Well, no one said Superheroing would be easy, and from jefbot’s earlier exploits throughout the history of this comic strip, one could rightfully assume he wouldn’t graduate to full-0n Superhero right out of the gate. But don’t worry, this little mishap won’t deter him from trying again, the results of which will be revealed in the very next strip this Wednesday!
Epic fall! 🙂
ha! nice one, Insectoid!
and check you out: first comment means you get the Shades of Firsting! these will help when crashing through foliage after an epic fall. wear them well:
Crash through foliage, yes. Crash into a tree… I think the poor Shades would be in a few dozen pieces. 😎
true that. and there are no returns or refunds for the Shades.
Behold! the *SPLAT*
totally on purpose…
hopefully no one saw him *SPLAT*, Maesonic, but if someone did, i’m not sure bot could pull off the “totally on purpose” excuse. not saying he wouldn’t try, though… 🙂
it could totally work…
“I was testing…. the…. shock.. absorbent… sciencey stuff. I meant it.”
third…aw yeah….
that scarf is beginning to look like a choking hazard JB…
yay for third!
and, yeah – the way jefbot has the Scarf wrapped around his face doesn’t necessarily put safety first.
It WONT deter him? Heaven help him.
Did the scarf stretch or did he just misjudge the distance?
well, if bot hadn’t landed in that bush, it might have deterred him, Maryz, but as he’s only scraped up a bit, he’s going to give crime-fighting another try.
a little of both. bot’s just not used to the whole “scarf slinging,” yet.
Love it! Believe it! 🙂
ha! thanks for believin’, Mombot!
Kind of makes Spider-man seem even more impressive now, doesn’t it?
he had it easy, TPC! 😉
JB: Mental note, need more arm muscle.
more arm muscle and less Scarf!
I think I’m going to point and laugh, again. *point* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
OMG, I LOL’d. Thank you!
I hope your long-weekend went well!
thanks for the LOL, LadyArtemis!
and the long-weekend went well but it wasn’t long enough for me to get everything done! (is it ever?)
hehe.. I guess extensive testing is needed here.
affirmative, supersonic cucumber.
You need some good Batman sound effects for Bot’s attempts: Oof!! Splat!!! 😉
Tee hee. Poor Bot. He needs to be careful with that scarf wrapped around his neck though! He’s lucky he didn’t end up hanging from the tree. (It’s really hard to turn off the “Mom” thoughts. These things just pop into my head.) I’m happy to see that he is working on the super hero thing and not super villain.
heheh. i actually had some sound effects and another bubble with jefbot’s thoughts, shanna, but it just felt funnier to have it play out silently. 🙂
i agree – jefbot might want to rethink his costume as it’s pretty dangerous with the Scarf wrapped around his face. and yes – so far, so good, with him staying on the light side!
I love what Shootzee’s done with the thought bubbles. They are very reminiscent of the Spiderman comics I read when I was a kid.
thanks, Soul Man! this whole storyline is somewhat of an homage to Spider-Man and superhero comics in general, so glad you’re getting a good vibe from it! 🙂
i wonder if doctor octopus and spider-man had the same difficulties.
george of the jungle did, i know that. i thought maby the scarf might not be able to hold his weight but it looks the problem right now is its to long
another note is, since he’s worn it is it getting bigger or is it just me?
i like the regular house in the background of the aparment complex’s
adds to the coolness of the neighborhood
cool steampunk goggles they make ya look like you belong in the game borderlands as a new villain
The scarf will get longer and longer until at one point he will be more scarf than man!
and then bot’s fall to the Scarf Side will be complete, Allen!
i’m sure doc ock and spidey had the same difficulties, drakeye, but hopefully their failings weren’t as humiliating right off the bat.
nope, not just you – the Scarf can change shape at will.
as far as the background goes – i wish i could take more credit for the coolness of it, but i’m really just drawing from snapshots of my actual neighborhood. (which, yes, is pretty cool; i love it here.) 🙂
Looks to me like maybe the scarf has a sense of humor.
heh. next time, bot will have to listen for a giggle from the Scarf.
well…..when mastering something new one is BOUND to fail many times. Still that was funny :p
Lets see what the future has prepared for JB.
nice with the “bound,” nicobot. 🙂
Amazing! I knew it was coming… and I still laughed! P. S. I LOVE the animation. The palm trees are my favorite!
thanks for the laugh, FunnyShaffer! i knew many of you would be expecting something like this, but was hoping you’d think he’d slam into the opposite wall, rather than just going straight down. 🙂
Jeff, that hurt. Diet Pepsi isn’t meant to be forced through the nasal passages, in either direction.
sorry for the Diet Pepsi burn, Sarah W, but i’m happy you got such a great reaction from the strip! heheh. i’ll try and put a soda warning or something up, next time. 😉
Ahahah, saw that one coming, with how long the scarf is.
Hey, did you get my fanart? c:
yeah, bot needs to reign that Scarf in when he’s scarf slinging, Aelyrin!
fanart!? ooh, let me check…
wow, i love it, Aelyrin! mind if i post it here on the site?
LOL! Love it! Hmm…Has bot even tested the strength of the scarf yet? Maybe it can’t hold him up, unless Evil-sis is THAT good at knitting. 🙂
i’m pretty sure the “real” Angry Scarf could take my weight, skekTek, but forgive me if i don’t test that while swinging between buildings. (evil sis is a good knitter!) 🙂
Well, with any luck he only knocked himself out and will actually get some sleep now. With less luck he’s still conscious and feeling a bit numb. Either way he’ll hopefully learned that you should never try to be a super anything when you haven’t slept and barely eaten after three days of non-stop gaming.
looks like he’s just going to feel a bit numb, Fijiman – he’ll be back on his feet by the next strip. (though it probably would’ve been better had he gotten some sleep while in the shrubbery!)
and your last statement’s all kinds of true, though it’s doubtful that bot’s learned anything. (probably cuz his brain’s not working right due to the sleep-deprivation/drama of the past few days!)
Awesomeness, sir. Love the epic fail.
thanks, Maddgodd81! i’m happy you’re lovin’ it!
Awww. Poor Jefbot.
It’s been a while since she’s been in the comic, but whatever happened to Cel?
My guess is that she is either she is busy running her arcade or is currently being held by the government for questioning. Either way we’ll probably not be seeing her any time too soon.
when last we saw cel, she was going to investigate the alien crash, Simyl. we’ll find out the consequences of that in an upcoming storyline.
cel and Mu will be back, acolyte! keep the faith!
watch out for that first step jb… it’s a doozie
if only he’d heard your advice before jumping off the balcony, jiro!
Oh dear! Laughing at someone else’s tripping and falling is so horribly fun! I can’t help but wonder if the Scard just punk’d him…I second whoever said maybe this means he’ll get some decent sleep.
i’m happy you got a laugh out of this one, T! even if it was at bot’s expense. heheh.
it’s definitely possible the Scarf punk’d him. we don’t quite know whether alien microbe/scarf hybrids have a sense of humor, yet. 🙂
Hmmmm…well, the evil sister has a sense of humor, even if it is kinda sadistic. Trust me, older sisters always have a somewhat sadistic sense of humor. I sure do with my younger brothers and sister. 😀 😉 So maybe she put that into her knitting? Since she was knitting to work through anger issues…
very true, T: Xinda’s anger vibes saturated the Scarf, so it’s possible her sadistic humor did, too! i like it. 🙂
Ow! Just….OW! Bendito JB. I hope he remembers that maybe he should test powers on a small scale first. Not that I’m mothering, I’m just reminding.
if bot wants to survive his superhero-ing, i think he’d do well to heed your advice, Pixie!
Yes Yes…my predictions continue. He is SOOOO angry from the fall that he decides to just start ripping down buildings. Well maybe he isnt strong enough for that yet so he might just start by pulling out neighbors flowers or something like that.
ha! oooh… ruining the neighbor’s front yards would be so dasterdly, Slave1! he’d be a supervillain for sure. 🙂
So, does the angry sock have anything to do with the aliens’ abduction of Bot’s hamster?
meant scarf. sorry, I was talking about socks with my roommate -furious blush-
…and who knows? maybe there are some Angry Socks lurking about! 😉
if there’s any link between the alien microbes from the meteorite and the aliens that abducted Mu, that hasn’t been revealed, Shadow. it seems it’s just a coincidence that two different alien life forms exist in the JEFbot universe.
As far as learning curves go, that one was a tad vertical… >wince<
That scarf… hmm. I'm sure the length varies a lot more than stretching would allow. I mean, for it to be wrapped around JB's face and still have a good length on either side is one thing, but for that length to be nearly as long as a tree is high? That was either a damn long scarf in the first place, or it can be lengthened or shortened at will.
With a lot of practice, by the looks of it.
i dig your verticality, Spike! no wincing!!!
and yes: the Scarf can lengthen and shorten itself at will. 🙂
omg I’ve read the entire comic in one day. jefbot is awesome! xDD I’m from Spain, btw. You are going places! lol
wow! thanks for taking the time to go through the whole archive, FinalFlan! and double thanks for thinking it’s awesome!!! so how’s Spain this time of year? 🙂
Using a super hero costume that his roommate would recognize isn’t really going to keep it hidden from him
bot’s not so worried about the Cornfather recognizing him just yet, dchorror! he knows he has some time before his roommate returns.
“Believe it or not, I’m walking on air. I never thought I could be so free-ee-eeeeee…”
you know that’s gonna be in my head for the next several hours now, don’t you, 11TN???
(and, yes. bot could use an instruction manual just like the GAH.) 🙂
Hmmm…..methinks that JB didn’t think this one out too well. Maybe he should have tried to pull himself upwards instead of just jumping off the building. Kinda like how Batman’s grapnel works. You’d think someone of the geek-persuasion would instinctually know that? Ah well, SH. Better luck next time JB.
bot was holding the Scarf taut when he jumped off the balcony, KB, but it seems it stretched a little. heheh. bot just needs to learn how to control its elasticity, methinks. or he needs Batman’s grappling gun.
Ah so. It looked like he just swung down. Still and all, Stuff Happens.