Let me just say that I’m a Pepper. Love the stuff. Between that and Coca-Cola, I hardly drink anything else, which might not be such a good thing. Anyway, even with my unabashed affections going for it, I find myself disheartened to learn that Dr. Pepper HQ put the kibosh on one of my favorite strains of Dr. Pepper Prime: Dublin Dr. Pepper, which was made with the original cane sugar as opposed to high-fructose corn syrup, and which happened to be absolutely delicious. Seems the corporate overlords didn’t like its oldest bottler (since 1885!) selling a distinct version of its soda outside its territory in Dublin, Texas, which I would assume – with the Internet and all – would be a hard thing not to do. And since I was buying the stuff at a soda shop near my work in California, I’d say they were doing a good job breaking those boundaries. Anyway, this all went down earlier this year, but I didn’t find out about it until recently, so had gone through most but not all of my stash. I guess I’ll have to save my last few bottles for a memorable occasion. You can read more about what happened here.
Anyway, as disappointed as I am with Dr. Pepper corporate over this, I’ll probably still be drinking it as much as ever. So what’s your favorite soda?
woohoo. take that
woohoo! congrats on claiming the Shades of Firsting, jf300! how long has it been since your last ones? regardless, wear these well: they double as a bottle opener for hard-to-find sodas:
I think that you may need to have some strong neck supports for these “coke” bottle shades of firsting duuuuude.
no one said wearing the Shades was an easy task, Pat wolfman dude! 😉
i love coca cola. dunno why. pepsi taste like crap. dunno why. i miss cherry coca cola. i know why.
yep: coke is it. yep-ish: i don’t like pepsi as much. huh? do they stop making cherry coke where you live?
It has been far too long since my back to back shades. Cherry coke lose out to vanilla in my country. There was a time when Coca had a commercial which featured mobster and the guy had to choose either a cherry coke or a vanilla coke. Vanilla wins out at the end. I xxxxxxx hate vanilla coke. Taste like bananas. If i want banana i eat banana, i dont drink it. Cherry coke on the other hand. Oooh what i would give for a cherry coke.
Here here for Cherry Coke, and yuck yuck for Vanilla coke. I hate the stuff too.
Here here
Sometimes, I’ll mix the cherry Coke with the vanilla Coke and drink that. I’m disappointed that they stopped making the lime Coke. That was my favorite of the Coke flavors.
What. What. They made lime coke. I’ve been living on the wrong part of the world.
i do that, too, Rainey – mixing Cherry Coke with Vanilla Coke actually tastes better than the “Cherry Vanilla Coke” they sell. Vanilla Coke + rum is pretty good, too. 😀
I have cherry coke at the store here, for one dollar over cost and shipping, which would amount to cost, shipping and HANDLING, something could be negotiated… Unless you find a friendly neighborhood family member who lives in a cherry infested delivery area who could be finaggled to kvetch their way to the store to buy you a few weeks of supply for your next visit… Which is what I suggest. Be a pepper, not Iron Man, visit your friends, family and romans, lend me your ears.
would love to but my cash commitment makes it hard on me.
I hear that. Damn gas prices are ……… never mind.
i hate to rub it in, Jf300, (and you’ll probably see a future JEFbot about this) but they started offering all sorts of Coke flavors at the movie theaters over here: everything from Coke, Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, Cherry Vanilla Coke to weird things like Coke Lime, Coke Orange and Coke Raspberry.
Dang-shmang, tang-alang. Beaten to it.
so close, ROM!
I’m not a big soft drink person, but when I must drink, I take Coke, Sprite, or Royal. (My country’s version of Fanta) I haven’t seen any Dr. Peppers here, other than the Duty-Free shops away from Metro-Manila. But when I get the chance I’ll try it!
definitely worth a try, ROM!, though i can’t guarantee you’ll like it – a couple of my friends actually hate the taste of DP with a passion.
Sorry, but when I drink and drive, it’s diet coke or a ticket. And I never get a ticket when I drink and drive, so for all you high school students out there. If you must drive with something in your hands, leave your date buckled up, the cell phone off and in your pocket, and an ice cold diet coke in your left hand as your arm rests in the window while driving off into the sunset to go to that date that will start the best evening of the rest of your life knowing that you’ve done everything right to arrive alive. This public service announcement has not been endorsed by Coke Cole, cell phone manufactures (except maybe ATT(unintentionally)) and Automobile manufacturers, sellers, resellers and bald used car salesmen stereotypically placed around the country in order to get them placed in the next True Lies movie, and has been approved possibly by your parents. But I don’t know about John Bender’s parents, because Claire may be the one driving her father’s BMW. So, Claire, keep that Diet Coke in your right hand, in case you have to throw something at John Bender.
Errmm….. excuse me? When was drinking and driving in the topic? xD
no, just didn’t have my morning diet coke.
i knew so many people in college who started the day with Diet Coke (even more than drank coffee!) Pat wolfman dude.
I prefer Coke to Pepsi, especially when I can get the Coke straight from the fountain, like I do at the restaurants where I worked. I don’t particularly like the taste of Doctor Pepper, though I’d be willing to give the cane sugar version a try just because I think cane sugar is better for people than the high-fructose stuff.
That being said, if *anyone* did that to something I was saving, especially if I were in a situation where I didn’t have to label food products (like I do living back at home), there would be blood on the walls.
I went to the Coke Museum in Atlanta a few years ago, there was an entire room dedicated to coke flavors from all over the world. Some were fantastic, others tasted like medicine. If you love Coke you should check it out, it was a fun time.
I was there, and I literally tried just about every flavor. I wanted to sit in the bear’s lap though. What about you?
Not a day goes by when I don’t wish I could sit in a bears lap.
hee hee hee, that was a fast reply. The only bad thing would have been that I would have been banned from drinking coke products for the rest of my life. I was just toooooooo tall to be considered anywhere near the possible age of getting away with it (like 17, 18) and maybe (24, 25 if I were a girl, which I’m not. But I’m not saying anything negative about girls.) So, I suppose that I’d have to study art, soft art creation, more autocad, 3d design software, adobe, get fabric patches, thread samples in order to match the original bear, and then spend the next two years in research and development in order to make a bear large enough, and sturdy enough to sit on it’s own, in the proper stance as the bear at the Coke Museum in Atlanta so that I can cuddle in it’s lap. Did I mention that I’m 203 centimeters tall?
Holy crap, you’re tall! (Dumb American here, had to look up a cm to in converter to figure out your height).
And yes, saying anything negative about girls, especially around here, is probably not the smartest thing you could do. *sweet smile*
i had to use a converter, too, T. heheh.
and agree with your last paragraph(x2). 😀
I’ll be sure to add that to my list of things to do when I’m on my road trip, thanks! I also want to go to Hershey, PA for the chocolate…
I live near Hershey, I’ve been the park, you won’t be disappointing!
now that you’ve mentioned chocolate, i’m gonna have to go hunt down some of the dark stuff. with almonds.
Pat w.d. says, Chunky!!!
Oh, and my favorite soda is root beer. I consider myself to be something of a connoisseur, trying all different sorts of home brews and brewery brews. My favorite thus far is made here in Fairbanks at the Silver Gulch brewery, with Barqs a reasonable alternative when I can’t be bothered to go down the hill to Silver Gulch (it’s literally a five minute drive from my house, if that).
I don’t know why, but I like the taste of flat root beer… (Then I put in some ice cubes and go around making it look like scotch on the rocks.)
i’m a fan of Barq’s, too, T. i’d add A&W (makes the best floats) and Dr. Brown’s, as well. would love to try some Alaskan home brews, though!
and, ROM!: while i don’t like flat root beer, i used to love the taste of hot root beer or hot 7-Up! not sure i still do, tho…
yep. Coke > Pepsi for me, too, T. and, funny: they had a “Throwback” Dr. Pepper available at the market a year or so ago, and that had “real” sugar as opposed to the high-fructose corn syrup, and i didn’t like the taste, which was a weird mix of Dr. Pepper and rhubarb or something. but the Dublin Dr. Peppers: mmm, mmm. i don’t know what’s different about it, but i love(d) it!
Well, for me, I have a few, mostly from the U.K., but luckily available through U.K. import stores:
Irn Bru, Vimto, Lucozade (Wild Cherry Bomb, Apple are best), Tango (orange soda as its best) and Shandy.
But for US sodas, I only one major brand: Pepsi Throwback (as it’s cane sugar). I hate drinkins soda containing HFCS. The other soda is Curiosity Cola (which you can only find at Costplus or BevMo. It’s freaking expensive, too.)
hmmm… i’m not familiar with any of those sodas you mentioned, Carl Anderson! but i used to be a big fan of an apple soda called Aspen (which isn’t available anymore, sadly) here in the states so i might try importing some of your Lucozade.
and while i prefer Mexican Coke (uses cane sugar), i dig the Pepsi Throwback, too. you’ve made me, uh, curious about Curiosity Cola now, so i might just make a trip to the local BevMo soon. 🙂
Irn Bru is indeed good stuff.
My favorite is Dr Brown’s Cel-Ray soda.
“Cel-Ray” soda??? i’m sold on it just from the name, tudza! i’ll have to keep an eye out for that one.
As per my own personal experience, different countries make a different blend of soft drinks (and for some odd reason they may just change the taste later on just for the fun of it!) For Example The Coka Cola from India tastes completely different from a Coka Cola from the UAE
Thant being said i love 7up, Pepsi is a close second though lol
Now i do get Dr. Pepper here (the cans!) but they are all imported from America (I think) so they are more expensive lol
from my limited travels to other countries, i’ve noticed that, too, EnigmaX: that sodas taste different depending on where in the world you are. if i make it to Japan or Australia (or India or the UAE!) in the future, i’ll have to give their Cokes a try. 🙂
I would think soda like Dr Pepper and Coke would be your Kryptonite, eventually canceling out your scrawn power.
I know Mountain Dew, which I used to drink all the time when I was, able to drink a 24 OZ bottle a day without gaining any weight, was my drink of choice.
so far, my Scrawn powers have been able to counteract all the DP and CC i drink, TPC, but the older i get, the weaker my S-Powers get! 🙁
and i love me some Mtn Dew – especially original, Code Red and Livewire.
Mountain Dew for me. RC is good too.
These days Mountain Dew isn’t specific enough. Do you like the original green Mountan Dew, Live Wire, Code Red, the poorly named White Out or my personal favorite, Baja Blast?
Here’s a little tip for fans of Baja Blast: Baja Blast is only sold in its “correct” form at Taco Bell. However, if you buy a bottle of diet original green Mountain Dew and add the correct amount of lime syrup, you’ll get a drink that tastes just like Baja Blast. I’ve used the Torani brand of syrup (it was readily available to me) but I think any brand will do.
funny, i make “Code Red” at Taco Bell by combining regular Mtn Dew and the cherry fruit punch, Rainey. tastes almost exactly like the real stuff!
RC Cola used to be my fave, Vik-Thor. then it became hard to find and Coca-Cola stole the love.
I predict violence in the Cornfathers future.
Im a Coke, and Coke:Zero guy myself.
Either that, or the cornfather making a hasty road trip just to make sure that JefBot maintains his V2.0 functionality, lest the halls of woho fall down around that Chinese theatre. Cornfather will search, scrounge, call Tarantino, and make bargains that will foister himself amongst the hardiest of producers in California history, catapulting himself higher than Spielberg, Lucas, and that other guy who wore the t shirt “Pedro for President.”
pssssst. Cornfather, look what I found:
I don’t know how to make a hyperlink in here.
sadly, i don’t think the Cornfather fears bot’s retaliation all that much, Pwd! heheh.
and that’s an awesome link you found! i wonder if they’ll honor that purchase with real Dublin Dr. Pepper or the corporate knock-off? i’m almost tempted to find out…
Although, my question is this. If the Dublin distribution center is “THE” oldest distribution, bottling, cooking (etc) center in the US for Dr. Pepper, and if they did in fact create (if) Dr. Pepper, then why is the corporate conglomeration have such a got dang snit fit (Rusty Shakleford) over not only the design of the bottle, but the use of the cane sugar in the recipie, especially when their story states that someone in the plant was called “Mr. Dr. Pepper.”
oh, there will be CornViolence in a near-future strip, 52pickup! but born of a different event, not this one. 🙂
My favorite soda?
Oh, Dr Pepper. I prefer the heritage edition for the same reason you liked the dublin (sugar sodas taste better), but it comes in cans. Didn’t realize there WAS a glass bottle version or I’d have bought up what you hadn’t ages ago.
i’m happy you’re a Pepper, jesternario! and i’ve never seen the canned version of DDP, but i can attest – the bottled stuff is awesome. 🙂
My soda preference is PibXtra. Espaecially after I add the flavor of black licorice to it.
i’m probably not a good Pepper for saying so, but i love Mr. Pibb/Pibb Xtra, too, Rainey! especially from the fountain. and you add black licorice flavor? hmm… i’ll have to try that.
I believe I can break minds with this statement, but I have never had soda..
This is not because my family didnt allow me to drink soda, but they just never drank it themselves..
That and the fact that I dislike the taster of sugary things in general. So I figure I’m good, I’ll stick with sugarless iced tea and water for the most part.
Cept for guiness, love me some guiness..
Sato, that has not broken my mind. While I am looking at a MIO flavored bottle of water to my right (2:30 o’clock (OMG, a dublin joke, not INTENDED. )) I have a mostly new 1 L bottle of Diet Coke (my unfortunate breakfast of (censored age bracketed grouping) geeks. So, unless JefBot wakes up at 8:00 am PST, I have nothing to worry about until he posts his breakfast drinks. I forsee something definitive and derivative from his heritage that combines the three along with a unsurpassed rising to the nth power of geekiness multiplied by scrawn.
sadly, my breakfast drinks include the very normal and ungeeky staples: coffee (which i’d like to ween myself from) and sometimes orange juice, Pwd. but, yes – multiplied by Powers of Scrawn, of course. 🙂
Have you ever thought of brewing a pot of coffee, and then fitting an airtight seal over the coffee pot and then attaching a flexible hose to the seal through a one way valve, tightened down with an appropriately sized radiator hose clamp with the other end of the hose attached to a similarly clamped down attachment to a bottle of baking soda and vinegar? Pat w.d.
NO SODA, SATOSHIEYES!!!? *mind broken* wow. well, the good thing is, you’re probably in better health/shape than i am because of it. heheh.
By the way, JefBot, have you considered getting a second fridge with a cool combination graphic of a nuclear and bio hazard symbol that threatens physical harm due to scrawn when contents have been pilfered and are in storage for not only inherent value but considerable compounding of financial value due to age and scarceness?
well, you’d think bot wouldn’t have to resort to such extremes, Pwd, seeing as how the Cornfather no longer lives there!
Dont know what it is, do you? No worries, as far as I know its virtually impossible to get outside middle Europe, but its fantastic. Compared to chemical tastes of Coca-Cola and Pepsi and such, it has more of natural feel. But I know a lot of people who for this same reason prefer other drinks.
Kind of like Peanut Butter vs. Vegamite, eh? Well, if there were no Vegamite, would there be a group called Men without hats?
nope, never heard of Kofola, Maryz. will have to scour the ‘net for this. or see if the World Market near me offers it!
My favorite is (depending on mood) Cola or Dr.Pepper
I do however have a home country advantage.
Most of the soda i drink is made from sugar beets or cane sugar.
Health regulations, one of the few things our politics have done well 🙂
I have tried some of the US imported cola and mountain dew… You guys/girls have my sincerest sympathy !
what’s your home country, Gremalkin?
thankfully, the real sugar “Throwback” options have been popping up over the past couple years here in the U.S.. hopefully this trend will continue. 🙂
I think my favorites are coca cola (I switch between original coke and cherry so I don’t get burned out on the flavor), doctor pepper, and a tie between A&W (which is now bottled here in kentucky) and IBC Rootbeer. I’ll drink other stuff if I can’t afford those brands, but I’m happiest when I have those.
Funny story, I had/have several cokes from years past, I had several of the ornament shaped bottles from the past 3 Christmases. I had glass bottles with some pretty retro labeling, and even a few event specific glass coke bottles (for instance the ones with Harry Potter logos from movie premieres. My older brother, knowing they’re collectibles and knowing that I’d be pissed, drank them, put some of the bottles back and recycled the plastic ones, then sold the rest of the glass bottles. I was livid enough to wish for mutant scarf powers.
As far as HFCS in drinks, I wish every brand would just have a line with cane sugar. I like the taste better, and my girlfriend can’t have HFCS so that’d solve a point of conflict 😀
Also, I don’t think soda’s are any worse for your health. I mean I’ve drank them all my life so far, and I don’t have any health problems directly attributed to drinking enough soda to drown 50 polar bears.
i alternate between Coke, Cherry Coke and Dr. Pepper for that very reason, too, Descolada: so i don’t get burned out on just one flavor. and, yes: IBC and A&W are quite tasty.
i would put my vote in for every soda having non-HFCS options. hopefully, the “Throwback” options have been successful enough for them to keep doing it and expanding!
last thing: your brother must be punished severely for his crimes. i’ll lend you the Scarf.
I don’t drink sodas or soft drinks. I like juice and home-made fruit juice… or tea.
good for you, Formel! i’m trying to drink less sodas and coffee and more water, fresh fruit juice and teas, myself. needless to say: it’s not going well.
Well, I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m guily of coffee addiction myself… my record is ten cups a day… ugh.
wow. i think my record’s 3 cups, Formel!
I’ll drink anything in a pinch, but diet Pepsi is the only thing that clears my pipes, reliably keeps the Caffeine Withdrawal Gnomes from storming over the hill, and gets all the flies circling in the same direction.
Seriously, buy stock. I won’t let you down.
i’ve found that my friends who drink Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi are even more fanatical about their soda choice than fans of the regular stuff, Sarah W!
To me, Pepsi is nectar of the Gods, hallowed be thy drink…… followed by Sunkist, the orange soda kissed by the Sun.
i used to be a big fan of Sunkist too, DaHoboJoe. that is, until Minute Maid Orange soda came out, which i was an even bigger fan of. do they even make that anymore?
Not that I am aware of, now it’s either Sunkist, Crush, Fanta, or cheapo orange soda, which actually isn’t too bad.
Not a big Pepper fan, sorry. My fav soda these days is Pepsi MAX. Just something about the taste. It has more caffeine than Mt. Dew AND it has Ginsing – so it has to be good for you, right? 😉
The one problem I had with Pepsi MAX is the artificial sweetner. Due to some pre-existing health problems drinking those regularly tends to put me in a bit of pain.
i generally hate artificial sweeteners, Descolada – which is why i rarely, if ever, drink or eat “Diet” stuff.
as i mentioned on twitter – i like your way of thinking, Richtpt, since “Dr” Pepper means that must be good for you, too, right??? ;D
If I have to drink pop thats mainstream: Rootbeer or Dr Pepper. I’m very particular about my rootbeers though. I really love Jones Blue bubblegum, when I can find it.
i can’t remember if it’s “Jones” brand, but the Coney Dogs hot dog shop that recently opened near me has a delicious bubblegum soda, dj!
Hilarious and upsetting! I remember when my sister drank my last Crystal Pepsi! Rage! My favorite soda is Coca-Cola from Mexico! Real SUGAR! …and a lot of it!
yeah: Mexican Coke is da bomb, Funnyshaffer – especially since you can get it at Costco now for cheap!
Here in the UK soda uses real sugar. In fact the US is one of the few countries that doesn’t use sugar. But I do notice a slight difference is flavour in some of the sodas I drink. Don’t know about Dr. Pepper though. It’s very likely they use real sugar but also possible the flavour could be just a little off.
it’s probably because i’m used to it, but for the most part i’m fine with the HFCS sodas, Saeed – except for cane sugar Dublin Dr. Pepper and Mexican Coke, which are way better!
i shoulda known, DREGOPWR!
…you work near Galco’s?
(I was there a couple years ago. I had to ask what ‘victorian lemonade’ was. And laughed myself sick at stuff like ‘Leninade’. And threatened a friend of mine who is a Massachusetts expat with bringing him bottles of Moxie.)
hmmm… i’ll have to google Galco’s to see if it’s near me, Mephron. no, the soda shop i was talking about is called Rocket Fizz. pretty cool place with a big selection of sodas and UK chocolates and candy!
funny, my bostonian friend had me try Moxie a couple years back – i dug it!
If they have jelly babies at Rocket Fizz, I’ll trade you Alaskan brewed root beer for jelly babies. 😀
deal, T! 🙂
http://www.sodapopstop.com – there you go.
I went there when I was in LA a couple years ago with some friends. We got some Mexican Coke and gave it to William Gibson after a reading of “Zero History”.
(My life is strange sometimes.)
dude. that sounds like an awesome day!
I used to drink this when I lived in Cleveland, OH. Nectar of the gods as far as I’m concerned. Nowadays I drink Root Beer (whatever’s cheapest), Ginger Ale (Vernor’s preferred, but I’ll drink whatever’s available) or anything else without the dread caffeine.
i’m finding out about all sorts of new and different soda pops, reynard61! will definitely have to see if they have Cherikee Red at the soda shop. i’m a ginger ale fan, too, when i need some caffeine-free soda.
Good luck with that. I live in Indiana and I was only able to get it once a few years ago because a local outlet store had bought out the inventory of another store that was going out of business and was selling it. Haven’t seen it again since and haven’t found it anywhere on the web at anything like an affordable price.
dang it.
I like to grab a fountain soda when I can. A 50/50 mix of Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper. I just like the taste.
i don’t like it myself, but i hear Diet Dr. Pepper tastes pretty good to diet soda drinkers, June. as for mixing sodas, well, stay tuned for my take on that. 🙂
jefbot.com can be seen as a website that posts a forum topic with a bonus comic strip. Just sayin’. Because seriously, reading the discussions here is really fun and everyone here’s nice. It’s also really kind of you, Jeff, to reply to every single comment! You’re cool.
ha! i like your take on the JEFbot site, ROM! i actually love how active the comment threads can get for each comic! some of my comic peers have told me how jealous they are of the awesome and engaged readers here, and i take that as a HUGE compliment. 😀
Ordinarily, I love the idea of Jeff taking the time to respond to every comment posted on this site. However, this time around I’ll discourage him from responding to ALL of Pat Wolfman Dude’s comments (though it’s not up to me). The reason being that Pat Wolfman Dude posted so many this time that Jeff will probably be writing for a week if he responds to every single comment he posted.
heheh. while i try and respond to most comments of the latest strip (i just don’t have time to go back and respond to new comments on old strips) i don’t feel that OCD urge to respond to every reply, Rainey, otherwise, yeah – i might not have any time left to create new strips. 🙂
RC Cola! Better than coke OR pepsi!
Also, Squirt. Because, you know, grapefruit.
mmm… Squirt! love it. Cactus Cooler’s delicious, too, Carl-E. and yeah: big fan of RC Cola, but it’s hard to find around these parts anymore.
this weird named Mr bubblies pop that i used to find in airports in england
tasted like mt dew big red and dr.pepper mix only found it for a year then it just went away used to have one of thier unopend cans but the bookshelf i had the old drinks i colected cracked and i lost most of the frinks due to glass breakage and aluminum punkures from another shelf droping ontop of em very sad one of the old coke bottles was worth like 50 bucks that year i must have ticked of someone cuse was gettign bad luck left and right
why are the obscure drinks so cool, tasty, and never last.
a Mtn Dew, Big Red and Dr. Pepper mix, drakeye??? that’s worth tracking down if they still make it! adding it to the list for my local soda shop.
and, yeah: i have only memories of awesome, old sodas that they just don’t make anymore. 🙁
My favorite soda right now is Dr. Pepper. I even get the bonus of going to school in Waco, Tx, where Dr. Pepper was invented. Needless to say though, I was rather upset when I found out that the pulled Dublin Dr. Pepper off the shelves….
(I have now become aware that I could probably make a day trip to Dublin to buy the few that they’re allowed to produce now. I’ll have to make plans for that.)
WOO for being a Pepper, GB!
and if you make the trip to Dublin, let us know how it goes. 🙂
I don’t know about “favorite”, but I do miss this weird off-brand rhubarb soda that used to be available in South Dakota when I was a kid. It doesn’t appear to exist anymore, but when I used to drink it I could get some AWESOME belches out of it. The taste was pretty decent too.
(No, my life doesn’t revolve around burping, somehow it just keeps coming up here. 😛 )
heheh. well, i wish i could burp to get that “extra” taste from sodas, HiEv!
Hooray! My favorites were finally mentioned… Diet Pepsi & Vernor’s! We seem to be in the minority, here. 🙁
You like Vernor’s too?! You are the Best Mom *EVER!!!* Jeff is such a lucky guy!
’tis true, r61. 🙂
Somehow, I’m wondering who in this family gets to use the “Smothers Brother’s” line.
either my sister Laura or my dad, Pat wolfman dude – both are big fans.
yay for Vernor’s but boo for Diet Pepsi, Mombot! and i gotta say, that Canada Dry Ginger Ale + Green Tea that Popbot accidentally got was kinda good. 😉
Dr. Pepper was my dad’s favorite, and he wasn’t much of a soda guy.
Given the subject of this strip, Jeff, I’m even more shocked now than when I first learned you’d never been to Galco’s Soda Pop Stop. I checked out the Rocket Fizz site; looks like they’re a small chain; surprised I’ve never heard of them; I’ll have to check out the Westwood location. It’s good they have so many stores, but Galco’s in Highland Park is unique: they stock many of the “old time” soda brands, they have a nice deli sandwich counter in back, and the owner will probably greet you in person during your visit! What might be of most interest to your readers is that Galco’s also now has the Dublin Bottling Works line of sodas, mentioned in the article you linked.
i’ll definitely have to make a trip to Galco’s soon, Kim! and your dad sounds like he had good taste. 🙂
I heard about this a couple months ago. The Root beer store i go to had a shelf of these, i bought 3 for my household, we drank them and were marveled at the tasty-ness of it all.
i wish i had heard about this when it happened, Maesonic – i would’a gone straight to the local soda shop and bought them out of DDPs! ah, well. i’m happy you experienced them before they were gone.
I’m a pepper too. Back in the 80’s I even had a tank top an red shorts outfit where the shirt said “I’m a pepper”.
And I suppose you might have noticed in the movie ‘Real Steel’ the kid drank dr. pepper to stay up all night and program the robot? I thought to myself ‘yep, the drink of computer geeks!’
*high five* for being a Pepper, stuart. i’ve always wanted one of those shirts, but had to settle for a baseball cap, which i still wear on occasion.
and: yes! i totally did a fist pump in the air when i saw the kid drinking Dr. Pepper in Real Steel. enjoyed that movie more than i thought i would.
so much for selling it on ebay as a set
I still have a case and a half of Pepsi Throwback. i’m sure in just a few more months it will be totally toxic and undrinkable but I can’t handle all the caffeine.
Definitely a Mt Dew fan, especially Livewire. I really liked Baja Blast when Taco Bell first started carrying it, but not so much now. Not sure if it’s a change in my tastes, or change in the recipe.