Welcome to 2013! The holidays may be over but the Christmas Bat saga continues, and only one more comic strip remains before we return to our regular programming! (If the planet survives Doomsday in the BOTiverse, that is.) Hope everyone had a great time as we closed out 2012 this week. As is the custom, I’ll put up a blog post with some highlights and Top 10 lists soon.
Until then: now that The Bat is all-powerful, what does he plan to do with the dark planet Nibiru? Now that he has the power of “the gods” will he no longer be an instrument of Christmas? Will Christmas even arrive for the people of Earth? These questions and more will be answered in the next strip which will wrap this storyline up. See you then!
Previous tellings of the Christmas Bat:
The Christmas Bat I • The Christmas Bat II • The Christmas Bat III • The Christmas Bat IV • The Christmas Bat V
Love where this is going! Fun departure from the botiverse.
thanks, Brad L.! enjoy it while it lasts – we’ll be back to the BOTiverse soon!
and check you out: you just achieved the first Shades of Firsting of 2013! wear them well: these simulate New Year fireworks on the lenses while also tracking the planet Nibiru in the night sky of the northern hemisphere:
I love the Christmas Bat more than a person should.
I think we all do.
:”) glad to hear it, Anime fan!
awwWWww… big thanks, 11TN!
Wait, wait, wait. The Mayans predicted the Christmas Bat would end the world?!?!
absolutely, TCG!
There goes my plans for the year then. I guess I better go put bigger holes on the minecraft server I play on and prepare for the end.
Oddly enough, they’ve added bats to the game recently. I think I should be scared. :O
*gasp!* can the minecraft bats be customized with one red eye, TCG!?
All his deepest, darkest desires for fruitcake will be fulfilled . . .
that’s a scary thought in itself, Sarah W! (coming from someone who just doesn’t like fruitcake all that much.)
Most importantly, does this have anything to do with Musashi’s and Cel’s aliens? Seriously, am I the only one who desperately misses Musashi? Or Abraxas?
glad to hear Mu and Abraxas are still in your thoughts, EdCasey143. they’ll be back in the strip soon! 😀
(and no, these aliens have nothing to do with the ones that abducted Mu. at least not as far as we know. heheh.)
I really, *really* hate to be the pedant here, Jeff (because I’m really, *really* enjoying both the story and the art!), but the Biblical brothers were *Cain* and Abel. Sorry…
thanks for the catch, r61! the fix has been made. as always, i blame any mistakes on lack of sleep and temporary insanity. 😉
It sounds like a job for Chub and Scrawn!
ooh! Chub & Scrawn/Christmas Bat crossover in 2013, Jun M! i kid, i kid. 🙂
Whoa, what’s going to happen next? This is really good and a lot of fun.
i’m happy you’re enjoying it, TPC! one more episode to go!
Good Morning BOTiverse!
sadly, the Christmas Bat has no mercy, Pixie. best to just run.
Loving this! The tension is just so awesome. And the way you drew this strip is amazing 🙂
thanks, DAS! i do tend to experiment a bit more with the Christmas Bat strips vs the regular JEFbot strips. the layout and odd panel shapes in this year’s Bat strips are things i’ve wanted to tinker with for a while now. glad you like!
… Im having a feeling were gonna bridge the Beachaliens, Musashi and Christmass Bat sometime in future.
Cel will be there too.
that would truly be epic, Maryz. maybe someday. 🙂
This is getting insane, even by Botiverse standards!
heheh. true that, Soul Man.
I want to see what evil Jefbot looks like! (I AM thinking of the right kind of evil sibling right?)
there is probably an evil doppelgänger of bot lurking around the BOTiverse, ROM! but for now, bot has his own evilness to contend with. (as does the Christmas Bat.) 🙂
I may be playing Mass Effect too much, I’m comparing the Christmas Bat to Reapers. Hope you guys had a great time in Vegas! (:
i didn’t go to vegas, Nat – i slept in! i can generally only take vegas once a year. plus my voice was all raspy from the marathon karaoke session we did. 🙂
and you’ve just reminded me i have to get back to playing Mass Effect 3. started it a month or so back and need to continue!
supersonic cucumber sends his regards and wishes all the best in 2013!
thanks for the regards and wishes, supersonic cucumber! hope you have a great 2013, too! 😀
Wow…that Bat just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Ok, now the Doctor and the Bat almost *have* to exist in the same universe! 😉
ha! i wonder if the BBC would mind if i put the TARDIS in the JEFbot universe, T? i might have to test that… 😉
Well, you have an angry scarf that might be evil, that’s something the Doctor might want to check out, especially since he’s has some affections for scarfs.
very true, TPC. although bot’s scarf has been missing for some time, now. maybe it has found its way to the Doctor’s universe?
This just seems really dark compared to all the norm stuff of a geek in hollywood…its thrilling
i’m happy you’re thrilled, JBJ! i like to take a little detour (sometimes to the darker side) with these Christmas Bat strips. 🙂
AWESOME animation! Love the x-ray frame!