Today’s strip was inspired by the first StreetPass connection I made while I was out with friends for lunch last week. During our time at the restaurant, an avatar (or “Mii”) appeared on my 3DS saying so-and-so (name withheld to protect the innocent) likes cats! And dreams of visiting outer space! Not knowing at the time that the options for creating the profile for one’s avatar were limited to a handful of choices, (“eating well” as a hobby is, indeed, a choice you can make) my friends and I thought this was hilarious, until we realized that the owner of the profile could be sitting within earshot of us. We hoped it wasn’t the friendly mom or her teenage son.
If you have a 3DS and want to be friends, add my Friend Code to your system, then email me yours. (We both must have each others’ codes in our consoles for it to work.) If you’re under 18, make sure you check with your parents before doing any of this. Here’s mine:
Friend Code (bot): 4339-2500-5008
See ya in the Mii Plaza soon!
I love ‘bot’s expression in the last panel! Wow, that must be kinda awkward, having your information thrown at someone else if they come within range. Aren’t there any blocks you can put up?
if you turn off the 3DS or wi-fi (as opposed to keeping it in “sleep mode”), it won’t trade info, Tiana. but this new console encourages you to “StreetPass” with friends and strangers to get “coins” and unlock features on the 3DS and in 3DS games like Street Fighter IV. it’s actually pretty cool (i’ve only accumulated 4 Miis so far – 3 from random encounters, 1 from a friend) but i can see it getting weird. 🙂
and you get the Shades of Firsting once again! if you use these while playing the 3DS, you’ll actually see in 4D.
Cool, I’ll be able to see Time too! That might make it worth playing the 3DS. And good to know about the 3DS…I might check into that. I’m a sucker for new technology. 😀
3DS is definitely cool, T – not a must have right now, since there’s no real “killer app” for it, but that’ll all change when Ocarina of Time 3D comes out in June. can’t wait!
so many reasons i dont DS in public….
yeah, i’m a bit wary of keeping my StreetPass on, Maesonic, but everything’s been cool so far. (well, mostly.) i’ll post about it if things go downhill. 🙂
Hey, who DOESN’T want superpowers?! Personally, I’d like to be able to teleport.
And, sorry, ‘bot – I’m more of a cat person. I do like dogs. But I have more of a feline personality. Mrow. ^_^
I live with two cats right now, and I really miss the dog I used to live with…at least he didn’t throw up on the carpet, or claw at the wood paneling, or play with the cabinet door in the bathroom when I’m trying to sleep. >_< But then, my nickname is "Wolf Cub", so I'm more inclined toward dogs naturally…
sounds like we had the same cat-experiences, T! i loved ’em, but they were definitely naughty and got into everything. 🙂
I have several friends who call me “Kitty” (& there are a few people who’re only allowed to call me “Miss Kitty”). I purr when I’m particularly happy &/or receiving fusses. My kitten calls me “Mum” (seriously how he sounds when he meows for me). There’s also a duality about my personality & interests that seems synonymous cats.
Yep, I’m definitely feline.
But I do tend to get along very well with more lupine or puppyish types.
just from your avatar i can sense you lean more toward the feline, AdM! which is good, since – at least when it comes to ladies – cats are more synonymous with “sexy” than dogs. woe be to the man who compares a woman to a dog, just sayin’. 🙂
teleporting would be cool. so would invisibility, flying, indestructibility, adamantium claws – i’ll take anything, AdM! 😀
cats are cool, but i’m definitely more of a dog guy. unfortunately, the 3DS has no option for “ferret” or “hamster,” otherwise i’d probably select one of those just for fun. “cats” or “dogs” are the only options.
How do you do it Tiana?
I consider your firsting a superpower 😀
met too, Eddie. i don’t think even i could beat Tiana, and i have insider info on when the strips get posted!
Where do you get such a classified info? Tell me who is your source. 😀
top secret stuff. lips are sealed.
It’s real-life Cornfather, isn’t it?
*snickers* I’m just lucky. And bored at work. 😉
Love the reaction. Priceless!
thanks, man!
Y’all remember that movie with the second rate superheroes and there’s that guy who’s power comes from his rage? Yeah… I have a feeling Jeffbot’s gonna go librarian-poo on those guys in a few moments. ‘scuse me while I get out of the blast radius
<3 Discworld.
the Discworld novels are something else i’d like to revisit, AdM! i believe i only read the first two in the series, and somehow remember more of the PC adventure game than i do of the books. i know, for shame. 🙂
Mystery Men! LOVE that Movie.
Eddie Izzard is HYSTERICAL as the 70’s Tony. “little Baby Bowler” HA!
Mystery Men is one of those films i sometimes want to revisit, jiro (and Pixie!) i don’t remember much of it, but i do remember liking it when it came out. i assume it holds up?
I have both dogs and cats. But you see who I listed first dontcha? LOVE my puppy pies!!!!
Not as awesome as cats. CATS RULE!!!!!!
*cuddles with kitties*
YES!! Cats rule and dogs drool! 😀
Sonitan is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glomp of doom! Mwah!
so hard for me to choose between the two but dogs eke out a win over cats from me. 😀
The evil curses of doom will befall you, drooling dog! Bow to the greatness of the cat gods and perhaps your life will be spared (most probably NOT).
So there are only a few choices to prefill the given spaces? You can’t put in your own pithy information? Ever since I was in my first chat room 12-13 years ago, I’ve always filled in the blanks with funny to me sayings. Even my FB info is ESQ’d up hahaha.
One of these days I’ll be up to date on some kind of gaming equipment and shall be able to add you…the “newest” thing I have is the Wii…hmm…
Love the disgruntled look on his face!!
yeah, for your StreetPass profile there’s a small list of preset answers you can choose for the answers to the questions: Dogs or cats, Hobby, and Dream. you can put a little greeting in, too, but it’s limited to 16 characters or so. and yeah, i used to post some pretty weird, random stuff in chat rooms and BBSs, too, back in the day. heheh. glad that stuff can’t be traced back to me. 😉
we should trade Wii Friend Codes, ESQ! not that i get on it much, anymore. i heard they might be announcing the next gen Wii soon, tho! (to be released late next year.) crossing fingers Nintendo does something awesome and unexpected once again.
Dems dare are fightin words!
Awesome dreams. Who doesn’t have those dreams?
Dogs rule!
HAVE AT THEM BOT! I gots your back yo!
People with no soul do not have those kind of dreams.
true dat, Fijiman. either no soul or just too cool for school.
We refer to people who are ” too cool for school” as either stupid or lazy these days. 🙂
yep! the crazier the dream, the better, i say! i don’t think i’ll ever be too cool to grow out of dreaming about being a superhero, Liam. 😀
and glad you have jefbot’s back!
Awww Bendito JefBot! No dissing the Exhaulted One.
Hmmmm…what would my super power be? Maybe it would be like the Green Lantern? Anything I can image I can make type of thing? The ability to mentally slap sense into people? I dunno.
Love your detailed console drawings.
Haven’t actually seen a 3DS but at the price, pretty sure I won’t be getting one any time soon LOL.
I LOVE the idea of being able to mentally slap sense into people. Now *there’s* a useful super power!
yeah, that’d be pretty sweet. 🙂
i’d love having the power of the Green Lantern, Pixie! well, as long as my weakness isn’t the color yellow. thank the comic gods that was updated in the 90s. 🙂
and glad you liked the drawings of the 3DS. yeah, it is kinda pricey and doesn’t have a whole lot of games for it, yet. i’d suggest waiting (even though i couldn’t. heheh.)
What kind of superpowers do you wish you had? In my case I’d go for psychic abilities. My name is actually the name of my character I auditioned for Who Wants To Be A Superhero as. I got to spend ECCC2008 at the booth with Defuser, Ms. Limelight, and Fat Momma. They’re all amazing people.
that’s awesome you auditioned for that show, Psynapse! i don’t watch much reality tv, but that show was pretty fun. (at least the first season was. i didn’t catch any episodes beyond that.)
as far as superpowers – yeah, psy powers would be pretty cool. power of flight or invisibility, of course. the power to heal others and myself would be useful. heck, i’ll take any of ’em!
Well, you’ve just convinced me not to get one.
don’t let this incident sway you from getting one, Stan! the StreetPass feature is actually one of my favorite things about the device – i do a little kick every time i find a new, random Mii on my system – and you can turn the feature off with the flick of a switch on the side of the 3DS if you really don’t like it. that said, there isn’t a killer app for it, yet, so waiting’s probably a good idea.
I finally JUST got a smart phone.
Heya Bot, what games have you been enjoying on your 3DS? I just picked mine up last week (self birthday present) and I’ve been pretty impressed so far.
only game i bought for it is Pilotwings so far, Kenny. i probably would’ve gotten SFIV if i didn’t already have it for my 360. i love the AR games, though, and i’ve been using it for Pokemon White when i have the time to play. what games do you have?
I haven’t read this far into the comic yet but I felt it would be best to comment in the latest one to show you It has loads of retro games and they all run on java.
thanks for reading the strip and for the link, Tupperware Ninja! that site’s pretty awesome – i tried Donkey Kong and Super Mario 3 which were were a little buggy (and i was sad that DK was an NES emulation and not the arcade version), but still, they worked. nice! 😀
A good reason for NOT having one of these evil devices that don’t understand the meaning of PRIVACY. NOt gonna find me with any of ’em!
But the whole “like CATS” have my total support and I should declare war and eternal torture to all cat haters alike! Cats RULE!!!!
Meh (of doom). Feeling much better these past few days. Getting there, getting there.
*zzzzzZZZzzzzZzzZzzZz… of doom*
Cats are, indeed, awesome.
Wild cats are awesome, oh i love tigers (but strangely enough, I dont like lions)
yeah, wild cats are way cool, Eddie. especially ocelots and jaguars.
ha! yeah, all the latest gen systems are built for social, Sonitan, and it doesn’t look like that’s gonna change anytime soon. still, you can disable those features if you want, but i think at this point, it’s too late for me to get back my privacy with these things. 🙁
good to see you getting your groove back! pretty soon we’ll be hearing some *blaring trumpets of doom* from you, methinks!
Beware! For I do not register on your systems as Mii or Wii or even Thii! I am like unto a gridless ghost, who shall never divulge her secret dream of unleashing the powers of the antimacassar* on an unsuspecting populace! (oh, oops)
For I . . . am Luddite Ninja!
*Sounds nuclear, right? It’s a doily for your easy chair so your hair product doesn’t ruin the upholstry. Hey, that stuff stains.
I can be your sidekick and knit (crochet?) your antimacassars for you. As long as I can figure out which method to use to make ’em. 😉
Yes, young grasshopper, you may join me on my mission.
And once you can remove the stitch holder from my hand, I will pass unto you the lace-patterns of the ancients . . .
(crochet would probably be easier, but there are some cool patterns on Ravelry)
“antimacassar” did sound pretty apocalyptic, Sarah W – i’m glad you explained what it actually was. heheh. everybody, hide your lounge furniture!!!
What if I like horses?
Then you rock my sox Mr. Maryz! I love horses but am oddly afraid to get on one. I just want to look at them and pet them and feed them yummies.
i like horses too, Maryz, but like Pixie here, i fear ’em a little bit.
So, Jeff; is there any way to “un-Pass” yourself from the other guy in case you end up in that situation?
hmm… you can delete the Mii you receive from them, but i don’t believe you can take yours back, reynard61. (though that would be a funny/awesome feature. heheh.)
i literally have no idea what any of that meant…..
ha! next time i see you, i’ll explain it all, cin.
that was the same face he made when he was playing hitman on the cornfather wasnt it? i bet hes gotta super nintendo controller in his pocket. go get em bot!
yeah, that expression is something jefbot and i share, steve. and we both keep SNES controllers with us at all times, so watch out. 😉
And they say sharing hurts the music industry…..
oh, man. that’s a whole other bag o’ worms, TCG!
Indeed. It’s funny thought because I used to do some of that there music downloading and would end up buying the CD. Oh well.
-whipes mouth and sneaks 9 mm under the napkin as sets down- Remember, double tap. -pats on back and walks out-
actually, i’d much rather have a portal gun, Anime fan. you got one of those you could slip me?
I’ll look in the back. -walks into endless hallways- -rattle clank- -THOOM!- -walks back, sits down, licks finger and puts out smouldering eyebrow- Sorry, just sold the last of them to Drunk Duck, something about a virus or plague. As a side note the magazine only has rubber bullets, so, no death. Just don’t go for a headshot, braindamage and retardation afterwards are harder to get out of than aggravated asault.
I sense nerd rage levels rising. Can’t wait for Tuesday’s comic, Jeff. 😉
I do not, and probably never will, have a 3DS mostly because I do not want one. I am also content with my ghetto Gameboy advanced that I got back in 1999.(now if only I had $20 so I could get a copy of Mario & Luigi Superstar saga. I would be very content then) While I may not be available for pestering on any Nintendo system, I am still available for pestering on the Xbox 360 especially now that I’m on Sprig Break. YAY!
i think bot’s gonna let this one pass, Fijiman. too bad he’s not there with Xinda, though. he could’ve let her loose on them. 😉
ooh, i loved those “Mario & Luigi” games! and i’ve been so busy this year i haven’t had much chance to play my home consoles, but if you wanna trade GamerTags, mine’s “jefbot” (natch.)
I’ll see what I can do. 😉
I like rainbows and bunnies and Hello Kitty. Don’t like it? Then bite me.
But yea, I can see how somebody making fun of you (or you accidentally making fun of someone else) where you (they) can hear it is not so cool. Jefbot’s face in the last panel is priceless. It’s totally “I’m pissed but I”m not going to let on that I’m the dog-loving, super hero wannabe.”
i love all those things you mentioned in your first sentence, shanna, but i’m still gonna bite you. >:) my favorite of the sanrio characters is actually Bad Badtz Maru, but they don’t seem to support him much anymore, sadly.
and glad you liked bot’s reaction in that last panel. thought it best to go understated in this one.
“Dogs are stupid”? He said that out loud–in public? Perhaps he’d like to discuss his opinion with my Great Dane, Lucifer. Could be a bit one-sided, though. Lucifer has no patience for stupid people.
Damn, Jeff, you really know how to manipulate those emotion strings. This guy’s a fictional character, little more than a cipher, and I already want to kick his ass.
I love dogs. I love cats. Some people though…
yikes! i wouldn’t wanna mess with Lucifer, Chaucer! my sister had a great dane many years ago, and while it was a puppy at heart, it was as big as a small horse and would strike fear in anyone who didn’t know him.
and thanks for the compliment! you getting an emotional reaction from the comic strip (even “anger”) is high praise, indeed. 🙂
4/1, eh?
yeah, my birthday’s 4/6, Rogue, but i thought it easy to remember (and funnier/cooler) if jefbot’s was on april fool’s. 🙂
And now it makes sense.
They think dogs are stupid? Throw them into the pit of eternal cat scratches to the face!
As for 3DS I would be tempted to try it if I had the money, so I shall keep my DS and stare at all the new versions. With a poor mans glee
addon: Wait, when did any of the super hero’s/villain’s get powers from getting ‘nuked’?
the Incredible Hulk got his powers from getting caught in the blast of a gamma bomb.
hm, the Hulk I saw was mutated from a experiment having to do with the ‘fight or flight’ effect.
i’ve had many a scratch to the face, arms and chest when i had cats, Zolen, so i think i’ve at least visited that pit. 🙂
the 3DS is fun but definitely not a must have, yet. i’ve played more regular DS games (specifically, Pokemon White) than actual 3DS games on it, so keep enjoying your DS!
*Kicks those guys in their +’es* I have a dog and she isn’t stupid>:( she protect my Rabits…. Correction, rabbit, one of them died yesterday due to a broken leg :'( (knew him 8 years)
sorry about your rabbit, skinnah. i’m glad he had your dog around to protect him those 8 years, though.
Too bad his offspring didn’t survive the Neighbor’s cats :/
well, i’m 2277-6657-6807, if that helps.
big fan of the strips, by the way….
thanks, G-Man0091! i’m glad you’re a fan. 😀
and i’ll be adding you when i get home later tonight. see you online!
Technology can be so painful. Luckily this strip is so good to make up for it.
Aaaand this is exactly why I’m never going to get one of those things.
I’ll just wait till I can emulate it on the computer. This way, these things don’t go leaking out stuff about me to everyone.
With all the new technologies in the new systems it’s getting harder and harder to emulate them on a computer. If you look at the saturn, dreamcast, PS2, and xbox emulators they don’t work that well because now most consoles are built like PC’s unfortunatly. So for emulating an xbox’s high tech processor as well as crafting your own 3D library (unless you use DirectX or OpenGL which are too underpowered) You can’t get a good system working. Sorry Im not trying to sound mean and I know you probably forgot about this post but just sayin.
Its okay bot, my dream would be to become Batman or a giraffe. <3
Some things are better for only you to know… And dogs are the best pets ever!!!! @Jefbot I LOVE your expression in the last panel!