A friend of mine absolutely loathes the phrase, “Let me pick your brain.” It conjures up a disgusting mental image for him and he can’t stand it. I’m beginning to feel the same way about “eye-popping,” especially now that every review for any game or system that uses 3D in any way is required to use that description, it seems. I’m not quite as disgusted by the other phrases the Cornfather and jefbot are reading off the game cases in today’s strip (okay, maybe “crotch-exploding”) but the level of hyperbole in video game packaging, ads and reviews these days is just as comical.
Claimed it
congrats, Eddie! you’ve indeed claimed today’s Shades of Firsting, which will shield you from any “eye-popping” going around:
Id say that crotch exploding is always bad, unless its your enemies crotch that is blowing up 😀 Bazooka nut-shot 😀
now “Bazooka nut-shot” is something i wouldn’t mind seeing advertised on a game box, Eddie. 😉
I now fear the idea of Bulletstorm for the 3DS.
It’ll never happen, but…
oh, man. that’d be insane, Mephron! i wonder what the first FPS is gonna be on the 3DS? a new Metroid Prime would be pretty awesome.
It’s only 12:23 here currently Friday… My time zone, well, the posts aren’t until around 4 am… I don’t think I can stay up the extra three hours 🙁
“Thumb breaking gameplay”? Ouch! That’s not a selling point for me! I need my fingers to play the piano!
Lol…those are very silly, aren’t they…I hadn’t noticed how high the level of hyperbole had gotten until you mentioned it. Though I’m sure I would have noticed the “crotch-exploding” one…
it’s funny how painful many of the descriptions on video games sound, Tiana! i guess since everything has to be extreme these days it wouldn’t do to have something just be awesome, it has to be skull crushingly awesome!!! or whatever. 🙂
It’s just…*mind-blowing* Lol!
oh, is that all, T? 😉
Everything has to be extreme! In my sport classes at school, we played Ultimate Frisbee and Extreme Golf! Yeah!
I think the amount of hyperbole probably heightens because people become desensitized to usual amounts of hyperbole, so you have to add more to create any sort of effect.
true that, Anonymous – who knows to what extent the hyperbole will reach with the next console generation or the generation after that. it might just get so extreme that the opposite of extreme will be the new extreme. which is to say, something like, “the graphics are not bad. pretty good, actually, if you like that sort of thing,” might be our future. 😉
“Quietly Understated British-Style Game Advertising”? That might be amusing and just could work.
“This game contains some somewhat antisocial behavior involving, amongst other items, firearms, knifes, vehicles and possibly a large robot. The women are dressed somewhat scantily, and at least one possible relationship seems a bit odd due to the age difference between the possible romantic partners.” — Metal Gear Solid.
Based on this advertisment Im buying that game.
heheh. see!? i’m sold, too, Mephron! makes me wanna play Metal Gear Solid all over again. now all we need is a “Quietly Understated British-Style Game Ad” for Bayonetta. ;D
“A woman with supernatural abilities and agility does battle with supernatural entities for the purposes of showing off a game engine, along with character design renderings. The game includes gunfire, magical abilities, and occational near-nudity.”
I can hear all of those being delivered as game ads in the style of the famed wrestler “Macho Man” Randy Savage.
…and now I can’t unhear it.
yeah, he’d be a perfect pick to voice game ads for some of the more testosterone-fueled titles, Mephron. which is to say, all of them. well, mostly. 🙂
I wanna know what kind of games these are. They don’t sound fun at all.
wait ’til there’s an “eye-popping” 3D Pokémon title, DJ! you know that’ll at least be worth playing.
Ha! I’d love to see someone playing a game that is “crotch-exploding” (but from a safe distance!). Very funny strip!
I just realized how much I miss all the blues and purples that seemed to be everywhere in the Last Arcade story arc.
No no, Shanna, I’m with you. I’m more of a cool color person. These neutrals and mustards make me gag. HAHAHA….I needs me bright vibrant blues and purples…
Yeah….Make is a three fer! I love me some purple and red.
People, face it, you are just missing Cel and her color palete. Count me in.
glad you liked those purple/blue hues, peeps! i used those colors to give The Last Arcade storyline its own look and feel. no doubt it’ll be back when next (or should i say “if”?) cel makes her return.
ha! yes, “from a safe distance” is probably a good rule to enforce when playing (or watching) “crotch-exploding” games, shanna. especially if it’s, say, a Kinect, Move or Wii title.
I often wonder at the etymology of phrases and how they keep their relevance long after the original inception.
Like “Have your cake and eat it too.” What’s the hell the point of having cake if you can’t eat it? When did eating cake, designed for being eaten, become synonymous with wanting more than you deserve?
yet we all know that the cake is a lie, 11TN. #Portal2LaunchingToday!!!
Ah-ha, that explains the video game reference. I forgot that was today until I saw a fb post about someone resisting temptation until they’d finished homework.
i haven’t played it yet, Tiana – i’m in the midst of a project i’m collaborating with a friend on, and i have to finish my part before this weekend. stupid deadlines! so wanna play that game!!!
played for a bit last night. it’s great. still need a co-op robot partner, tho…
don’t tease me, 11TN.
What the hell is the point*
Maybe this is why I prefer the Wii over the Xbox or PS3? I’m not really a fan of the “Shoot’em up” games. And the XBox and PS3 both seem to be centered on those types of games. I much prefer the Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros. Type games (ok ok I love house of the Dead 2 and 3! and Play them with Hubby when his pain isn’t too bad.)
Crotch Eploding BAD!
On a sidenote…I recently discovered Kingdon Hearts II the other day for my PS2 even though I’ve owned it for years. Let me explain…
This past weekend has been a rough one at Casa Pixie. I spent 90% of the weekend in my bedroom in a funk (still feeling like Eeyore). TO break up the monotony, I turned on the PS2 that I have hooked up in the bedroom. I’ve had it in there for a few months now. Now when we lived in the old house, when all we had was the PS2. I bought both KH and KHII because I am a huge Disney Fan! I had friends that loved the game and begged to play. I of course, said sure maybe you can teach me how to play. Well, they intimidated me so much I never ever turned the game one ONCE.
Well, this weekend I said to myself “Ok, you need something to occupy your mind even if for a little while.” So I decided to try KHII first as no one had touched that game as of yet. I fell instantly in love with the game! It’s not as hard as I thought it was. Nor is it as complicated. So yes, KHII helped me get back to a place where I could get out of bed this morning. Yay.
See you all on Friday.
I STILL play those games. Even the old Sonic Heroes, and yes, even the N64 Super Mario. 😀
🙁 Sure ’nuff–I’ve been in the same place, and believe you me, sometimes the best solution can be to just immerse yourself in a really fun game. Let go of everything for a little while and just focus on some new challenge, yannow? Nevermind that the game in question may be heavily infused with elements of Disney–that just makes it all the more hardcore, in my opinion. Mickey in particular. 😛
…not to say that O.XIII isn’t badass in its own rights. >_> Although given that my game disc of KH has been SCREWED up for some time, it seems kinda natural that, with KHII and 358/2 Days being the only other games of the series in my posession, that I would inadvertently end up joining the ranks of semi-rabid fangirl stalkerism.
…I’m starting to feel I may be rambling aimlessly at this point. Back to lurking from the corner in my Black Coat. B-) *disappoofs*
LOL Well thank you for coming out of the lurker shadows for the reassurance thast there isn;t something wrong with me (well at least not totally wrong) and it will pass.
I haven’t even LOOKED at the new KH Elebenty Bajillion Days yet. I think I want to finish this one first. I’m in Agrabah with Aladin at the moment and was so fried last night I just had to turn it off.
Super Mario 64 is a classic, Petoxi! loving Mario Galaxy 1&2 as well, but haven’t had a chance to play recently.
and agreed: videogames provide a great distraction, even when the world around you isn’t going so well. doctors should definitely recommend them more. 🙂
embarrassed to admit i have both 358/2 and Birth by Sleep and haven’t opened either of them yet. so much to play, so little time.
just as Pixie mentioned, i’m glad to see you coming out of the shadows to post a comment! hope we see you again here soon.
I have always seen PS systems as what you get for mostly story based games and Xbox for mostly mindless shooter based games. Wii is what you use if you have a large group of people over.
yeah, although there are a handful of good, solo Wii games, (Metroid, Zelda, Mario,etc.) i agree that the best use of the system is with friends, Zolen.
It seems to me that the various systems are made types of games and groups. The Wii is for mostly family-oriented games (as if that weren’t obvious), and only a few of the handful of more mature games for it are very well made from what I hear.(I don’t own a Wii so I don’t really care) The PS2 was made more for RPG and adventure games like Ratchet and Clank, Jak, and numerous others. The PS3(which I also don’t have), however, seems to be more devoted to more hardcore shooter games with games like LittleBigPlanet being the exception. The Xbox 360 (which I’ve mentioned I have) seems to be more on the middle ground of the consoles. While it does support games like Halo and CoD, it also has a respectable library of more family-friendly titles such as the Lego games and a few Sonic games. I personally love shooter games with the occasional puzzle and RPG adventure games thrown in every now and again. However, I am not one to play games like the Final Fantasy series (never. gonna. happen. ever.) and I DO NOT play sport and most racing games. Most of this is just my opinion, so don’t persecute me for lack of knowledge on certain systems. I am now going to end this comment because it’s getting too long for my liking.
for the most part i agree with your assessment of the systems, Fijiman. although i love them all, my XBOX 360 gets the most gaming time, (if you don’t count the DS, and never mind the fact that i haven’t played any of my consoles in months) mostly because, like you said, it provides a great middle ground. also, many games just work and look better on the 360 and the social aspects of the system and online support are WAAAAYYY ahead of everyone else. that said, i’ve been through four of the things due to the dreaded Red Ring of Death. 😛
I’m still on my first one. Only thing is that the power button light doesn’t work anymore. It had stopped working before then came back on for a while, and now doesn’t work again. I wonder, does if that makes mine red-ring proof?
I might be more interested in using any of the DSs if it weren’t for the fact that there are only like five games on the thing that I would even want to play. Same goes for the Wii, not enough games that I would want to play to make it worth it. I wouldn’t mind having a PS3, if only so that I can play the rest of the Ratchet and Clanck series.
i think i have more games for the DS than any other system, Fijiman! (over 50 games for it, at least.) but i’m a sucker for old-school side scrollers, platformers and 16 bit rpgs, not to mention the pokémon games. 😀
I haven’t played my Pokemon games in forever. Mostly because I have NO idea what the hell I was doing last time I did and I’ll get board fairly quickly after starting. The only games I have worth playing on my GBA are Treasure Planet and the first Harry Potter game (which was also the first game I ever bought 🙂 ) I also have Tarzan and battleship, but those games are absolutely worthless p.o.s.’s. (battleship because the AI cheats and Tarzan because it’s just a bad game on the GameBoy)
i’ve been so busy since the move i haven’t played any Wii, 360 or PS3 games this year, Pixie! the only system that’s seen any action is my DSxl and 3DS, mainly cuz of Pokémon, which i just can’t resist, hard as i try.
sorry to hear about the rough times at Casa Pixie. hope you’re feeling much, much better now. i want you feeling more like Tigger than Eeyore! (though i do love Eeyore. he’s my favorite of the “100 acre woods” bunch.) don’t mean to pry but was it just a funk or was it more than that? i can’t help but worry ’bout my ladies!
i love me some Kingdom Hearts! i know what you mean about feeling intimidated by some of its fans, though. the games are great, but i have some friends that are just consumed by that series and know every little bit of trivia and dress as the characters whenever they can. i just like it cuz it’s fun and i’m a Disney fan. (although i do have a KH shirt with King Mickey in that all-black outfit, which is badass.)
happy to hear video games helped you out! now why can’t our representatives hear good stories like that instead of just the violent, crazy stuff?
Awww thanks for the concern. I’m feeling better, but not up to pixie dust standards as of yet.
In the past week (literally the LAST 7 days!) I lost my cousin (he was a few years older than my sister and the first of the cousins to pass) we got bad news from the IRS (hubby owes…alot. Stupid disability doesn’t cover JACK EXPLETIVE!), had ANOTHER of our cats pass (second one in a year) and had to look for money we didn;t have to have her cremated.
The cousin really shock me up. Mainly because he was my sisters age and he was just….gone. I couldn’t go to the funeral because well I don’t like funerals and because I have a lot of pets to take care of, plus my mothers dogs and my husband.
The cat really screwed with hubby’s head because she was mostly his cat. she cuddled with him every night and helped him sleep and was generally his best friend. So between my own depression over the cousin and the cat and dealing with my husband who was freaked, the weekend did not go well and I was completely and utterly depressed. Still getting over the feeling of doom and gloom. I think once the weekend is here, I can slough off the skin of the this past week and start fresh so to speak.
I am DEFINATELY much more a Tigger than an Eeyore which makes this weird for me. My husband keeps asking what’s wrong with me because I am usually so much happier.
OH I’m at Port Royale again with the Pirates (One of my favorite places in KHII cause…it has Pirates DUH!) and I just got done with the 1000 Heartless Challange (GO me!). King Mickey had on his bad A$$ red and white outfit. When I am done with this one, gonna go back and tackle KH!
sorry to hear about your cousin’s passing, Pixie. you and your family are in my thoughts and i hope things start to feel close to okay, soon.
man, with your cousin, your cat, taxes and everything else you have good reason to be depressed. sounds like you have the right idea, though – stay in that funk for as long as you need to, then “slough” it off and emerge shiny and new. and know you have friends over here wishing you well! (sending good vibes over to your husband, too.) 🙂
good job on the 1000 heartless challenge! my favorite part in that game was the TRON world. even though there’s not a whole lot going on there, it was fun to see the characters all “TRON’d” out.
“Crotch exploding”…?
You do have to kinda wonder just WHAT exactly the focus of THAT particular game is… .-.
heheh. some things are best left unsaid, Petoxi. 😉
I vote for “stomach wretching”, myself. I can’t do 3D.
heheh. that would be a much more accurate description to add to the case for some of these 3D games and movies, Stan.
OH no…Pixie broke my heart when she said she’s not a fan of shoot-em-ups! Awww, say it isn’t so….
I LOVE shoot-em-ups, or fighting games…now I’m not a very good gamer, seriously, horrible…but I do LOVE to kill stuff! Or create the characters…the last MK game, I would spend hours just tweaking my character, ha!
My favorite shoot-em-up would have to be this arcade game (don’t know the name of it) but it’s a zombie shooting game. It comes with hand guns and one shotgun. I loves me the shotgun…I totally get into it…zombies pop up, I scream, shoot ’em…jump around…hehe…
Oh no ESQ! You miss understood me. I love MK and Street Fighter and that type of thing. I don’t like things like Call of Duty and that type of thing. Not my taste. My Daddy has Call of Duty and asked me to play for him while he let the dogs out. It took him about 4 minutes and I died 5 times in that short period.
So consider that an * to my comment LOL
Heh, I actualy like Call of Duty and I would love it if it wasnt so scripted for checkpoints. What I dont like is Hack and Slash like Devil May Cry series even though its one of my all time favorites thanks to its story and characters. Seriously does it matter how I kill an enemy as long as it gets dead?
I kill my enemies with lifelink, deathtouch, and if Im in really good mood, than I kill them with 40/40 with trample (thats how bad ass I am) 😀
You DONT HAVE a 20/20 trample! And by your own opinion your deck would lose to any of mine, even those that are made up just from leftover cards. So dond go around missusing internet anonymity or Ill sick one of my planeswalkers on you.
Oh dude, I never said I have a 20/20 with trample, its 40/40 with trample, cuz I PWN that hard.
oOoooh… 40/40 trample, Eddie!? that is badass! seeing you and Maryz talk about that stuff is making me wanna bust out my M:TG decks!
I would give it another try Pixie. Trust me when I say that only a few people are ever able to not get killed like twenty times the first time they play a game like that. Heck, I’m a fairly competent gamer and I still have matches like that; although a majority of those are because someone is lagging the game on purpose or is using a hack or mod, the little *insert swear word(s) here*.
true dat, Fijiman – those games take a lot of practice, even in single player. and you have to seriously level up your gaming skillz before going online against real people, or be pwned into oblivion.
And like I said, even doing that wont save you from those who can’t play the game normally and have to use hacks, mods, and lag switches in order to win. It’s okay if the mod/hack effects everyone and is only being used with the consent of the other players to have fun; but that is, unfortunately, not the case in most situations. And again, those little *insert swear word(s) here*.
i used to totally love fighting games back when Street Fighter II came out, ESQ. Samurai Shodown was awesome, too. not as into them as i used to be, but i was playing a ton of SFIV when that came out last year. and yeah, shooters are awesome. although i like the “twitchy” types, i lean more toward the hybrid shooter/rpgs/adventure games like the Mass Effect, Red Dead and GTA series.
hmm… could the zombie shooter have been House of the Dead?
You need help picking a game? An here I had this strong belive you are at least casual gamer. Dont let Cel hear of this, for your own sake.
Are those games some specific pieces with interesting advertisments that caught your attention or just your random immagination?
As for the adverisments someone in the industry should finaly realise that something trying to be absolutely bombastic often end up as trying too much in wrong direction…
For example: Crysis 2 had interesting concept, but it falls on new suit (I liked older more), leaving fate of Nomad, Psycho, Helena Rosenthal and ONeil unknown and dabling in conspiracy with too thin plot and no character that could be considered as high quality evil boss. Bringing back Prophet is great idea. But they tried to add new dimension to the *being caught in alien invasion* premise of Crysis but feel of the game in campain suffers because of it. Multiplayer is great though and overall story is only thing to not be fantastic in Crysis 2, so its still a great game, but story is a big deal to me. Hmmm. Second time I posted a review on this site. Sorry guys if it is not to your liking I tend to talk off topick sometimes.
I find it kinda symbolic that Eddie got first for the strip that deals with this. He likes to have remarks – if you can call it that – about topics with realy disturbing mental images especialy in restaurants in middle of eating. Man, disgusting and apetite-killing.
Oh, and Brloh, Shop for MtG, DnD, Games, Books, all things Gamer and Geeky and Stuff opened yesterday in our fair city AND IM NOT THERE FOR WHOLE WEEK! GO DIE WORK! Why do you have to interfere with my life?!
Dude, the booster packs are quite expensive, the non-translated literature is as non-existent as it is non-translated and they dont have almost any single cards, it is still just starting, making its mark 😀 But the staff is awesome and the place looks nice and all.
i would love it if a hobby store opened up within walking distance of me, Maryz. the only one i semi-frequent is an old shop in Burbank, which is about a 20-minute drive from my apartment.
Never killed my appetite, Dude.
At least your review wasn’t three or four times longer than what you put. THAT’S when we would have a problem. I have no intention of playing either Crysis game and hope it remains that while for a good while. What I do want to get is Portal 2, but I have no money which absolutely SUCKS. 🙁
eh, jefbot was more likely being inclusive with the Cornfather while looking through games, rather than just leaving his friend to stand there while he spends time perusing.
all of those phrases were from real video game descriptions or reviews, Maryz, except for “Crotch-exploding,” although i’m sure that’s either been used or will be used to describe a game someday. 🙂
and i hear ya about story being important. it drives me crazy when playing a game that has amazing production values with the graphics and gameplay, only to have a lame story and dialogue. (which happens with most of the games i play these days, sadly.) just completely ruins the experience.
i’m hesitant to ask what topics Eddie brings up while you’re eating. especially since i’m ab out to have dinner here, myself.
LOL @ Cornfather in the last panel. I mean, do you really have to ask that question? I think the answer is pretty obvious. 😛
glad you found the Cornfather amusing in that last panel, TCG. i mean, who wouldn’t want their crotch to explode – in a game or otherwise!? 😉
When I am thinking of picking a game, before I go buy it I always look at a few “Let’s Play” videos, before I bother looking around. I try to avoid beliving anything I read in a review or on the game case.
it’s so hard to know who to trust when it comes to video game reviews, Zolen! there are some reviewers whose recommendations i’ll trust, but there aren’t many of them.
Hilarious! I’d say it’s a very BAD idea Cornfather! P. S. Which section of the gaming department were you in?!?
heheh. thanks, Funnyshaffer! and yeah, maybe the Cornfather picked up an M-rated game? 😉
i think in the video gaming world “crotch exploding” is good but anywhere else is bad xD
this is true, MrSnow.
I’m sure that when used in the right context(whatever that might be) “crotch exploding is a good thing. But as far as I’m concerned it’s a bad thing.
Come to think of it, I used to be able to play my Pokemon Ruby game from start up to the electric gym before I had to stop because I got a massive headache.(I would only just run through it without saving and only when I was bored) I’d hate to try and see how long I would last doing that on the new Pokemon game with the 3DS with its “eye-popping” graphics. (not that I would take the time these days)
Speaking of Pokemon, look what I found today. 🙂 http://fuckyeahpokevillains.tumblr.com/post/4734057241/like-a-boss
ha! my favorite: “cuddle phione (like a boss)”
i think the context of video games is the only place where “crotch-exploding” would be a good thing, Fijiman.
yes, if a 2D screen gave you massive headaches, then the 3DS will definitely take “eye-popping” to a new level for you. 😛
I think it was mostly just from staring a tiny screen for five or six hours strait, but that doesn’t matter now. Mostly because I’ll probably never play my Ruby game except to get my special and/or shiny/rare Pokemon off of it. Shiny Pokemon are an @$$ to find. I’ve probably only ever found four or five throughout all of my games, not including any that I didn’t know were shinnies and killed.
“crotch exploding” OH that must be bullet storm! the hell other game is going to have that nonsense….
on a side note, that game was most excellent. it was stupid, but fun.
i almost bought Bulletstorm, steve, but have so many other games i haven’t even started yet. glad to hear you liked it, though. will probably pick it up when it drops sub $30.
I’m guessing “crotch-exploding” probably isn’t rated E . . .
heheh. let’s hope not, Sarah W. 🙂
I’m back! took a bit of a holiday getting settled in to my new job 😀
great job as always, Bot!
and no… i don’t think crotch exploding is particularly fun
hey, welcome back, Leithal! i’m happy to see you back here and glad to hear the new job’s going well! so what’s the new job?
working at my local McDonalds out the back 😀
I’m with Cornfather. All I can say that as long as its not my crotch exploding, I’m good.
yeah, seems best to avoid “crotch-exploding” whenever possible, Liam.
Ha Ha – these sound like the descriptions of medication side effects (i.e. may cause liver and other internal organs to disintegrate.)
yes! i love those commercials, Angela! everything sounds great until they get to the “may cause” part.
*snerk* “crotch exploding”, that’s a good one! Glad I stumbled back onto your comic after a busy month, shootzee. Have you performed “The Experiment” yet? I’m dying to know the results. Half-literally. (Okay, not literally at all, but you get the point.)
haven’t seen you for quite a while, NeoDarklight! glad yer back.
and haven’t done the experiment, but i did think about it when i picked up some “adult chocolate milk” and wondered if they had a “strawberry” variety. heheh.
I’ll have to go back and read everyone’s comments later. But goodness, awesome strip! It had me lmaorotf 🙂
Sorry about the late commenting. It’s been a hectic week… I got a job though! I’m still doing the crafting, but I’ll have a regular paycheck so maybe we can stay afloat when the roommies leave.
thanks, Ky! i’m always happy when a strip makes someone lmaorotf! 😀
yeah, i hear ya about the hectic week – it’s why i’m so late in getting responses to the comments up! ah, well – it’ll just make the weekend that much better, right? congrats on the job and regular paycheck! (they definitely come in handy.)
I’m afraid that if 3D is the future for video games and movies I will be the only one left out of the “fun”.
I have severe vertigo and acrophobia issues, which means that I almost fainted when I went to see AVATAR in 3D (Mr. Cameron’s movie not the airbending whatever other silly movie). So, defenitely 3D TVs are outta the question and 3D gaming is not gonna find it’s way into my lair of doom (aka the Vault of Doom of Doomsday’s Devices… of Doom).
And yet… if Konami ever does the remake for Castlevania Symphony of the Night in 3D… like YEAH I AM SO GONNA GET IT!!!! Bring Adrian Farenheights Tepes AGAIN you STUPISH KONAMI!!!!!!! HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO KEEP WAITING?!!!!!! They even make a DECENT 2.5D Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles (the remake of the original Rondo of Blood) and you got NO idea how my mind was BLOWN away picturing what Symphony of the Night would look like in 2.5D!!!! So unfair!!!! CURSE YOU, KONAMI!! CURSE YOU!!!!!
Meh. Enough rambling. Going back to bed.
*cuddles case of PS Symphony of the Night game*
Welcome back to the boards!
Yeah, 3D gaming can wait until they find a way to make it feel like you’re actually in the game itself.
As far as the Avatar movies go, Cameron’s was okay but not worth all of the hype it was given.(it deserved a lot of it, just not all) The Airbender movie was okay, but tried to cram too much of the series into too short a movie to really work for me.
i thought the live action Airbender was okay too, Fijiman, until i watched the animated series and lamented what could have been! damn you, M. Night!!!
Too true, Jeff, too true. I am one of the people who watched every episode usually the day it came out, so I know how much stuff was left out. I hope that they do not plan to/are not making a second one.
m night makes me embarassed as an asian………..he is almost on the same level as uwe boll….i want to punch him in the gonads….thanks for screwing everything u jerkbag
i hope 3D isn’t the future of games ‘n movies either, Sonitan. the 3DS is cool cuz it’s portable, i only play it in short bursts, and most of all: doesn’t require glasses. until they do that for widescreen tvs in an an effective, effortless way, forget it. although i guess that wouldn’t help your vertigo/acrophobia issues. eh, 3D doesn’t add that much to most games ‘n movies right now anyway, so you wouldn’t be missing out on a whole lot.
oOh… Symphony of the Night in 3D!? okay, now we’re talking! and actually, can’t wait to see what they do with the upcoming Zelda and Mario 3DS games, too.
You’re not the only one; trust me. I have a physical disability (a kind of monocular vision) that prevents me from seeing 3D. Which I suppose is kind of a bummer, with all the 3D stuff being made now.
But I’ll always have Descent and its 2 sequels—the 3D-on-a-2D-screen kind of 3D gameplay. (As a side note, I really do wish for there to be a 3rd sequel someday.)
And incidentally, Descent was tagged as “mind-bending” and “stomach-churning” (says so on the back of the jewel box!). Killer graphics for 1995. 😀
kyaaaa…its sonitan!!!!!!! *runs to hug her but trips and bloodied my nose* *looks around and runs away*
Two words for crotch exploding: Johnny Cage
Great strip, bot. Really funny. And we all know that crotch-exploding is a GOOD thing. In fact, it’s a WONDERFUL thing!!
I just got the new L.A. Noire, which Nowgamer says is “Emotionally Engaging” I guess “you’ll be addicted like crack!” wasn’t appropriate. ;D
Boot! Do you have PS3? If you do do you have any cool games I can play? I wanna buy a scary one but I’m too scared. xD Buuut I wanna try playing Dead Space.