This comic is absolutely true: my brother-in-law, Mike, (portrayed by Coolhand in the strip) has a near-violent reaction to the taste of Dr. Pepper. It used to be funny to “accidentally” switch our drinks at a fast food joint or movie theater, but I soon learned that inducing your friend to nearly vomit kinda ruins the rest of the day. Not to say that it won’t happen in the future, but if it does, it will truly be an accident, and not an “accident.” Hopefully, Mike will read and believe this.
Got a ton of responses on the previous strip to the question of what your favorite soft drink is, so now I’ll ask the flip side: what soda do you absolutely despise? Mine? Almost any diet drink but I’ll go with Diet Pepsi.
Pepsi. Any Pepsi. It tastes like toxic waste and sewage.
heh. i’ve always loved Coke way more than Pepsi, toastygod, so: WOO! (although i do like Cherry Pepsi a bunch.)
and check you out: you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well – these have splash guards on ’em should you need extra protection from friends having “violent reactions”:
amen to that brother. but it makes me wonder. why does pepsi from kfc taste better than pepsi from the shop?
hmm… not sure, jf300. someone should put that to a taste test!
Pepsi is too sugary where coke is much more acidic tasting. Plus it burns going down…which I LOVE! Long live Coke!!!
woo for the burrrrrrn, Pix!!!
I agree. In love with the burning sensation. Especially after eating spicy food. Everytime i do that my brain keeps asking me ” why are u torturing me?”
Also, first? And I think this is my first comment on this site ever so double first?
yep! the Shades are yours. 🙂
and thanks for commenting! have you been a BOTreader long?
Oh yeah for years now. I even met you and the Cornfather inspiration and bought BOT swag at the Emerald City Comic Con two years ago. You were very nice as I was a total obnoxious fan girl all over your table.
that con was my first con ever, toastygod, so thanks for coming by the booth and buying swag! (and i’m sure by “obnoxious” you mean “awesome” cuz everyone i met there was SuperCool!) that convention is still one of my favorite experiences, and i look forward to going again in 2013. you gonna be there?
If I have the money I’ll definitely be there. Unemployment really killed my con fun this year. Stupid real life requiring stupid gainful employment. If I do get to go I’ll be sure to come to your table and annoy you all over again.
awww, sorry ’bout the unemployment: that sucks. sending good mojo and luck that you’ll find an awesome one soon. no one should be without gainful employment. (or con fun!)
I think that since you’ve bought so much Bot stuff, maybe if you could finagle a six pack of the Dublin Dr. Pepper, maybe Bot could get you a booth bunny position. And if you’re going to annoy him, you could be all dressed up as his sister, to whom I think that his brother in law Mike is married to. Whatchu say Bot?
But I suppose that you’d have to try and get transportation arranged (road trips anyone) and shared rooms for the poor girl (NO fan boys who need the febreeze treatment (subculture)) and then maybe all you’d have to do is provide meals and minimum wage. And maybe written agreements with the transportation providers and roommates for some JefBot swag and a few passes, who knows.
Maybe Cornfather can work it out for you for drinking all of your (3) Dublins.
no promises, W.D. Pat! there’s little room behind the table at the BOTbooth as it is. always love having readers hanging out around the booth (where there’s breathable room!) so we can chat, though. 🙂
I’m all for starting a nonprofit group to get this girl to next years convention through the use of donation levels (see Day by Day for suggestions bot.) Then, you can have the Zinda look alike contest, the Mike spitting Dr. Pepper Contest, the Booger Belching Contest, and then best of all, the who can run out of the cave with the golden idol before being smashed flat by the runaway boulder contest. And with the money raised, you can even have liability insurance for that first one too.
not cool guys that’s a waste of a perfectly good Doc pepper
it was worth it, Jiro Maeda!
I can almost stand any diet drink – but anything with a Pepsi label on it is disgusting. Oh that and Coke Zero. I know their trying the whole ‘its just as good’ thing, I think it’s pure BS and stick with the red label.
so true, Shruikan – “it’s just as good” is definitely not as good as the real thing. Coke is it. period.
I’ll have to agree with you on Diet Pepsi; I do like regular Pepsi and Max (which I drink on a regular basis), but I won’t touch Diet. It just tastes so… watered-down, or something.
i’m gonna have to give Pepsi Max another try, Insectoid, since i’ve seen favorable mentions of it a few times in the comments now. i know i’ve had it before but i can’t remember what it tasted like.
I’d say it tastes a LOT more like Pepsi than Diet Pepsi ever dreamed of tasting. (Same goes for Coke Zero/Diet Coke.)
I don’t like diet anything (horrible aftertaste) and I don’t like Pepsi (it just tastes wrong), so I can’t imagine how bad Diet Pepsi and its aftertaste must be.
So, yeah, probably Diet Pepsi would be the worst for me too, though I’ve been fortunate enough to have never tried it.
i’d say Diet Pepsi’s worth a try just for curiosity’s sake, HiEv. but otherwise, yeah: it’s nasty.
Yeah, diet section to the thread. But personally, I have to say, what with the amount of cola that I drink, I would be currently permanently banned from even setting foot with 500 feet of N.Y.C. If it were sugared. I made the choice long ago to drink diet, because you can not imagine a 20.3 decimeter adult bouncing off of the walls of a Jr. College, University, (fill in the blanks), a white room with black curtains, a padded room, and where I’m currently sitting.
But if I can’t have my diet coke, I mix suicides, ( I don’t know where that came from, but for some reason, as a kid, during my youth, when we went out to eat, I wanted a bit of each flavor of soda in my drinks, so I don’t know where the name came from.) I take and just put a bit of root beer in a diet dr. Pepper, sorry Mike.
Grape Soda. I just can’t take it for some reason.
I don’t like Sunkist Grape. The flavor is so weak that had I not read the label, I wouldn’t know I was drinking grape soda. Grape Crush is much better.
They don’t make it anymore, but Minute Maid used to have an absolutely delicious grape soda (pic). Why must they kill off so many of the sodas I like!?!
I never knew there were so much grape sodas! Well, anyways, heres what I’m talking about. TADA I JUST FOUND OUT HOW TO LINK TRHOUGH HTML!
i’m intrigued by the Minute Maid Grape soda, HiEv, as the Minute Maid Orange soda was awesome.
mmm. i used to love Grape Crush, Rainey!
i like grape soda every snow and then, ROM!, but Mtn. Dew made a flavor – i think it was called Black Out – that was just wrong. and sadly, i bought a 24-pack of it cuz i thought i’d dig it. ended up giving it away at work.
I’m not a huge soda drinker, so when I find a flavor I really like, I don’t waste my time (or money) trying a bunch of other kinds. So my pull pool is limited. Of that pull pool, though, any orange soda makes me gag a little in the back of my throat. Lucky me, that’s a fairly distinctive color, so no one’s been able to sneak orange soda into my preferred drinks.
i do tend to try new sodas whenever i see ’em, T, but i always end up going back to Dr. Pepper and Coke. needless to say, i’ve had some bad experiences experimenting with new brands/flavors.
Hmm…Jefbot seems to have handled the news of his Dublin Dr. Pepper massacre rather well…I like to assume we just skipped his hilariously over-the-top reaction.
And I’m going to agree with toastygod. I can read the articles about it being conditioning and all, but…I’ve tried to put my bias aside. No. Just no. Doesn’t work. Give me Coke any day.
yep! you can assume there was an incident between strip #464 and #465 where bot had a freak out when he found the Cornfather had downed his Dublin Dr. Pepper stash, but i don’t want to use that device too often, so i can keep that in my pocket for when i really need it. meaning you can expect more freak outs in the future. heheh.
and double yep: Coke is the Real Thing, after all.
So much hatred for diet Pepsi up there . . . guess I’ll have to keep the company going on my own.
The one soft drink I can’t stand is Mello Yellow (though Mountain Dew comes close). It’s like drinking Juicy Fruit—yerk.
you and Mombot can wave the Diet Pepsi flag, Sarah W!
Second panel confirms what we knew already: Cornfather is Evil.
Poor Coolhand, I would have thought you would leave people be after what Cornfather puts you through almost every week. Doesnt mean I didnt laugh, so, sorry Coolhand.
meh, I wouldn’t peg him as evil, just something akin to that hedonistic bot from Futureama. That’s where the “Good News People” thing comes from when I read another web comic.
Don’t look at me like that JefBot, I take my fair share of web comics out there for entertainment, enjoyment and possibly sometimes, a boot in the keister that has worked out a few cobwebs. What’s the name of it…. hang on. OH YEAH, it’s in the same folder as the bookmarks that I have yours in. It’s called Shotgun Shuffle. And it’s her first customer at her first job. Professor Farnsworth’s great great great great great great great great, well lets see, if Fry had sex with his mom in the 50s, then I’d say that it could be Fry’s grand-mom before she dies. However, Twenty something in the 50s, 70 something at the turn of the millennium (TV SHOW MENTION) and add 13 more years, so Fry’s grandmother should be around 83 – 84, so, well into the Farnsworth area, don’t you think?
nope. the Cornfather’s evil, Pwd. or at least has an evil streak – like most of the characters in the strip. 🙂
glad you’ve seen beyond the Cornfather’s friendly demeanor and cuddly appearance, Maryz! they totally mask the evilness behind it all. 😉
Ha – funny. And weird. Does he just hate the taste or is it something beyond that? An allergy or he once got hideously drunk on something mixed with DP?
There aren’t any sodas I absolutely hate, but I really don’t drink them much. When I do, it is diet. This goes back to before I had an insulin pump and had to really count my carbs. A soda is pretty much a meal’s worth of carb for a diabetic.
It looks like somehow I missed commenting on the last strip. I guess I only commented in my mind. 😛 My faves are black cherry, cream soda, and Dr Pepper (known as DP in our family).
yay for DP, Shanna! and i do love cream sodas, too, but i can only drink ’em on occasion.
Please reread the comic and the blog beneath. I feel you have missed significant details. The violent reaction is to the TASTE of Dr.Pepper not to a medical condition. Had this been about an allergic reaction, that would completely change the meaning of this strip.
Which I kind of see as funny, as soda’s were supposedly mixed by pharmacists for medical purposes (and covering the nasty medicine tastes).
JEFBOT, you’ve got to do something, I’ve got Mary Poppins in my head screaming about spoonfuls of sugar.
sugar (and soda) does help the medicine go down, W.D. Pat.
check out Mike/Coolhand’s comment below to clear things up, Rainey. 🙂
i think it’s a mixture of both, Shanna! my b-i-l hates the taste and has some weird physiological reaction to it.
and i totally get the “hideously drunk on something mixed” thing – i once got trashed on Malibu mixed with Sunny D (of all things) and still can’t drink or smell either without feeling nauseous.
You’re going to go all Shootzee on me Bot, but what about your arcade girlfriend’s taste in soda, but I can’t recall her name at this time, which is why I’m afraid you’ll shootz mee.
Anything with “diet” on the label I just won’t drink. Nuff said.
My mom has a similar reaction to coke as cool hand has to DP. Which is “unfortunate”(read funny) because when we go eat out me and my dad always get coke while she gets diet coke. You can guess where this goes.
that’s a rule i hold dear, too, 52pickup – if it says diet, i’m out.
and glad to hear others play the same jokes on their family as i do. heheh.
The last soda I drank that I didn’t like was Jones sugar plum soda. I might as well have poured myself a glass of water, added sugar and drank that. The drink whose taste I can’t stand that comes to mind isn’t a soda but an energy drink: Monster Mother Load. It tastes like burnt rubber smells.
hmm. guess i’ll pass on the Jones Sugar Plum soda if i see it, Rainey. thanks. and, yeah – i pretty much despise and avoid all energy drinks. they just taste nasty to me.
Easy, I hate any kind of cream soda. But, the worst soda I ever drank, and thankfully they don’t make it anymore, was something Pepsi made, I forget what it was called but it was a combo of Pepsi and Coffee and man was the nasty!
i remember that Pepsi coffee, TPC! i’ve forgotten what it was called, too, but yeah, that was pretty gross. made me totally hyper, though. 🙂
Easy: Pepsi MAX
That thing tastes 100% Chemical.
Real sugar plz !
now i really gotta try Pepsi MAX again, Gremalkin, if only to remember how gross (or good?) it is!
Yes, tis true ‘bot fans. When I unknowingly consume Dr. P, it does trigger my gag reflex, and it is pretty funny. Over the many years of the ‘bot secretly switching my coke or pepsi for Dr. P, I have developed a theory.
After a few sips of my coke or pepsi, my brain and body are ready for the good, familiar, thirst-quencing refreshment of a good cola. Then, after the switch, Dr. P is masquerading as coke or pepsi in the glass unbeknownst to me. When the taste of the Dr. P. unknowingly hits my tongue, my brain and body can’t process what’s happening. The 23 flavors set off a panic and conclude that some foreign substance has entered the system. They rally to fight off an infection of Dr. P, and the gag reflex is induced (although the Dr. P never actually gets spit out).
A test case of one isn’t really proof though. So, if the ‘bot universe wants to test this theory on friends and family members by secretly swapping their soft drinks when they don’t know it, just be sure to document those findings and report back. It’s all in the name of science…and fun. 🙂
Totally sound theory. I once meant to grab a root beer out of the fridge, but — since I wasn’t looking — I unknowingly got a grape soda instead. The actual taste combined with the anticipated taste, and I almost hurled.
The weirdest specifics stick with me.
i did this when a fast food joint mixed up their Dr. Pepper tubes with their Iced Tea, E. A. Setser. took a few seconds for the taste to hit my brain, but when it did i was like, *blegh!*
I don’t see how that much sugar is thirst-quesnching…
It only makes you even more thirsty in the end. The only “real” thirst-quenching stuff is water. Good ol’ water.
at times water is totally the best choice, Formel. i sometimes crave it as much as i crave Dr. Pepper and Coke.
thanks for shedding light on the specifics of your DP revulsion, Coolhand. and since you’ve given the green light on testing this on “family and friends” i won’t feel guilty for past (or future!) sins of “science.” ;D
Anything cola based. I really can’t stand any brand for the taste, plus they all tend to make me thirstier. This is followed by any orange soft drink that doesn’t really taste orange. Just give me a root beer any day and I’m happy..
i sometimes crave root beer, MageAkyla, especially when eating pizza for some reason. i’ll choose it at times when i don’t want a hit of caffeine, too.
i call shenanigans 😛
I don’t have access to the broom closet.
sometimes i feel like my whole life is “shenanigans,” MrSnow. 🙂
one reason i smoke yo it helps calm things down
I don’t like brown pop. Coke, Pepsi, any cola is automatically OUT. Don’t like Jones Green apple but I’m alright with the other flavors from them.
why the hate on Dr. Pepper from Coolhand?
he just has a strange aversion to Dr. Pepper, dj. what can i say: he’s weird. 😉
becuase theres 23 flavors in it and he prolly cant handle the deliciousness explosion, which is why its good to know your clear sodas so u always have a plan B
Awesome! I love that last panel. So detailed.
thanks, Funnyshaffer!
I can’t stand Mr. Pibb. Sure, I’m not one to preach about staying in school, but when you’re competing with a Doctor, you stick with it long enough to claim the same title. Otherwise, you gotta drop outta the contest, too. Harrumph!
Mr. Pibb Extra is even worse. Ooh, you got extra credit. Good for you! You still taste like Dr. Pepper’s drug-addled cousin.
oddly, i love Mr. Pibb almost as much as Dr. Pepper, E. A. Setser. but it’s true: a “Mr.” can’t compete with a “Dr.” and changing one’s name to “Pibb Xtra” isn’t fooling anyone. 🙂
Soda water. I hate the stuff. Not sure why, I just do. I guess because it just doesn’t make sense to make water fizz?
i used to absolutely hate that stuff, Noramil! but then in college i was drinking it at a friend’s all the time and i grew to love it. haven’t had it in a while though, so i might have regressed on that.
I’ve tried it to. It’s not tht I hate the “taste” it’s just that when ever I drink it I just can’t wrap my head around the whole “fizzy water” concept. Thus I just transfer this confusion into my unused emotion basket, which just happens to be the home of my anger, rage, and lets not forget, hatred.
Poor Mike. He’s so nice, never knew you were such a bully Jeff!
ha! don’t be deceived by Mike’s “nice” exterior, Natalie! inside lurks some evil and darkness, same as bot and Corn.
Which soft drink do I despise? Probably Fresca. I’m probably inviting a libel suit, but Fresca is just about the *NASTIEST* thing I’ve ever let flow down my gullet. I can tolerate just about any other Diet drink (even the dreaded Tab, if I put enough ice in it), but Fresca (to me at least) is teeth-grindingly bad.
yeah, i don’t dig on the Fresca either, r61. i can usually drink about a 1/5 of the can before i can’t take anymore, though.
I dislike many, diet anything certainly. I think the only thing I’ve drank that made me want to throw up was an off brand of ginger ale, it tasted like flat ginger ale mixed with mountain dew. I couldn’t stand the conflicting taste (and the fact it was still very carbonated but tasted flat) and ended up spitting it out and gagging.
my dad accidentally bought some ginger ale/green tea hybrid soda several months back, Descolada. while i thought it was okay, i believe there are still some cans lurking about in my parents’ fridge. apparently, i’m the only one who’s drinking it.
Yeah, I can stand green tea drinks if I make them myself, but a lot of the green tea drinks my dad gets taste too bitter so your tongue kinda curls up.
I’m surprised you don’t like energy drinks. They seem like a comic artists best friend. I’ll admit some of them out there taste like medicine sometimes, or just alittle too bitter. I’ve had some that were ok. I’ve got a few I like though, Monster Lo-Carb and Monster Dub-Edition (smells mediciney, but doesn’t really have the taste), A few years ago I got one from a dollar tree (do they have those out in california?) called Full Throttle Mother (it was during that whole Acai craze) that tasted wonderful.
Mt. Dew and all of the other flavors they put out. Argh! I react almost as badly as your brother-in-law does to Dr. Pepper. (I’ll drink his share!)
mmm… i love Mtn. Dew, June! but i don’t know many people that do, actually. it kinda has an EXTREME reputation now, like it’s only for gamers and extreme sports athletes. 😛
Diet drinks are the devil! And the artificial sweetener in them turns my stomach. I think I might actually have an allergy it gets so bad.
News in the world of Pixie. Well, two more weekends of the premiere Halloween event for central Florida and I will get a break….maybe. This year, they are also going with a nighttime event for the Holidays….which I am interviewing for as a Stage Manager and auditioning for as a Performer. I love Christmas almost as much as Halloween.
Also, Mr. Pixie and I are moving….soon. Like within the week or so. FINALLY out of that hell hole. Ok so the place is a little one but we are actually GAINING footage even though we are losing a room. And it has a lovely sun room that will be my craft area. Excited.
And lastly I guess, the insurance adjuster came by yesterday to look at my car after hubby and I had to fight with the guy who hit me’s insurance.
So, all and all…life is pretty ok in the Land of Pixie at the moment. Good Morning Botiverse. I miss you.
glad to hear from you and happy that you’re well, Pixie! we’ve missed you, too.
so, yes: diet drinks are the devil. i seriously can’t think of one diet drink that i like.
and: yay! glad to hear things are going well with your annual Halloween antics and festivities!
and lots of good vibes are being shot your way as you know i hate the whole craziness, stress and drama of moving. at least you’ll be all settled in and cozy for thanksgiving and christmas! let us know how it all goes down.
A&W Rootbeer. I like every other kind of rootbeer. Barqs, Mug, IBC. I like them all. But A&W has such a horrid taste that I can’t stand it.
but A&W root beer has that frosty mug taste, jesternario!
…We can’t be friends. Just Kidding! but Yes I do love A&W.
Well, it’s not soda, but I just can’t stand warm milk… I have no problem with cocoa or ice-cold milk, but warm milk is just NOOO…
same here, Formel. and for me, room temp is too warm. 😛
OMG we were seperated at birth! Plain warm milk makes me gag!
Anything diet. Sucralose and Aspartame are evil poisons. And anything Faygo – Juggalos ruined it for everyone.
That last statement could be said of a lot of things, like circuses and refrigerator magnets.
Hmm. I’m down to my last, not ever going to be made soda. What to do? Oh, I know! I’ll go for attempted murder!!! 😛
Also, diet soda is a terrible thing.
I’d have to say Surge, Coke’s imitation of Mountain Dew. It looked like pickle juice, and was super sweet. Fortunatly, they don’t make it anymore.
I’m just going to say, I hope that the three of you never get bored at the same time. I could see a Three Stooges line going, akin to their sleeping noises, sipping, slurping and schlapping at the drinks. Then an ahh, a burp and a hmmmm. This continues for several hours, and then, after Mike goes to the W/C, the sipping noise, the slurping noise, and the schlaaappppspppspspiittting noise all over the waitress who was waiting for the three of you to clear out because they closed two hours ago.
I prefer either Dr Pepper or Sprite. Although Dr K is not bad and I can easily buy six of those for the price of one Dr Pepper at the nearby Kroger’s.
I’m an idiot.(and kind of tired) I do NOT like diet sodas. Also I believe that I thought Pepsi Max sucked when I tried it.
As a converse, I tend to like sodas that end up getting discontinued. Crystal Pepsi, not my favorite, but pretty good. Discontinued. RC Blue. Loved it. Discontinued. Citra. Pretty good. Discontinued. Josta. Dang near addicted! Discontinued.
None specifically, but I noted that soda drinks in Guatemala taste off in general, but I’d drink them anyway because they helped control the “violent reaction” I had to the food for the duration of my two year sojourn there.
I hate diet anything, but nothing more than Diet Mt Dew. It tastes like someone let toothpaste sit out in the sun for a week, rubbed into fat mans arms pits with it, went for a jog, scrapped off afterwards and then dumped into a vat of carbonated water that’s 3 years past useable then bottled. I have a Coolhand type reaction if I have it surprised on me.