Drinking high-calorie coffee drinks like White Chocolate Mochas and Caramel Macchiatos is more me than the Cornfather these days, but I’ve been trying to curb my coffee habit lately, which makes articles about the benefits of drinking coffee that much more maddening. I just can’t drink coffee black – my parents do it, my sisters do it, heck even my niece drinks her coffee black, but I can’t. It’s just too bitter! I need milk and sugar at the very least to make it palatable. Some caramel, whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles to make it more so.
So how ’bout you in the BOTreadership? Straight-up black? A little milk and sugar? Mocha and marshmallows? Sound off in the comments!
I don’t drink coffee, I just grab a couple handfuls of beans and start munching.
hope you grab a toothbrush, too, Blackout! i know just from drinking one cup of coffee or tea each morning that the stains add up fast. ugh.
but check you out: you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! are these your first? NO MATTER! you have been chosen to wear these well, as they help your reading comprehension when viewing health studies:
Psst…I think you just figured out the secret of why his name’s “Blackout.” Just sayin’…
I drink it black, mostly- occasionally cream and sugar (as the mood, or odd stomach virus, dictates), and veeeery occasionally, I too must have my “caffeinated candy bar inna cup”. ‘specially the Caribou coffee S’mores mocha. Yum! (for black, though, highest recommendations are Jamaican Peaberry and Mystic Monk Cowboy blend. Jamaican and Wyoming monastic coffee, respectively.
CRAP, I miss my Peaberry.)
mMMMmm… “Caribou coffee S’mores mocha”!? that makes my teeth hurt just saying the words, Holaved! i must have it. and if i can track down your beloved peaberry and mystic monk, i’ll give ’em a try, too. straight-up!
Yes indeed to all!! Though be prepared for prohibitve costs on *one* pound of peaberry. It’s one of the best drinks of any kind I have EVER had, but…it’s only available ‘net order from Jamaica. Whereas the Mystic Monks have a wide variety, and their “Jingle Bell Java” and “Cowboy Blend” are the two second best coffees I’ve ever had (without and WITH cream & sugar).
Plus it’s just fun to say, “I got this coffee from a monastery in the mountains of Wyoming”, and be utterly serious.
hmmm… depends on how “prohibitive” those costs are, Holaved! but now you have me intrigued, so i’m gonna have to track it down. and, yes – i need to get the mystic monk stuff, if only to be able to deliver your “i got coffee from a monastery in Wyoming” line. 🙂
Dude, if you get into Mystic Monk, I swear to you I’ll be the guy who shows up at con tableside with a pound of your choice, and one of the Cowboy Blend that I will respectfully ask you to sign!
well now i HAVE to try it, Holaved!!!
I just don’t drink any coffee (and no chewing beans like Blackout either)
i envy you, Anonymous – i’m trying to wean myself from coffee’s dark charms.
Ah, but studies ALSO show that it is not only a better post-exercise muscle relaxer than water, BUT..it may prevent alzheimer’s! TRULY, THE NECTAR OF THE GODS!!
(Ignore the fact that the fact that I should be sleeping….four hours ago somewhat thwarts my arguements)
And it helps you go potty! That’s very important!
this is true.
and were you up past your bedtime due to coffee drinking, Holaved?
I have been reading your comic for so long now and never wrote anything…but now you’re talking about my lifeblood!
I life on coffee – since I had a similar problem like Cornfather (and there aren’t too many hip coffee places here in ye good olde Germany) I drink my coffee black and strong. 😉
i’m happy i found a topic that forced you to comment, Lars! heheh.
and i might just have to work on drinking coffee “black and strong.” i’ve tried taking away the cream and sugar a little at a time, but i think i’ve whittled it down as much as i can – one sugar packet and two creams is about the bare minimum i can handle without being repulsed by the bitterness.
It took me some time, but now I hate sweet taste in my caffein goodness. Many people tell me it’s not good for me, but since I don’t smoke, drink, watch realitiy TV, or take any form of drugs (and exercise almost daily), I think I can afford one vice.
In winter I’ll switch to North-German tea (called by the wonderful weird name of “Ostfriesentee”), it’s even stronger and you can add as much rum as you like. 😀
On a side note: Love your comic. 😉
ooh, rum in your tea??? i think i’d like that, Lars. i’ve been drinking a lot of irish breakfast tea at work instead of coffee lately. my boss would probably frown on me adding spirits to it, though…
COFFEE! A wonder I’ve only tasted in Instant form. But I also had coffee bread. That was totally awesome.
i drink the “Keurig” stuff at work and Starbucks mostly, ShadowShuffler. and i LOVE coffee cake! is “coffee bread” similar? and, hey: you got a new gravatar! 😀
No, I think the coffee bread is very different from cake. It’s like a giant bun. 3.5 inches tall, 5 inches wide. That’s just a guess. It’s been years since I had one.
Thanks for noticing!
sounds yummy! i’ll have to keep an eye out for it at the local bakery.
About two double shots of espresso with a small tea spoon of raw cane sugar a day. Take a look at the nutrition values: a large latte contains more lactose (i.e. milk sugar) than an actual spoon of sugar. Plus unrefined sugar contains real minerals and stuff. I’d say that qualifies as acceptable, health wise.
i find your calculation of nutrition values right on the mark, Klongeiger! i’ve been using unrefined sugar in my tea and coffee at work and find it completely acceptable. really been trying not to use as much refined sugar, lately. also trying to cut down on breads and stuff. not easy.
I no longer drink coffee (or other caffeinated things) at all. When I did, it was generally a mocha at McDonalds to wake up for work. As for drinking it black: twice in my life: once was espresso, actually, which I don’t recommend because yikes, that stuff is foul, and the other time was a hazelnut flavored blend, which was actually not too bad. You might try that.
i love hazelnut coffees, Drakey. generally, if i get a flavored coffee instead of a caramel macchiato or mocha, i’ll get the hazelnut. but, yeah, even then i have it with sugar and cream. and, yes: espresso is just way bitter by itself.
When I was in LA I would hit up the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for their Ice Mocha blends. Otherwise I would get White Mocha Coffee at mom and pop coffee places. Here in London I had to change my coffee drinking habits. Now I get mocha and capuccinos.
Oh, and they don’t have creme here. That one really weirded me out.
ooh, agreed, Saeed: the ice mocha blends at CB&TL are really good. there’s one within walking distance from me on sunset blvd that i used to frequent quite often, as it has free wifi and i could go there with my laptop and usually find a spot. haven’t been there lately, though.
and they don’t have cream in London!!? well, i guess i’d get over my coffee habit or switch to drinking it without cream real quick.
I’m more of a tea drinker, actually. Earl Grey with milk and sugar… mmmmm, tasty! I rarely drink coffee, but when I do I cannot do black. Too bitter!
And of course, there are the days when I need my dessert in a cup, so I get the Turtle Mochasippi from CC’s Coffee- it starts with a frozen creamy espresso drink, then they swirl in chocolate, caramel and hazelnut. Ahh, yes… we may be fat in Louisiana, but we’re happy. 😀
mmm… i love milk and sugar with my tea, too, Laynie. i usually drink Barry’s Irish Breakfast Tea or some PG Tips or Twinings black tea. occasionally i’ll have some Earl Grey, and when i do i usually say (at least in my head) “Earl Grey. Hot.” a la Jean-Luc Picard.
and that turtle mochasippi sounds amazing.
I looove the smell of coffee. Hate the taste and dont drink it.
i love the smell of coffee too, Maryz; reminds me of when i was a kid and could smell my parents brewing it downstairs every morning.
Your comments section reminds me of a conversation I had at work yesterday:
Co-worker: “Everyone here either has a caffeine or nicotine addiction.”
Me: “I don’t do either of those.”
Co-worker: “… Well, you’re just crazy.”
Me: “Unlike everyone else here???”
That last line was supposed to be:
Co-worker: (smirks)
But because I used greater-than and less-than symbols instead of parentheses the text inside them got eaten. 😛
heh. it’s true. everyone’s at least a little crazy, HiEv. 😉
To steal a line from Dave Kellett, I don’t drink coffee for the flavor for the same reason I don’t take aspirin for the rich taste of salicin.
Coffee is for medicinal purposes only, for when I’m out of diet Pepsi and the Caffeine Withdrawl Gnomes are approaching with their drums, bagpipes, and power drills.
And even then, I’d rather have a chai tea latte.
“for medicinal purposes” is exactly why i used to drink coffee, Sarah W! i’d only have it on occasion when i was up all night and needed the extra boost. now i just drink it to get by. buh.
Half and half or at least whole milk. I don’t think putting skim milk is muh better than pissing in coffee. And real grade b maple syrup is the best sweetener. But usually just sugar, or nothing.
I don’t have to worry about gaining weight though, quite the opposite. If I gave up whole milk/half and half and dark beer I’d emaciate to death.
i agree about the half and half/whole milk usage, Swm – skim milk just doesn’t cut it. i don’t even like to use skim milk in my tea.
Cream, sugar (or Splenda) is how I drink my coffee. I’m also fond of Cinnamon, which I sprinkle in the grinds right before brewing, but my wife doesn’t like it that way so I haven’t had it in a while.
hmmm… i’ll have to give a pinch of cinnamon a try in my coffee, TPC.
Black, of course.
You sad, sorry little man. 😉
someday i’ll drink it black, Chris. someday.
I don’t always drink coffee, but when I do… (lol) I prefer plain espresso. My girlfriend got a used commercial espresso maker and whenever I go over there, I just fill up my 32oz mug with the pure quill.
On the other hand, every so often I get a craving for this traditional turkish coffee I used to get in this traditional turkish restaurant in Chicago. It was awesome. the would serve it in these little 3 oz cups, and it was like they took my mug o’spresso and just removed that water that was diluting it, and replaced it with chocalate. yum.
yikes! pure espresso, TMIM!? that’s just crazy. i think my cardiovascular system would explode.
About a quarter of the mug is milk to a rich french vanilla coffee. And none of this 2% or less dren, give me whole milk!
I really don’t understand how they take the milk fats out of milk telling you that it’s healthier that way, then sell you back the milk fat as butter or cheese or creamer, then tell you that those are healthy for you also?
mmm… french vanilla’s great! and, yeah – a quarter of the mug is about right, Torri. 🙂
Black, black, black and strong
Helps me through the day so long.
Coffee, coffee, coffee pure
Keeps me on my toes for sure.
ugh, bad poetry in the morning, more coffee please!
heh. more morning poetry, andy! now, would coffee make it better or worse?
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion… it is by the juice of Java, the thoughts acquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warring … it is by will alone I set my mind in motion. 2 spoons of cream and 6 splenda please.
HA! i love it, Zaenon! i’m always doing the “fear is the mind killer” mantra, so i’ll have to add your “juice of Java” mantra before my morning coffee now.
Good Morning BOTiverse And all you BOTvilians!!!!
First off, I want to know ALL about the Comicon. This is your second time at this one now right? Should be old hat right? (Ha! I almost said it with a straight Face!!!)
Oh my, how do I explain my love for coffee? I was raised on the stuff. The stronger the better. I can drink espresso (which, when made correctly, has sugar in it) but prefer a tall cup with milk or flavored creamer and lots of sugar. I need at LEAST two of those to get me on the right balance int he mornings. One is the BARE minimum. If there is no coffee, I am so grouchy! And I get headaches from caffine withdrawls.
Bustello is my brand of choice! And if you look in the backgrounds of the Big Bang Theory…the red and yellow can is there!!!
morning, Pixie!
you have a much heartier system than i, as the words “the stronger the better” have never passed my lips when referring to coffee, and just the thought of straight espresso’s making my tongue dry out. i’ll have to give bustello a try, though!
and i wrote a blog post about Phoenix. check it out here. and, yeah – i am starting to feel like an old pro doing these conventions now. 🙂
Mud. Joe. Java. Black Uberness. Blood.
Call it what you will, but I like my coffee like I like my women – Strong, silent and hot!
I also take my coffee black.
hmmm… i think i’m going to have some “Black Uberness” right now, Sarabian.
I really only have two basic times when I drink coffee. First, the stuff at work every now & then usually to have something with breakfast. Second, the free coffee in the hotel rooms while out at conventions usually with a poptart (again, breakfast drink).
Mostly it’s a boring packet of sugar & skim milk. But one trick I heard about is to use a packet of instant hot chocolate mix instead of anything else. It acts like a quick sweetener, creamer, and flavor all in one. Plus, you can even get it w/ marshmallows to liven up “Office Coffee”.
i’m trying to curb my bread and sugar eating habits, WulfBane, but i had a craving for Pop Tarts the other day and totally chowed down on a frosted strawberry one. so good.
and i’ve tried the “hot chocolate” trick at the office – works pretty well! (though i don’t do it often.)
Blech…I can never get behind coffee. I tried once in college after an all-nighter. 16 packets of sugar and the thing was still bitter swill (in coffee’s defense, it WAS coffee from the dining hall). If I want something brown and chock full of caffeine to wake me up in the morning, I’ll drink Coke; and if I want to get crazy and mix things up, I go the Sarah W route and get a Chai.
yes! stay away from it, Joe! it’s the devil.
So this is the crazy guy from the Phoenix comicon who talked to you for like an hour about everything lol. I tried to get on earlier tonight, but evil work stuff prevails, I hope you had a chance to chill after the con. Also who was booth watching for/ selling stuff with you? I didn’t want to be rude and ask, but then I realized its just as rude not to talk to him at all. 😀 I have awful manners. Also if I could drink this kind of coffee daily I would be in Nirvana for sure.
hey, Ranmarru! thanks for coming by the BOTbooth! yep, i did get a chance to chill after the con, but i still feel like i haven’t recovered entirely from it. and my booth helper’s name is Joe – he came in on saturday and was invaluable in helping me over the weekend!
Cold coffee is the only coffee for me. I also prefer it sweet over black, just can’t take the bitterness of black.
i usually like my coffee hot, but lately i’ve been getting into some of the iced coffees, too, 52pickup.
I don’t drink coffee. Everyone else in my family does but I don’t. I just don’t like the taste.
it’s definitely an acquired taste, Fijiman, but i’d suggest not acquiring it. 🙂
Oh my. I love coffee. All coffee in all forms I love coffee. Unfortunately I find it terribly hard to not drink the expensive drinks like water. My first time having an espresso was a laughable mini-comic-con. I drank 4 shots of it throughout the night. My friends were amazed it didn’t seem to have much of an effect on me.
Until 6am the following morning when I’d read every comic I had and was asking them via text-message if I could borrow some of theirs for an hour.
I’ve even sacrificed desk space for my own coffee maker, and currently am working my way through Amaretto flavored coffee. Mostly I drink it black, with just a bit of sugar to offset the bitter but not cover it up. Keeping my teeth white has been a serious problem since I started drinking black coffee instead of those gas station cappuccinos, so I invested in some whitening strips. If you crave different ways to enjoy your coffee I can suggest a book/author to help. Todd Wilbur if you’ve never heard of him clones restaurant drinks. I fell in love with his recipe to re-create a starbucks frappucino though I have trouble getting my blender to crush ALL of the ice.
ha! just a can of soda or a cup of coffee will keep me up ’til 4am if i drink it after 6 or 7pm, Descolada – i don’t know how long i’d stay up if i had 4 shots of espresso!
and thanks for the “Todd Wilbur” tip. i’ll totally check out his recipes.
I just take it simple black americano now, though in Italy it was esspressos all the way, so much tastier than what we get here.
i think if i make a trip to italy i’ll have to try their espressos in whatever way they deem proper, DeeD, but while i’m here in L.A. – i’m keepin’ it sugary and creamy!
I’m not a big coffee drinking myself, but it appears for The Cornfather his coffee diet ended just as soon as it began.
indeed it did, Striker. or maybe he’ll switch to regular?
If coffee doesn’t taste like a milkshake (a lot of sugar and a lot of cream), I say, what’s th point?!?!? Fire me up another Coffee Bean ice blended mocha, please! 🙂
yeah, if it doesn’t taste like dessert, then i’ll pass, sean luke!
I don’t really like coffee, but the smell of coffee beans is one of the best smells on Earth.
Though, sometimes I have to resist the urge to go into a Starbucks and order a plain coffee just to see if the people there know what that is. 😛
that’s another reason to switch to regular coffee, GB – the price! the caramel macchiatos i like are about $3-$4 more expensive than just getting a regular cup of coffee.
That’s hilarious! And so true… I bet when people heard that study Starbucks tripled their sales. Most likely in the Frappacinno department!
ha! i bet you’re right, FunnyShaffer. 🙂
Cream & Sugar if I’m just drinking regular coffee… if I’m out at a coffee place, I’ll probably pick up a White Chocolate Mocha. ^_^
white chocolate mochas used to be my coffee of choice at starbucks, Shay! but they’re SOOOO high in calories. now i get caramel macchiatos, which are still bad for you, but not as bad. 🙂
White, two sugars, and at least 10 cups a day. I’ve cut down from the 40 a day addiction I got whilst driving trucks in France. Well, if they’re going to put machines in EACH SERVICE STATION that makes really good filter coffee then I’m gonna drink it. And so what if I had a 24 volt coffee-machine on the dash so I had some ready for when I parked up. And I used to park up a lot. At every service station with a rest-room. Which of course also had a coffee machine…
wow. 10 cups, Gaz Hunter!!? i guess i shouldn’t feel so bad about my 1-2 cups a day addiction. congrats on bringing that down from 40! i guess i won’t go to france when i eventually try and quit coffee drinking altogether.
Military man here.
I like my coffee thick. Which is “been stewing in the pot for about three hours, becoming viscuous like oil.”
ha! i’ve had coffee like that, McClaud. no amount of sugar and cream in the world can make that stuff taste good.
True, but the reality is that your tastebuds eventually learn to ignore the taste, so it doesn’t taste like ANYTHING after about two weeks of drinking that kind of coffee.
Like everything else in the military, you learn to ignore the gross stuff (like some military cafeteria food) and focus on the important stuff.
Oh sweetie….Ew. You can get that hearty coffee flavor without it looking like used motor oil. Go for Latin coffees, they tend to be a little stronger…Ok who am I kidding? They bet the crap outta Folgers and take it’s milk money.
Pilon is good, Bustello is better in my opinion. Folgers is not even allowed in my house. I have had “die hard coffee drinkers” ask me to thin out Bustello with hot water because it was too strong. I then had two cups and faced the day like a champ.
It’s not so bad. Back in the day, there were no Starbucks in my location. The closest thing I had to a flavored coffee barrista was this little place downtown Omaha that was next to the used book store. I had a few brews there, too.
But in the military, you get very little in the way of choice. And since the coffee is started by the first person on shift in the morning (we operated on a 24 hour cycle), by the time I got there, it had been on for three hours at least. Not allowed to brew a new pot until someone drinks all the coffee in the pot first. And since the pilots like their coffee pitch black, there’s no flavoring anything. Cheap, warm and whatever is on hand. That is the military’s motto for coffee (and just about every other project).
Don’t morn for us – we get used to the coffee to the point where you don’t taste it. It was part of my morning routine when I was already on auto-pilot for preparing the General’s Intelligence briefing.
I’ll have a regular mocha frap on days when I feel like treating myself. And since it’s scarcely worth looking at withOUT whipped cream, I’ll put that on there as well. And since that’s just boring sitting there, a drizzle of chocolate sauce is nice. 🙂
i like your thinking, Josh!
I don’t drink coffee at all. Too many times getting kicked out of the tent at 0200 with a sudden mission and the coffee drinkers couldn’t do ‘go time’ until they had their fix. I’m not putting my life on the line for a habit! That and I can’t stand the taste, lol.
both are great reasons for not getting involved with coffee, Oz!
My opinion on coffee : Gross drink that is the only thing that my parents need to survive the day. I’ve tasted it, but I don’t get how people can drink six cups every day! I prefer hot chocolate. I don’t feel childish about it, it’s just how I roll! *puts on sunglasses* DEAL WITH IT!
mmm… hot chocolate’s good, too, DAS! especially on cold days when you’re sitting at home bundled up.
LOVE hot chocolate/cocoa! The problem with it is it makes me sleepy. You know, warm milk and all that. But come the holidays, I make cocoa from scratch. Best thing ever.
Not much of a coffee drinker here, but I’ve always liked the smell. I also like chocolate-covered espresso beans. Yum, chocolate with a ZING!
My tastes have changed over the years (yes, I’m old enough now to say that without irony 🙂 and I’ve gotten to the point where I can appreciate coffee… as long as there’s other stuff in it. Mocha is just about right.
Pansies, the lot of us.
Meantime, if you want an ultimate Coffee Experience, Phil did it better:
Enjoy. 🙂
nice links, Jeffrey! (qc and gg are awesome.) and i love chocolate with a ZING, too!
Milk and sugar for me. I LOVE coffee like that. It’s like hot coffee ice cream. MMMMMMmmmmmmmmm. 😀
it’s amazing how milk and sugar transforms coffee from blegh! to mmmm! Shanna!
I’ve had my coffee black for years now. the secret: don’t get bitter coffee. there are a lot of light to medium roasts out there that are very smooth, and don’t induce that wince-and-shudder from certain chains that over roast and burn their coffee…..
i’ll have to look into those light and medium roasts, Maesonic. i did have a “blonde” roast recently without milk or sugar that was somewhat palatable. just need more training.
Black, mostly, though scince I live in seattle I have access to some of the best coffee houses in the united states. Hint: None of them are starbucks.
My suggestion for learning to drink coffee black: Order a french press of Kenya blend coffee from a starbucks and a piece of lemon cake (or similar sweet, citrusy flavored treat. While coffee is still super hot, sip it as you can and take little nibbles of the citrus sweet thing (and I do highly recomend lemon cake of some sort) to go with it. Take your time, enjoy the bitterness and the way the Kenya blend’s citrus notes play off the lemon cake.
This can be preformed at home as well, with kenya blend, a french press, and any lemon-pudding-ring-cake from a grocery store.
i need to consult with you for the next time i’m in seattle (probably for next year’s Emerald City Comicon), Osiris. i tried a couple local coffee shops this year and didn’t love what i was getting, so ended up at starbucks and seattle’s best, mostly. it’s probably because i like my coffee to taste like a dessert, so i’m not appreciating the flavor of the actual coffee.
and: i’ll pretty much take any excuse to eat lemon cake, so i’ll have to give your suggestion a try when i get the chance.
XD I’m a big coffee wimp; I drank it a bit at my old job just to stay warm (that, and it was free out of the machines ^^.) I must have had more creamer than coffee, and after awhile I just started bringing Chai tea powder and hot cocoa to work X3
PS: My roommates got a giggle out of the poster print, and it’s hanging proudly on my wall ^^
i think that’s what got me hooked on coffee, JR: it was free out of the machines at work.
and re: the JEFbot poster print – YAY! i’m happy your roommates approve! 🙂
I’m right there with you, ‘Bot. I absolutely have to have at least (lots) of sugar and some kind of dairy product to even consider drinking coffee.
woo! high five, Twigus!
Yea I can’t drink strait black coffee. Probably could if I wanted to, but I don’t. I sweeten my coffee the same. Don’t let your schedule kill you, I’m happy with what I can get. I’m enjoying the comic’s. Keep up the good work.
awww, thanks, Michael! i’ll try not to kill myself with the schedule if i can help it.
I avoid coffee, it’s an addiction I can’t really afford in the long run
i’m pretty good at avoiding addictions, zevm, but coffee has claimed me!
It starts with pleasantly tasting coffee and soon you will be toiling under the whips of your masters at starbucks oh yes… soon
sadly, i’m already a slave to my masters at starbucks, Jiro. *sob*
None for me, thanks. Coffee is an acquired taste that I just never acquired. My caffeine needs were met just fine with colas or other caffinated soft drinks, but now I have to avoid it completely because it gives me horrible headaches.
that’s when i knew i had a problem, reynard61: when i tried to quit and i got caffeine headaches.
I don’t drink coffe, I don’t get why you would hide the stuff you want/need/are actually drinking (coffee) under o much chocolate and stuff because you don’t like the flavour. to me thats like eating broccoli only then purreed and mixed with a whole truckload of cheese so you don’t have to taste it.
I am however guilty of drinking lots and lots and lots and lots of energy drinks. Monster, Cyborg, Red Bull, Bullit, Blue Bastard. and a whole lot of others I tried once but didn’t like.
mMMmmm… broccoli and cheese.
well, pretty much anything tastes good when you put sugar on it, Icarus. i don’t really care for plain poi or oatmeal, but put a little sugar on ’em and they’re delicious! 🙂
I’m kind of a new reader, but I do love coffee. Mostly black, though I can’t resist a skinny caramel macchiato or butterscotch latte from time to time.
welcome to JEFbot, TryingPatience! thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂
i haven’t tried a skinny caramel macchiato, but i love the “fat” ones! next time i hit the coffee shop, i’ll give it a try, though.
Gotta say, drink it black or don’t drink it. When you mix all that junk into the coffee, you might as well exclude the coffee. Also, forget Starbucks, get yourself some nice beans with a flavor profile you think you’ll like and brew it at home. You can do it drip or french press or even espresso, ice or hot, and it’ll be loads better than whatever you get at Starbucks.
i have a french press and have been thinking about brewing my own at home, Asitaka. if nothing else, it’ll save me a lot of money! i just hope i can adjust to the taste…
Coffee is usually with food for me, don’t really drink it by itself. Breakfast or lunch. Used to drink a cup with lunch @ work, using a creamer and some sugar. New job only provides the nondairy powder creamer, which I don’t like. so lunchtime is down to occasional dining out. Breakfast is the same, only when eating out. If they have the flavored creamers, I’ll take one of those in place of creamer & sugar.
yeah, i normally drink coffee in the morning and that’s it, Vik-Thor. although, at the last comic convention in Phoenix, i was pretty much drinking it 24-7. 🙂
ooh is this a poll?! I love those!
I can drink my coffee black but is NEEDS to have sugar. No cup of coffee ever tastes good without it. Sometimes I might like it black, but usually I do prefer like 2 of those little cups of creamers in it. Occasionally I might go up to 4 but that doesn’t happen much. Also my favorite: Mocha Frappicino with whip cream. <3<3<3
I prefer a good old fashion coffee maker to Keurig. It's expensive and no matter how neat or convenient it can be sometimes it's also a headache to get it to do what you want. Keurig also doesn't provide for a range of flavors like a regular coffee maker. It's the best way for me to make a larger batch of tea as well! Cooking it in a pot gives the tea a different flavor I *usually* don't prefer. Most people also dump it into plastic containers right away. It bugs me so much! …oops I just ranted there. On the note of rants you know what sucks? Being caffeine sensitive. I love how coffee tastes but even decaf as some of that dang cocaine in it and I still must limit myself. </3
heh. i think when i use those little creamer cups, four is like, my minimum, Armando! and, yes: i don’t normally do frappes, but the mocha frappe w/ whip cream is mmm mmm good.
and i don’t love keurig, but they have the machines at the office where i work, with a bunch of different flavors, so it suffices when i need a quick fix. but tea, i always make myself! love tea. with or without sugar/milk.
You can keep the coffee. I’m a tea drinker myself. My 5 faves are (in order): Irish Breakfast, English Breakfast, Chamomile, Peppermint and Earl Grey. No milk. Just sweetener (and in EG, lemon) and sometimes honey (if available).
yes! tea’s awesome KB. and Irish and English breakfast teas are among my faves, too.
I love me my coffee. I don’t do it all dressed up for a sorority party like that, but I DO need me some cream or milk, but no sugar. I reserve that for the donut 😉 Speaking of which, my fave is Dunkin Donuts coffee. Sadly, we have not had a Dunkin Donuts here in Denver since probably 1980. But, I hear they’re about to open a bunch of them in the near future 🙂
my friends from the east coast all LOVE dunkin’ donuts coffee, Stan Yan! they all go off about it when i bring it up. there’s a “Donut Shoppe” flavor for the Keurig at work that’s supposed to taste like dunkin’ donuts coffee, but my office mate from Boston begs to differ.
I agree. I’ve tried that. It’s not the same (or even close). Blah!
To celebrate my last week as a senior I bought a carmel macchiato almost everyday.. I regret it!!
heh. well, at least you got caramel macchiatos and not something higher in calories, like white choc mochas or oreo frappes, Nat!
Cream and two sugars if its decent coffee. if its shit or burnt add a sugar or too
Well you know if you ever need help in Phoenix again…I’m totally down for helping with the booth and drinking coffee, I mean hell I’m gonna be there anyways :p
I prefer white chocolate mochas with peppermint or caramel flavoring. But when I can’t get that, I take normal coffee with as much sugar as I can hold in those packets. I did take it black for about a month when I was writing a character who drank black coffee, just to get into her mindset. It’s kinda good, if done right. Nutty, in a way.
I have 5 little words for you, Jeffbot, that will change your life…
Black Blood of the Earth
ick ive totally heard of that diet it sounds like everything that every health nut and inthusiest has said and going against trends doesnt always turn out well
I like it black.
I only take a medium or dark roast and I like my variety, and always try black before altering the flavor to something delicious. Kona from Hawaii and stuff from costa rica are the only exception to premix. I despise Starbucks. 😐