So it appears the Cave Bunny’s the friend Musashi mentioned back in JEFBOT.523. Good thing, too, ‘cuz I wouldn’t want to be enemies with that guy.
Oh, and Mu’s “other” name’s pronounced “Eks-Eks-Zero” and not “Eks-Eks-Oh,” which would be more like “Hug-Hug-Kiss” if he signed that on a letter.
REMINDER: Last chance to get your name in the drawing for a free BOTton! Check out the details, here: SDCC Aftermath + Contest. Drawing to be held next week!
Wow he’s a nice cave bunny and cool too!
let’s hope he stays as nice as he seems, Kris! and yeah – he’s a pretty cool cat. err… bunny. heheh.
and check you out – you nabbed the top comment so you get the Shades of Firsting! wear them well: these reveal any poisons that may be lingering in your beverages:
This was posted at an odd time. I almost got lucky. Anyway, I’m sure if the rabbit wanted to use poison to kill Jefbot, it’d tip a dart or spear with such poison and probably wouldn’t poison him if he wanted to eat him. I’m also sure that this rabbit could have killed Jefbot before he knew of its presence.
Also, since I have off work today, I decided to work on my webcomic to make it more readable. A friend of mine suggested downloading large panels separately onto my site instead of scanning the strip whole on one sheet of paper. I’m trying it and crossing my fingers.
cool! hope it works out for ya, Rainey! feel free to post your URL here.
yeah, odd time for the post, Rainey – these strips with the cave rabbit are taking forever for me to draw, so it went up at a weird date/time. glad you checked in on a saturday!
hmm…”ex, ex, zero” doesn’t quite roll off the tongue
canadian’ use ‘zed’ in place of zero and together with “ex, ex, Zed”, does that help?
i’ve always liked the term “zed,” dragonsword.
“Double-ex Zed” while it doesn’t roll off, it does have a ring to it…
it doesn’t roll, but don’t worry theBean – it’s just his designation and not his real “name.” bot will still call him “Mu.” 🙂
Tea for two. I love it. XX0 Mu must have helped the Giant Bunny
yep, XX0 and the cave bunny definitely have some history, dj! as far as having tea for two – we’ll have to wait to see if bot feels comfortable enough to drink that tea.
Did you have this story arc planned when you included the aliens way back, or did you just figure you’d do something with that and then thought of this plot? It seems very well thought out but also a lot of time has passed 😛
while the storyline has had some tweaks and revisions over the years, it’s definitely been planned out since almost the beginning, Ste. it’s just taken me a while to get to actually creating the strips, as i knew i’d need a long time to tell this tale. 🙂
Others are free to correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t “XXO” be “Kiss-Kiss-Hug”? (The “X” being the sound of the kiss and the “O” being putting your arms around someone.)
i always thought the “X” was the symbol of arms wrapping around someone, and the “O” was the purse of the lips, reynard61. i’m too lazy to google it right now, so if someone else wants to check the facts, that’d be swell.
I think I would feel comforted if I was told that by the giant mutant rabbit..
I would like to think that the person who ends up killing me, would be polite enough to explain why they were about to kill me.
There is a list of people that want me dead, many of them are close associates, and to be polite I let them know which one i feel has the right.
At the top of the list? An ex girlfriend, who has very good reasons, as well a my best friend who has earned his spot at this time.
with all those people with reasons to end you, i hope you have some decent life insurance, Satoshieyes! or at least a will. if nothing else, i hope you have that list written down for the investigation should anything untoward happen to you. 😉
Sadly since I was a street fighter at one point, a large number of those people are also fighters. Whom I embarrassed… Of course if I go out in a fight to the death, it would end up interesting’
man, this is the kind of stuff they don’t tell you when you’re playing the Street Fighter video game, Satoshieyes! who knew it was so dangerous after the tournament!?
Jeez, that’s one heck of a cave the giant bunny lives in. Is that to recharge his batteries? Or does he plug himself in at night? I love his little tiny hand at the end of his giant arm. tee hee
And dude, what the heck is floating in that tea? It looks like a mug of lucky charms! I love lucky charms, but not in tea. Blech! 😉
Jefbot looks so vulnerable in that second panel. I totally want to give him a hug and tell him it will all work out ok. Poor guy.
yeah, the cave bunny has some cool tech in that cave for sure, Shanna! we’ll see what he can do with it soon.
and that tea does have some nasty looking stuff floating around in it. probably why bot hasn’t taken a sip yet. heheh.
and, yeah – i bet bot’s pretty frazzled at this point, even if he’s safe from the Growlers at the moment.
Yeah! The giant rabbit might be able to get Mu back online! Hopefully it won’t be at a grave cost.
let’s hope so, GB – bot needs his little hamster samurai back!
I discovered this comic strip about a week ago, and I just finished catching up.
There are so many things I want to say right now, but this cliffhanger has rendered me speechless. This comic is just that amazing!
awwww, thanks, Blunz! i’m happy you discovered the strip and are now completely caught up. more cliffhangers and surprises to come! 😀
btw, do you remember how you found your way here? i’m always curious as to how people find out about the JEFbot comic.
Well, these past few weeks, I’ve been discovering a bunch of new strips online, so I guess I was just searching for more when this one came up. I can’t really remember, though.
By the way, I love how you reply to every comment. 😀
heh. i try to reply to as many comments for the current strip as i can, Blunz! and, however you found your way here, i’m glad ya did! 😀
Poor Mu. All crumpled up in the corner. 🙁
yeah, poor guy. hopefully he’ll get fixed up soon!
I’m having a flashback of Lillo and Stitch and their mad scientist friend who made all the experiments.
Jumba was one of my favorite characters in Lilo & Stitch, Maryz, but the cave rabbit isn’t nearly as crazy, silly or irresponsible as he was. we’ll find out more about Mu’s friend, soon.
Giant bunny of doom can have my xoxo anytime. Probably smells like hay.
it probably does smell like hay, Jf#300! heheh. or earthy tea.
I’m not too surprised that the bunny knows Mu, there were a lot of animals abducted after all. I’m also sure that there are other runaways out and about.
true that, Fijiman – and i’m sure we’ll be meeting more runaways before this tale’s end!
I knew it! I knew those two were connected somehow. Now Bot just needs Cel and the Scarf and he’ll be all set
now that big bunny just needs to fix Musashi up if he can, JGT! and yep: if bot could just find his Scarf and cel, things would be looking up. 🙂
since i think a bit different i will go ahead and say he is NOT pointing at Mu. THAT would be a twist, would it not 😉 BUT if he is, our furry friend might get back online!
ha! maybe he’s pointing at Yuki, Graypatch! heheh. that would definitely be a twist. 🙂
Wait…just dawned on me: where did The Mother Mu get a tea set? Or even a tea kettle and some mugs? I like to propose one of the following three theories:
1 – Scrounged them up in the Hollywood hills trash bins (like y’do)
2 – The aliens are surprisingly well-cultured (also may or may not be British)
3 – The Mother Mu picked them up at the shop (picture him pushing a tiny shopping cart! PICTURE IT!)
I’m picturing it and it’s hilarious. 🙂
I’d also like to put forth the theory that The Mother Mu has always been that size…the aliens weren’t responsible for that.
your theory has been duly noted, JOE.
yes, where does a giant, cave bunny find a tea set? hmm… as for your theories:
1) reasonable. could be.
2) just like in Star Wars: A New Hope – all the bad guys on the Death Star seemed to be British, so it’s possible.
3) HA! (just pictured it.) 😀