There was some speculation that perhaps the murderous-mutant-possum-thing that went all smashy with the apartment windows was Abraxas, but hopefully today’s comic will dispel those rumors. And now that he’s all locked up safely behind closed doors, let’s hope Abraxas makes it through this storyline without – as jefbot mentioned – being abducted. And what will Musashi do now that he has Miyuki? Hmm…
Awww he missed Miyuki soo much! Great detail work on that last panel!
thanks! glad you liked the deepness of Mu’s emotions being expressed in that last panel, f_f!
and, whoa – you just achieved the Shades of Firsting again! 3X in a row now, which i believe is a record for 2013! you know the drill: wear them well, as these will help you see whatever you most long for, whenever you want. enjoy the 3-PEAT!:
😎 😎 😎
I don’t want to jinx the streak, so I’m gonna shut up now lol
heheh. can you pull off a 4X Shades, f_f? i’ll shut up now so as not to jinx you. 🙂
You Mr. Bot, are an evil man lol
If you keep posting at that hour or earlier my streak might go long 😀
muahahahAHAHAHA!!! >:)
I’ll be watching and refreshing….
My theory: the alien thing is gonna return and attack, and Jefbot’s broom is gonna break, and the angry scarf will have to come back. =)
good theory, Shift – we’ll just have to wait to see how prescient it is in the coming strips! 🙂
I think Abraxas would be a good ally to have as well. Especially if he were to pair up with the angry scarf (should it be found).
Also had a thought. What if the scarf is behind it all?
i think you’re right, TCG – if bot carried Abraxas along on his shoulders, he might be a good lookout, if nothing else. and yeah, if Abrax paired up with the Angry Scarf, they might be unstoppable!
ooh… your theory about the Angry Scarf being behind it all just sent a shiver down my back. let’s hope it ain’t true!
FIRS-aw… Still, nice to see that Musashi remembers his old friend/wife/roommate…. okay what were they exactly?
heheh. yes, it’s unclear as to what they were, bj42. friends? lovers? Mu hasn’t explained… yet.
Together again—can’t you hear the strings swell in the background and pause for that perfect moment of . . . um . . . whatever happens next?
i’m hearing “happy together” by The Turtles in my head, Sarah W! as for what happens next? i’ll see you on wednesday. 🙂
I love Jefbot’s expression in the fourth panel. “I hope nobody sees me now. What will I tell them if they do?”
thanks, Rainey! i’m happy all that came through in that panel!
So one reunification of two friends/partners who haven’t seen each other in ages. and Jeff decies that with a mutant monster it is a good plan to leave abraxas behind 🙁 poor poor ferret. I hope he saves the day somehow maknig bot realise just how screwed he would’ve been without it.
random thought… I wonder what sort of stunt PETA would pull if they read this webcomic XD
if Abraxas comes swooping in at the last minute to save the day, that’ll be pretty epic, Orzahn! i’m sure bot’s just looking out for his pet’s best interest and safety making that judgment call to leave him behind. we’ll have to wait and see if he learns to regret that decision.
and in some ways, i would hope PETA would love the comic but in others… yeah, probably best if they don’t look. 😉
at the very least it would give you a ton of publicity. If you made any Ad revenue before that time, you’ll make quite a bit more after that.
and with the whole giant mutant spacehamster thing going on, will there be a Minsk cameo…?? 😉 😛
heh. true that. not sure if it’s the kind of publicity i’d want but, you know what they say about any kind of publicity… 🙂
and i’m unfamiliar with Minsk, so not sure if he/she/it’s gonna make a cameo. so… maybe??
Hm. Perhaps some “modifications” will occur for Miyuki?
hmmm… it’s possible, GG. if bot had TWO awesome, upgraded hamsters, that’d be pretty cool. 🙂
Musashi shall now claim his love for Miyuki. I see fanfiction marriage in their future!
Also, I think Abraxas will break out of jefBOTs place and save him when it looks as if he is losing… Am I right? 😀
Also, I would be very interested to know if Scarf is on the aliens side or BOTs side, since it seems kinda alien-y (also, alieny is now a word)
we’ll see if Mu’s feelings for Yuki justify any fanfic soon, DAS!
as for Abraxas – unless he gets abducted or gets upgraded like Mu, he likely ain’t goin’ anywhere.
yes! alien-y. i dig it. the Scarf is definitely alien-y, but as to whether it has any links to the so-called aliens that abducted Musashi remains to be seen. good theory, tho.
Hmmm…. I wonder if the Scarf found Cel… and attached itself to her
ooh, i bet a cel/Angry Scarf team-up would be cuh-RAZY, JGT! we’ll see!
Abraxas is safe. Good I don’t want his first appearance in way too long to be his last
heh. yeah, that would’ve sucked if he had gotten taken out just as he returned, Dj. nope, the little guy’s safe for now!
Odd that you should mention that because I have a real world example of this. I finally connected with a girl I was friends with in high school (because I just recently started learning how to use facebook). She’s a marathon runner and posted something about going to the Boston Marathon. As luck would have it, she couldn’t attend the marathon. I was relieved that she was out of harm’s way and is still alive. However, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for being relieved that I didn’t lose my friend for many actually did lose their friends in that bombing.
don’t feel guilty, Rainey – i think you feeling relieved is completely natural and justified. it was a horrible, horrible event that happened there, and that your friend avoided it means that one less person was possibly injured, and that is definitely reason for relief and thankfulness.
The question is will Miyuki recognize Mu?
good question, Fijiman. one that will be answered soon!
Meep Meep!
Dook dook, Abraxas~! While the bot is away, the ferret shall play! X3
Very nice going with such full pages with this story line. I feel it pulls the reader in; immerses them in the world. Keep up the great work, Jef!
ha! i believe you’re right, Foxmouse – Abraxas has the whole place to himself now, for however long bot’s gonna be away.
and i’m happy you’re enjoying the big format of the strips! they’re taking me way more time to do, but i agree – i think they’re more engrossing and i get to tell more story each time! i’m having a lot of fun with ’em. 😀
Great strip as always! Now It just needs to be Wednesday, so I can see what happens next. I loved the reunion between Mu and Miyuki. Hopefully the angry scarf comes back out of the couch if Jefbot and co get overpowered.
thanks, emikae! glad you loved the reunion and i’ll see what i can do about the Scarf. heheh. wednesday’s now almost here and i’m workin’ on the strip as i write this!
Both hamsters look a bit stunned. I can totally understand Miyuki’s surprise, but did Mu not realize how big he had gotten? And now that he can speak like a human, can he still speak to Yuki in Hamsterese?
that would be AWEsome if Mu can speak Hamsterese, but alas, i don’t wanna get your hopes up, Shanna. as for what Mu plans to do now that he has Yuki? (especially considering the size difference.) we’ll find out tomorrow! 😀
Oh hey, it’s Abraxas! Long time no see buddy! Stay safe offscreen ok?
Now, while Mushashi looks happy to see Miyuki again, Miyuki looks rather weirded out. I guess it’s understandable, but how could this affect things?
Also, I like the Gengar on the keychain. Nice little touch there. May I ask what your thoughts on X and Y are right now?
yes, let’s hope for Abraxas’s sake that he doesn’t wander out of that apartment, GB! as for Miyuki’s reaction, well, things might be a bit more clear when you read tomorrow’s strip.
and i’m glad to see that you noticed Gengar. like bot, i’ve had a Gengar on my keychain for years now. as for X & Y? SO excited! man, with a truly updated Pokémon, Luigi’s Mansion, Link to the Past 2, Animal Crossing, etc. this is gonna be a GREAT year for the 3DS. now i just gotta find the time to actually play them. 😛
So did anyone else besides me recognize the “P!” from Haruko’s Vespa as the patch on BOT’s backpack?
heheh. good eye, r61. 🙂
Finally! Still love the Gengar on the keychain. (:
my real one’s getting so old now, the purple’s almost completely scratched off, Nat. i’m gonna hafta start making plans to replace him with another poké, soon, methinks. 🙁
Musashi: “You’re… smaller than I remember. Have you lost weight?”
Miyuki: (in hamster chitters) “No, you gained a lot.”
heheh. i dig the alt dialogue, W-T! glad you speak hamster. 🙂
“do these glowy circles and stripes on my arms make me look fat?”
This should be interesting. I wonder if Musashi will be able to do to Miyuki whatever happened to him? I also have a feeling that Abraxas is going to find a way to tag along. We shall see, shan’t we?
you took the words right out of my mouth, KB: “we shall see!” although i will say at least one of your hypotheses will be answered in tomorrow’s strip! (i won’t tell you which.) 🙂