to complain of the way I am. Ha! We now know where I got it from!!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
i went to a Christian school K-6, Sonitan, and many of my friends were banned from watching TV – especially cartoons – due to all the devilish content being broadcast. of course, most of those kids were the naughtiest kids in school. 🙂
I enjoyed the cartoons as a kid as well. Never could figure out what Popeye saw in her though. And she cheats on all three of the main male characters in that cartoon like half the time she’s shown.
I never liked Popeye or Olive Oil, but I do feel I have to take her side. Back then people generally dated a lot of people. So unless they had “an understanding” (as my mom would say), then she wasn’t cheating on anybody! She was just dating a bunch of different guys like she was supposed to.
if you take Olive for more of a plot device than a person than Popeye is great 😀
i thought Shelley Duvall played Olive Oyl perfectly in the live action movie.
yep, someone better calm jefbot down, stat, Eddie!
and glad to hear they showed Popeye over in Slovakia (assuming that’s where you watched it.)
assuming correctly
I love the references to how young and notGeek Pinky is—and that they aren’t to her credit.
A soda bar . . . do they still make Jolt cola? As I recall, one can made the day go by very, very quickly.
Oh man, many many an evening of gaming was fueled by Jolt cola. I know it disappeared and returned a couple of times. Vault cola (if they make it in your area and if they haven’t discontinued it entirely) is Jolt just renamed.
I’ve seen Vault around here!
Of course, at my age, drinking it is just asking for a full-system aneurysm, but oh, how I loved that stuff . . .
I believe they still make Jolt you just have to find it. If not, try Balls. YES it’s a drink, a HIGHLY caffinated gamer drink. Tastes like cream soda. Let me see if I can find the link….AHA!
Regular tastes of cream soda and I’m guessing G33K B33R is root beer? Which is Yummiliciousness for Da Pixie!
Thanks, Pixie!
It tickles me that there’s a sugar-free version.
Jolt Cola has the reverse effect for me. Makes the day go by so sloooooowly, because I am moving at hyperspeed.
The better to dodge bullets with, m’dear! 🙂
now if coffee could make me go into bullet-time, i’d have some at-the-ready at all times, Sarah W!
i think coffee has the same effect on me, 11TN – i swear i can’t think as fast and i tend to drag after drinking it. but i still down it every morning! BUH.
you’re right, Sarah W – Pinky’s downfall lies in her lack of “geekness.” not many benefits to being a non-geek in an arcade setting, methinks. 🙂
they sell Jolt at an actual soda shop near where i work, but it’s not as ubiquitous as it used to be.
*I have no idea…* Is she serious? Shame on you Pinky.
When I saw that wide smile in third panel i thout it was total fake, then I read fourth panel… and it was fake.
Still despite Jefbots current disposition I would bet my money on him and Will. They got what it takes.
And while its glaringly obvious that Cel can get Bot back in the game pretty quick, I call for you, my fellow commenters, to come up with the most original, yet reasonable scenario as to how is Jefbot going to earn those points to win. And REASONABLE you hear?! (Eddie Sonitan, Im talking to you: no murders allowed or Jefbot and Will would be disqualified from competition. I know, I know, it kills a lot of fun for me too.)
My version: Jefbot slips on wet ground from Pinkys spilled drink that missed his person, hits his head and goes into Nerd-Autopilot and wins the game without knowing how he did it. Oh, make that winning high score on all clasics in the arcade. Then he wakes up thanks to Corfather pranking him somehow and when he tries to recreate his success he fails miserably.
So anybody has a better way to Donky Kong it to victory?
*glare of doom*
YOU dare to take away my fun?!!!! Bow you maggot!!! BOW!!!!!
*takes chainsaw of doom out*
Your empress demands blood sacrifices!!!! BLOOD I’m telling ya!!!!
As my empress wishes
* tries to tear off Maryz’s left leg*
damn it, its cybernetic
Who have reanimated you Maryz? Do as the empress bids, on your knees maggot or you shell be the blood sacrifice her highness demands!
How many times are you guys going to kill this guy? Not that I’m complaining, I just want to know.
Probably as many times as needed.
*evil laugh of doom*
and if my empress will be ever bored, I can always reanimate him myself and kill him for her pleasure.
*wicked grin and madness radiating from eyes*
now if Pinky didn’t know something like Robotech or Looney Tunes then jefbot just might have to go find some more coffee, Maryz!
and nice read on jefbot’s body language in that third panel. let’s just hope jefbot pulls it together in time to rack up some points when he’s up.
i like your version on how jefbot can pull off a win here, Maryz! when he’s on autopilot, does he take out Wil in a nerd rage without knowing it?
The suspense!
more thrills and suspense to come, Jed!
She doesn’t know who Popeye is?!?!?! What is she, a FETUS?! Badness Gracious!
Does she not know that Betty Boop first appeared in a Popeye cartoon?! GUH! I love kids…they’re great on toast!
Missed you Yesterday Jeff, was concerned. Real life stuff blows!
GO TEAM GO! *puts on her cheerleading outfit, hair in pigtails*
what is it with kids these days, Pixie!? some of them need a decent animation education!
thanks for the concern. just so much to do and so little time. but it all worked out in the end, even with a late strip.
cheerleading outfit, you say? describe in detail. 😉
Jefbot can do this. I think a kiss from Cel might be just the thing to distract him *just enough* so he isn’t stressed out and can get into that gamer zone. Or maybe it is time for Wil to give Jefbot a pep talk. I’m not sure what that would look like, but it would likely be just geeky as Jefbot’s was!
You did a particularly good job with the facial expressions on this one!
I guess Wils pep talk would have to be at least 20 times nerdier than Jefs, a real superhero (supernerd) kind of pep talk to get Jef thinking he is the god of all things nerdy and the titan of old school gaming. To make him think that winning this is his destiny, that he was born to pulverize the Kong and save the princess, that he is THE CHOSEN ONE!
I guess with little help from Cel, Wil may just be able to make him believe that he is the descendant of gaming gods.
Plot for Matrix 4.
I deny your comment, it was never written, there is no such think as Matrix sequel! 😀
damn, I hate my spelling errors, they make me look like a total retard 🙁
No, your English is amazing and you don’t look dumb at all. We all make typos. 😀
i agree with shanna, Eddie.
thx guys, I hate it when my keyboard does whatever it wants
yes! “born to pulverize the Kong and save the princess” would make jefbot Mario, Eddie, which would make him very happy indeed. we’ll see what kind of pep talk Wil comes up with in the next strip.
I vote for a kiss.
Maryz bite your tongue! If I have to look at Trinity every again, I’m blaming you!
Isnt she dead allready? Finaly?
yes. *sniffle*
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I do see the irony of my behavior.
Not a kiss.
He needs boob.
There are times when A man needs boob.
THIS is that time.
*Hits DorkKing over head with shovel* NO! We already discussed this! Cel will NOT be doing any flashing. Not even to Jefbot.
Theres always hope!
Not for you.
*glare of doom*
Hit him again, I – the diabolical empress of doom – comand that.
*evil laugh of doom*
Cel’s too classy to flash Bot in the middle of the arcade. There are bound to be cameras out, and I can’t see her being willing to risk it (or let others see – this IS the chick who wore jeans and a hoodie to the beach after all). I could see her whispering something suggestive in his ear – maybe – or giving him a kiss. More than that would be out of character.
So get your mind out of the gutter DorkKing! You just like flashing, as anyone who has seen your FB pics will know. 😉
ha! boobs can’t save every problem, DorkKing!!!
okay, maybe most problems, but still. 😉
not every problem can be solved by boobs only, for those tougher situations, you must locate them strategically as well.
But how do we REALLY know, unless we try?
howzabout pep talks and some of that other good stuff, shanna? oop, i’ve said too much… 🙂
thanks for the kudos on the expressions!
Do you see what I have to deal with at home? It’s either T….or A….with DorkKing…I know I’m hot stuff, but give a gal a break sometimes….mwhahahahaha!!!
Get it together Bot!!!
get him some vodka, TCG!
Wait a minute… does that mean Cel = Olive Oil.
What I can’t be sure of is whether the Cornfather is Bluto or J. Wellington Wimpy. He’s like a hybrid of them both; Hungry and dopey some days… evil and conniving others. Blimpy!
and here i always thought you were Bluto, 11TN. hmmm… 😉
You speak the truth, but as I have not made an appearance in the ‘botverse, I was thinking it was possible it could be the CF. I kind of like him better as a snarky Wimpy anyway.
JB’s an alchoholic? -tosses jar- here, try some of this. Be careful though. Its the last physical compound of my ulta-energy drink. It’ll either give you a buzz for three days, make you vomit profusely, or shorten your life span by about three years.
Ohhh sounds like Loki. What flavor?! I make Carmel apple and am waiting to make my next batch… If all works well…Blueberry cheesecake.
Goes down like candy…Just don’t sit down. Well ok you can sit down but don’t plan on getting back up…Cause that’s when Gravity decides to make you Her B***H.
It’s something I made myself, requiring several cans of redbull, monster, coffee, etc.
i’m not a big fan of energy drinks, Pixie, but i’ll try almost anything that tastes like blueberry cheesecake!
Oh…Loki isn’t an energy drink. It’s BOOZE!
well, jefbot may want a drink at the moment but he’s not an alcoholic, Anime fan. at least not yet. the Cornfather may drive him to that someday, though. 🙂
and thanks for the drink – i’ll give it to jefbot when he can be out cold for a few days.
We only got to watch the original Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry in my house (and since we were born all in the VERY late 80s the only way to watch them was by video. Dad’s collects them). It’s been AGES since we had a TV at home (we currently watch DVDs in our computers and only of certain things… and the Disney Animated Movies). We grew up being more of the “study and play outside” kind of kids. Except when we got out first video game console. Then all that changed. (For the worst? Bwuahahahahahaha!!!!)
*diabolical laugh of doom*
You have studied the ancient arts of doom, and played with limbs of your fallen enemies as a child, my empress? Oh what a glorious beginning of our supreme rulers life.
I watched a heck out of T&J, Loony Toons, Popeye and those old school, cartoons on Cartoon Network when I was younger (at first I didnt understand a thing, but actually CN is what helped my English quite a bit in the beginning)
If I might enquire Eddie dear, where are you from originally?
The hickstate of Slovakia, in the middle of the ancient continent.
Ok I have to admit, I had to look it up. BUT!, you are Close to Poland and the Ukraine. That means you most likely eat some of my favorite foods! Like Perogis and (phonetical spelling-sorry) Golumpki! My Step Daddy (only because I do not share his DNA)’s family is from there and my Grandma used to make it for me all the time when i was a kid. Pan fried perogis with onions! Dog gone it now I’m hungry again!
I wanna try them!! They sound yummy ;_;
Perhaps Eddie could “express mail” us some?
*diabolical laugh of doom*
To be honest Pixie, I dont like golumpki at all, never liked, never will, but fried pyrohy (as you called them perogis) are great, and my dad used to make deep fried rusnacke pyrohy ( its normal pyrohy filling , that is potatoes and bryndza, nut wrapped in rough ground potato and than fried) and they are awesome, but of course I most like normal pyrohy which are wrapped in dough and boiled … and yeah, now I want some pyrohy
And my evil empress of doom, you know your every wish is my command.
… but wrapped in …
damn this keyboard!
*calls upon the power of The Hammer of Damnation, and proceeds to beat his keyboard with it*
(Apparently. My mom always says that I was “gifted” in an unique kind of way.)
Who here DIDN’T watch at least some of the old school cartoons back in the day? No, seriously, who here didn’t?
Not my fault (or my sibblings!!) that our father kicked the tv set outta our house LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago!!!! We’re still tv-less, but see if any of us really care.
It game me all the free time needed to actually consider world domination.
*GAVE me
Darn keyboard of doom. It’s turning against me!!!
Eddie, my loyal minion… take care of this insurgent keyboard that refuses to follow my orders!!!!!!
As the empress wishes
*takes the keyboard and smashes it with a large stone*
anything that does not follow the orders of her highness Sonitan shall end like this
*rushes to the electronics store to buy new, obedient keyboard*
why did he kick it out?
He belived (still believes as a matter of fact) that tv would destroy our minds and that watching the local news would make us suicidals (or cinics… we still don’t have the heart to tell him that we got the cinic and sarcastic outta his side of the DNA mix).
I was destined to be EVIL and DIABOLICAL right from the second I was created when my parents did the nasty!!!!!!!!!
Wow see I don’t get this. I watched lots of tv. But I also loved books (still do), played outside for hours on end, played video games and was an all around girl next door. TV did not rot my brain or make me an axe murderer or anti social.
I’m starting to believe more and more that it was the lack of tv that shaped me into the diabolical sociopath that I am today.
But then again, I RULE. I have much to thank my father for.
A diabolical sociopath that we all love. Who would I serve if you werent the future supreme ruler of this world and the highest empress of doom? Who would laugh diabolically at this puny humans? Who would give me Bat-shaped cookies for being a good minion? no one …
*frowns upon the idea of world without despair and havoc wreaked by her highness Sonitan and her forces of DOOM*
Don’t forget that the world would also lack bat-shaped reward cookies for evil minions who do as their empress tells them, Eddie.
I always found TV to be very non-brain rotting for the most part. Although I don’t think I could say the same for a lot of the stuff on these days. Cartoon Network is getting to the point of almost being dead to me.
*glares of doom at Fijiman*
Hmmm… You’re starting to sound like you’re looking for a minion position.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
No, I’m too good natured to be an effective evil minion. 🙁 However, that doesn’t mean I can’t think of some really evil things. B) *chuckles maniacally*
i love that those old ‘toons helped you learn english, Eddie! was hoping that kind of thing would help me learn japanese while watching subtitled anime, but it never happened.
i love those old Bugs Bunny and T&J cartoons, Sonitan, but i’m surprised you were able to watch them, what with all the violence, raunchiness and cross-dressing there!
i did a lot of playing outside, cartoon watching and videogame playing, too. i’m sure all of those things played a part in your (and my) corruption. [insert *evil laugh of doom* here]
Apparently is the “cursing” or mentioning “the devil” that my father was strongly against. Or else he missed all those other “oh so educational” parts.
And yet he still complains about how in the world I turned out Goth.
“I didn’t raise you to be this way!”
*diabolical laugh of doom*
oh how can he complain, he must admit he raised you well. Well enough to become the Empress of Doom.
My mom is very supportive in that whole goth thing, she likes me dressed all dark and industrial, and i like it too, who else would give me nail polishes and makeup for Xmas and B-day?
Totally kinda reminds me of Raj from Big Bang Theory. He can only talk to girls when he’s got alcohol in his system. Its amusing.
I love that DJ! That and *knockknockknock* Penny.
ha! would be funny if jefbot could only rule at videogames when he’s inebriated, dj. okay, funny and tragic.
You had me at Popeye
ha! figures.
I know I get better at BOWLING when I drink, but does anyone really get better at video games with a buzz on?
And darts. Darts are definitely better after a medium amount of beer. But if you go past that point (lots of beer), they become weapons with which to maim the unwary.
Hmmm… darts I’m not sure about getting better at, but it’s definitely more fun that way.
jefbot’s not looking for a drink to get better at Donkey Kong, Stan, he’s looking for a drink cuz he’s stressed out! …though i must say i’ve played many videogames with friends while buzzed and gotten some high scores.
Well, if he starts drinking because he’s stressed, he’s not going to beat that score any easier 😉
Now would be the time for Cel to flash Jefbot. Maybe just one breast, and not quite an entire nipple. You know, let him know that victory has it’s rewards!
*Hit DorkKing again* Don’t make me get the shovel with spikes on it!
I give you permission of doom to get said shovel with spikes and use it, endlessly.
there you go again with using boobs to solve problems, DorkKing, and once again, you make a good argument!
As ESQ will tell you, I truely believe they are the solution to all probloms!
THEY are NOT!!!
*glare of doom*
Takes more than a “glare of doom” to calm DorkKing down once he thinks boobs are involved….*sigh*
Yeah I gotta agree here. Sometimes, you just gotta go with the boobs. The Girls have gotten me out of a LOT of trouble. And they make every other argument invalid.
As in “Yeah but I have boobies…I win”
Looks like me and bot have the same mind set. Love the Popeye reference,even though its sad that our childhood references are going the way side as years progress or get mauled by big name companies looking to get quick cash thanks to Michael Bay and who ever is making the smurfs and made the GI JOE movie.
On another note its time for Prophet’s game review! yaaaaay!
Today we will look into Transformers: war for Cybertron on the PS3.
Da good-
The game its self composes of 2 solo campaigns(decepticons/autobots),1 co-op shared(play the campaign with a friend),1 co-op competitive(escalation survival of waves of enemies), and your standard multiplayer modes (deathmatch,team deathmatch, capture the flag,King of the hill, and one with planting the bomb 3 times in an enemy base). You can complete the game in under 12 hours if you just want to beat it.
The game itself is entertaining and doesn’t feel constrained each level is designed to go from vehicle mode to bot in an obvious pattern so your never left with the question as to weather or not you should change into bot or vehicle. The transformation is quick and satisfying. There is something gratifying about going in vehicle mode smashing an enemy bot and then transforming mid air and bashing another one with a melee attack as you come crashing down into the battlefield that really feels like your a transformer. The graphics are shiny metallic yet lively. Pieces move on your character when your staying still, the world around you looks like the interior of the “flight of the navigator” ship,complex and intricate. This is all done on the Unreal engine and it shows. The story is canon according to Hasbro so you get to find out how Optimus becomes the next prime, how he and bumble bee met.The combat engine is responsive and pretty accurate and the save points provided never leave you far from the point you die.This gives you a sense of making it seem that the game is easy but there are certain areas which will put you in your place if your too cocky. The bosses are huge and have a megaman feel to them in that you have to find the weak points of these giants to bring them down.The dialog is pretty spot on. I couldn’t help but like the banter from the deceptions though.Megatron is a ruthless yet inspiring Genghis Khan like character aggressively pursuing his goal at whatever cost.Though growing up with them I found myself wanting to hear the old VAs of Megatron and Starscream. Having played as the leaders in the game ( you get to choose one out of 3 characters to control each chapter:leader,scout,or scientist) there is a sense that you are a powerful bot and not someone to be trifled with.
Da bad-
While I mentioned that the world is complicated and intricate this might be all well and good to sit back and look at but its not helpful to the game. Due to so much metallic mayhem going around its hard to tell ally from enemy at times,because everything is supposed to look like alien machines. You find yourself sometimes not spotting turrets or shooting the wrong thing when ish gets hectic. I play on a 42″ LCD HDTV and yet I still found myself at times getting shot in the back because I didn’t notice an enemy bot nearby. While the campaign is about 12 hours long divided between both factions Once your finished there’s really no reason to go back unless your obsessive about collecting trophies and completing them. Picking the other characters doesn’t make that much of a difference besides weapon output, and its just a linear path to each level.The AI is questionable.One second they get the job done ,the next your being wailed on by the opposition and they’re not making a dent. The story, while it explains certain things on Cybertronian lore, kinda feels like foot notes.You get the gist of it but feel like you missed out on some cool action.
Da bad-
On a technical side I got frozen a few times during gameplay never has this happened on my PS3 games. 2 times during solo campaign and a few times during multiplayer matches,when I just so happened to level up. While the game boasts online co op you can’t just hand over the other controller to your brother/sister/cousin/the weird roomie to play with you.This might be rather personal but I find it annoying that most games nowadays only have online co-op, not all of us are anti social creepers that live on the fringe of society.Sometimes its good to have a shootout while knocking back a few beers with pals/GF/BF/Spouse/person your having sex with after a stressful day at work ala COD. As of online matches, even though there is a variety of match types your really only going to find battles going on in deathmatch and team deathmatch. To further the problem there’s no real match maker so you find yourself sometimes out classed and out gunned by a high level player.I found my self getting teamed up against high ranking players time and time again. The character creation is limited, in terms of appearance. Also it felt as the decepitcon campaign was much more polished than the autobot one.
Da Conclusion-
The game in its self is fun. You feel like a transformer and get to see the world of Cybertron as it was meant to be.There’s plenty of things to do if you want to extend your play. I highly recommend this for fans as its the best iteration you’ll get in terms of video games for transformers. The controls are tight and the game is warlike mayhem so its quite a ride. The dialog will seem like old friends and the story will give you a crash course on Cybertronian history. The multiplayer will be a bit of a disappointment and you may have to restart a chapter or two but thanks to the auto save and the location of the savepoints you’ll be back where you left off in no time and over come the hiccups which are merely annoying than induce controller throwing rage.
Good GOD man! Isn’t there another forum you can put that on? If you had put a shorter version of that(one paragraph) I wouldn’t complain. You need to know when to limit yourself my friend.
Me likey actualy. THX Prophet.
wow. that’s quite an extensive review, prophet! cool though, cuz i was wondering about this game. glad to hear about “da good” since i’m definitely intrigued by the history of Cybertron and the gameplay sounds solid, but still, i’m a bit scared off by the bugs and the fact that most games based on properties like the Transformers usually aren’t very good. might pick it up when the price goes below $20, though. thanks for the review!
Wordy post is wordy…I’m more of an “instant gratification” kind of gal…
Was it “good”, “bad”, or “indifferent”? That’s all the info I need LOL
I say he should combine every caffeinated soda there into the largest cup he can find and chug it. Maybe add a few pixie stix for good measure. He might feel like all hell has been unleashed onto his body the next day… or week, but just imagine what he’ll be able to do before then.
But only if Pixie is willing to share her Pixie dust sticks. Which I’m sure she would do for the good of Jefbot. Right, Pixie?
*sprinkes Jeff and Shanna and ESQ with her best extra sparklie stuffs!*
*glare of doom*
I hope you got some sugar-free version of it, Pixie. Or else I will have my revenge of doom on you!!!
(I will turn your pixie sugar into sour pixie doom)
hooray! thanks for the dusting of sparklie stuffs, Pixie! i’m feeling energized enough to begin drawing friday’s JEFbot now! 😀
hee. exactly what i was thinking when i read “pixie stix,” shanna.
Pixi Stix make carbinated soda fizz over….ALOT! It makes a great effect for a “poisoning” at a Ren Faire type thing.
LOL Glad I could help? try sprite or 7 up with the green pixi stix…makes green foam!
combining all those sodas and pixie stix might cause jefbot’s stomach to explode with a possible trip to the emergency room, Fijiman! still, maybe that’s what needs to happen for bot to get out of the tourney and still save face. 😉
If it were me and my fiance (not that I would ever get myself into such situation) she would lean over whisper in my ear, promising me things that a pg-13 audience cannot hear. (but can probably imagine considering this crowd.) Therefore pushing me into another type of rage; destroying score and being able to do the neiner neiner dance to Pinky and company. Then grab gf by hand and drag her off to collect my reward. Repeatedly. LOL
all this talk of whispers, kisses and pep talks may just pay off in tomorrow’s strip, Will B! not sure if we’ll see bot doing the “neiner neiner” dance anytime soon, though. 🙂
As an Irish man I can also agree that there is never a bar around when you need one.
…Unless you are *in* Ireland where there appears to be one on every street corner! 😉
Thats mostly cause we can never think up of anything else to build. Or do. Yeah. _(o.O)_/
And its not really on every corner, more like a row on a street.
heheh. must be my (and jefbot’s, of course) german dna that enjoys the bars, Liam!
and a friend of mine used to live in ireland, and told me that drinking was the only thing fun to do in her town, shanna. i told her she could borrow my PSP the next time she spends time there. 🙂
It can be the only thing to do really in the smaller towns, when you get to a bigger town there are clubs that are open later, so there is that too…
toooo tired to read all those comments… too tired to think.. let me just say: good strip jeff.. good night 🙂 *sleeepy-sleepy-sleeepy*
thanks, supersonic cucumber! hope you’re getting some decent ZZZs.
Never before in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many (your readers) to so few (JB Cel and WW).
I’m prepared to believe this could go either way. Love the look on ‘Bot’s face in pannel four, and remember drinkers seldom win while ironically winners often drink, go figure.
Now you know why I carry a flask everywhere I go! You never know when it’s gonna come in handy! Love the look of panic in Jefbot’s eyes!
JBs face in panel 2 was awesome!! Great strip as always my brotha!
Ha! I love a good bar reference, bot. I love this strip, man. Way to keep the stakes high. Can’t wait to see how this game ends…I’m in such suspense…it hurtz.
I can’t stand the suspense. It’s hurting me. Oh, no. How will this end?
Dude, I’ve been following you for a while now and I am super excited for you! You are living a dream man! I can’t wait to be invited to a comiccon! >.<
Congrats! And best of luck too you!