So, yes, the Cornfather’s really moving out, but I couldn’t resist having a little bit more fun with him before he officially moves on. No doubt bot will experience much angst and drama during the move, not that the Cornfather (or you readers for that matter!) would expect anything less.
Much of this strip was taken from real events, in that my apartment’s living room looked more or less the same – minus one large couch – after my roommate (Michael Cornacchia, the inspiration for the Cornfather) moved out. I wish I could say I learned some sort of lesson from his spartan lifestyle and his ability to resist most collectible/material things, but that was not the case then, nor is it the case now. I’m sure many of you can empathize.
Well, *THAT* was easy! But I have to wonder what ‘BOT will sit on when he wants to play games now? (Then again, I suppose that he could just get a used one from the local thrift store…)
speaking from experience, bot will probably just have to suck it up and sit on the floor when watching tv or playing games, reynard61, after the Cornfather takes the couch away!
and check you out: you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! as always, wear them well – and make sure you keep them on your side of the list when divvying items amongst your roommates:
Oh neat! I guess you could say I was…
*puts on Shades of Firsting*
…I got nothin’. 8-/
Not the sofa!! And how could The Cornfather not want any of the awesome nerd horde? I mean, there is a ton of stuff there that is totally awesome! Btw, great comic, as normal.
that’s what i was thinking, Destructur25! and it’s too bad that the Cornfather doesn’t have a “nerd stash” of his own, for jefbot to loot. thanks for the kudos!
New beginnings… I guess this is a good time to wish all of the Botfaithfuls a joyful, healthful, happy New Year filled with wondrous surprises! Thanks for all the support this past turbulent year. Mahalo & Aloha!
…and for all of us Botfans to wish the same for the whole Botfamily. I certainly do.
awww… thanks, Stonefoot. 🙂
yep, i think it’s the perfect time for some “joyful, healthful, happy new year” wishes, Mombot! mahalo and aloha back atcha! 😀
Hi MomBot!!!! Long time no see!
Happiest of New Years to you and the entire Bot Familia. I keep you all my thoughts and send positive energy.
thanks for the +energy, Pix! the BOTfamilia and i appreciate it! 😀
…..*blinks* Mombot has a first name?! I thought it was just Mrs. Jefbot’s Mom!
Everything I know is a LIE!!!!!
look away, Pixie! LOOK AWAY.
Now we know…
Is this gonna be like the time when if Xinda was mentioned, then…
What? What are you doing? Stop it! This isn’t brave! It’s murd…
*Transmission Ends*
Love you, too, Nat! 🙂
Happy New Year to you, too Mombot! I know I’m not the only one who would do quite a bit to stand by the BotFamilia. All you ever would have to do is ask (and most of the time, you wouldn’t even have to ask!).
Wow, that’s…a little cold there, Cornfather. Although the placement of the speech bubble in the last panel makes me think he’s being a little less than honest (I could also just be reading way too much into it).
heheh. a “little cold” indeed, Joe. the Cornfather just doesn’t respect all the “geek loot” that jefbot has accumulated!
No! Not the couch! That’s the most important part of the apartment! Seriously, how many times has that couch been seen in the comic?
…so true, GardeBlaze. it is a little sad for me to be “writing off” the couch after featuring it in the comic for so long. in Real Life, Michael/the Cornfather listed it on Craigslist, and someone picked it up. i might just have the Cornfather take it to his mom’s house in the strip, though, just so we can see it again from time to time. haven’t decided yet. 🙂
dang it. now some poor shmuck (notmenotmenotme) is going to look through the archives and count. also, she or he is going to act upon rule #35 for the JB couch. I need severely less convincing to not do that one…
nope! not gonna do it. i almost went back and started counting, Ed, but if that happens, it’s very likely tomorrow’s strip won’t show up before the weekend. and as far as rule #35 goes – with all the mountain dew and doritos/funyuns/cheetos jefbot must’ve eaten on that couch during extended bouts of video game playing, does it really need any more stains!?
So the real world intrudes on the Botverse once again! Is an era coming to a close? What will happen now? The possibilities aren’t really endless, hehe:
1. Jefbot goes through the same geek-hoard agonies of moving to a solo pad as did his creator-counterpart.
2. Since this is, after all, a comic-strip cosmos where real-universe laws need not apply, bot continues to live in the same place by himself without apparent money issues; just like Ann Marie lived alone in a nice Manhattan apt. on That Girl while doing odd temp jobs between sporadic acting gigs.
3. Because all change is good, an “improved” supporting cast arrives in the person of a brand new roommate, probably wacky and definitely chubby, to whom longtime viewers, I mean readers, will take an instant dislike; so in a last-ditch attempt to save the series, cel becomes the replacement roomie, which would make this a fantasy in more ways than one!
Surely you can see this story being at least a little more operatic than that? Bot puts an ad in the paper looking for a roommate, and the ad is answered by a guy who turns out to be Cel’s heretofore unmentioned big brother.
Or Bot puts an ad in the paper looking for a roommate, only to have the ad answered by shameless webcomic cameos/crossovers!
Picture me doing jazz hands while saying that. Y’know, for dramatic effect.
ooh! great idea, Joe! (i wonder which webcomics creators wouldn’t mind a crossover?) i’d love to see Girls With Slingshots’s Jamie or Hazel stop by for a visit, or Skull from PvP, or Jinx from Starslip, or Anpan & Nemu from nemu*nemu, or…*
* the list goes on.
Man, imagine if Scott and Ted from Ctrl + Alt + Del showed up…
Or Gabe and Tycho…
Padma from QC just moved to LA. That could be good.
HAHAHAHA! The ad is answered by random people played by Botfans!!! All as fantasy characters! I call a, well, Pixie LOL.
that would be so cool, Pixie! and what a bizarre breaking of the panel walls to bring the readers into the strip. i wonder if you all would like it here???
You could have an ad placed, then realise it’s a bad idea and just pretend you’re not home after looking out the window and seeing a queue of BOTeers going all the way around the block.
Obviously, Pixie, Reynard, Jason, Funnyshafer, and myself would be there. With #1 BOTeer Foam Fingers. Maybe arguing over who really is. While I ask Pixie where my trench coat and tricorn hat are, seeing as I was promised them so long ago…
cel’s “heretofore unmentioned big brother” would indeed produce some drama in jefbot’s world, Ed! or maybe the “Hawaiian Shirt Guy” might stir up some craziness. 😀
i love me a comment with a numbered list in it, Kim! (so much easier to answer.) here goes:
1) maybe. i could get some catharsis through my illustrated counterpart via this.
2) it’s possible. but sometimes, even comic strip characters can get hurt by a recession.
3) not likely. i love cel, but i’m not sure she’d be as special if she was around all the time. plus, she’s got alien-fightin’ to do! moving in with bot is probably at the bottom of her list at the moment.
Speaking of alien fighting, I would love to see some Alien vs. Scarf action!
You gotta love the yellow sticky.
´nuff said.
thanks for noticing that detail, Maryz; felt funnier having the Cornfather’s list on that little yellow sticky rather than on a regular piece of paper.
nowhere near a first firsting, but I’m in the top 20 top-level coments. top 15 if i post fast enough, and that’s a personal record.
wooHOO! congrats on top-20ing, EC!
Do I smell a storyline on the way? Hmm… maybe…
it’s kind of a “mini” storyline as we bid the Cornfather adieu, Zed.
I’m looking forward to ‘bot’s search for a new sofa . . . with his family’s help . . .
Actually sarah, that got me thinking, one I’m kinda abusing this thread… feed… whatever, and two, we might soon be introduced to the cornmother, if cornfather’s mom is moving from the cold, snowy depths of philly, to the warm, almost summer all the time, clear waters of la. Looking foreward to it!
Cornmom might appear in a future strip, Zed! no promises, though. 😉
i might have to introduce how bot gets a new sofa in the future, Sarah W – could be fun, since the one i have in Real Life was given to me by Xinda/Linda. 🙂
I also like how cornfather takes the sofa and runs! That must be one heckova good sofa! And I just noticed the majin buu in the background. OH MAI GODZ! I LOVE BUU! The buu saga is my favorite of all the dbz… saga… thingies… I love this comic slightly more now!
Arrg! Stupid auto-correct made me post twice. CURSE YOU VERIZON! CURSE YOU!
LOL…Easy there New Kid. Just ask the Exhaulted One to remove the extraneous post.
extraneous post removed.
that sofa was pretty comfy, Zed! much more comfy than the one i have now, actually. (although my current one’s more stylish.)
and, your spying eye spied correctly: that’s indeed Majin Buu in the background! it’s one of my favorite stories from the DBZ series, too, and he’s one of my favorite anime characters, ever. glad you liked seeing him. 😀
I learned to resist more material things the more I moved. From the time I was 30 until I was 36 I moved about 7 times and let me tell you, nothing inspires you to sell your comic book collection more than lugging it around 7 times, trying to find a place to put it, then putting it there, then dragging it out again to move it.
I’ve been at my place for almost 10 years now but I know I have one more big move ahead of me (at some point, nothing in the works now) so I do my best to resist all those cool toys I see every year at Wizard World when it come to Philly.
Also, whoo ho! Shout out to Philly! (I do that every time Philadelphia is mentioned in a movie, TV show, Comic or game show)
My ages is off, another sign of old age. I mean from the time I was 26 until I was 33 I moved 7 times.
that’s a lot of moving, TPC. were you a gypsy??? 😉
i hear ya, TPC: when i moved to my current place about a year ago, i swore to myself i’d sell off some of my comics and collectibles so i wouldn’t have to move so much crap ever again! as of now, i haven’t sold anything, but it’s still on my list of things to do before i move again.
and WOO! to philly! the Cornfather/Michael will appreciate that.
*blinks* Stop watching my house! Mr Pixie and I just had this conversation last night. I was on the Bot end on the conversation LOL.
Good Morning….Darn it now I don;t know what to call us! Maybe we should reinstate the levels BotDom? Thoughts everyone?
Anyway, this comic made me laugh right out loud. Hubby and I have this conversation constantly! Depending on the room you go into, depends on whos stuff is in it. Like my Craft Room….OYE! That room is bursting at the seams with my stuff!
ha! someday you’ll find the cams and mics i have hidden around your house, Pixie…
just to throw a couple more in there: botistas? botnauts? hmmm…
glad you had a LOL with this one! always happy when you guys can relate. i think we all enable each other and justify our behaviors that way. 🙂
yeah! philly!
woo! i’ve only been to philly once, acolyte, but loved it! so much history. and food! so much foooood.
When I move out, the sofa will go with me too! Pretty sad that it seems so easy for him to leave you. And for the record, Cornfather is an awesome guy!
i should’ve put dibs on that sofa, DAS. of course, in my new, tiny place, i don’t think there’s any room for that big ol’ thing! and, yeah: the Cornfather’s an awesome guy (in the comic and in the “real” world.)
Will he make a Mary Poppins-style exit I wonder?
you never know, Infamous Nefarious! that would make a pretty cool exit, tho…
AND it would give you the perfect excuse to propellorize the hat.
Ha! So, ‘bot has never been one for practical investments, eh? Well, if you can stabilize the storage facility containing the Arc of the Covenant, you could sit on some of that.
Of course, this is a big opportunity for ‘bot to buy some “gamer” chairs. LOL.
nope, sadly no “practical investments” for bot, Stan. all those comics and collectibles are as close to “practical” as he gets! 🙂
oOOoh… gamer chairs.
Sumo chairs FTW.
i definitely gotta try a Sumo chair, 11TN: they look so comfy i fear i’d fall instantly to sleep as soon as i sat in/on one, tho.
woah woah woah woah woah crap!? thats very harsh. I like to think of it as useless junk! It may be crap but it’s my crap, thats what I say!
although from time to time something will turn up and I say “okay this went to something I’m sure but what the hell is it and what does it go to?” Actually the one thing I’m awful at is keeping my CD cases. It’s gotten so bad I have two baggies full of CDs that I absolutely have to have. I should just buy CD jewel cases but the baggies are working just fine.
agreed: Corn calling bot’s stuff “crap” is almost fightin’ words, steve!
and, yeah, i have a ton of stuff stored away that i have no idea what it belongs to, too. i figure if i keep that stuff around long enough, it’ll all sort itself out eventually. (i know that’s folly, but what’s the alternative? no way i’m throwing that stuff away!)
At least jefbot remains in custody of the various games and gaming items!
true dat, GG! no doubt bot’ll “remain in custody” of that stuff for years to come! (barring any mass sell-offs or natural disasters, that is.)
Hopefully there will be more Cornfather-related stuff in the future. I know that you and Michael still hang out IRL, when he’s not running around being all fabulous or partying, or dressing like an accident fairy, or partying, or being the vampire father to a Very Funny Girl or partying, or MCing comedy shows, or partying, or…Just how many hours are there in a Cornfather day?
As I’ve told him many times, he seems to be having a lot more fun than me! 🙂
all true, GH! i’ve told MC many-a-time that i wish i had as much time to play as he does. of course, since i don’t party the way he does, i’m sure i’d just spend that time on JEFbot, videogames, movies, etc. *sigh* would be nice. 🙂
Dibs on the Majinbu!!!!
ha! how shocked would bot be if Cf wanted Majin Buu, Jiro!?
Cornfather’s mom has it all wrong. You’re not supposed to move from “Philly” to live with your son in West Hollywood. You’re supposed to move from West Philadelphia to live with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air…
you’re absolutely right, Greg Bulmash! and you gotta come up with a catchy rap tune as you make your way across the country. 😀
Now this is the story all about how
My life got turned – right around.
I’d like to tell you,
Stay there, pray,
And I’ll tell you how I became queen of a town called LA.
Damn. Sorry, that was meant as a reply to the post above me ^^
Trenchcoat and tricornn hat are uhhh in the interwebs to you. I pushed them through the router weeks ago?
That damn interwebs acting up again.
Well crap, I *thought* I had looked for the strip on Tuesday. 😛
Too funny. I can’t believe the Cornfather didn’t at least try to claim some of the other stuff in the apartment. What kind of roommate doesn’t claim some movies or music or something that really belongs to YOU when they move out? At least, that has been my experience.
I know! Right? My first roommate tried to “claim” my entire CD library… Obviously when CD’s were still a hot ticket item. That’s why I label everything now! EVERYTHING…
You reaction in the first panel is brilliant! As always, the color and tone of your strip rocks! P.S. Ikea has nice, affordable couches!