Grimwald’s going to blow up the cave entrance??? I sure hope he knows what he’s doing.
I also hope everyone had a happy Halloween last week! Sorry I missed an update – I got behind on the comic while working on some new projects, gorging on candy and getting some job-searching done. I should be back on track now.
Grimwald is definitely a mad scientist
yes. that, or an evil genius.
and, wow, you are fast on the trigger, f_f! i don’t even think the strip was up a minute before you claimed the Shades of Firsting 2X this time! congrats and wear them well: these have automatic blast shields, for when you need to make an explosive exit:
😎 😎
Got lucky, I was still up tinkering with some makeup ideas for a Stark cosplay.
nice! with armor or sans armor?
Sans unfortunately, trying to make a gauntlet but having a bit of a hard time 😛
i find the “sans” stuff more interesting a lot of the time, f_f. i’ve seen so many “full armor” cosplay that it’s nice to see some more creative stuff out there. post a pic when you get it done!
Mine will be crappy and haphazardly made hahaha
Still working on the beard
Desperate times. 0.o
indeed, DJ. with the measures to match.
Well shoot. How will they get out then? Is there a second cave entrance or a secret path leading somewhere? Is there something I’m missing here? Eh, I’ll just have to wait and see on Friday.
heheh. yes, let’s hope they aren’t trapped in there, GB.
I was late for the last panel, so I’ll say here how much I love Grimwald’s name–did he name himself, or did a very interesting kid own him, once?
Are they going to take a trip across the universe(s)? Are they, Jeff? Are they?
>bounces in place<
interesting question, Sarah W – both of your theories are possibilities. maybe someday we’ll find out the origins of Grimwald’s name!
as for whether they’ll be “tripping” across universes – that would be awesome! …but i can’t say whether that’s true or not. 😉
Oooo… collapse the tunnel entrance? That should be good! Presumably there is a separate exit.
And aww, hamster love is so sweet. 🙂
yes, let’s hope they have a way to get out, Shanna! otherwise, Grimwald better have some big shovels in there. 🙂
and, agreed – hamster love is pretty darn cute. heheh.
Issues are so often easily solved with explosives.
true dat, Anime fan. boom!
Can I just say I called it? I knew that there was a secret defense. Grimwald is tricky 😀 . Also, a question, if they blow up the tunnel, wouldn’t that mean that they can’t get out? (trapped in a cave would not be a fun way to go 🙁 ) also, Jefbot, just because Mu trusts him, doesn’t mean you can, I know its a let down 🙁 I mean, he is obviously some sort of scientist ( listen to f_f )
Grimwald’s definitely a tricky rabbit, HitD! and as for how they’re going to get out is a good question. let’s hope Grim has more tricks up his sleeve. and good point – bot doesn’t know the cave rabbit that well. then again, he’s only known Mu for a day, as well. 🙂
Exactly, and since Grimwald is able to repair them, who is to say that he can’t program them as well ( like programming Mu to trust him? ) I don’t trust this… Jefbot, I say that you should just wait for the escape route, then run!
Well if it’s like a normal rabbit hole there is a back door. Grimwald would probably have more than one. “The Heat is On”
let’s hope Grim’s enough “rabbit” to have dug a back door, Kris!
…and now “The Heat is On” is in my head – again! maybe i should go watch Beverly Hills Cop.
I’m still waiting for Cel to look like this:
/( )( )\
// ) ( \\
^ ( y ) 5
V /
/ /\
^ ^
Resistance is futile!
HELP ME!! Your website left out all the extara spaces and now it look all wierd. If you would be so kind as to help with that, I would geatly appriciate it.
I replaced the spaces with periods and the period with a comma, if that helps. feel free to delete the second and third comment if you find an easy fix for the first. Thank You
arrgh! i tried to fix it but failed, ME!! but i can see where you’re going with it, and i dig it. cel will return! 😀
Something tells me that Bot is going to try and talk Grimwald out of doing it and that Grimwald’s(and possibly Mu’s) counter argument will be that there isn’t any time to do it any other way.
if this comes to pass i think you’re right, Fijiman – Mu would probably side with Grimwald if a decision had to be made. especially after things turned out badly the last time Mu listened to bot trying to reprogram the Growler.
Well to be fair that only went badly because Mu was unplugged before he was done when Bot was attacked. Plus we have no idea if Mu was able to do anything to the Growler before getting unplugged.
when it doubt, BLOW UP ALL THE THINGS, BD!
There comes a day in every giant, cave bunny, monster, genius, thing’s… life, that they develop the uncontrollable urge and desire to set off a massive explosion and collapse a mountain on a group of monsters. Today is Grimwald’s boom day.
… I wont be here till next Thursday. Just when the things are getting interesting. Isn’t that typical?
awww. we’ll miss ya, Maryz! have fun wherever you’re going and see you when you get back. 🙂
Now yer talkin’!
Blow up everything! *Laughs manically while stroking a white cat*
Its so cute how Mu cares so much about Yuki! :3
I love that one of the first things XX0 does after waking up is ask about Yuki.
I’m definitely excited to see how this whole “tunnel entrance collapsing” thing will go.
From my experience, EVERYTHING becomes better with explosives. Love the tremble after setting them off, the widespread panic, the screams, THE FANTSI… oh, never mind…. Now were is my medication…. Seriously, setting of charges IS fun, my dad used to work as an engeneer and i got to set off a couple of charges. Fun times, fun times!
I am just saying that I hate Heroic Sacrifices.
It’s because that dreadful feeling after.