So we’re finally getting into it, folks: the Cave Rabbit’s going to break down Life, the Botiverse and Everything to jefbot over the next few strips. Let’s hope bot’s delicate, tea-addled brain can handle the revelations!
And: It feels good to be back making comics and talking to you all after such a long time away! Huge thanks to everybody who’s stuck around while I was off doing other stuff. As always, you guys rock super hard.
Hahaha that answer is open to so much interpretation
true that, f_f! and no doubt bot will be “interpreting” a lot of what the Cave Rabbit has to say over the next few strips, especially since he’s filtering a lot of what’s being said via his “altered” state.
and check you out – you nabbed the first Shades after many weeks without a comic! congrats and wear them well – these will help you see past the Universal Veil and reveal the Cosmic Platypus (or whatever creature you might imagine) that lies beyond:
Seriously bot, your artwork is getting so freaking awesome on this storyline!!!
aww, thanks, f_f! i definitely think this storyline’s pushing me to go places i normally wouldn’t venture in the “regular” strips, which is helping me get better with the drawin’ and the colorin’! i’m happy you’re diggin’ it. 😀
I’ve been waiting forever for the story to start. Nice work Sir Bot.
thanks for waiting, TCG! feels good to start getting back in the groove again. 🙂
Love the universe and colors. Welcome back.
feels great to be back, Kris! glad you liked the strip.
Yay! Great to have you back.
woo! thanks, Insectoid! always feels good to be back drawin’ and hangin’ with y’all.
I love the space effects. and the Wonderland vibes. 😀
WOO-HOO!!! happy to be back, dj! glad you dug all the cosmic stuff in today’s strip!
Also: so long and thanks for all the fish. :]
ha! indeed. and, possibly: So Long and Thanks for All the Carrots.
Not even a strange and diversified creature like the platypus can capture the essence of the universe.
true that, Rainey. or maybe it explains everything. 😉
So… Bot’s spirit animal is… a Platypus.
the subject of spirit animals is something i’ve yet to get into in the comic, Orzahn, but it’s possible bot’s is a platypus. and a cosmic platypus at that. 🙂
Where did THAT come from?
BTW You draw universe beautifully.
it came from the tea (possibly), Maryz! heheh. and thanks for the compliment. 🙂
The universe is absolutely a platypus:
It’s clearly made of unmatching parts; it defies expectations simply by existing; it doesn’t do very much, but can be hairy; it can get cranky; and it ocasionally lays an egg and sweats milk.
Works for me . . .
i think you made the case for the Universe As Platypus beautifully, Sarah W! maybe bot’s on to something…
Oh there you are Perry!
heh. maybe bot was watching too much P&F before going on this adventure, ROM!
The universe could be a platypus. It could be an ostrich for all we know…
I’ve been on tumblr for too long, it’s impossible for me to go five minutes without checking it.
As a person who loves space pics, of nebulas and space clouds etc, this is simply beautiful.
the universe could be an ostrich but i hope not, DAS – those things are mean, stupid and eat almost anything! (i have personal experience with the creatures.) ‘course, the universe is a (somewhat) random and violent place so maybe that makes sense. 🙂
and i’m happy you liked the artwork! thanks!
Ohhh, snap. I loves me a good exposition dump, especially one that looks to be done as artfully as this (by the way, your art’s starting to look borderline Matt Kindt-ish [and believe me, that’s a compliment]).
thanks, JOE! yup – there’s definitely some exposition happening over the next few strips so i’m sprinkling some humor in to make it less of a slog. and thanks for the compliment! i’m gonna hafta go google Matt Kindt now to check out his stuff. 🙂
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good exposition scene (I actually went to a wackadoo play the other night that could’ve used a bit more), especially one with some humor.
Matt Kindt got onto my radar with his Dark Horse book MIND MGMT. Check it out, it’s a crazy trip (and I hear there’s supposed to be a movie in the works).
i’ll have to check MIND MGMT out, JOE. after googling Matt, the only comic i’ve read of his was the Escapist book, which i totally dug.
Psst. Bot. Our galaxy is an armadillo. The universe is kinda like that giant mushroom thing in the Mid-west. We just live on it.
an armadillo? good to know, Anime fan! bot might have to pass this by the Cave Rabbit to see what he thinks.
YUS! Finally, more ‘Bot comics. Glad you’re back Jef
thanks, JGT! always feels good to be back writing, drawing and talking with you all!
The platypus; god’s version of a practical joke!
so true, Graypatch. and it’s a good one, at that!
Clearly the universe is actually a mutated fish with three heads… or a bear that sounds like a duck.
ooh, i like the thought that we live in a bear universe that quacks, Fijiman! i hope that’s true.
Anyone who’s ever seen homestuck knows that the universe is actually a giant bullfrog.
i’ve really gotta get back into homestuck, moonstuck! started reading it a while back when i had an office job and lost track of it but i see homestuck cosplayers at cons all the time.
I have included a link to MSPA in this post (as my website URL, making clicking my name take you to homestuck).
Glad to see you’re a fan. And holy shit, you seriously lost track? Oh man, have you got a lot of clicking and reading to do. You’ll laugh, cry, laugh some more, go WTF COMIC a few times, then the weirdness really starts. Also, nice to see you’re back to updating, and back to full health. I was seriously worried for a while that something had happened to you.
awww, thanks for the concern! yep, back to (nearly) full health and making comics. as for MSPA – i wish i could remember where i left off at. looks like i’m gonna have to start all the way at the beginning again so it’s gonna take quite some time to get caught up.
The universe as a giant platypus. I love it!
Welcome back. We missed you!
thanks, Shanna, i missed you all, too! and happy to be back relating bot and Mu’s adventures again. 😀
I absolutely LOVE the artwork in today’s strip! 😀
It’s great to see such an amazing update after waiting so long for it—not that I’m complaining. Quite the opposite, in fact.
And I agree with ‘bot: The universe is most definitely a platypus.
thanks for the love, Blunz! wanted to give you BOTreaders a big comic after such a long time away so i’m happy you dug it. (and glad you agree with bot’s interpretation of the universe!) 🙂
No the universe is not a platypus, that would be silly. It is a frog.
ah. is that why we all have to croak someday, Raron? 😉
As I said on twitter I’m glad that the comic is back.
Now, to answer Jefbot’s question the universe is shaped like a fox, specifically a Fennec Fox. Except on Tuesdays, in which for some unknown reason it changes shape into a grey wolf. Scientists are still looking into why it does this.
i’m glad that you’re glad the comic’s back, GB!
as for the fox-shaped universe – i think the reason it changes forms on tuesdays is ‘cuz grey wolves are awesome.
Heck yeah wolves are awesome! *high fives*
*high fives*
Are you sure its not a platypus? Looks an awful lot like one…
Lovely strip as always! Its great to see your strip again.
Last night my mom, Kris (further up in the comments) came upstairs and told me goodnight and that she was off to watch for the new Jefbot. It was adorable.
thanks for the kudos, emikae! and the Cave Rabbit could be wrong about the BOTiverse not being a platypus. maybe someday we’ll find out!
and that’s way cool about your mom – she sounds like she’s the cooOolest! (as well as adorable.) 😀
Simplifying the universe.
let’s just hope the Cave Rabbit keeps it that way, PJ Day!
If the universe was a platypus that would explains a lot of frakkedup things in this world.
I’m glad you’re back JB. You almost made me strap on my jaeger and call the RCMP for a search party.
the platypus is a pretty frakked creature, Jf#300, so you’re right about it explaining a lot, assuming it’s true. heheh.
darn. would’ve loved to have been rescued by a jaeger! i should’ve stayed awol a little bit longer. 😉
Lovely artwork.
Glad you’re back and feeling better!
thanks, Rebecca – i’m always happy to be back writing ‘n drawing!
Is it safe? Been reading ( slowly ) and yes bot, it definatly is a platypus, the rabbit is just jealous it isn’t him, don’t worry.
Loving the new art, felt like i should come out and say hello again
good to see you again, HitD! always happy to get a hello. 🙂
and, yes: it’s safe. for now, at least.