I’m not saying this is exactly what happened the day I saw The Dark Knight Rises, the final movie in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, but I will say my selection process did take longer than usual, as I wanted to mark the occasion with a kind of respect. I could’ve gone with a Batman Begins shirt, or maybe a Neal Adams graphic tee, or perhaps something just bizarre like Bat-Mite on it. In the end, I ended up going with an old Burton “original” Batman tee, mostly because I just couldn’t find my Batman Returns promo shirt I got from a friend whose dad worked for Warner Bros. back in the day. I bet it’s tucked away in a box in my parents’ attic, in which case it might never be found. I already miss it.
Anyway, as with many geeks, jefbot has a relationship with tees that borders on obsessive. No doubt he has his tee picked out for the upcoming Superman movie, Man of Steel, coming out next summer. (Most likely a purple Bizarro Superman logo tee that mirrors my own.) Do you?
L.A. BOTpeeps: Don’t miss out on the stage production of Star Wars Saga in 60 Minutes! It’s fun, funny and family friendly, so bring the whole brood. This weekend is also your last chance to see this run so get tickets now. See my blog post about it here.
congrats on Firsting, ROM! you know what that means – you just achieved the Shades of Firsting. wear them well: these are stylish at any movie you go to (regardless of what tee you happen to be wearing):
To be honest, I didn’t even read it before commenting.
The batman movies have been great! But I don’t really wear related shirts to a theater. I leave my respect by going as early as possible, like advanced screenings.
going to early, advance screenings is fun, too, ROM! i used to try and hit the wednesday, midnight showings for some of these movies, but now i figure if i make it on opening weekend, i’m good.
Balls. Beaten by a few minutes for first.
Any dang way, still need to see the movie. How sad is that?
missed the Shades by that much, TCG!
so why haven’t you seen TDKR, yet???
Money and time is why I haven’t seen it yet. I think it was a month at least before I saw The Avengers. I was thinking of sneaking out tonight to go to the movies, but my wife may be hanging out at her sisters for a bit. :O
sneaking out while your wife’s busy is the perfect time, TCG! 😉
Agreed, but someone needs to keep an eye on the kids. 😉
that’s what video game consoles are for.
I don’t see why Jefbot has a problem, Batman Beyond is always the right choice. Besides, coming in wearing the same shirt as Coolhand would just be weird.
it’s true, MacDiver – if jefbot had worn the Batman Returns shirt, there might’ve been a geek fashion faux pas moment between himself and Coolhand, so maybe it’s better this way. and yes, Batman Beyond is actually a cool choice. 🙂
OT: Why did you start using a seperate image size for the RSS feed today? The image is so small the text is unreadable which makes the RSS feed useless 🙁 http://jefbot.com/comics-rss/2012-08-17-batastrophe.jpg
that must be an auto-setting of the new site, justNotMe. i’ll see what i can do to fix it (if it doesn’t come in bigger on the RSS next tuesday, let me know.) thanks for the feedback!
I only have a couple geeky tee-shirts, unfortunately. When I’m dressing up for a screening (rarely) I go all out in costume and everything. Which I plan to do for The Hobbit. 😀
i don’t think i’ve ever gone to a movie in full-on cosplay, T, but a minimum of a t-shirt is a must! and since i’m such a huge fan of The Hobbit, i might just have to go barefoot (with some fake hair glued to ’em, of course.) or with a magic ring on my finger, at the very least. 😉
let me know which costume you’re planning on making – hobbit? dwarf? wizard? elf? mirkwood spider?
Elf, absolutely. Never mind that I’m really about the height of a hobbit, I love the elf gracefulness and beauty.
But the hobbit clothes are so pretty and earthy and I could curl my hair…oh dear. Now I actually have to make a decision…
Mirkwood spider *might* get me kicked out of the theatre, and that would be such a shame, since December is so bloody cold here…
yeah, i’d say your features definitely lend themselves to being more elvish than hobbit-ish, T. SO excited for this movie, tho PJ splitting into three films seems a bit much. we’ll see.
Is it wrong of me to have worn my Inception tee, in support of Tom Hardy, who showed 20% of his face, but was 80% of why I saw the flick?
It wasn’t opening night or anything . . .
nope! that level of subtlety is exactly the right way to go with these things, Sarah W! did that 20% of Hardy’s face live up to expectations?
Yes. Yes it did.
Gah!!!! Nerdgasm! Bot’s using the Batman beyond symbol awesome cool
woo! happy you’re a Batman Beyond fan, Jiro!
My wife asked me if I was going to wear a shirt since I have so many superhero shirts. I told her no since I didn’t have a Batman shirt and wearing an Iron-man, Wolverine, Spider-man, Captain America, Silver Surfer or Avengers shirt would just get me mocked at Batman movie.
yes – i’m happy you know the rules of t-shirt wearing, TPC; subtlety is one thing, but you can’t wear a shirt from an entirely different universe when going to these things. i’ll be delving more into this very subject in future strips.
Every few months I’ve been having to donate all my clothes, so all I currently own in form of a superheroes shirt is a captain America one..
Though I will say I was saddened that I didn’t have my old bat man shirt for the new movie.
Which I still haven’t seen, which isn’t so much my fault, as much as it the fact I promised to see it with certain people that have not been able to find the time.
Though I do have interesting news, last night I won a thousand dollars in a karaoke contest. Contest was in the works for 4 months, 16 singers from bands, off broad way, or just people who go to karaoke.
It was a crazy contest!
that’s awesome of you to donate your clothes, Satoshieyes, and still having that Cap shirt means you’re all set for the sequels to Captain America and Avengers!
and congrats on the contest win! hope you have something in mind to spend that cash on. 🙂
I plan my tshirts to events too, but I don’t have any super hero t’s. Mine are other geek genres, fiber (knitting, sheep, alpacas), and nature related for the most part. And of course I have several Jefbot t’s that get a lot of wear too!
aww… glad you’re wearing those BOTtees, Shanna! domo arigato!
i have a bunch of nature shirts, too! there used to be an awesome biology vendor near my parents’ house that would sell a bunch of cool tees of insects and mammals that you couldn’t get anywhere else. sadly, they aren’t around anymore and i can’t find them on the internet. 🙁
Good Morning BOTvilians! And Welcome to the BOTiverse!
*thinks of something nice to say about Chris Nolan’s series….nothing. Thinks of something nice to say about Christian Bale….*
I got nothing. So ends the Pixie portion of our show.
OOOOOOOOOOO: My level of shock is over 9,000.
Christian Bale is beautiful. >:
And Nolan has great movies.
But mostly Bale is beautiful.
i haven’t been a big fan of CB’s portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the Nolan films, Nat (i find his voice as the Batman pretty distracting) but for some reason, i really liked him in TDKR. maybe cuz Bane’s voice was even more ridiculous?
Bane’s accent is funny.
morning, Pixie!
ha! i can totally relate to your feelings on Chris Nolan’s batfilms – for the longest time i just couldn’t see what people liked so much about Batman Begins – it seemed too serious/glum/self-important/realistic-ish for me to get into. i’ve since come around on the films after Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker, but i’m definitely not a crazed, die-hard fan like many comic geeks.
11th! Woo hoo! I’m not last! I liked the movie, but it was a bit long. I’m surprised I didn’t need to take a break, like the guy next to me.
woo! you broke your streak of hitting the last comment, sis! and i’m happy you didn’t knock over any popcorn like the guy next to you, either.
I guess I was too slow! I’ll take 12th.
I’ve never planned out what shirt I’m gonna wear to a movie, but I just might for the new superman movie. Maybe I’ll go on opening weekend and wear a captain America shirt. Just for kicks
wearing a Marvel tee to a DC movie, 52pickup!? that’s against movie going/shirt-wearing protocol!
I happen to like the red! It’s nice to stand out in the crowd!
Red’s cool!
I have to shake my head at myself every time I rifle through my closet. So many graphic tshirts. I have a few batman ones actually. 😛 the qualms of being a geek
it’s true, dj: funny how t-shirts are a huge part of geek culture. would be interesting to delve more deeply into the “whys” of that.
cuz they’re comfy and lazy and good for 90% of occasions
*sigh* its a sad day wen u cant support the DK i dont have that many fandom shirts i mostly have alot of metal band shirts maybe thats what ile work on this year
ooh, metal band shirts are usually pretty cool, MrSnow. love much of the artwork of the album covers/posters/shirts from that scene.
I would have probably worn a “Don’t shoot me, Bro” shirt.
i hope the shootings haven’t deterred people from going to the theater, Mrlightrail! sad that one stupid, crazy person has mixed such fear into such an awesome, communal experience.
I go through the same thing sometimes. Unfortuntely, through the years due to wear and tear, multiple wearings and washings, and, uh, err, being fatter…hmmm….bigger….no…bulkier…nope…buffer, that’s it, buffer than I was in my high school and college days, my batman shirt collection has dwindled to 1. At least it made my choice of garb easy on Dark Knight Rises day. 🙂
I always say I’m ‘husker’, which I said not that long ago when I tried to put on my Highschool jacket just to see if it would fit. It didn’t, my huskyness got in the way.
embrace the Power of Huskness, TPC!
i say just wear those old tees, Coolhand! even if they don’t fit quite right due to your, uh, “buffness.” 😉
Cornfather is right that Batman Beyond T-shirt is definitely cool, Jefbot has nothing to complain about.
Also, Coolhand returns!
I say that family interaction is the best comedy, snce we have all been there and can relate, while being secretly gleefull that somebody else has to deal with it. Dare I hope for more cameos soon?
truth: Batman Beyond is cool, even if the Cornfather didn’t exactly know what he was selecting from jefbot’s batshirt collection, Maryz! and, yes – Coolhand’s back. since the strip where Corn moved out of the apartment, i’ve been consciously putting a wider variety of characters in. why, just in the past couple months we’ve gotten Mombot, Popbot, Lor and Coolhand, so your hope for more cameos should continue to be rewarded!
So… This is interesting. Glad you managed to survive the hack.
Also, how far did you get in Homestuck? I’ll be asking, like, once a week.
Why didn’t my gravatar show up?
NVM. Just a glitch.
yeah, getting hacked sucks, so thanks for the kudos on the site’s survival, NeoD! sadly, i didn’t get too far in Homestuck – it’s a big commitment and i just don’t have the time at the moment. i’ll try and get back every so often, but it might be some time before that happens.
My T-shirt geekery is, I’m afraid, limited to a trio of Inuyasha shirts and a couple of MLP:FiM “Team Luna” shirts. I generally prefer not to advertise my pop-culture addict…um…preferences to the general public. In my experiences, the attention tends to be more negative than positive.
i think your t-shirt geekery is pretty good, reynard61! trying to think what’s in my anime collection of tees. hmm… i know i have some Robotech, Neon Genesis Evangelion, numerous Ghibli and Pokemon tees and at least one Trigun, but no MLP:FiM or Inuyasha. saw a cool MLP tee at the Comic-Con in San Diego, but i refuse to buy anything until i’ve gotten up-to-date on the show!
Ahh I know this problem too well. All the shirts I had were going to be there. I ended up buying my Bane shirt. Surprisingly there was no Bane love to be found anywhere at the theater. And its unexpectedly super soft.
I’m debating about Man of Steel. Not a Superman fan but it does look really good though.
yeah, Bane hasn’t caught on with the Batfans the way that the Joker did, Natalie; i think i only saw one person cosplaying as him at Comic-Con this year. tom hardy’s an awesome actor, though, with lots of roles coming to him in future movies, so i’m sure you’ll get a lot of wear out of that tee!
and, yes – i’m hoping they get this Superman movie right!!!
THAT MOVIE WAS AWESOMESAUCE! The original run of movies got progressively sillier (Especially ‘Batman and Robin’), but the newest series was a LOT better, and I’m not a DC fan. I read/watch more Marvel. Gotta say I LOVED Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. The ‘Batman Returns’ version with Pfeiffer was as loony as the Joker or Riddler. Hathaway’s was just the right amount of sexiness and sassiness.
i’m more of a Marvel guy too, KB, but i’ll agree that this run of Batfilms was better than the last (though i’ll always have a soft spot for the Burton films, Batman and Batman Returns, even if they haven’t aged very gracefully.) and, YES: hathaway’s Catwoman was awesome, and one of my favorite things about TDKR. wished she had more screentime!
I wonder if we’ll ever see some of the lesser villains featured in a film, like Scarface, Killer Croc, Maxie Zeus or others? I know one Marvel series I’d love to see in Movie/TV format: Inferno! It’d probably be best done as a mini-series since it has such a large cast. OOH! I know! You could be cast as Whiz Kid (he has the ability to transform any material into any other and can make working machinery, a cross between technopathy and some other ability I can’t put a name to).
I have an EXTREME LACK of decent nerdy t-shirts and have to wait until December to get any. Because I really, really want one, I asked my friend to let me borrow the t-shirt I got her for her birthday. The day she’s going to give it to me, my best friend shows up at school and tells me that her dad just bought her 3 doctor who t-shirts.