Today’s strip continues this little bender of soda strips I’ve been on, recently. Not sure how or why that happened, it just did. Anyway, I’ve been seeing these touchscreen soda machines popping up in places like the movie theater and supermarket lately, and I’ve witnessed the rookie mistake from the strip happening all the time. Yes, the machines are called Coca-Cola Freestyle machines, but that doesn’t mean you should actually go freestyle. As always, with great power comes great responsibility, and just because you can mix Coke Raspberry with Orange Fanta, Barq’s and Powerade, doesn’t mean you should. Now, a little mixing is okay – adding a little Cherry Coke to your Vanilla Coke is a combo I can recommend, and I know a few people who like a half-and-half mix of Diet and regular Coke, but anything more than that and you’re playing with fire.
So are there any mixes you BOTpeeps would recommend? I’ll mix a little fruit punch into my Mountain Dew to make something close to Code Red in a pinch, but that’s about the extent of my powers as a soda mixologist.
We’ve go those.
Stupid, rassing frassing has*&*#*#@( keyboard. GOT GOT GOT.
and my not installing the most current java update for my ancient hp winXP. Heck, the techs are amazed that it looks nearly new STILL.
i would love one of those machines in my apartment, Pat wolfman dude!
and congrats on your second Shades of Firsting! wear them well: these have a HUD on ’em to show you the good soda combinations:
But advice for the Cornfather, Whilst I don my second pair of shades, leave the suicides for the supposedly old fashioned soda fountain machines, where you have to tilt the cup to activate the dispenser. At least you don’t have to put up with the candy flavor syrups that get spit out with the soda.
By the way, have you ever bent over and watched those things as they dispense the drinks, I do have my diet coke (44 oz) shot of pibb (or Diet Dr. Pepper) and shot of Root Beer at any of the fountains that I can get, and I’ve watched the future of soda dispensers, the soda syrups come through in different spots of the soda water as it cascades down onto whatever amount of refreshing ice that is waiting in the bottom of your cup to abuse it in hot sunny California, good thing I live in (censored for your protection), a fly over state.
i do watch the liquid as it comes out of the dispenser, W.D. Pat – i can usually tell if it’s going to be a good mix or not (too much soda water/not enough syrup, too much syrup/not enough soda water, 50/50, etc.) by keeping an eye on that.
I am kind of surprised, Bot, that you’re not rolling your eyes at Cornfather, heck, I don’t know how to emote that. Just pupil orientation at the center of your upper eyelids, half of the pupil covered by the upper eyelid, half uncovered. Eyebrows akimbo, let’s limbo. Have I mentioned that my H&R life stress level index is 676, if the numbers were any different, I’d be a wide bodied jet, and I’d work for Quantas, they have no reported crashes that I know of, outside of LOST (TV show mention)
i thought it’d be funnier for bot to have a “non” reaction to contrast the Cornfather’s exuberance and end fail.
Just in case anyone is wondering… You can find your local freestyle machines at I have several in my city without knowing it (we don’t eat out often)
Apparently, those machines are the way Coka test-markets new flavors for potential mass-market sales. They have them at the Five Guys near us, and I love it.
Vanilla diet root beer is one of my favorites.
We have a large retail gas chain conveinence store market in my (censored for your protection) fly over state. (censored store name for copyright) 101 has them, 95% of their stores have them. And I guess that I agree with bbullcok, they seem to be not only test markets for new flavors……
Hell, that’s a cheap way for them to gather R&D data on new flavors and mixing percentages for a new mass market packaging. But on the other hand, why bother with an attempt to mass market what seems to be a high percentage in one flyover state as possibly unsellable in another flyover market, or a state with one of the top five airports in the US.
I did notice that bot got a straight coke, judging by the color and stylization of the symbol.
yep. bot just got the regular Coke.
i love me some Five Guys burgers, bbullock! there’s one near my work and a new one just opened near my apartment. neither have the Freestyle machines yet, sadly.
Five Guys was one of the two places my teenage son is crazy about. I don’t care for his other fave, In ‘n’ Out (which may be sacrilege, depending on your feelings), but 5G (as the cool kids call it) is wonderful.
you called it: sacrilege! In-N-Out’s my fave (i even prefer the fries, but you gotta eat ’em as soon as you get ’em) but 5G is pretty close, bbullock. 🙂
I have long noticed that people who love InO, LOVE it.
Yet, I’ve never met anyone who hates it; only people who shrug and say, “eh, it’s okay, I guess.” It seems to merit love or antipathy in people.
I personally found it bland the time I had it; I imagine I would try it again, but I don’t think I would go out of my way to get it.
5G, I might go out of my way, for.
BTW, “Grey Skies” showed up on my Netflix…
My mix of choice is usually Pepsi and mountain dew. Each time I tweak the mix ratio to see how it affects the taste.
Pepsi + Mtn Dew, 52pickup!?? that seems like a bad mix. of course, now that you’ve put it out there, i’m gonna hafta try it. 🙂
Well, I figure that if you’re going to have kids play 52 pickup, Pepsi and Mt. Dew should kick them in the pants enough to not have to do it yourself.
My theater that I work at doesn’t have the fancy-pantsy touch screen one yet, but I like to mix lemonade with sprite.
thought I have been known to make a mean Suicide drink that actually tasted good. Plain iced tea, lemonade, sprite, and then a small amount of fruit punch and cherry coke. It sounds gross, but take my word for it, its more drinkable than most of the concoctions I’ve seen my staff come up with.
lemonade + Sprite seems like a rational choice, Maesonic. and your Suicide drink doesn’t sound too crazy – almost an Arnold Palmer with a kick. also sounds like a good drink to add vodka to. heheh.
Vodka would be a solid choice, though I’m more of a gin drinker myself. i might have to try it sometime….
gin would be good, too.
If I mix drinks, I generally go for diet cola and fruit punch.
Now, if those things came with booze, a 50/50 mix of cola and red wine is the way to go.
Mmm… cocavino!
1/3 Barqs, 2/3 PIbb/ 😉
hmm… will have to try this next time i’m at the theater, CrowCounter.
XD I love mixing sodas, it’s hard to go wrong!
Well, except when you accidentally hit the plain ol’ ‘water’ button, then it goes downhill
Me and my brother call a drink like that a ‘Suicide Mix,’ probably picked it up from his friend Mikey ^^
i’d argue with your “hard to go wrong” sentiment, JR – i’ve gone wrong so many times, with even just the simplest of mixes! maybe your palate is just a little more forgiving than mine. 🙂
Yea so I was going to this McDonald’s for while, and noticed a little hint of their root beer in the coke cola. Ever since then I mix little bit with coke. It’s an interesting combination. =P
i’m gonna trust you and try this out today during lunch, Michael Hunt. note: i will seek terrible vengeance on you if it doesn’t work out.
There’s a reason why mixing all the drinks together has been known on occasion to be referred to as a “suicide”.
so true, AJEC. with that in mind, let’s hope the Cornfather makes it past this strip. 😉
Take Coca-cola, add Dr. Pepper and Barqs. Best ever.
i’m intrigued by this combo, jesternario. i also wonder what it would do to my brother-in-law if i secretly switched his normal drink with this.
You might have to give him drinks that are 100% his fav, and then slowly increase in splashes until the last refill is 100% Dr. Pepper, and then gauge the reaction in which the spit reflex does kick in, although, I’m going to guess that Mike is going to drop a Dr. Pepper truck on the (censored to protect the public) state.
My favorite concoctions have been previously mentioned in the comment section two strips back. To save some time for the other readers I’ll repeat them.
I like to flavor all types of cola, tea and root beer with black licorice. My favorite cola being Pibxtra. I’ll even flavor cherry and vanilla flavored colas with black licorice.
I mix diet regular flavored Mountain Dew with lime syrup to get a drink that tastes almost exactly like Mountain Dew Baja Blast. I also use lime syrup to flavor ginger ale. Some black licorice goes good with ginger ale, too.
Finally, like Jefbot, I mix Cherry Coke with Vanilla Coke and at times will add black licorice to that.
I used to mix iced tea with lemonade but companies started packaging those already mixed so it’s now pointless. Sometimes, I’d add black licorice to that.
To the first person to guess what my favorite candy is, I’ll give a free honorary bottle of Elixir of First Rebirth. This Elixir of First Rebirth is a tie-in to my upcoming “Reaper’s Legacy” strip I’ve been working on.
Correction, it’s Jeff not Jefbot who mixes Vanilla Coke with Cherry Coke.
true that, Rainey – but it’s a safe bet that bot sometimes mixes Vanilla Coke and Cherry Coke together, too. 🙂
funny, most of my friends can’t stand the taste of black licorice, Rainey – i rarely even see it sold at movie theaters anymore and it used to be a staple. anyway, as i mentioned before, i love the stuff, and will totally have to try to use it to give my favorite drinks a kick.
Congratulations! You achieved the Elixir of First Rebirth. This will reappear on my own webcomic. I thought your Shades of Firsting was a good idea so I decided to employ a similar idea to “Reaper’s Legacy”. Hopefully by the time I get that up and running, I’ll know enough about computer skills to actually have a picture of the bottle in the commentary.
Cherry and Diet coke works for me when I can’t find Diet Cherry coke.
When I was younger, talking the age of 10 or so, me and my sister (9 years old) had the job of doing the dishes after dinner. We would gather all that days classes, mostly still filled with the drinks of the day (Coffee from my parents in the morning, various sodas and fruit drinks from us) and mix them together then dare the other person to drink it. I always had to try it, just cause I was like that (still am actually) Sometimes, it was a good combo, most of the times it wasn’t. Although I’d tell my sister “Oh, this is yummy, you should try it!” if it was really nasty. She caught on after a while and didn’t trust my assessment of our experiments.
DUDE. remind me never to get into a dare contest with you, TPC. (although i have been known to drink nasty things. like the “medicine” my sister used to make for me and the neighborhood kids when we were young’uns.)
3/4 coke, 1/4th iced tea. Not too bad, and it feels a bit more refreshing.
i’d drink that, Descolada.
I should point out I don’t add much to my coke, except Dr. Pepper at burger king, the taste goes well with their food. If I’m eating at a crappy restaurant or one that routinely serves up items with something missing (I once ate at a McDonalds that forgot the special sauce on big macs) I’ll sneak a few ml of rum into my coke.
I once did a Orange soda + Iced tea mix that convinced my sister to mix hers, which is a plus cause shes extraordinarily picky.
Also, ever mix various flavors of gatorade bot? I don’t mean to the extent they taste gross, but to see which flavors combine best? Also on that note, anyone remember the name of the White Gatorade? It looked like the Glacial Freeze one just without the blue.
I’ve seen two of these…one was an older/thoroughly abused one at a Krystal in town that got things off on the wrong foot…even though I have a sea of options in front of me, all I’m looking for is regular Coke. Not Coke that looks suspiciously orange. The other (at a Fire House Subs) restored my faith in these things’ existence (even if, again, all I get is regular Coke).
I think my wife mixed up a Cherry Coke…or maybe Cherry Vanilla Coke. I remember she liked it.
ewwww…. yeah, “suspiciously orange” is not a quality i’m looking for in my Coke, JOE. so far, i haven’t had any problems with the machines – i’ve tried the Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke, Cherry Vanilla Coke, Orange Coke, Raspberry Coke and Lime Coke (separately, naturally) and they’ve all been good!
Your facial expression in the last panel: “That’s why…”
Also, random question, do you like listening to old Disney classic songs, like The Circle of Life?
At first, I had no idea why you would ask such a question. It seemed inappropriate for this comment section. However, upon further examination of the strip, I noticed that Circle of Life fit in perfectly with Cornfather’s thoroughness of selecting every single flavor on that machine. Could fit another way if he used a circular motion with his hand/s while doing so.
You’ll find, Rainey, that we talk about all sorts of tangential topics here. Think of this comment section as a forum that happens to be attached to a kickass webcomic, where people of like mind gather and go off on whatever they want.
Also, the icons are shaped like circles. How could I have missed that?
actually, I found all these old disney songs on youtube and couldnt stop mysef from asking about it xD but your explanation is good too 🙂
also, Rainey, just as with the Circle of Life, when mixing different soft drinks, “it’s a leap of faith” and “the wheel of fortune.”
yep. bot’s basically just thinking, “newb,” DressesAreStupid. 🙂
and: do i love Disney songs? absoutely.
My personal favourite is 3/4 coke, and 1/4 lemonade.
I need to try that.
i’m afraid that much lemonade would make the Coke taste watered down or flat, Roborat. but like Descolada, i’ll have to give it a try. 🙂
i did have some Lime Coke from the machine a couple weeks back and it was delicious.
You may be right, I am still experimenting with the ratio. Paying more attention the last time I did this, 4/5 coke, 1/5 lemonade may be closer to what I actually use.
This might not be a “soda mix” but I like the taste of oj with gingerale. I’m not sure how I got this taste, but I believe that since I have had an almost inhuman metabolism since I was little, it has lead me to mix and match different food stuffs and drinks. I quite enjoy the thought of mixing a bunch of sodas together, makes me wonder just how much I can handle.
huh. oj and ginger ale, Noramil? interesting. i wonder if it tastes anything like a mimosa.
Not really sure since I’ve never had mimosa.
I like various juices jazzed up with diet Sprite, but where I really go crazy-wild is with mixing herbal teas.
Because ‘crazy-wild’ and ‘herbal teas’ are two thing that clearly go together, amiright?
Of course! I used to mix teas all the time. I even used some of the sprite syrup (don’t ask how I got my hands on it) as sweetener once!
i love teas of all kinds Sarah W but i’ve never thought to mix them. maybe i’ll take a walk on the “crazy-wild” side with a few of ’em.
I guess the Cornfathers soda is a soda that only the chosen few can drink.
Honestly though, those things are somewhat cool. I had a Sprite with peach flavoring added in just to see what it tasted like. It tasted like a Sprite with peaches in it.
heheh. good to hear that combo worked for you GB. while i love the taste of peach, i sometimes hate fake peach flavor. like, peach schnapps is totally nasty to me.
CF, leave the drink mixing to the professionals. Or those of us with a gargantuan life insurance policy.
hopefully, the Cornfather has learned his lesson, Anime fan. probably not.
Long before all the hi tech my favourite pop mix was and still is 3/4 Coke and 1/4 (sometimes 1/3) Orange Crush. Of course back in the day we would be found in the parking lot of 7/11 in our little town sipping swamp water, which was basically a mix of all available options.
i used to do the same thing, metascrawl: hang out at the local 7-11 or AM/PM and mix sodas. i don’t think my taste buds (or stomach) could take those concoctions anymore.
When I was a little kid, my mom gave me a Peanuts Cookbook with a recipe for “Red Baron Root Beer” which was/were root beer ice cubes with maraschino cherries frozen into them, presumably to be used in a frosty mug of RB. Since then, I’ve always had a fondness for the cherry root beer combination in general, and it’s strange there are no commercial sodas with this mixture, other than one I googled online. I doubt you could do this taste at a soda machine, unless it also had generic flavored syrups
On a related note, Jeff, as a Dr Pepper aficionado, do you have any opinion on DP vs. Cherry Dr Pepper? Or Dr Pepper vs. Mr. Pibb, which I still refuse to call Pibb Xtra? Did you know there’s a Dr Pepper Museum and a 10-2-4 Collector’s Club? Remember when “America’s Most Misunderstood Soft Drink” was the DP slogan?
had i known about it, i would’ve had that “Red Baron Root Beer” drink as much as possible when i was a kid, Kim, as Snoopy was my #1 comic strip character for a time, and the World War I Flying Ace was one of my favorite personas of his.
and: i like Cherry Dr. Pepper to mix it up a bit, but prefer regular DP if i had to choose. and Mr. Pibb comes surprisingly close, but Dr. Pepper’s where my heart is.
My mix is 2/3 Cola + 1/3 Orange Fanta
This is called Black Orange, tastes great.
Dr pepper & a splash of Cherry Coke works to.
although your ratios are a tad different, you and metascrawl (above) have similar tastes, Gremalkin!
and, yes: DP + CC = delicious.
I used to mix Cherry Juicy Juice with Tonic Water (back when JJ was only about $1.25 a can where I lived) and it made a reasonably tasty drink. (But it’ll *never* replace Cherikee Red, of course…)
Nowadays I mix sparkling water with various juices.
awww…. you tease me with the Cherikee Red, reynard61! i asked for it at the local pop shop and they didn’t have it. 🙁
Well, the wiki article that I linked to in the last comic says that it’s only available in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Maybe one of your loyal readers who has access to a store that sells it could send you a can or 2 liter bottle of it. This website has it for sale; but as you can see, at $20+ for a 24-pack it’s pretty expensive.
Your soda machines are so complex…
complex but fun, ROM!
I think the sodas they sell are mixed enough already, Im not messing with them.
from all my mixing experiments over the years, Maryz, i’ve nearly come to the same conclusion: that for the most part, these companies have already figured out the optimal mixing combinations.
Coke + Fanta + Sprite = Sugar Bomb. Keep Away from people with ADHD or Diabetes.
ADHD causes the body to react oddly to specific hormones and chemicals, in fact most medications for kids with ADHD are akin to “speed”, because it seems to calm them down and seems to have next to no addictive property’s to kids with it, at least in its medical form.
We learn every day :).
*insert cheesy catch phrase here*
what flavor Fanta do you recommend for this combo, G.L. Sytnos? while i’m trying not to overload my system with sugar, i’m intrigued. might try this with strawberry or orange. 🙂
I always use Orange
Root beer for the base, blue Powerade, a dash of Coke or Pepsi, and a dash of Sprite or Sierra Mist, with any Raspberry tea they might have thrown in for color. Looks kinda like brake fluid, tastes kinda like bubble gum.
whaaa!? not brave enough to try your combo, Drakey. i’m afraid i’d end up like the Cornfather in the strip.
Considering that I’ve been known to do exactly what the Cornfather did up there and then sit down and thoroughly enjoy my soda, I can’t really blame you.
What a weird machine. I’ve never even heard of something like that. I like to mix clear sodas with Coke just for fun, especially Sprite. I think it makes the soda taste fresher. But overall, I don’t mess with mixtures unless someone else has done the mix and I can nick a taste.
that’s a wise decision, T – let your friends experiment with the mix and just take a taste of theirs!
We just got those things in all the local Wingstops (a restaurant chain that serves nothing but awesome chicken wings). The line to get soda from it is typically as long the order line because of all the soda rookies that just don’t know what to do with all the possibilities OR simply don’t understand touchscreens (either due to age or pure incompetency). That’s not to say I don’t like these machines. Quite to the contrary, I love them! It’s almost like having a replicator from Star Trek.
In conclusion, my favorite combo is Sprite and Dr. Pepper.
ugh. nothing worse than the soda machine newbs that can’t decide on what to press or can’t figure out how to use the machine, Soul Man. i run into this all the time and can only hope that with time this won’t happen as often.
and it looks like a lot of BOTreaders like to mix a little Sprite in with their colas. i’ve done this with different fruit punches, but i might have to give it a try with my Coke or Dr. Pepper next time.
I personally tend to mix root beer with Fanta, strangely addicting. I have yet to see one of these machines but I demand that the mixture I mention be possible.
definitely possible, Z. and they generally have a bunch of Fanta flavors to pick from, with Barq’s being the default root beer.
I’ll have to get TaranChilla to comment. He is the king of this. Any time he gets to pour his own soda at a fast food place or convenience store, he does this. I usually think they are gross, but he has come up with a few random ratios of everything available that were pretty awesome.
ha! yes, i’d love to see his soda recipes, Shanna.
If all the ingredients are available (regular fountain, not these things), I prefer a mix of roughly 1/2 Mountain Dew, 1/4 blue powerade/gatorade/Jones, and 1/4 lemonade. Looks roughly the shade of green most people think radioactivity is, tastes good and gives you a good kick in the head if you mix it right.
wow, Mountain Dew + an energy drink is extremely brave, Blackout. my brain would either become super powered or just short out.
Tends to be a bit of both, but it’s apparently an extremely polarizing drink; you either love it or want to stab me for coming up with it.
Dr Pepper and Mountain Dew for life. It tastes kinda like the now defunct Mr. Green that Sobe used to have out around the same time as Pepsi Blue and Code Red.
this sounds so crazy i might just try it, dj. and fortunately, i just happen to have some Mtn Dew and Dr. Pepper in my fridge right now!
3/4 Mountain Dew and 1/4 Sierra Mist is my favorite.
hmmm. this sounds like a rational mix, SuperDave. i assume the Sierra Mist cuts the syrup of the Dew a bit?
Yes, quite a bit, and gives it a nice flavor. And btw, been enjoying the comic for a while. Keep up the good work.
thanks for the kind words, SuperDave! glad you’ve been enjoying it. 😀
I personally prefer a 3/4 coca cola and 1/4 Dr. pepper mix. I call it a Dr. Coke. Coke is my favorite but Dr. Pepper is a close second.
Coke and DP are my top sodas too, Marcus. i flip between which is my favorite every few months or so.
LOL that’s exactly what I do!
(except it dosn’t taste horrible)
happy you can relate, Taran-chillla! now, what mixes do you do?
I personally don’t drink soda, but I have tons of fun mixing juices. A good lemonade base with some apple & pineapple for flavoring is always a good, sweet mixture.
mmm… sounds good, Bloo Doom! now you’ve made me wanna drink some POG – pineapple/orange/guava – which i haven’t had in years. yum!
We have one of these at the local BK and I like getting strawberry or raspberry sprite. My favorite mixed soda is Green Apple Sprite, I get a route 44 of those at least once a week.
Green Apple Sprite??? they don’t have that in the machines i frequent, Kchill! that sounds delicious.
Yeah I have to go to sonic to get the green apple. The manfriend and I love that stuff
I like your glasses.
I prefer to drink soda the way it is supposed to be consumed, without anything (aside from ice) in it.
that’s the safest – and many times, smartest – choice, Fijiman.
dew big red and sprite is good
Mtn Dew Code Red is getting harder and harder to find these days, drakeye, which is sad cuz it’s one my favorite flavors of Mtn Dew.
i miss the blue one but like the code red too
Sigh. I’m too much of a soda purist to do much of this sort of experimentation.
I don’t even drink the other flavors of Mountain Dew. For me, it’s green Dew (in either regular or ‘throwback’ varieties), or no Dew. I’m a fan of flavors in Coke (vanilla is the top), but otherwise I’m a bit of a purist. The craziest mix I’ll do is either a 3/4 Coke 1/4 Sprite or a 60/40 split of Root Beer and Sprite.
while i’ll agree that not all the variant flavors of Mtn Dew work, J.F. Arnold, i do love Code Red and LiveWire. White Out wasn’t bad either. stay away from Black Out, though. 😛
I’m really sad that they don’t make Supernova anymore, specifically because y friend and i had worked out a perfect party drink with it: a glass… um, the same kind you use for a tequila sunrise, i think, filled ostly with Supernova, one or two shots of cinnamon whiskey, and three ice cubes. It’s delicious, but one of the ingredients no longer exists. So much sadness…
you had me at “cinnamon whiskey.”
Simple Coke and 7-up mix up real nice.
giving this Cola/Uncola mix a try, Saeed. y’all have convinced me.
It’s sorta how I like my coffee black, no coke was harmed while pouring my drink.
i’ve tried drinking coffee black, DaHoboJoe! it’s just way too bitter. i gotta have some sugar and half and half, minimum. trying to slowly wean myself off that stuff, tho.
Vanilla coke and Dr. Pepper is something I’d like to try.
it’s pretty good, Anime fan, but Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper bests it, methinks.
What I really miss is is the old sprite remix that they had like six to seven years ago so I’ll mix the different sprite flavors with some of the fantas to try to get that wonderful skittle flavored soda. Also, don’t even need to complicate it, Sprite and lemonade. You would think it would make the sprite watery but its actually perfect. Like 60% sprite 40% lemonade.
you’re right, rdcharm040 – i would think the lemonade would water down the Sprite. when i get a chance to try it, i’ll do so.
My roommate’s girlfriend…. technically also my roommate, but she rarely comes out of their room… she likes a lot of plain foods. Noodles with nothing on them, or just butter. A plain burger, just a bun with meat. But then we go to Burger King, and she goes to the soda fountain and gets a cup of everything. Except water, because that just takes away from the flavor.
ha! i had a roommate that never came out of his room in college, E. A. Setser. actually, i think i was that person for a while in one of the dorms, too – always in my room, tinkering with my computer that first semester.
anyways, that’s kinda crazy how your roommate’s gf’s tastes would change so drastically from food to soda. noodles with just butter on ’em and dry burgers? yick!
One Quarter Rasberry or Cherry Lemonade,Three Qaurters Vanilla Sprite.
sounds good, ThatRandomChibi!
A 2:1 ratio of sprite to coke makes a pretty good facsimile of ginger ale if the restaurant doesn’t have it.
these Sprite combos here in the comments have given me all sorts of ideas for the next time i’m at a soda fountain or machine, nninja555!
My little sister swears to mixing Coca-Cola and Sprite. Even before these Freestyle machines showed up, she would ask for it every time we went out to eat and still does.
Meanwhile, I’ve found that mixing Vanilla Coke and Root Beer proves to be rather tasty.
i really didn’t realize how many people mixed Sprite with Coke before reading all these comments, Paul. seems i was missing out on all this soda mixing action!
and, yes: Vanilla Coke + Root Beer sounds yum.
Your powers are weak… “Insert Witty Name Analogue Here”
The secret is simple. Acceptable combinations are by color, and brightness.
Bright is fruity, and nearly all fruit flavors are mixable. However, Grape and Orange can be messy. Avoid such opposites. All “caramel” based sodas, IE Colas, and Root Beers, can be freely mixed among themselves and all their flavors!
Lemon Lime can also be mixed with coke, and orange is ok, not great.
i think your rules can be followed to some extent, Jacob, but there are just too many variables! i tried mixing something as simple as Orange Coke with Cherry Coke the other day and it was nasty. i think i’ve just been burned too many times with the wrong mixes. 😛
I like the new soda machines (even though I don’t care for soda). Mixing lemonade flavors is fun, particularly raspberry and strawberry!
i like adding flavors to lemonade too, GeekGirl11. and have you tried the cherry lemonade at Hot Dog On a Stick? delicious.
Sometimes at Taco Bell, I’ll mix Brisk Raspberry Tea with Sierra Mist. About a 1:2 ratio. At home, switch out the tea for grape juice. That was a childhood favorite, one of those things I turn to when I’ve been under an abnormal amount of stress and need to calm down.
hmmm. both combos have potential, E. A. Setser. next time i make a run for the border, i’ll give it a splash.
I’ve discovered that about 4:1 rootbeer:lemonade tastes oddly like pepsi or coke.
weird, Erhannis! now i gotta do my own taste test to find out if it’s true. 🙂
The one I usually go with is ~2/3 Sprite/7up/similar ((depending on what’s available where, when it’s free pick)) and ~1/3 Pepsi/Coke.
Best mix is when the colour is ‘transparent black’.
Tastes both refreshing and ‘awakening’ at the same time.
i will definitely be trying this “transparent black” concoction of which you speak, Cheynas. with all the comments recommending the Cola/Uncola mix, i feel like i’ve been missing out for years!
hahahajhaha i member doing that as a kid its called making a suicide which i guess isnt so much far from the truth enough unhealthy eating and u might just eat dust anyhow i still do this but not every flavor and if cornfather only did a few i bet i could tell wat he did wrong ( i dont mean to brag [cause i hate bragging] but im quite the connoisseur of sodas and such) i make good combos like drP and hawain punch and a touch of lemonade/mtDew ! MMM! so good anyways ya he just got the recipe wrong lol
it looks like from the other comments im not the only one who has come up with thier own mixtures ahhaha dang y havent i met ppl like this everyone i know either hates soda or just does the ” i will die by this soda” kinda thing hahah
My best friend’s little brother has this bizarre soda mixture he drinks. It’s half Big Red, half Fanta Orange Soda. I tried it once expecting it to taste pretty good, but it was totally gross! I’m not sure how he drinks it. Then again he’s 8, so he doesn’t have the most refined taste.
Hmmm… I wonder if Coke with a little orange Fanta would taste anything like the Coca-Cola’s Mezzo Mix (sold only in Germany, Austria, and Disney World)
last time is visited the CocaCola-Company here in Belgium they told us that the most bizarre soda the company produces is sold in Asia only ==>> Milk Fanta Orange !! always wanted to try how it would taste, but kinda hesitant about adding milk to my Fanta :S
Um… I haven’t had any soda in awhile, but I think I always mixed dr. Pepper, raspberry tea and whatever citrus drink available, lemonade or sprite.
my brother wants to open a resturant and unless pepsi (which is bottled locally hence his desire to use there products) can come up with an analog to these new coke replicators then he says he’s goign with coke for his soda
diet rootbeer with vanilla is ALMOST drinkable (still horrible though)
peach mello yellow is pretty good though
i need to try some other flavors
I take a glass, put in 1/4 pomegranate juice, 1/2 coca cola and 1/4 lime or lemonade, specifically Newmans own lemon or limeade. It has just enough pomegranate in it to say it has “health benefits” and still taste delicious.
Around here, a mix of different soft drinks is called a “Suicide Soda.” It usually involves a little bit of everything in the machine. =) Only time I do any mixing at all is if I’m drinking Diet Pepsi, which is only if Diet Dr Pepper or Diet Coca Cola isn’t offered. One quick shot of either Dr Pepper or Root Beer will help kill a little of Diet Pepsi’s flavor for me.
I always mix a little of everything when there’s a soda fountain. I get weird looks for it now that I’m an adult, though…
The perfect recipe is about 60% coke/pepsi mixes, 30% root beer, and 10% HiC, with a little Dr. Pepper and a quick dash of everything else, because I have this urge to make sure that there is one of every soda type in there. If there is a water tab, I will put plain tap water in there too.