Although bot had to dump a bunch of stuff from his backpack when he started carrying Musashi around, I’ll bet he still has at least one deck of Magic: The Gathering cards in there. Probably a set of D&D dice, too. Since the cave bunny doesn’t have guests all that often, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind learning either game, depending on just how long it’s going to take for Musashi’s fix. Or maybe bot should bust out his Game Boy SP (we know he packed that) and show the rabbit how to play Tetris – that’s a pretty decent entry into gaming for those not already obsessed. Pokémon, maybe?
It’s good they just have to wait. Maybe they can play a game.
we’ll see if bot has anything in his bag, Kris. i bet he’s wishing he brought Jenga.
and check you out – you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well: these will reset your brain when you put ’em on:
Would love to see that bunny struggle with tetris after performing complicated tech support on Mu lol
heh. i wonder if the bunny’s big ol’ paws could even work a Game Boy, f_f?
The bunny obviously doesn’t usually have a lot of time on his/her hands. Otherwise he/she would already have such items. (Has it been revealed yet if that bunny is male or female?)
it hasn’t been revealed yet, Rainey, but it’s a dude.
Bot seems apprehensive in the last panel. Perhaps the idea of mechanized pets has him a little perturbed.
heh. yeah, that, and i don’t think he expected the bunny to ask him about entertainment, TCG.
You are dealing with Jefbot here, Mr. Rabbit. Of course there is at least a Nintendo in there.
true dat, Maryz. he probably has two of ’em.
I’d kind of like to see them play Clue . . .
ha! ya know, i used to play that all the time as a kid, Sarah W. not sure if i ever really played it correctly. (same with Monopoly.)
X3 Bot reminds me of myself: I carry at least five ways of entertaining myself everywhere I go. Of course if that all fails, all I need is a piece of paper. Pencils are good too, but if I can’t draw, I have that blackbelt in Origami XD
(awesome way to cheer people up; whip up a flapping crane out of an old inventory sheet ^^)
i used to be that way, JR – i used to always carry around my GBA SP, PSP, laptop, books, paper/pencils/markers, etc. and then found i’d never really use any of ’em, especially when traveling. now when i go to comic conventions, i just bring my 3DS, a sketchbook and an iPad. done.
ooh, a blackbelt in origami? sweet!
*giggle* I think Blackbelt is when you officially teach others, and I had a class or two for my church group; not to mention teaching little kids during my Rec Center days X3
Useful for decorating a cubicle too during my tech support job; we weren’t supposed to have paper on the floor, but they looked the other way for little patterned dragons and day lillies ^^
i think the only things i know how to fold by heart are cranes and frogs, JR. dragons would be sweet! (gotta break out my folding paper and do some googling.)
Waiting is the hardest part… Cant wait to see what they will play/do during their wait. :3
maybe bot can teach the cave rabbit some hopscotch, DAS? 😉
It’s always good to bring a deck of cards or some other small, easy to carry game with you when traveling with a friend or two. Never know when there’s going to be some down time.
yup, yup – cards are good cuz they’re small and don’t require batteries. we’ll find out if bot has anything like that.
I love Jefbot’s expression in the last panel. It looks as if he’s not sure whether or not the Cave Bunny is serious, with the way he’s holding his backpack. And, to me, the look on his face says, “Does he want me to get my Game Boy, or is he just trying to act lighthearted about a bad situation?”
At least, I know that’s what I would be thinking.
heheh. yep, good interpretation, Blunz. that’s exactly what bot’s thinking – “is this cave bunny serious? how do i respond?” well, we’ll find out exactly what his response will be in friday’s strip!
I’m sure if NOTHING else, Bot’s got some tunes in his iPhone, right? For some reason, what popped into my head when the Cave Bunny mentioned cards was the two of them playing Go Fish together. 🙂 That would be pretty darn funny, I must say.
However, I bet Bot has got some questions he’d like to ask if the Bunny is willing to talk.
it’s true, shanna – and bot may be sharing some tunes in the next strip. (and may just be busting out some cards, too! Go Fish would be hilarious.) 🙂
and, yes – questions are filling bot’s brain as we speak! we’ll be getting to at least a few of them in some upcoming strips.
Now I wanna watch Mecha-Bunny and Bot battle pokemon. Magic would also be interesting, especially if he happened to mention “there’s a growler that looks like this” and bots expression of O.O
you may be getting one of your wishes, Descolada – see which one in friday’s strip! 🙂
Time to play a game. The waiting game. Thankfully for us the comic can just skip ahead.
true that, GB – thank the gods we don’t have to watch the waiting game in real time. heheh.
my bag is filled with oddities. both my DSs (3DS and DSlite), all my games, a pencil case, some paper, my wallet, gum, stickers, my keys, and sometimes my nook. lots of occupy stuff. and my ipod and phone both have lots of tunes.
sounds similar to my bags in high school and college, dj! thank goodness all i carry around (most days, anyway) is my wallet, which is already overstuffed with membership cards, notes and other stuff i don’t need. if i carried around my backpack everyday i think my spine would be severely out of alignment by now. 🙂
omg membership cards. I have a special keyring on my keys with all of the mini cards that I take off instead of handing them my keys anymore. and the big cards that don’t come with little ones are in a separate little wallet that’s made just for cards >> If its free I’m probably a member.
I’ve been reading the bunny’s voice as Harbinger from Mass Effect..
omg. I did not need that in my head.
i’m glad i read that during the day and not right before bedtime.
You’re welcome Judy. c;
wow, yeah – Harbinger’s voice is pretty perfect, Natalie. 😀
Isn’t it? I’m waiting for him to assume direct control of Musashi.
Is it bad my backpack is the sling pack from the Infamous game series? I keep 2 books, snack, and MTG cards at all times.
nope, not bad, Viodarcher – cool, actually! i totally dug the first Infamous game but didn’t pick up the 2nd, yet. is it good? the upcoming one for the PS4 looks pretty sweet.
Yes it was. So was the standalone Festival of Blood. Two words: Electrical Vampire.
XD yep 😛
I bet this hasn’t crossed Bot’s mind yet. How does one go back to slice of life from intergalactic pet snatchers?
we’ll find out, Anime fan! no doubt it won’t be easy. (and the BOTuniverse is only gonna get weirder when it’s all explained to jefbot very soon.)
At least a game is a food reason to set down the tea. The generator is cool too!
yup. we’ll see if bot actually drinks that tea anytime soon, Kris. and glad you like the generator! 🙂
“A strange game.The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?” = W.O.P.R. in the movie War Games
heheh. good words to live by at times, DocSavage. i used to have the WOPR “shall we play a game?” quote come on at boot-up on an old PC. always a bit disturbing.
A thought struck me a while ago. Both the mu and bunny have white glowing markings, and the “baddies” had red. Obvious now that i think about it, but still. That made me more comfortable with bot and mu in his/it’s care.
yep! you can pretty much tell the “good guys” from the “bad guys” from the color of their markings, Graypatch. at least so far…
Huzzah! I just binged the last 6 weeks worth of strips and caught right back up. Really enjoying the story arc so far. Lots of fun.
Also great to meet up with you again at Comic-Con. Still haven’t had the chance to read your book, but I’ll have a full year before the next Comic-Con.
Hope you had a great con. And it was really nice to have met MomBot in person.
thanks, Saeed! glad you made it home safely and happy you’re all caught up on the strip now.
and, yes: was cool seeing you at SDCC again! the con was a blast, but i was pretty exhausted by the time it ended. glad i had Mombot there to help me. oh, and take your time reading the book – i’ll be quizzing you at next year’s con. 😉
No promises on taking my time. I started yesterday and I’m halfway done already. 🙂