Although videogames appeal to adults as well as kids these days, it’s not always easy to find gamers when you aren’t around a younger demographic. (This wasn’t a problem when I was in high school and college, obviously.) Most of my friends have left gaming behind as they’ve gotten older and I can’t blame them – as I’ve mentioned on the site before, I’ve been so busy this year that I haven’t connected my gaming consoles since moving to my new apartment last December. My Nintendo DS (and now my 3DS) still gets played on occasion, but certainly not as much as a year ago, and a year ago I wasn’t playing as much as the year before that. It’s nice that modern consoles let you socialize with friends and strangers online, but nothing quite matches the thrill of playing together in the same room, which, more and more, is becoming a rare thing. I think once I get a few more projects done (which includes some cool stuff coming soon for this site!) I should vow to set aside time to plug in my 360, PS3 and Wii, invite some friends over, and get some hardcore gaming done for as long as it takes to get it out of my system, and then I can get back to work.
Speaking of socializing with friends online, several readers – who have now been assimilated into my Friends List – responded to my call to trade 3DS Friend Codes a couple strips back, (thanks, all!) so I thought I’d do that again for those that might have missed the post. I found this was an awesome way to connect with some cool gamers, and much better than trolling schools, which I do not recommend. Here’s how:
• Input my 3DS Friend Code into your 3DS: 4339-2500-5008
• Then email me your 3DS Friend Code by clicking here. (Codes must be traded for this to work.)
• As always, kids get your parents’ permission before doing anything like this online.
Oh no! Poor ‘bot! He obviously didn’t think this all the way through…
yes, let’s hope he just gets told to “move along,” and things don’t escalate beyond that, Tiana!
and i know i’m always impressed with your Firsting skillz but i posted today’s strip about 3 hours ahead of my normal time, so i don’t even know how you even knew to check the site! anyway, these Shades of Firsting are well deserved, and serve as a Get Out of Jail Free card, should you need it before the next strip goes up (know that this power is not at all guaranteed, should you be imprisoned):
Thanks so much! I was sitting down for my first meal as a 24-year-old, and checked my list of sites, and hey presto! (And I wanted the Shades on my birthday anyway…just a little thing. 😉 )
Awesome! I might need this “Get Out Of Jail Free” card tonight…I have the night off after my show. >:D
OOH! that’s right! let me be the first here on the site to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TIANA!!! WOOOooOooOOOO! now it only seems right that you obtained the Shades today! break a leg tonight and enjoy the cake:

Thanks, on both counts! It promises to be an *excellent* day. 😀
Well happy birthday, maybe the same thing will happen on my birthday in June. And congrats on the firsting.
Thanks! What day is your birthday?
June 17th, and I take cash, check, and credit card numbers. ^_^
*swipes credit card down Red’s butt*
Sorry… your butt overdrew my account.
If I were a different person I might take offense to that. XD
In other news, your butt is gigantic. MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!!!!
*hides behind the nearest sturdy object*
In other news: I’m a 380 pound man. Like I said, if I were a different person. 😛
*sticks his head up from behind the sturdy object*
Mmmmm tasty foot!
that’s slightly strange, my birthday’s June 17 too!
and the annoying guy in my class who follows me around, he’s 17/06 too…..but a year later…
Well, I’m 6/17/88. I don’t think that they’re that close to me. O_O
hmm… sounds like a popular date. well, happy birthday in advance you guys!
Heh, my b’day is the day after yours! I’ll be 25 this year. 😀
25’s a good year, Insectoid! get ready.
Happy belated b’day!
gyah…. If I’d stayed up just a LITTLE longer!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! lol *cries*
But, I laughed at the strip. That’s awesome! lol
heheh. yeah, i was actually surprised i got the strip up as early as i did, Kypress. glad you got a laugh out of it when you woke up!
Curses and fie, Tiana! I was laying in wait to ninja the Shades of Firsting! I am a failuuuuuure! *shakes fist at the sky*
My birthday gave me a +200 to my ninja skills…you were beaten before you even started. 😉
I spent most of my levels in psion… I should have seen this coming!
And happy birthday!
Thanks! And yeah…though the fact that I’m a known fast firster should have made that easy to predict with psi skills…. 😉
Yeah yeah… can I reroll??
Happy Natal Escape Day oh Luverly One!
How old are you today? Cause I gotta say, looking at your pics on here…you are a wee wisp of a girl!
Lol! Thanks, dearheart! I’m 24 today…just a young’un!
Speaking from one 24-yo to another… There are times when I wish I were still 18. 🙂
Feh. I’m 18 and I still wish that I was younger. I miss the good old days when life was simple and I actually watched a lot more TV than I do now.(there is almost NOTHING good on TV these days that you haven’t already seen 12 times. or at least nothing that’s on at a decent time of day for me)
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh honey…this made my day.
18 and wishing you were younger. Baby….welcome to real life and it gets harder. Enjoy 18 now. Enjoy 21. Cause 30 then 35 then 38 come before you know it.
I know it gets even harder. That’s why I’m already wishing I was younger.
yep, and finding time to do the things you like, like watching tv, playing videogames, hanging with friends, going to the movies, (running a webcomic. heheh) etc. gets harder the older you get. like Pixie said: enoy it now!
That looks like bot might be in a wee bit of trouble…
jefbot better hope the officer’s a gamer, Red!
I really need to get my computer back running right so I can hang out here all day again. >.<
how are you getting here now, Red? cellphone?
My roughly ten minutes of power before the computer over heats. I can extend it a little bit by running a turbo fan on high, but not too long…
ooh, yeah – get that thing fixed soon, Red, so we can see more of you here!
Cheaper to get a new one sadly. There’s so much wrong with this I’d swear it was old when I got it if it wasn’t a display model, not my choice in computers btw…
isn’t that the way of things these days? always seems it’s just easier and cheaper to replace than repair.
I know the Harem might get mad at me for keeping you awake, but I think everyone here is either open minded enough to think about other possibilities, or willing to ask questions about this. If ANYONE has any questions, concerns, or ideas, or you just want to talk, email me at please. And now I think my foot is melting from the computer so I only have like 2 minutes left.
Why are you melting? Are you an Auton???
Two question. One: what kind of a computer do you have? Two: when did you get it? I know the computer I’m using now was already old (by about a year at the most) when we got it and it still runs fine after about ten+ years. A good bit laggy from time to time, but fine.
Dell dimension 5150, used as a display model at the phone company, and in order to run anything other than IE me and my friend had to custom the hell out of it, but sadly the motherboard is still a dell pos and its about 7 years old or so…
Mine’s a Dell Dimension 2200 and, like I said, it still runs fine after roughly ten+ years.
Maybe you should think of getting the non display model next time.
I’ve never trusted Dells… too flaky.
I do enjoy being a DIY-er… but even so it’s been hard on my wallet the last 6 years. 🙂
And again, mine has been mostly trustworthy for over a decade. Our Mac, on the other hand, is dead as far as I’m concerned because we haven’t touched it in months.
It wasn’t my idea getting the display model, I wanted to wait a month and get a good custom for about 400 bucks less, but my grandma didn’t want to wait and she thought it would be a nice surprise. I had to do all I could to not sigh in disappointment…
Well hopefully you’ll be getting a new one soon. Preferably one that doesn’t threaten to melt after ten minutes.
Dells don’t necessarilly suxs. It’s the company’s customer service that SUXS as hell!!! I got a Precision 690 that is almost 7 years old that is still a sweet machine to work with. Now I got it a sister: a Dell Precision T7500 that is gonna live here until I die (it can go up to 192GB of RAM *cries of utter happiness of doom*)
Dells can be sweet machines if you know how to take care of them yourself.
*cuddles with cats, video game consoles and Dell Precisions*
Hey, I’m not dissing the Dell. I’m just saying that mine is a decade old and still works fine aside from the occasional lag issues.
i had a Dell for about 7 years before i retired it. switched to an HP that died after only 2-3 years. now back to a Dell, an M6400, that’s been running well now for about a year. i do most of JEFbot on a macbook pro that’s about 5 years old now and going strong. thinking about getting into video editing so contemplating a mac pro.
Nintendo DS… the new minivan full of candy… just add creepy adult.
heheh. i’m sure that is an advertising slogan you won’t see on the 3DS packaging, Psy!
*gigglesnort* hey it’d be a great way to reach a whole new demographic!
… you know that sounded a lot less creepy/dirty/weird in my head…
I hate when that happens. You go and think of something to say, then when it’s said/typed it sound weird.
This is more… uh… creepy…
Merry Christmas!
happens to me all the time. gotta embrace it! 😉
And again, the wisdom of the Cornfather proves to be true! He should begin a fortune-cookie company i think. ^-^
heheh. yeah, jefbot really needs to listen to his buddy more, Thalia! (or market his fortune cookies.) 😉
I worry what they might say.
good point, Z. i’d definitely have to check and edit whatever he comes up with.
Oh no! Bot is not a creeper officer I swear
Bot you’re actually gunna turn on your PS3? I have three times the number of trophies that you do. Or close to it XD
yeah, it’d be fun to see bot talk his way out of this one, DJ. heheh.
and, Portal 2 just arrived in my mailbox recently so that might just be the tipping point to get me to turn on my PS3! (well, for something other than watching blu-rays.) and to be fair, most of my achievements/trophies are on my XBOX 360, since i buy most cross platform titles for that console. and the PS3 didn’t start doing trophies for a long time after i bought the thing, so none of the games i played beforehand awarded me anything. 😛
Goodness…37 responses in 46 minutes…I thought I’d be kind of close to the top this time…I guess I am much closer than normal…:P
Oh wait, I went off the tweet time, not the post time. 😛 Never mind…
yeah, that “tweet time” can throw you off, ZAD-Man! 😉
He’d probably get more Streetpass hits going to the places kids go after they ditch.
Let’s hope he doesn’t ask the nice officer where those places are . . .
ha! indeed, Sarah W. the random hits i’ve gotten in Real Life have been at movie theaters and GameStops, so i think you’re onto something. but yes, let’s hope jefbot figures that out on his own. 🙂
GAH! The Harem can vouch for that man Officer! Why yes, he does have a Harem of busty, curvy, gamer, geek girls at his disposal…why do you ask?
And yes we have pets called Mancubs tha do our bidding..Wait…is that bad?
I might be making this worse….
Love this Comic Exhaulted One. Made me giggle right out loud.
Am to the part in KHII where I’m starting to jack up some of the Organization 13 dudes. LOVE this game!
KHII is fantastic. I’m at the final battle but refuse to beat it. I don’t want it to be over 🙁
do it, DJ! end it!!!
i appreciate the vouching, Pixie, but yes, might want to leave out any mention of the harem or mancubs! heheh. glad this gave you the giggles!
now you’re making me want to play KHII again, Pixie! maybe i’ll just have to finally bust out Birth of Sleep to get my KH itch scratched.
Ok, srry dudes but I really dont get this whole american obsession with pedos and whatnots. And with cops going about the place asking people whats their business. I dont know if its only in movies or in reality too, but I hate those scenes where a car is parked somewhere and cops just get there knocking on the window, cant people just stop and have a conversation? The same shit applies here, why cant a guy try to get a few hits without it being weird or suspicious?
American Obsession? Hm, I have always thought Germany had a similar sense of humor (or at least some German books make me think that.) Japan’s books and anime also have a lot of jokes about pedophilia. Some of the same jokes exist in Britain as well. What part is the American obsession?
Either way, wouldn’t you wonder a little bit why a grown man is playing a 3DS next to a school? Or at least ask why he is even there regardless?
not to mention all the “no trespassing” signs around schools just like those that surround the one by my apartment, Zolen. not that i’ve actually tried to pick up StreetPass pings like jefbot did in this strip, but…
well, if i were a parent, i don’t think i’d want some dude hanging around my kid’s school, even if he is just innocently picking up StreetPass hits for his 3DS, Eddie. 🙂 but you’re right in that any sort of loitering is deemed suspicious. maybe it’s all the cop shows we watch?
-face palm- Jef, did you read that pamphlet on things that aren’t good for your continued not being in jail based health. Because I think you have not.
no one gave jefbot that pamphlet, Anime fan! seems like a good thing to have, though. maybe he can pick one up or find one online if the officer lets him off. 🙂
I totally know what you mean…I’ve mentioned before that I play Guild Wars (if people don’t know what it is, it’s a MMORPG, kind of like WOW, but no monthly fee and the graphics are waaaaaaaay better, IMHO, but anyway you can find me Evil Step Queen, say hi!) Anyways, I’ve chatted with all kinds of people, in that game. I chat with a 60 year old grandma from AZ, a retired bobby from England, a college student from The Netherlands, and a 16 year old from NV…I was surprised at the amount of people over 18 (I’m 34)…but I also have to stop and remember that there are a ton under 18…watch my language and stuff 😀
Hm, I might check it out myself, but I have a habit of playing a MMORPG once then getting bored and quitting, I never have been very good with keeping interested in a game.
I’m not nearly as worried about watching my language when on XBL. (although I still try to keep swearing to a minimum) Heck, you should hear some of the ten-year-olds that I’ve listened to before muting because of both their swearing and because of the fact that most of them are loud, obnoxious, and have a habit of breathing directly into the mic.
that’s what keeps me off of XBOX Live most of the time, Fijiman! they should totally have an “Adult Zone” where only gamers 28-and-up get access. or at least gamers that have a more mature sensibility. 🙂
Now I wouldn’t put the age limit THAT high (I wouldn’t be able to get in for another ten years), but yes that would be nice.
i’ve thought about getting into Guild Wars, ESQ, but it took me a long time to ween myself off WOW so i don’t need another addiction! …although the “free” thing is very enticing. 🙂
it’s nice that online, the demographic of gamers is SO huge – especially on PC (XBOX Live seems to be dominated by teens and under) – i just wish such a wide gamer demographic was more apparent with my flesh-and-blood friends! only one of my friends i see regularly has a 3DS and only a couple have a 360 or PS3. (lots of ’em have Wiis, tho!)
My computer would never be able to run anything like WoW without crashing…. or possibly exploding.
That’s kind of how most of the people I know are, only the majority of them only have a PS3. Most that do have an xbox don’t have live for it.
that is creepy dude.
yeah. hopefully jefbot sees that now, jf#300. 🙂
Luckily I have plenty of people still to game with in Collage, though I might trade this privilege for better food then the large thing of bagels. (I am a horrible cook)
On a note of your pokemon addiction, something I found that was funny to me:
hmm… gaming vs. food is a difficult decision to make, Zolen. before i had a steady job, this came up all the time.
ooh – that’s an awesome poster! funny, the new Black and White Pokémon games address that very issue.
The things you do for your DS… I feel you bot! Except I’m more of a PSP kinda guy than a DS
i love my PSP but haven’t played it in a while, jiro maeda. did you see the announcement for the NGP (aka PSP2) that’ll probably be out later this year or next, though? looks pretty sweet! i wonder if Sony will integrate a StreetPass-like feature on that…
I honestly laughed out loud… The set up is great! Excellent job Jefbot.
I love Officer Krupke!
i’m happy you got an lol out of this one, Funnyshaffer! thanks!
Uh, Bot, ya might want to leave. NOW!!
That was me by the way. Forgot to fill out the dang form. ><
heheh. maybe the Cornfather will swing by with the getaway car, TCG!
Best way to have done that would be to either hang around before school started or when school lets out because, unless you go into the school, you’re not going to get a thing.
I was just reminded of something I found quite hilarious. One of my teachers was out one day last week and the substitute was playing a DS when I got in there. Mind you that this wasn’t some young guy either. This guy was old, balding, fairly large, and was sitting back in a chair playing on a PINK DS. Does that NOT bring a hilarious image to mind?
I finally got around to offloading the pictures from my camera today. And hooray! I have a Gravatar now. 😀 It’s sideways, but should that really matter?
Thought I’d go ahead and say Happy Easter to everyone.
i’m trying to figure out what the radius is of the StreetPass signal, Fijiman – it could be 20 ft or it could be 100 ft. – tests will have to be devised!
and i like the image of the old dude with the pink DS. nintendo’s actually been really good (with the Brain Age series, Nintendogs, etc.) with getting a wide demo of players to embrace the DS (and Wii, for that matter). let’s hope they do as good a job with the 3DS.
and hooray for your gravatar! is that you in a helmet?
Happy after-Easter!
Yes, that is my posterbaord helmet of awesome. Okay, technically it was made for my little brother but he didn’t want it any more so I kept it. The visor actually works too. 🙂
oh yeah thats not creepy at all bot, nooo…
heheh. yes, let’s hope jefbot doesn’t mention this to anyone, steve, and the Cornfather keeps it under his hat (or backwards cap.) heheh.
Hey, been a while since I’ve been to the site (nothing personal; I’ve actually been swamped enough I’ve been neglecting webcomics in general for a while, including my own), but it’s good to see it’s still going as strong as ever.
And it seems I still haven’t missed the return of Musashi…
well, welcome back, Read! yep, the comic’s going strong and building steam every day, it seems. being swamped is good, sometimes – well, as long as you’re swamped by good things. better than to be bored, at any rate.
nope, you haven’t missed Mu’s return, but as Fijiman said: yet.
See? No wonder Cel calls you “PREV”!!!!!
Meh. If I was still a kid… and still in school… I would be the one calling the cops on adult strangers near my school. And just to get the action going “I think I saw him carrying a gun, Mr. Police Officer!” Some popcorn and watch if the cops shoot down the idiot.
What?! Just ’cause I’m still not feeling well doesn’t mean that I turned into a nice person. I’m the Empress of Doom (kind of down in the Doom department for now, but Doom anyway).
Meh (of Doom, of course. Fear it!!)
*crawls back to bed to cuddle with cats*
MEH. Silly fingers that doesn’t seem to work as before. I meant “PERV”.
Also… hmmm… I’ve still don’t have a PS3 and never got any Xbox. There isn’t yet a game that calls to my heart. Not to mention that they seem to exploit the whole “social network” thingy. Being that I’m a sociopath, the thought of a game console for socializing doesn’t appeal to me.
Still got my beautiful 1st generation PS2 (that still has upcoming games YAY!!!), a mint color Japanese PSP Slim, a GB Advance SP (laugh all you want, is the only Nintendo in my house) and my beloved Dreamcast that I love to pieces!!
*cuddles with cats and game consoles*
Are those cats cats of doom, or cats of cuteness and doom? 😉
I’m not laughing because I still have my GBA that I got for Christmas of ’99
Definitely cuteness and doom. You never know what your cats may be thinking (or plotting) while you’re not around…
So true! Perhaps that’s why I wub them so much!
(Cats DID conquer civilization once… Egypt anyone? *sigh*)
I’m not laughing either; and I bought our 2 GBA-SPs only 3 years ago!
Of course, we still have the SNES and N64 that I got 7 or 8 years ago. And a GameCube. I think I’ll hang on to them for a while, for sentimental reasons if nothing else. Like ‘bot, I’m an old-school gamer at heart. 🙂
all of those systems have a special place in my pixelated heart, Insectoid!
i’d never laugh at any of those consoles, Sonitan! while i do love new tech, it doesn’t replace my affection for the previous-gen tech at all. i still have my NES, SNES, Genesis, Intellivision, GameBoy (Color, Advance, SP, etc.) and love ’em just as much as the new stuff!
ha! yes, let’s hope cel doesn’t find out about this, Sonitan! she might not let bot live this down, especially if he actually got cited by the cop. 😉
and remind me not to lurk anywhere around your neighborhood. not that i would, of course. heheh. glad to see that your stay at the hospital hasn’t changed your evilness one bit!
wow wat a rude officer, no hello or nuthin 😮
could’ve been worse, MrSnow – the officer could’ve just cracked jefbot over the head with the baton before saying anything. 🙂
hmmm… not particularly a good idea, just sayin’
nice work, Bot! keep it up
It’s a perfect idea, now he just needs to out run the cops.
ha! if jefbot just starts running, that might not go well for him, Zolen. 😀
hopefully he got some StreetPass hits before being busted, Leithal!
Dear Mr. Blue Monkey, my feets got tired while I was walking about trying to collect data on Atmospheric Information Systems, I needed to sit down and rest my poor tired tarsal bones. Or is it carpal. It’s been so long. I saw the words public and thought that I could sit here. Honest, I’m not trying to stalk children to find out what their favorite foods are. You know that California is the perfect place for David Duchoveny.
i’ll have to write that down in case i go looking for some StreetPass signals at the local school, Bl4ckw0lf. i might cut out the line about California/David Duchovny, though. 😉
What does Duchovny has anything to do with StreetPasses?!!
Somehow Im surprised Cornfather caugh onto that with his *Run to him!* way of interacting with children.
one of the Cornfather’s jobs is as an entertainer for kid parties (way back in JEFBOT.21), Maryz, so this would totally be something he’d be conscious of.
Ha! I love this strip, bot. So funny. But don’t worry. I always get busted for hanging around elementary schools, too. 😉
i’m gonna have to delete your comment before it’s used as evidence in a trial, MC!!! 😉
The only way things could be worse for him is if he was dressed like this:
OH GOD!! 8( If he were dressed like that, he probably would have been arrested before he got the chance to sit down.
This will be fun to see how it works out… 🙂
Jefbot should be take some Education classes, at least then he’ll an excuse. The best thing about observations for me is getting street pass hits, Friday though I forgot that I disabled my wi-fi previously. I was miffed, at least 3 blatant gamers passed through the classroom I was in that day. 🙁